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Economic policy for Nepal

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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
बिलासी वस्तुको आयात नियन्त्रणले सुधार होला अर्थतन्त्र ?

Economy has been destroyed by NRB, finance ministry, their advisers like the one who became indian ambassador, dari/jasta pata mantri/chettry governor and many more.

Banning import would only help in balance of payment which is one of the most important parts in an economy which has many many important parts.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
All answers are here.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
राष्ट्रबैंकले अब ६ महिना भन्दा बढी आयात धान्न सक्दैन : पूर्व गभर्नर नेपाल

नेपालमा पाँच सय र हजारको नोट प्रतिबन्ध हुने व्यापक हल्ला,सत्यता कति ?

Are we at the verge of ECONOMIC COLLAPSE ???
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
BRI loan is 2%

World bank/IMF loan is 0%, .01%.

Why are we taking BRI loan? Why not just take WB, IMF loan?

Nepal needs $5B every year for next 10 year. Let's take all needed loan from WB and IMF only.

What? WB and IMF only give 500million each year?????

Then, Let's ask China to give loan at 0% interest.

Why not? China prints $ just like US, China is rich not a developing country. China Should give you loan at 0% instead of investing inside their own country where 100s of millions are still poor.

China Bad.

India good, cause they know how to control population of their won doggo. India let maosit terrorist sheltering in delhi kill their won doggo Nepali Congress.

US good.... cause they been dropping human right, democracy, rule of law BOMBS since ever. And they have never eradicated any native and stole others land and island and they dont kill whom they dont like. And never try to keep countries poor.

Why are we upgrading projects whose current/past income is less than the cost of new investment?

May be because of human greed hoping, upgrading would increase my future earning and need to upgrade to meet future demand. I dont know, I am just a dumb who likes to question more and talk.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Tue Feb 22, 2022 6:29 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
If it happens, all the rat who left Nepal will return, plus there will be hyper inflation. so ana may cost arab. :mrgreen:
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
VP warns NATO "Everyone will be turned to radioactive ash" over Ukraine moves.

If this warning turn into reality , then only you will get land at the center of Kathmandu @Rs 10/Anna
Otherwise its just a dream. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
So they are going to turn every one a criminal by law.

In Nepal, every thing is crime except for a crime.

All current problem is created by black money, unless they go after tax heaven, it wont be solved and they wont go after tax heaven cause they are the one of the biggest criminal in Nepal.

I have zero land in my name, and my family has just a tiny piece of land. Hope they are able to crash the price of land to 10l per anna in the center of kathmandu with wide road. :mrgreen:
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
घरजग्गाको न्यूनतम र अधिकतम मूल्यको सीमा तोक्ने तयारी; घरजग्गाको मूल्य घट्न पनि सक्छ भन्ने सन्देश दिने र दोस्रो चरणमा वैज्ञानिक मूल्य निर्धारण गरेर सबैलाई मान्य हुने एउटै मूल्यांकन लागू गर्ने
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Re posted from Fri Dec 03, 2021 9:55 pm

I saw this analysis months back, but I had to wait for the right moment.


Economic analysis and prediction.

1: I was planning, to tell the bitter truth when NRB reverses liquidity and 4/12 policy that "NRB made a right decision before too late, even though 10s of billions of losses our economy have already gone through". But it did not happen.... You know what I mean right....... Now wait for the ocean to burn if they dont reverse their decision.

2: During previous liquidity/interest rate crisis, which I predicted and gave them solution, which they did not accept.

Then I predicted, how liquidity crisis would end.... it ended exactly like predicted. I said, due to bad NRB policy, economy will suffer and liquidity would ease. And exactly it happened like that. .... and later corona came then there was plenty of liquidity. That time, liquidity crisis was created by over investment in so called productive sector like construction based industry like iron, cement..... and hotel, hydro etc. When investment in those sector decreased, liquidity problem ended. The liquidity problem was made worse by NRB that time.

Years back, we talked in this forum about change in variables would change the out come in the economy when major factor remain same.

This time, variable has changed. Actually, its not just small variable, its one of the major factor.

