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#1 Mon Jan 13, 2025 6:06 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7772
सार्क बैठक राखौं भन्दा आरजुलाई जयशंकरको प्रश्न : तिम्रो नागरिक मरेको भए मिटिङ गर्न सक्थ्यौ?
- And in Nepal- there are few lakh who have been horing for those who have been killing Nepalese, stolen our land, who are behind Genocide of Palestinians. And 90% off others dont care like dogs.
I am waiting for the day, those hos are 'hung for fun'.
#2 Tue Oct 01, 2024 5:33 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7772
संकटका बेला सेयर बजारमा उछाल, एकाएक ११४.७० अंकले बढ्नुको कारण के?
- Ask your motha.
During Indian Blockade, blackmande was serving their indian masters.
Had been in partriotic nation, they would have been burnt alive.
#3 Sun Aug 11, 2024 6:37 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7772
Nigeria's local oil refinery considered potential threat to European industry - Nigerian journalist
- Just imagine, how much money dalal Journalists in Nepal get paid by foreign masters (as well as domestic) to write article, fake news, propaganda against- Nepal, China.
#4 Wed May 22, 2024 2:10 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7772
प्रेस स्वतन्त्रता सुनिश्चित गर्न नेपाल सरकारले सार्थक संवाद गर्ने आशा छ - अमेरिकी दूतावास नागरिकता किर्ते कसूरमा कैलाश सिरोहियालाई पक्राउ पुर्जी काटे 12 भाई मध्यको जेठो दाई हो कैलाश सिरोहिया कान्तिपुर कैलाश सिरोहिया देखी रामेश्वर थापासँग करोडौँको डिलमा मुछिए कान्तिपुरका मालिक कैलाश सिरोहिया ब्ल्याक मेलर हो माइतीघरको दुर्घटना कैलाश सिरोहिया र रामेश्वर थापालाई हाजिर हुन सर्वोच्चको आदेश | The Dark File कान्तिपुरका मालिक कैलाश सिरोहिया र माइतीघर कार दुर्घ! टनाको यो घटना! बास्तविकता यस्तो!!! कैलाश सिरोहिया and Soltee Hotel! कैलाश सिरोहिया- don of setting!
#5 Fri Mar 29, 2024 2:00 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7772
During last few decade- two fake news, fake propaganda in Nepal harmed the most in Nepal are-
1: Chinese debt trap- which lead to bad policy of govt, NRB which collapsed economy, share market.
2: Kulman ended load shedding- which made Kulman hero which kept him in power for a decade which lead to return of load shedding and Nepal having to buy electricity even after 10 year.
Who is going to punish fake news, fake propaganda, anti nepal propaganda in Nepal??? Who is going to punish dalal media and dalal journalist??
#6 Mon Jan 29, 2024 3:36 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7772
Dalal fake media ignored ICJ ruling.
Do they get memo from their foreign masters or they know what their foreign masters want?
#7 Thu Nov 09, 2023 8:59 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7772
#8 Mon Aug 07, 2023 9:40 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7772
अर्बको सुन प्रकरणमा कर छलीको मुद्दा चल्छ कि चल्दैन?
Tax evasion: When your business is legal but if you dont pay right amount of tax, that would be tax evasion.
Since not everyone can bring big amount of gold, which makes 150 kg Gold case illegal/crime. Not tax evasion.
Why is govt and fake news been trying to build the case of 'tax evasion'?
- We all know, a lot of powerful people with connection are involved in this case. This gold did not enter through hiding, people in the custom let it in. Meaning, everyone is involved.
Including media: Media is financed by criminals and black money. So owner of media are all criminals so they are involved too. And In Nepal, if you dont pay media crime money, they will disclose it. So 12 media are involved that is why they are trying to build 'tax evasion case'.
'Tax evasion case': cause they want to pay tax and release the gold.
All of them are part of setting, that is why, incompetent bureaucrat and ministers dont get fired. Instead they get golden handshake. That is why incompetent Governor is still not fired. That is why, failure finance ministers (cause of whom, party would lose election) dont get fired. Yuraj K was not fired cause he was part of the setting even if he was just a slave of KP oli, and he knew too much and he was involved in all crime- he could be the master mind of many crime of UML.
