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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7562
After US bans Huawei, Huawei says, it has already got Chip production line. And they have been preparing for this ban for years.

Since, korea and china will be ruling mobile phone business, many US companies will go bankrupt.

Before this, US had control over four sectors in the world- chip, aviation, healthcare and hollywood.

Now Chip is gone.

Russia and China are jointly working on aviation sector and intend to produce before 2025, so it will be gone too. Russia already says, it is about to use domestic engine in mid sized planes.

Before four sectors, US used to rule over computers, cars, electronics and many others.

Since, China is the leader in 5G, they army must already be using 6G. Looks like US will be humiliated when they face china in south china sea or taiwan.

Chinese military may be using 6G in communication, technology, missile guidance, AI.

US army with 4G in missile guidance, AI, communication who will they compete with 6G?

China regularly display majestic synchronized drone, what if they can do he same with missile and AI with 6G.

New world Order is coming.

If there is no Chinese Rail, we are doomed.

Huawei knew and already been preparing their domestic supply line. May be that is the reason, they never tried to enter US market or US vassals to remain low key.

Now curtain has fallen. Tables have turned.

Now if you dont used Chinese technology, you are the one who will lag behind.

Not joining BRI will destroy India. Cause that will be the only transportation remain when there is war between US and China. All sea lane will be blocked. Only BRI will connect asia, europe and africa. More than 85% of world population.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7562
After war on Free Press regarding Assange, some people aging began to talk about UK being puppet of US.

Which is wrong in my View.

My conspiracy, US is controlled by master of England, and through US they control UK institutions.

They Use on another's institutions to control each other. That includes 5 eye Plus Isreal.

Now question is, Why the master able to control white americans but not english public?

That's cause of the inferior gene pool of white americans. White americans are dumbest of the whites since their ancestors were criminals, unwanted Europeans kicked out by europe. That is why, most of the offspring of early illegal alien white americans are today nothing more than a coal mine worker and military.

In RussiaGate conspiracy: even after more than two year long 24/7 propaganda, lies no body in fake news, fake comedy show and politics and bureaucracy got fired. Even though there is a huge embarrassment, humiliation. Why?

Cause, it was ordered by puppet master :roll:
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Thu Apr 11, 2019 11:21 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7562
appears to imply that the president's son-in-law may be extorting the nation of Qatar.

It all started back in April of 2017, after Jared Kushner's father, Charles Kushner, met with the Qatari finance minister at the St. Regis Hotel in New York City.

"Charles Kushner asked for $1 billion according to someone in that meeting, to whom I have spoken. The Qataris turned Charles Kushner down because the deal was a bad deal,"

The deal she is talking about was in regards to a building owned by Kushner Properties located at 666 5th Ave. At the time, the company was headed towards a foreclosure of the property as a balloon payment came due in January of 2019. According to some sources, the revenue from the building only covered approximately 50% of the mortgage payment.

"What I have learned is that in the ensuing month [May 2017] before the US visit to Riyadh, Jared Kushner got on a plane and flew to Doha, the Qatari capital, and he reamed the Qatari ruling family, the al-Thanis, for not doing the deal with his father... They began to feel that he was indirectly threatening their sovereignty. The next thing they know, when they show up to the summit in Riyadh, the Emir, the ruler of Qatar, arrives with an entourage, but his entourage is suddenly cut off from him, and not allowed into the summit at the same time by the Saudis, which he felt was a move to deliberately make him look weak, You have to remember during this summit, Jared and Ivanka go off for a cozy secret unmonitored dinner with [Saudi Crown Prince] MBS. Nobody knows what they talked about,"

Just ten days later, against the advice of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Secretary of Defense James Mattis, the United States supported the Saudi and UAE-led blockade of Qatar. On June 6, 2017 President Trump shockingly supported the blockade of a key US ally in the region, forcing many within his own Administration and the GOP to question the move publicly.