And by analyzing, NRB's interview, they want to fix things by crashing the economy. But this is not like before.

This time, liquidity crisis is created by NRB policy and govt not spending and import and lack of export. NOT over investment or high loan.

There is are few huge involvement of valuables this time. One is corona created economic risk and another is a secret. There could be others, I still have not figured it out.

This time, this liquidity crisis wont lead to just lowering of investment, it will create huge economic disaster which will lead to huge NPL and NPL will create even worst liquidity crisis than current one. I REPEAT, NRB POLICY WILL LEAD TO HUGE NPL.

To solve the problem, govt will have to inject 100s of billions into the system, which wont happen under pakhe rule.

3: Instead of fixing the problem, by reversing policy- liquidity, 4/12...... NRB will go for blame game and micro management. Which will create even bigger problem.

Loan- country should give loan to those who has capacity to take risk- provide collateral.
Borrower- those should borrow who can pay back and have guts.

But instead, govt, NRB, society going for micro management in lending. They say, who should take loan and who should not and who should get how much loan.

It does not work like that.

Only borrower knows, the most. Not some loser in govt or society.

There are already, losers, failures who destroyed Nepal (bureaucrats) supporting NRB policy in the media. So called dogo, ex bureaucrats, fake experts of dalal congress also support bad policy.

Things will only get worse.

Same faces who were behind previous liquidity crisis, economic crisis, who destroyed Nepal (civil servant) are supporting bad policy. Sati ko sarap.

Only I know economics in Nepal. And you are not "I".

4: Situation for share market is far far worse today than when NEPSE crashed to 1100 last time.

Last time, banks only did not have money to lend. Today, liquidity position of bank is minus 200 arab.

Second qtr report is highly likely to get worse of BFIs, hydro, business etc.


5: Share market crash will lead to chicken farmers' suicide.

Because of NRB, village idiot FM, retard PM............ world has already began to burn.

Pake le des chalaune haina.

PS- I have already cleared half of my loan.

I would add more analysis and prediction when I remember more or notice.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Economic analysis and prediction.

1: I was planning, to tell the bitter truth when NRB reverses liquidity and 4/12 policy that "NRB made a right decision before too late, even though 10s of billions of losses our economy have already gone through". But it did not happen.... You know what I mean right....... Now wait for the ocean to burn if they dont reverse their decision.

2: During previous liquidity/interest rate crisis, which I predicted and gave them solution, which they did not accept.

Then I predicted, how liquidity crisis would end.... it ended exactly like predicted. I said, due to bad NRB policy, economy will suffer and liquidity would ease. And exactly it happened like that. .... and later corona came then there was plenty of liquidity. That time, liquidity crisis was created by over investment in so called productive sector like construction based industry like iron, cement..... and hotel, hydro etc. When investment in those sector decreased, liquidity problem ended. The liquidity problem was made worse by NRB that time.

Years back, we talked in this forum about change in variables would change the out come in the economy when major factor remain same.

This time, variable has changed. Actually, its not just small variable, its one of the major factor.

And by analyzing, NRB's interview, they want to fix things by crashing the economy. But this is not like before.

This time, liquidity crisis is created by NRB policy and govt not spending and import and lack of export. NOT over investment or high loan.

There is are few huge involvement of valuables this time. One is corona created economic risk and another is a secret. There could be others, I still have not figured it out.

This time, this liquidity crisis wont lead to just lowering of investment, it will create huge economic disaster which will lead to huge NPL and NPL will create even worst liquidity crisis than current one. I REPEAT, NRB POLICY WILL LEAD TO HUGE NPL.

To solve the problem, govt will have to inject 100s of billions into the system, which wont happen under pakhe rule.

3: Instead of fixing the problem, by reversing policy- liquidity, 4/12...... NRB will go for blame game and micro management. Which will create even bigger problem.

Loan- country should give loan to those who has capacity to take risk- provide collateral.
Borrower- those should borrow who can pay back and have guts.

But instead, govt, NRB, society going for micro management in lending. They say, who should take loan and who should not and who should get how much loan.

It does not work like that.