#9 Sat Jul 29, 2023 1:54 am
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7772
RFK Jr. reveals the Biden administration denied his request for Secret Service protection after 88-days of no response.
"Since the assassination of my father in 1968, candidates for president are provided Secret Service protection. But not me," RFK Jr. said.
(Why fake news in Nepal dont publish this???? Fake News of Nepal are enemy of not just Nepal, China, Russia but also enemy of humanity. They should be eradicated before it's more late.)
#10 Sat Jun 24, 2023 1:01 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7772
| Even CNN now has covered this crime, but dalal/anti nepal fake news is ignoring it. Remember, Fake news in Nepal even covers story if someone is blamed for a crime who has taken picture with president of Russia or China- and they say- 'friend of x president is being investigated'. Nepalese pale in India is loyal to their master. Gorkhe in UK is loyal to their lord. But very few Nepalese are loyal to Nepal. Great thing is, Nepalese abroad is loyal to their master, not their new country ... meaning those rats will destroy their new society from inside
#11 Tue Jun 13, 2023 12:29 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7772
These news/information are intentionally kept hidden by Nepal media to make foreign masters happy or foreign master order them not to publish those:
* "The foreign national who allegedly bribed Joe & Hunter Biden allegedly has audio recordings of his conversation/s , 17 such recordings. According to the 1023, the foreign national possesses 15 audio recordings of phone calls between him & Hunter Biden [and] two audio recordings of phone calls between him & then- VP Biden."
* europes food apartheid are brands in the east lower quality than in the west
Worst part is, there may be 10000 media/social media, and non publish. Why? I dont think all of them get money from master. But still why? Do they dream of getting money in the future or they dont publish cause they dont want to get rejected during visa application? And west is officially view your social media content.
#12 Mon Feb 06, 2023 7:57 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7772
IF all those halla about Kantipur is true (govt, army/apf intelligence should investigate), that guy should be dealt by intelligence not police. Ask 'CIA' what does that mean.
#13 Tue Nov 15, 2022 1:39 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7772
Dalal media who are anti Nepal, anti China, anti Russia begun to attack new candidates.
onlinekhabar and setopati. others may start soon.
Remember I said many months back about onlinekhabar.
First time I followed online, I used to think it is CIA. Then later became maoist. And during blockade- after getting money from indian embassy- they began to try to soften anti blockade/india sentiment.
That time, when kp only became popular, they used to attack kp oli. Later when people found out, kp oli is just a criminal, crook...... his popularity shrunk and became powerful, then online began to support him.
That is when I realized, onlinekhabar is just a pimp who been selling nepal for money.
What is the common between setopati and ukraine. Both are owned by soros.
setopati now also has become anti revolution after being anti nepal, anti china, anti russis.
Few days ago, they were asking, why many in nepal supports russia in ukraine war. zzzzzzzzzz cause only handful govt money from CIA in Nepal.
VOTE RIGHT! we are in last stage.
#14 Mon Sep 05, 2022 6:54 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7772
नियमावलीमा गरिएका संशोधनले शंकर ग्रुपलाई नयाँ स्टक एक्सचेन्ज सुम्पिने लगभग निश्चित !
On the one hand, this gupta and son want to control new stock exchange and on the other hand, media controlled by gupta and sons (gupta and sons le pale ko patrakar) have been 24/7 anti share market.
Gupta and sons in Nepal may think, if they buy license, it will be legal for ever and they get to rape Nepal. But in reality, it is totally different. When there is revolution, all your family, friends, circle, your masters, your pets- each and one will be investigated and hung.
I know, you are working for RAW. And I RAW help you and dont cooperate, I know exactly know how to end India.
VOTE RIGHT, we are in last stage, these gupta and songs and their doggo are about to kill nepal by gang raping.
#15 Sun Sep 04, 2022 6:30 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7772
टाटा सन्सका पूर्व अध्यक्ष साइरस मिस्त्रीको सडक दुर्घटनमा निधन, मर्सिडिज डिभाइडरमा ठोक्कियो- blackmandu, dalalmandutero bau maros ke bachos who gives a f ? RAW, CIA have hired many agents in Nepal and may of them run business, media too. Those media keep on publishing anti nepal and anti china news but gives space to useless news promoting their master in south. How long are we going to tolerate these dalals in Nepal. We should do to them, what indians do to them.