"What the Qataris found was not just a blockade. There were Saudi [and] Emerati troops on their border,

"What they interpreted this as, was Jared Kushner basically saying, 'if you don't pay my father and pay off this building, look what's going to happen. We're going to, I'm going to, the Americans are going to sanction an invasion of your country.' Sources in the State Department say, yes, it's true; troops were on the border,"

Nine months later, a Canadian company, Brookfield Partners, who the Qatari Investment Authority owns a $1.8 billion or 9% stake in, bailed out Kushner Properties, with a 99-year lease agreement for 666 5th Ave.

They do a 99-year lease and they pay the entire 99-year lease up front. You don't need to be good at math, you don't need to be in the New York real estate community to understand how crazy that is,"

Around this same time, President Trump publicly shifts course, no longer supporting the blockade,


Nothing new, Countries other than England and Isreal pay US politicians, bureaucrats, Intelligence agents, generals, media persons though companies outside US.

But, Like I said before, England and Isreal bribe US politicians, bureaucrats, Intelligence agents, generals, media persons etc through companies inside US- like- banks, multinational companies, military industrial complex, pharmacy, media house even universities.

And called those company EASTINDIA COMPANY.

Its true EASTINDIA COMPANY is alive and kicking and their head quarters are in US and western europe and Scandinavian countries.

EastIndia company totally controls US politician, intelligence agency, top bureaucrats (actually they implant top bureaucrats), celebrity, journalist etc.

Those who oppose will be censored, jailed, image destroyed using media.

They even have controlled hardcore conservative Christians working for them to control radical Christina crowd. That is why even when conservative crowd talk about opposing deep state but those red neck always support deep state agenda.

Remember I said, Trump is the candidate of radical faction of deep state.

To find the proof about what I am saying, go find out who has been paying Obama and his family with millions. Who give them millions in the name of book deal.

US is totally controlled by their enemy from master of England and Isreal that is why life of americans is expendable. Just like life of sunni muslims too is expendable cause their leader also work for master of England and Isreal.

The main reason, US army is so lethal cause their army's life is expendable. Countries like Russia, China cant send their military like US has been sending their army for war.

Vietnam war was suppose to be of France.
Japan, Iran was suppose to be of England.

WWI, WWII was suppose to be of England.
But some how, US took over them and they lost far more life than England and France in Vietnam and Japan cause US has been controlled by their enemy and they are expendable.

And still, white trash think they are superior. Its amazing, its their master who made them think they are superior.

But more and more radical white is realizing it. And their master is scared. Their master knows this cause they controll social media which help them in knowing what radical whites are thinking. That is why they are promoting gays, muslims in the west to create army to fight radical white using AI.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7562
URGENT: US preparing for complete military withdrawal from Syria

This is why I supported Trump. knowing he is a scum b. Either he would end never ending wars or destroy evil empire sooner.

Koreans talk also progressing well.

World Peace
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7562
Educated fool are saying RIP bush.

Do they even know who bush is?

He is one of the evil, some say, he implanted future war seed in middle easy- probably increased army bases in the middle east for future planned war.

He grouped women. But you wont hear from paid feminist why, cause his master finance those ngo, ingo.

He lied about first gulf war. He aired fake propaganda video about Iraqi army killing kuwaiti babies to gather public support for war.

among US presidents, after jimmy carter, trump must be the least violent among president till date.

current arrest of chinese cfo by canada- deep state must be behind it. Trump may not knew earlier
. and to derail deal between trump and china.

If I were chinese, I would arrest all managers from canada in china working for big corporation who supply to army fighting all over the world-------- and try them for war crime. Including fake news reporters.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7562
राष्ट्र बैंक अर्थमन्त्रालयको पछाडि दौडिएको मुद्रा कोषको आरोप, बैकको खराव कर्जामा शंका

- Does IMF know, Bfis demand 2/3 times collateral from borrower. Highest/worst in the world, that is why NPL is low. Those who donot/cant pay back are sasura/joi.