Only borrower knows, the most. Not some loser in govt or society.

There are already, losers, failures who destroyed Nepal (bureaucrats) supporting NRB policy in the media. So called dogo, ex bureaucrats, fake experts of dalal congress also support bad policy.

Things will only get worse.

Same faces who were behind previous liquidity crisis, economic crisis, who destroyed Nepal (civil servant) are supporting bad policy. Sati ko sarap.

Only I know economics in Nepal. And you are not "I".

4: Situation for share market is far far worse today than when NEPSE crashed to 1100 last time.

Last time, banks only did not have money to lend. Today, liquidity position of bank is minus 200 arab.

Second qtr report is highly likely to get worse of BFIs, hydro, business etc.


5: Share market crash will lead to chicken farmers' suicide.

Because of NRB, village idiot FM, retard PM............ world has already began to burn.

Pake le des chalaune haina.

PS- I have already cleared half of my loan.

I would add more analysis and prediction when I remember more or notice.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Chinese president was saying something like- "People should not have unlimited social program expectation from govt. It will go out of hand someday, if govt spend too much money on social program and if govt try to help lazy people".

In Nepal, all- fake- comme, socialist, mandale say, they will raise allowance, give free money if they win election.

Many say, China have 25/50 year plan, so they are visionary. For me, Chinese are great engineers, hard workers but not strategist or visionary.

Whatever china does, it does after getting slapped on the face or learn from others mistake.

In above case, they must have learnt it from west. US out of control debt is due to social programmed and military budget. France steal a lot of money from successful people and give it to poor and still there was a long ongoing protest from losers for many months till corona came.

Social program is nothing but inflation. Some social program is needed due to humanitarian purpose. It should not become politics.

Social economy/social program is not economy. Economy is that which generates money. there is no such thing like social or community economy.

Just a few days ago, one thing came into my mind. In capitalist economy, many economist contributed over centuries. But in fake economy called communist/social economy- one lazy, who never worked in life, probably a drunk wrote it. I think he wrote the story cause he hated successful people. If you look at communist/socialist economy supporter- they are usually poorly educated, lazy, jealous ......
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
अर्थमन्त्री खतिवडा असफल, निचोर्ने नीतिले राजस्व लक्ष्य भेट्न मुस्किल

उनले भन्सारमा कारोबार मूल्यको विपरित सन्दर्भ मूल्य लागु गरे

जसले कम मूल्यमा सामान खरिद गरेपनि बढी भन्सार तिर्नुपर्ने भयो

कतिपय व्यवसायीले यसलाई पूँजी पलायन गर्ने मौकाको रुपमा लिए

अघिल्लो आर्थिक वर्षमा पनि अर्थमन्त्री खतिवडा लक्ष्य अनुसारको राजस्व संकलन गर्नको असफल भएका थिए

उनले बजेटको मध्यवधी समिक्षामा राजस्वको लक्ष्य नै घटाएका थिए

चालु आर्थिक वर्षमा पनि राजस्वको लक्ष्य पुरा गर्न अर्थमन्त्री खतिवडालाई सजिलो नहुँने दुई महिनाको तथ्यांकले देखाएको छ

भदौ महिनासम्ममा लक्ष्यको ३२ अर्ब रुपैयाँ कम राजस्व संकलन भएको छ

सरकारले भदौ महिनासम्ममा ३८ अर्ब ११ करोड रुपैयाँ भन्सारबाट उठ्ने लक्ष्य राखेको थियो

तर,भन्सारबाट जम्मा २५ अर्ब ६७ करोड मात्र उठेको छ

सरकारको नीतिको कारण उपभोग घट्दा अघिल्ला वर्षको तुलनामा आयात नै घटेको छ

--- Remember, Due to yuraj k's increased tax, calculation method, and increased price in international market (oli price has increased by around 15% than last year)..... cost of import must have increased 25-50%. Which means, imported quantity in Number must have decreased by a lot. Which means, Nepalese are unable to meed their ends. Which means this dashain is going to be the worst after blockade dashan. And last dashain was second worst replaced by this year's dashain.

