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SHAURABH, political analyst

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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7502
Current constitution promotes private sector but policy prohibit it. Yuraj k's policy and attitude is backward moving.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 812
Nehru-Mahalanabolis Model Failed as it only emphasized heavy industries.
Later in 3rd annual plan they also promoted Small Scale Industries in addition to Heavy industries.

India was developed only after 1991 when Narsimha Rao and Manmohan Singh brought structural changes to Indian Economy.
1 - Foreign Investment 51% was allowed in prescribe industries
2 - MRTP Act restructured
3 - Trade Policy restructured
4- Licensing Abolished
5 - Private sector promoted and now sector where PSU were working were also opened for private sector
4 - And lot of structural changes were made

I think this is well understood thats why Nepal have two legged policy, we can see in the Budget that industrialization as well as SME have been promoted.

I dont think we have to be upset as much as Mr Saurabh have said. Economy is gaining momentam. He is right as to 1- abolishment of ngo/ingo, 2 - Trade Union should be systematized (hataunu chai hunna), 3 - Federalism aai sakya huna le aba chai yeti chito hatauney bhanda pani experiment garey huncha aba.

......Baki Ishwor Ko Leela...
« Last edit by पूजीभैरव on Tue Nov 27, 2018 6:05 am. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7502
- 8.00: qualification, experience, auto biography of politicians in Nepal is being in jail for years, misery of their wife and children. and they call it sacrifice. In my view its not sacrifice. Its incompetency. Those who can't even feed their family, how could they build a nation. Politicians gave misery to their family in the past, after they come in power, all they could give is misery to a nation.

(my views have been same. staying in jail is no qualification.

People in nepal dont like that kind of language, truth speaking. but bitter reality is that. how could any one who cant even feed themselves can be considered as person with brain, ability.

In Nepal, patrakar keep on promoting politicians- he is a great neta cause he used to ride a buffalo. What kind of skill is that? Patrakar does that cause they are paid !$!#$).

(Its me, who started the mentality in Nepal- PM/minister dont run country, their advisers do. So we have to choose politician based on their attitude, mentality. But 8 classe proved me wrong. 8 class buddi ,turned out, only can choose bhariya as his advisers.

I have been saying, what kind of an advice can we expect from a bhariya like bishnu rimal or rijal).

this is the truth. but nepalese cant digest real words.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Mon Nov 26, 2018 8:53 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7502
SHAURABH, political analyst

Does he read my post, or its just great minds think a like?

- 7.20: Current generation of politicians are from Neheru's time, who used to think, build iron factory and your country will be prosperous. Leaders dont have any idea about modern economy.

(I have been saying similar but slightly different. And I have been comparing yuraj k with moa. Mao promoted steel economy, controlled by govt. China always remained poor and many died cause of poverty. Today, yuraj k is trying to recreate moi's economy and result will be same. he is trying to divert all capital into mao's kind of production, which wont work. niether worked in china, nor work in Nepal. But 8 classe , commie think tank nor self proclaimed economist in Nepal realize it.

I have been warning them, but its not working, we have almost wasted a year, and 8 classe is still saying, soon nepal will be developed, who is being fooled by yuraj k and bureaucrats) (dont expect frog to fly just cause it try hard)

(only I can build Nepal in quick time. make prachanda's buhari finance minister and she should take me as her master).

(since, yuraj k studied economics in india during nehru's time, he must have learned his idiocy from nehru).

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