#16 Thu Sep 01, 2022 6:28 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7772
This is blackmandu.
- headline-- ठगीको अर्को धन्दा: ब्राण्डेडको बोरामा कमसल चामल, ललितपुर र रौतहटबाट तीन जना समातिए
content- चामलको कालोबजारी गरेको अभियोगमा प्रहरीले एक भारतीय नागरिकलाई पक्राउ गरेको छ
- same day, another headline-- चिनियाँ कम्पनीले गर्न खोजेको 'फ्रड', चार्जिङ स्टेसनका लागि आएका ट्रान्सफर्मर गुणस्तरहीन
Every time some chinese does some crime, they say chinese. They wont just name the name.
But in Nepal, almost everything imported from india is either expired or damaged and still they dont say indian, india. In every headline suppose to mention 'india' since almost every thing involvement india in nepal is anti nepal, bad for nepal and still dalal media dont say or hardly say- india or indian.
But when its chinese, they always say china.
- This is same dalal media that blocked me during indianblockade.
These dalal media and those financier of the media and every on involved in this media is not just anti china but also anti nepal. Nepalese and China should join hands and take good care of these dalals.
#17 Tue Aug 02, 2022 1:43 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7772
I was always wondering "cia/raw agent media get order/memo from their master or they themselves do what they think make their master happy"?
The news black out regarding the re visit from chinese american snake recently proves that dalal raw/cia media in nepal get order/memo from their master.
These dalal media are common enemy of Nepal, China, Russia as well as of humanity. We should go for special operation together against those agents of terrorist.
BTW- what was the chinese american snake's grand/great grand father or grand/great grand mother doing during opium war??? - were selling information to british (just like media/bureaucracy/politicians/jhole/police/army/judge/civil soeicty/business house etc etc do in nepal) - doing prost!tution? - were member of church?
#18 Fri May 20, 2022 5:38 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7772
In rape case- Rape house was ran by beauty pageant company, must be hidden talent.
Hidden talent owner runs Image channel too.
Weeks back, Image channel was running anti Russia campaign. I think it is anti china too. So it must be CIA. I dont remember, the position of image channel during indian blockade.
So anti china, anti russia house is running rape house in Nepal.
And those rapists also work in other media too who are anti nepal, anti china, anti russia, anti sharemarket.
Nepalese, China and Russia should join hand and take care of common enemy in Nepal.
This is why" Wealth of owners/promoters of BFIs, insurance, media should be investigated, its source, where investment came from, their expenses, their domestic and international link, their activities- to protect national security as well as economy.
#19 Thu May 19, 2022 10:35 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7772
अग्रवाल समूहलाई पोसेर 'पैसा कुम्ल्याउदै' अर्थमन्त्री शर्मा (village idiot finance minister making money by letting agrawal gang rape nepal)
these agrawals are same who are promoted by clickmandu, clickmandu is same who are usually anti sharemarket I keep on seeing one of clickmandu ho who keep on vomiting anti share market in social media
Like I have been saying, anti share market are those who are - dalal, ghusya, alchina, loser ...... and that patrakare is all and I think clickmandu is financed by this criminal agrawals who black-marketed during corona
Is not it amazing, this crook fm also hates share market. (amazing, there is very few things I miss)
And NC, UML, maoist gave these agrawals medal.
and all of them are anti china.
China and Nepalese should join hands to take care of common enemies.
This is why" Wealth of owners/promoters of BFIs, insurance, media should be investigated, its source, where investment came from, their expenses, their domestic and international link, their activities- to protect national security as well as economy.
In last 5 year, these dalals have been openly going against nepal and china. Its time for revolution. VOTE RIGHT VOTE OTHERS in coming general election.
#20 Mon May 09, 2022 1:48 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7772
clickmandu- common enemy of China and Nepal.... may be controlled by RAW, and probably funded by RAW controlled business house shanker group ..... and ran by ususal suspect ....... bahun .... its always them in Nepal and zooo in west.
सेयरमा ४/१२ को नीतिले वित्तीय स्थायित्वमा मद्दत गर्नेछ: डेपुटी गभर्नर डा. नीलम ढुङ्गाना तिम्सिनाको लेख - डा नीलम ढुङ्गाना तिम्सिना
One of the character who is behind economic crisis, banking crisis, share market crisis. .... instead of reversing their policy, are trying to prove that they are right.