Meaning, commie will pay in next election and coming mag's election. all cause of one man- yuraj k. whole economy of a country is being ran by sanak of one individual and elected politicians have no idea what has been going on in Nepal's economy.

यद्यपी सरकारलाई राम्रो कुरा भनेर दाबी गर्ने ठाउँ भने आन्तरिक उत्पादनको मूल्य अभिबृद्धि कर लक्ष्यभन्दा बढी उठेको छ

I think, due to tightening, underground economy must have joined mainstream economy. it does not mean, production has increased significantly. may be some increment.

'सुनको अण्डा दिने कुखुरालाई मारेर एकैपटक अण्डा लिने सोच अर्थमन्त्रीमा देखियो,जसले गर्दा व्यवसाय गर्ने वातावरण छैन,यो नभएपछि सरकारले राजस्व पाउदैन, अहिले भएको यही हो,' ति व्यवसायीले भने

somebody has been reading my post :mrgreen:

यद्यपी सार्वजनिक कार्यक्रमहरुमा भने अर्थमन्त्री खतिवडाले आफु आयात बढाएर राजस्वको लक्ष्य पुरा गर्ने अर्थमन्त्री नभएको बताउदै आएका छन्

Somebody tell him, all above means only one thing, Nepalese have become poorer and commie will pay in next election.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
अजय श्रेष्ठ पक्राउ परेपछि जुर्मुराए बैंकर, कानुनविद्हरुसँग छलफल, बैंकिङ कसुरमाथि वहस छेडियो

Why MF should be jailed?

- he/you gave him loan and you did not give me loan. Which means, he was qualified and I was not- as per you, which means you decided that he is qualified. So its not law, that made you give him loan and its not law that prohibited you to give me loan. So you should be held accountable.

- bharya type ceo and governor and d governor bhaya pachi yestai ho. Why do you have to get involved in each and every decision? Did NRB forced you to do so???

Those who visit site should sign on that particular document, not those who did not visit the site. Its common sense. But bharya type ceo and those who made policy should be held accountable for the crime. bharya wants to get involved into every thing, now go to jail together.

- all those, who involved themselves should go to jail.

- that guy, he was against share loan and was ok with land under the river. I dont think law prevented him to give share loan. he decided to not to give share loan, and he was ok to give loan against land under the river. now go to jail MF.

Were not you critical of share market? now study economics while in the jail. But worry not, KP Oli promised his dying mother to save all criminals from law and jail. KP Oli did save ghaite, the so called don (certificated given my media of nepal) too.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
The China-Japan ETF connectivity scheme was officially launched with four cross-border ETFs in Shanghai on Tuesday. The scheme allows investors in both countries to invest in each other's stock markets.

Why is china giving so much importance, protection to their share market. Dont they know share market is unproductive sector? :roll:

Why US about to decrease their interest rate to prevent their share market crash as well.

Why US not letting free market determine their interest rate like in Nepal?

Experts, biddwans of Nepal should be sent to China, US to teach them about share market, productive and unproductive sector, interest rate and free market :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

PS: Its amazing how, China is able to draft their cross border trading/investment in share market with in 6 month. And in Nepal, tapares are still unable to draft policy pending for decades.

marna na sake ko alchian haru. Condoms should be freely distributed in villages. Or unwanted could reach higher places without any ability in future.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Wed Jun 26, 2019 6:47 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
विप्रेषणबाट प्राप्त रकमलाई शेयर बजारमा लगाउने उपाय खोजौं:अर्थमन्त्री

To bring remittance into share market, following should be done:

1: Easy Online transaction.

2: Protection of Share market: Govt should fix min level of share market. Which gives confidence in general investor and in future, it helps turn share as an asset.

The min level should not be in NEPSE point like 1000 or 2500, it should be in PE ratio. It they use NEPSE as min point, then if there is economic crisis, it wont work. So PE ratio should be considered while calculating min. pt.

Govt, SEBON and NRB should have their own min average PE ratio.

Govt's min average PE ratio should be 15. IF average PE ratio falls below 15, govt has to do every thing needed to protect it.