विदेशी बैंकबाट ऋण ल्याएर लगानी गर्ने नीतिगत ब्यवस्थाप्रति पनि टोलीले खुसी ब्यक्त गरेको थियो|

- First of all Nepal needs capital whether it is from domestic or foreign.

- Some of jobs of IMF, world bank, adb are to promote dollar, maintain dollar monopoly, push dollar etc.
- One of demand of US with China in ongoing trade war is- US wants China to open up their financial sector so that US could lend Chinese with $ loan so that every time US wants to punish China, US could crash Yuan just like they are doing in Turkey, India, Argentina, brazil etc.

- A lot of cash is outside the system like govt revenue, CCD ratio. It pathetic, govt/NRB dont have brain to utilize them.

#Trump hopes to bring end to arms race with #Russia & #China

- I did support Trump over hillary. My thinking was, either Trump would end never ending wars or destroy evil empire sooner than others.

I am getting what I wanted from him. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Tue Dec 04, 2018 7:33 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7562
Explosive New Report Says CIA Has Taped Recording Of Saudi Crown Prince Ordering Jamal Khashoggi's Killing

What I said before:
Saudi evil clown price will loose his post and if does not leave for US or eu, he will get killed in future too.


Take my warning/words seriously. Fire yuraj k before Nepal's economy is in serious trouble. Thanks to him, well off person like me is already poor.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7562
Now I am 50% clear about what happened in US election- Trump, Russiagate.

Russiagate garbage is just to hide real treason of Trump.

Trump's master was behind everything who are also master of both party and Hillary clinton. And They are inside Hillary Clinton's election team. Who convinced her to change their tactic during election.

Trump's election was outside chance which Puppet master took. And succeed.

In US, puppet master had been using censorship, total media blockade of candidates who are outsider, from getting elected. But in the case of Trump, their agent convinced Hillary and co. to give full coverage of Trump, 24/7, but totally Negative.

And he won.

The real gate is Isrealgate .

Iran sanction, soft approach to saudi all behind is Isreal. Trump bid higher than Hillary or should I say, sold US at lower price than Hillar.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7562
so called educated class/well informed class in Nepal think they know every thing in this world. They think they follow real NATO news.

They believe hilly clinton is very poplar person and idol of civilized world.


US midterm.

Wonder why clinton did not go to or was not invited to election champion. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7562
PE ratio of PRVU is 8.

Katai, logne ko prvu ko share hatar hatar beche ra swasni poilo jana lage ta haina.

I demand, NEPSE to block payment of seller of PRVU till investigation is complete :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7562
Saudi evil clown price will loose his post and if does not leave for US or eu, he will get killed in future too.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7562
Saudi/CIA/Mosad/MI6 - It was an accidental death from a fight. Khashoggi attacked 15 saudi trained killers, so those 15 were defending themselves.

Public- That's why you brought a bone saw.

Saudi/CIA/Mosad/MI6- Khashoggi came to consulate with the bone saw to kill those 15.

This murder has proven again that media, so called civil society members, so called HR activists, NGO/Ingo activists in Nepal are actors who work in Porn that 8 class doctor has banned, and above mentioned job descriptions are their part time job.

What I meant to say is, those above mentioned in Nepal cover news or protest over in only those incidents/propaganda where they get paid.

No pay, no raising voice.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7562
Why $ gaining strength?

- Cause of TRump and lower tax in US and Trade war and sanctions, US corporations must be selling local assets and currency to bring cash back to US.

Why Indian currency weakening more than others?
- Above and
- CIA could be punishing India for buying S-400 and getting closer to China.

How long before world dumps dollar?
- More and more country are experiencing first hand, if you use dollar, if you do not follow CIA order, they will punish you by destroying your currency and share market.
- Dont be surprised if half the world dumps $ very soon. Who ever holds it will suffer.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7562
Free advice to, gobar sworne aukat ka, politician (even though, classless dont have respect to free stuff- I like free stuff):

- Just like, if your dog bite other, both your dog and you will be in trouble. Similarly, tame your dalals from biting, especially, neutral citizens. Even more especially from biting those who once supported you but turned against you cause of your actions.