I did warn, if govt dont get read of those bureaucrats who are created the problem, instead of solving the problem, those bureaucrats will focus on proving themselves right.
How come a bureaucrat has a relation with a media ran by criminal business house and foreign enemy intelligence agency????? No wonder, bureaucracy been selling information to criminals- foreign and domestic ...... and draft policy that helps them and never investigate their master's crime or jail them.
चाणक्य मिडिया प्रा.लि. कालिकास्थान, काठमाडौं, नेपाल अध्यक्ष: पुष्प दुलाल सम्पादक: आशीष ज्ञवाली
Hardly anybody follows these media and still they dont go bancrupt.... amazing right!
Nepalese and china should join hand and take care of these common enemy.
This is why" Wealth of owners/promoters of BFIs, insurance, media should be investigated, its source, where investment came from, their expenses, their domestic and international link, their activities- to protect national security as well as economy.
Why shankhar group still not behind bar for black marketing during covid crisis of covid equipment?
Vote right to jail all of them.
#21 Sun May 08, 2022 2:14 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7772
घरजग्गा र सेयर बजारमा कडाइ नगरेसम्म हाम्रो अर्थतन्त्र समस्याबाट उम्किँदैन: विद्याधर मल्लिकको अन्तर्वार्ता - क्लिकमाण्डू
pakhe bureaucrat, and we ask why Nepal is a sh!thole.
clickmandu keeps on promoting shankhar group who tried to sell corona fighting equipment in black market. Almost all media is financed by one or another criminal. This one could be from shankar group. .... so RAW agent which means anti China.
China and Nepalese should join hand to eliminate common enemy.
This is why" Wealth of owners/promoters of BFIs, insurance, media should be investigated, its source, where investment came from, their expenses, their domestic and international link, their activities- to protect national security as well as economy.
#22 Fri Apr 29, 2022 12:07 am
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7772
बाइडेनले युक्रेनका लागि ३३ अर्ब डलर मागे- baahrakhari
White House fact-sheet says part of the mammoth $33 billion spending package it's requesting for Ukraine will be to "support independent media". Because nothing screams "independent" like being directly funded by the US Government as part of its "information warfare" initiative
Nepal ko dalal media le kaso 10/20 crore na paula ta.
Anti Russia propaganda in Nepal is soft, soon, it may reach anti china level.
China Russia need to UP their intelligence in Nepal and start documentation and leak activity of common enemy of China Russia and Nepal in Nepal.
" Wealth of owners/promoters of BFIs, insurance, media should be investigated, its source, where investment came from, their expenses, their domestic and international link, their activities- to protect national security as well as economy.
#23 Wed Apr 27, 2022 6:07 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 1455
नेपालका Medical College र धेरै Media हरु लगभग उस्तै लाग्छन मलाई,
आ-आफ्नो दुकान जे गर्दा चल्छ...............सोहि गर्छन,
पत्रिका, TV, रेडियो, online सबैमा कब्जा गरेपछि,
१ दिनलाई भए पनि यिनले 'कालोलाई सेतो र सेतोलाई कालो'भनी भ्रम सृजना मज्जाले गर्न सक्छन,
यो सन्दर्भमा धेरैलाई थाहा भएकै एउटा कुरा सेर गर्न चाहन्छु है त,
यसबाट पनि मेडियाको भ्रम छर्न सक्ने ताकत बारे प्रष्ट हुन् सकिन्छ,
केहि बर्ष अघि युबराज घिमिरे प्रधान सम्पादक भएको बेला कान्तिपुरले 'Rasendra Bhattarai' को बारेमा,
"५ डलरबाट खर्बपति भए नेपाली" भनि पत्रिकाको front page मा प्राथमिकताका साथ छापेको थियो,
बिहान पत्रिकामा त्यस्तो खबर छापियो .............. दिनभर FM मा त्यहि चर्चा र
दिउसो New Road तिर, एक जना मारवाडीको पसलमा काम परेर गएको थिए,
४-५ जना जम्मा भएर कान्तिपुर पत्रिका अगाडी राखेर यो नेपालीको त निजी बिमानै पो रहेछ भन्दै थिए,
आफु नेपाली भएकोमा गौरवान्वित पनि भइएको थियो त्यसबेला,
राती भुषण दाहालजीको 'Fireside' मा उनै Rasendra जी पाहुना खर्बपती नेपालीको रुपमा,
(सोहि दिनNTV मा विजय कुमारजीको दिशानिर्देश कार्यक्रममा 'उपेन्द्र महतो' पाहुना थिए,