SEBON's min average PE ratio should be 16. If average PE ratio falls below 16. SEBON should do what is in their power, like, relaxing policy, no more IPO, preventing selling by market maker, institution, bringing in more market maker by relaxing policy etc.

NRB's min average PE ratio should be 17. When average PE ratio falls below 17, NRB can relax loan, provide special loan at low interest, relaxing monitory policy etc.

Govt should be the last resort cause, only govt can do what ever is needed. NRB should be the first resort, cause, NRB motivates others to use others' money. They dont used their own money.

3: Promote share market to migrant worker. Inform them about above information. If govt. does this, then remittance company and bfis working in remittance sector will forward their special offer/programmer like special discount if they invest through them.

Their offer to pay remittance directly to the broker. If migrant workers sell their share, the payment will be directly deposited in their bank account. etc.

This is how you promote investment. Govt has to lure them. Not force them. Forcing never works.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Gold egg laying goose.

In real life, one of the example of cutting stomach of Goose is charging high tax from hard working, successful individuals and businesses.

What happens when you charge too much tax?
1: First of all, it destroys motivation.

2: Those who knows how to make money, if they are charged high tax, whey wont be able to reinvest that amount so more job creation and constant increase in contribution to the economy is prevented.

3: And that tax collected will be wasted by bureaucrats.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Mon May 20, 2019 8:01 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
अनियन्त्रित वृद्धिले अर्थतन्त्र 'हार्ड ल्यान्डिङ' गर्नु पर्ने हुन्छ, स्वर्णिम वाग्लेको लेख

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

funny guy. first of all its not out of control growth, sarbagyani yuraj k was trying for controlled growth which is not possible and mao and nahru tried and millions died.

how may wagles are out there who are professional dalal of congress and south?????

When yuraj k is out, I will advice next FM how to increase growth and problem high growth creates and its counter measures.

One is, when country go for development, we need foreign loan or else there will be liquidity crisis. Neither govt, nor private sector brought enough foreign currency into Nepal.

These enemy of Nepal hates prosperity, second international airport, fast track, chinese rail......
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
मोट्रेक्सको कडा शर्त विरुद्ध नाडा, सात वर्ष अरु कम्पनीलाई प्लान्ट राख्न नदिने शर्त अस्विकार्य

- Govt can counter offer "for 5 year, no more than 2 assembly plant".
- Or, for two year no new license for another assembly plant
metrocax can choose.

This wont apply to electric vehicle assembly plant (unless they are assembling electric vehicles) or parts manufacturing company.

They should be assembling latest model or at least one earlier model than the latest model.

Others did not give interest in assembling, now when finally someone is about to start one, there is protest.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
Is it a prudent decision to apply Sanjen & Rasuagadi IPO?
साञ्जेन जलविद्युत कम्पनी लिमीटेड र रसुवागढी हाइड्रोपावर कम्पनी लिमीटेड पनि सरकारद्वारा घोषित जनताको जलविद्युत कार्यक्रमभित्रै समेटिने

What is the procedure of listing shares included in "Janatako Jalbidhut Karyakram" ?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
करका दर बारे सुझाव दिन वैशाख १५ सम्मको समयसीमा, कुन-कुन क्षेत्रममा दिन पाइन्छ सुझाव ?

- All income tax should be below 25% (that include dividend tax and bonus) and should be mentioned in the constitution.

- No VAT in food (including restaurant and packaging excluding all drinks, cigarette etc), education and healthcare- which should be mentioned in constitution.

- Tax on beer and wine should be just 25% of other alcohol.

- No income tax on hydro for at least 30 year since they have to be handed over to govt in 25/30 year and Its handing over period should be increased to 50 year.

- Manufacturing industries- 0-10%

- Exporter- 0-5%

- Corporate tax (including bfis insurance, telecom)- 20% and no Dividend tax. (current- 30% tax, 10% bonus and 5% dividend tax) Or 15% tax and 5% dividend Tax.

- Reduction of custom duty at least make all custom duty half with in 5 year period. Very low custom duty and road tax on bikes (today, value of old bike is less than renewal fee + insurance).