You may have got power cause of no of dalals you have, but you can only win election with the help of support from neutral. If you are unable to win election, dalals wont stay with you for long.

- Never give power or big position to dalals. End game of dalal is always being dalal of higher power. And you are not higher power. CIA is. In case like Nepal, RAW is.

You may ask, if CIA, RAW are higher powers then why are my dalals not their dalals? Cause, CIA dont have time for all dalals. If you give power or big position to your dalal, CIA will make your dalal their dalal.

Meaning, 8 class Oli or other politician making dalal top advisers or giving big position means CIA has approached your dalals. Always appoint superior, honest person for higher position, never to dalals. For your own long term good.

Remember, who no body like karki, dalals of maoist has turned into dalals of higher power?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7562
In civilized world, they have banned top govt official from using technology(especially unsecured).

In Nepal, gothalo ka santans have began to use laptop and no paper. May be they are suffering from inferiority complex and lack of world reality.

Who advised them to use laptop? Some corrupt adviser or CIA. Where did they get the lap tops from? Donated by CIA or RAW or bought second hand for big commission?

World is too complicated for 8 class pass and out dated murkha biddwan.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7562
Conspiracy theory I floated earlier:

Fake news has been calling the so called prince- royal, poor orphan, popular prince, from perfect royal family (while we all know his real past), and While been calling 'Markle'- divorce, daughter of broken family, and what not and dont forget their attack on her family which could have lead her father to cancel participating in the wedding.


And now has proven correct.

Meghan Markle's Dad Apparently Faked a Heart Attack to Avoid Going to the Royal Wedding

better take me seriously 8 class pass gothalo ka santan OLI, and fire biddwan gothalo ka santan Yuraj K before before its too late for commie party and Nepal.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7562
Am I the only one who wants to thrash those who starts article or long debate with "I am just an Idiot or malai yesko kunai gyan chaina or ma agayni hu" and then goes on and on as if he is some kind of expert??????

China Rail:

There is social media/fake news/paid news/dalal news debate going on about China Rail.

Those who supported blockade or supported those behind blockade or agents of those behind blockade during post blockade are anti China Rail now.

India was talking about becoming hyper active (as if they were passively active before) and now too many are openly supporting India or supporting their agenda- looks like India has increased budget for dalal by many times now.

Let's talk about China Rail and why we need it.

- We need China Rail like the similar reason we need Police army. Does army, police produce rice, goods. No. Stop connecting China rail with direct economic prosperity.

Just like without army, police there wont be prosperity, there wont be development without China Rail. Just look at Indian attitude after China Rail?

India has been bulling Nepal since ever and all criminals in Nepal work for Indai and we cant fight them. After Train, we will be able to fight back.

- Economy- Unless China and Southasia is connected by this Chinese Train, the investment on Railway track will never recover. And China is building this railway to connect with southasia not Nepal. And Nepal needs this train to maintain existence of Nepal. But I think India will very soon join this railway. I will tell you below.

Economically- doing business with China, Europe, central asia, russia, japan, korea will be cheaper and less time consuming through this rail way not just for Nepal but for whole south asia.

Ownership- I am sensing, China's term- if China fully invests in this project, they want full control. Which Nepal does not want. So nepal is asking for soft loan to be co owner.

Idiot in the social media- One idiot been saying, within short distance (25-35km), the hill (railway track) has to descent a kilometer or two. So he is saying, it is not possible for a train to climb that hill.

I am not saying this, Chinese expert in an interview in TV said, he is senior engineer who has built train track in china, the biggest problem for this rail will be descending not climbing. It will need special breaking system and It can be done.


Conspiracy theory- China is planning to fight battle (also Russia) with US/NATO in 2025. I believe, unless US surrenders, there will be the battle. And if that battle escalates, there will be a world war III.