मैले त्यो दिन मनमनै Rasendraजी को पैसाको अगाडी यिनी त केहि रहेनछन भनि सोचेको थिए)
अन्तमा Rasendra Bhattarai सोल्टीमा बस्दाको खर्च,
उनकी श्रीमतीले काठमाडौँको २ तल्ले घर बेचेर तिरिन भन्ने सुनियो l
आजभोली मेडियाहरु नाङ्गो रुपमै केवल समाचारको व्यापार मात्र गर्छन,
के कति तिनको समाचारको उपभोग गर्ने हो,
त्यसको निर्णय धेरै सोच-विचार गरेर मात्र गर्नु पर्ने देखिन्छ l
« Last edit by nissan on Wed Apr 27, 2022 6:10 pm. »
#24 Wed Apr 27, 2022 4:46 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7772
बीआरआई सम्झौताको विरोधमा वीरगञ्जमा प्रदर्शन- अनलाइनखबर (Protest against BRI project in Birgunj- onlinekhabar) (its amazing, they dont even write name of the journalist in these type of propaganda, may be indian embassy send the picture to this media) अध्यक्ष तथा प्रबन्ध निर्देशक: धर्मराज भुसाल प्रधान सम्पादक: शिव गाउँले In early days, when I used to read online, I used to feel like its CIA, during blockade, after taking money from indian embassy, they tried to soften hate for blockade. when KP Oli was popular due to his firm stand against the blockade, this media used to go after him 24/7. This media used to be pro maosit too. After KP became powerful, pm and people began to hate him, this media started to support him. (this media could be bought buy money or power or just work for raw, cia) (one of the top journalist of this media was fired cause he demanded 50 lakh in blackmail, who used to be maoist cadre and later became KO oli's hanuman). (KP oli has gathered criminals from maoist and other sector of the society and is able to take over UML which use to run as an institution till KP oli took over) This media is not just anti Nepal, this media is also anti China. Which is kind of a same, in Nepal. Nepal and China should join hand and eliminate common enemy." Wealth of owners/promoters of BFIs, insurance, media should be investigated, its source, where investment came from, their expenses, their domestic and international link, their activities- to protect national security as well as economy.
#25 Mon Mar 07, 2022 5:55 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7772
मन्त्री खड्काले नेपालले असंलग्न परराष्ट्र नीति अन्तरगत नै युक्रेनको समर्थन गरेको र अर्को कुनै गुटमा नगएको पनि दाबी गर्नुभयो
Current govt is lead by Nepali Congress who is know to be RAW controlled organization. Later with entry of new generation decades back, they became double agent of RAW and CIA. They helped India during Indian Blockade.
Just yesterday, I heard, when Nepal was about to become UN member, then Nepali congress said- Nepal dont need to become member of UN cause India has already become the member. NC was born in India, Raised in India, most of the early politicians were indian, have always been working for india Now CIA agent too.
This foreign minister khadka, during Indian Blockade he supported blockade, he said it was Nepal's fault. NC and He is openly enemy of all three country- Nepal, China and Russia.
Before Indian Blockade, he was handful of politician I used to like. And his wife is a russian. Probably online bride.
O khadke, why dont you alos criticize Ukraine for Iraq invasion, promoting nazi group, trying to incircle Russia, hosting almost dozen wmd bio lad sponsored by CIA, about to produce anthrax to be used during this war.
Anti war sounds great but in reality not. I also did not war, now I am fully with Russia. Will become hardcore supporter it it goes beyond.
And US been saying, they are going make Ukraine Afghanistan.... meaning, they are going to fight Russian till the last Ukrainian.... which means letting slav killing slav, US, UK, zoo are letting Ukraine be destroyed to destroy Russia.
Ukraine is not a victim, they themselves asked for it. Just like in Nepal, where few thousand are about to make Nepal Ukraine and rest dont care and are ignorant ...... they will be the biggest victim when sh!t hits the fan. Nepal is likely to enter into another lost decade.