- CGT on shares current but should be final. But reduce for long term holder 2/3 yr.

- VAT rates- .01%, 20% and 50%

- Declare those earning from 5 lakh to 50 lakh- middle class and income tax for them should not be more than 15%. (I advised months back, looks like India copied it almost similar. There those making below 5 or 8 lakh IC as poor).

- Taxation policy should promote domestic tourism and restaurant business.

- If company spends 3% on domestic tourism for employees, give them 3.15% tax deduction. If they spend 10% on bonus, give them 10.5% tax deduction if you do this, you can maintain 30% corporate tax. If they donate 1% to political party, give them 1.05% Tax deduction (its time, taxpayer should finance politics not black money).
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
कर्जा सूचना केन्द्रको कारोबारमा पनि भ्याट, बैंक सेवा शुल्कको रकम केन्द्रलाई जाने जिकिर

What next? Sarbagyani yuraj k should impose VAT on fees public pay to get govt services too like- while receiving academic certificate, license, marriage/birth/death certificate, passport/visa too :evil:

If sarbagyani yuraj k and 8 classe Oli are not dead very soon, its just a matter of time, they will impose VAT on VAT amount while paying VAT.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
"We are making policies to give incentives to industrialists and people involved in textile sector. Our motive is to let people make money so that they can produce job opportunities and help people get out of poverty, like China did," says Pakistani PM

---In Nepal, they say, if you want to make profit, dont invest in business.

Become politician, bribe politician and become bureaucrat then sell insurance company license.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
"पैसा छ, तर खर्च भएको छैन,' अर्थ मन्त्रालयका एक सहसचिवले भने, 'विकासको काम तीव्ररुपमा भएर पैसा दिन नसक्ने अवस्था आउनुपर्नेमा उल्टै पैसा थुप्रिनु राम्रो संकेत होइन"
Jay hos COMMINA SARKAR and those voted COMINA.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
केपी ओली नेतृत्वको स्थायी सरकारलाई विदेशी लगानीकर्ताले रेड सिंग्नल देखाएका छन्। यो वर्ष नेपालमा लगानी गर्न आउने विदेशी लगानीकर्ता घटेका छन्
Not only FDI, domestic investors are also afraid of OLI/YK punch. Even our group ve withhold some of the ready projects due to inconsistent COMMINA policy and money market problem.
DEAF & DUMB government must open its eye/ear now otherwise country economy will hit the rock bottom from where come back will not be possible.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Learn something from US, idiot politicians, bureaucrats, social media self appointed expert "how US deals with stock market crash, what mechanism they have". Savages in Nepal, dont talk about stock market when you dont even know what share is, especially politicians, partrakar, social media expert, bureaucrats.


The early slide extends a downward spiral for equities. As of market close Friday, the S&P 500 was down 17.8% from its year-to-date intraday high from September, nearing a bear market.

On Sunday, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin held individual calls with CEOs of six of the largest banks in the U.S. to discuss liquidity concerns. Mnuchin said in a statement that "the banks all confirmed ample liquidity is available for lending to consumers and business markets." The discussions come amid an escalating stock market sell-off as well as ongoing tension between President Donald Trump and Federal Reserve Jerome Powell over rising interest rates.

The Treasury Secretary on Monday will additionally convene a call with the president's Working Group on Financial Markets, a group sometimes known as the "Plunge Protection Team" that also convened in 2009 in the late stage of the financial crisis. The group includes Federal Reserve as well as Securities and Exchange commission officials.

Savages in Nepal, read again these terms:
"Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin held individual calls with CEOs"
"liquidity concerns"
"consumers and business markets"
"discussions come amid an escalating stock market sell-off"
"president's Working Group on Financial Markets"
"Plunge Protection Team"
"Federal Reserve as well as Securities and Exchange commission officials"

Economic policy of Nepal, needs to include above. But idiots in Nepal say, share market going up and down is normal. In US, when market crashed 17%, they see it as crisis, in Nepal, idiots say, its normal when Market crashes 50%.


gobar sorne aukar are running govt, media, society.

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