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What started chain reaction, Monitory policy-2078 did. Dipendra bahadur chettery is gonna die in a year or two.

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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 1314
नेपालगन्जमा ल्याण्ड गरि दिएर, यात्रुहरु माथी दया गरेछन भन्नु पर्यो,

कसो मेरो त time सकियो भनेर,

प्यारासुट जम्प गरेनन pilot ले l

:) :)
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7583
उड्दाउड्दै पाइलटको ड्युटी सकियो, चौरजहारी जानुपर्ने विमान नेपालगन्जमा अवतरण

This is the policy drafted by pakhe, x jat.

Same pakhe, X jat make policy in NRB (monitory policy) too. That is why, 80/90% of economic problem in Nepal is created by NRB or execrated by NRB.

Reverse CD ratio and 4/12 policy immediately (months is wasted). Control import directly.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7583
तातो भुत्लो मुलुकमा केही भएको छैन्, अचानक ब्याजदर बढ्नु राम्रो संकेत होइन्: पूर्व अर्थसचिव बास्कोटा

!$#!$ x jat ko kukur ko jati buddi chaina, bol nu parne. tey pani ex finance secretary le. yesta le ta des chalayako tyo pani finance ministry.

Did not he hear about change in monitory policy. It could have wiped out 100s of billions of liquidity from the system over night, just by misusing a drop of ink.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7583
When tax payers are in problem, no body- politician, so called civil society, media say any thing, but they always make noise by asking govt to give away free money.

Cause of the culture, attitude of Nepal society, radical development in Nepal is not possible.

I did not mean, govt should not care about victims btw.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7583
ब्याजदर बढेपछि व्यवसायी आत्तिए, मंगलबार नै एफनसिसिआईले डाक्यो बैंक, फाइनान्स कमिटीको बैठक

Dont tell me I did not warn.

- Crisis always starts with share market crisis.

Since, 15/20 year ago, hollywood started the term 'butterfly effect'.

Which is, when butterfly is harmed due to the environmental change, worst thing will begin. In the economy, share market is the butterfly. Pakhes, x jat, commie, socialist, dumb, loser, dalal, corrupt wont understand.

I been trying to teach them, Sorry GOD, I failed.

Think of long term solution. Which is,

1: Just like governor, ........ deputy governors should also be hired from outside.
2: Governor and d governors- can be hired from Bank and national dev banks CEOs.
3: End directors post at NRB, they are nothing more than bone to the dog posts.
4: Mantir parisad should pass monitory policy, not NRB.
5: Monitory policy should be stable, but should make change when needed, should not wait for site/perfect time.

Since, it has always been NRB, who start the economic/capital market/share market crisis.

And, Pakhe, x jat, communist, socialist should not be running a country.

Blame game will start soon.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Tue Oct 19, 2021 1:23 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7583
बढेको ब्याजदरमा राष्ट्र बैक भन्छ 'आयात र उपभोग घट्छ, शोधानान्तर बढ्छ, मार्केट करेक्सन हुनु आवश्यक नै थियो'


In other word, economic crash. Business will feel it pretty soon, and public- in 6-12 month.

Remember, I have been saying,
Pakhe, x jat, communist, socialist should not be running a country.

Those who been destroying governance of govt wants whole economy to be ran under their control. What could go wrong????

There were some NC doggie, who has a bhram that they understand economics, who used to say, in free economy, govt should not manipulate. What were they doing, when NRB was manipulating share market and capital market?
This is what happens, when wanna be economic expert read one line economic philosophy.

हुन त अर्थमन्त्री जनार्दन शर्माले गभर्नर महाप्रसाद अधिकारीसँगका कतिपय भेटमा बजार र प्रणाली नै प्यानिक हुने गरी कुनै व्यवस्था गरिएको भए त्यसमा पुनरविचार गर्दा उपयुक्त हुने सुझाव समेत दिने गरेका छन् | गभर्नरले 'हुन्छ' त भनेका छन्, तर उनी त्यति सजिलै समीक्षामार्फत मौद्रिक नीतिमा ठूलो बदलाव ल्याउने पक्षमा छैनन् | 'मूल रुपमा अहिले अर्थमन्त्री र गभर्नरको राजनीतिक लाइन फरक हुँदा समेत समस्या देखिएको हाम्रो ठम्याई छ |' नाम उल्लेख नगर्न आग्रह गर्दै केन्द्रीय बैंकका ती संचालकले भने-'अर्थमन्त्री र गभर्नरबीचको द्वन्द्व भूसको आगो झै भित्रभित्रै दन्किरहेको छ | अर्थमन्त्रीको योजनामा गभर्नर निलम्बनसम्मको कुरा आयो भने पनि अचम्म नमान्दा हुन्छ |'

I thinks this is fake, I have notices many times, bizsale trying to manipulate with fake information.

If not, this is a good knows. Why, I think governor is taking order from Oli gang.......... and good news is, Oli gang have found out that by destroying share market and economy, you could control the election result.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7583
Crisis began- or should I say, action.

- dependra bahadur chettry said NEPSE should be 700.
- NRB anti share market, anti economy/liquidity monitory policy of 2078.


1: First was share market collapse.
2: Liquidity crisis.
3: Interest rate crisis.

I shall give you a lot of analysis and prediction about short and mid term future long before it happens. Cause I am "SECOND TO GOD".

Anti share market always lead to economic crisis. Dipendra babadur was anti share market, he advised as per his hatret, jelousy.

His advice lead to what village idiot FM did. Whose out come is monitory policy of 2078.

Cause of the monitory policy, there is share market crisis which will play a role in economic crisis. Cause of monitory policy we have liquidity and interest crisis.

Cause of economic crisis, liquidity crisis and interest crisis, Dependra bahadur chettery will suffer in this hotel business and cause of his huge loan....... and cause of tension, and of his old age, he may die in a year or two. Current date is 2021.10.18 Hope he dies tomorrow.

I am sure, advisers gave negative advice about share market and banking to NRB and sher bahadur secretly. ...... Remember I keep on saying....... doggos, corrupts hate share market, economy......... those advisers around nrb and sher bahadur are doggo, corrupt ...... I also said, kukur ko buddi hundaina, buddi hune kukur hundaina. Those NRB officials are also corrupt and dalals.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7583
Since, people of Nepal dont have big brain enough to hold memory, I am starting this thread.

What lead to what, what is the starting point that started chain reaction? I shall let you in this thread.

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