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Gold egg laying goose.

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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622
बोनस र हकप्रदको पूँजीगत लाभकर वेटेज एण्ड एभरेजका आधारमा
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622
गैरआवासीय नेपालीलाई धितोपत्र कारोबार गर्ने बाटो खुल्यो, सरकारी ऋणपत्रको पनि अनलाइन कारोबार

Is it me or bureaucrats or yuraj k who dont understand law???

Have not they been saying, they would open share market for NRN for years now in budget? Why again this?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622
Government has reduced the capital gain Tax in share market to 5% from 7.5%.

Does this mean yuraj k and Oli is positive????
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622
सुनचाँदीलाई पनि बैंकमा निक्षेपको रुपमा राख्न पाइने

Great but does that mean what I am thinking??????/

Will the depositor get interest in cash or gold???

Does this mean, Gold will be calculated in CCD ratio?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622
In China when there is trade war going on with US, economic growth is slowing down and govt revenue growth is shrinking.

And China is instead of making govt first policy, they are trying to save GOLD EGG LAYING GOOSE- which are customers and businesses. By decreasing tax, decreasing CCD ratio requirement, increasing QE, loosen fiscal and monitory policy etc.

If, yuraj k were finance minister of China (Chinese economy would have crashed the first day), to maintain flow of govt revenue, he would have increased tax, said QE is wrong, and tightened fiscal and monitory policy.

Increasing tax is like trying to take all GOLD EGG BY CUTTING STOMACH OF THE GOOSE.

Same he did during last budget.

We shall find out tomorrow, what will he do in this year's budget. Will he correct his previous mistake?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7622
Likes of biddwan yuraj k and other biddwan product of Nepal's education system- may have studied in school that we should not cut the stomach of hash (duck) which lays gold egg. OUr education may have taught that cutting stomach wont give you all gold egg at once.

Those, who got biddwan title from Nepal's education system (also indian education system) may have received gold medal while writing essay about "Gold egg laying goose".

But in real life, those biddwan has no idea what "Gold egg laying goose" means.

That is the failure of our education system. It produces super idiot. Educated fools.

In real life, one of the example of cutting stomach of Goose is charging high tax from hard working, successful individuals and businesses.

As soon as yuraj k became finance minister, he increased tax.

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