When there is world war, shipping lane will be closed or become nonoperational. That day, only Chinese trail way (belt and road) will connect asia, europe and africa which consists of more than 80% population.

If we dont connect with chinese belt and road and dont bring oil through China, Blockade like situtation will repeat.

If India has a little brain, this is why I think India will soon join Chinese project or India will be isolated and collapse without trade and oil.

India has two options, either bring Oil through China or through Pakistan. If i were India, I would bring from both country.

And we have 7 year left to complete this project.

Its been, what, a decade since China is hyper active in developing belt and road. I think, China is planning to fight a battle with US since similar time. That could be the real reason China is building this Belt and Road project so rapidly.

And remember, China is also planning to become high tech economy by similar date.

Please somebody shut the !@#$!$ up social media experts.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Mon Jun 25, 2018 6:17 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7562
aja ko wish pugne din raicha :mrgreen:

Wish from Next week NEPSE boom boom
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7562
Had not been Russia, English would have fully enslaved the world, partially now.

If Russia/USSR did not have Nuke, By now, US would already have used nukes more than 100 times.

Go Russia, thrash jew's B#%$! Saudi.

Draw more likely.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7562
Here is one conspiracy theory relevant to media gossip going on lately- which you could share with you In-laws :mrgreen:

British wedding.

Less than a decade ago, fake news been telling world how unpopular british royals had become.

Then all of a sudden, same fake news started to tell how popular british royals are.

Conspiracy theory- western master wanted to use british royal as fake ultimate face of western govt in the face of WWIII/Cold war II. Center of unity, to unite western sheep which they would turn into pig when WWIII starts.

Current media coverage has also exposed so called west backed agendas like feminism. The voice related feminism only gets louder when west wants and where west desires.

Those paid fake feminist and unpaid wanna be feminist and fan of slave's daughter 'markle' - were slapped hard by fake news and they did not even see it.

Fake news has been calling the so called prince- royal, poor orphan, popular prince, from perfect royal family (while we all know his real past), and While been calling 'Markle'- divorce, daughter of broken family, and what not and dont forget their attack on her family which could have lead her father to cancel participating in the wedding.

Feminist are not angry for presenting her has inferior. :'(
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Sat May 19, 2018 10:06 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2134
What's the new updates on C.T ??
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7562
Conspiracy Theory- rise in $.

Cause of sanction threat and Cold war- US companies must be selling their foreign assets and bringing back $ home. Which will result much bigger inflation in US and add to end of empire.

US been printing a lot of money as well as making sure there wont be hyper inflation by sending $ outside, now Trump wants to bring back $.

What could go wrong???? :roll:
Registered: Jun 2017
Posts: 844
Deepak ji wont say, cause our investor lost 15crore in gold smuggling so NEPSE should fall to 1000 :roll: :roll: ,would he???


You never know. Deepak ji can exactly decipher that.

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7562
साढे ३३ केजी सुन बेपत्ता प्रकरण:

डिएसपी केसीसँगै यो प्रकरणमा पक्राउ पर्नेको संख्या २८ पुगेको छ। यसअघि प्रहरीकै पूर्व डिआईजी गोविन्द निरौला, एसपी विकासराज खनाल, डिएसपी सञ्जय राउत र सई बालकृष्ण सञ्जेल पक्राउ परेका छन्।

Our birthday boy had been talking about gold, wonder he is involved too :mrgreen:

Gold economics:
Return: around 1%
Risk: 100% + expenses + jail term + probably fine too.

Conclusion: Gold smugglers are those who have money, power and dead brain like politicians, criminals, bureaucrats, goons, khandani gold smith, who became rich over nigh etc.

Deepak ji wont say, cause our investor lost 15crore in gold smuggling so NEPSE should fall to 1000 :roll: :roll: ,would he???

Major conspiracy theory: Gold smugglers are not using Gold to hide black money in India, are they?
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Sun Apr 29, 2018 9:15 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7562
Nepalese should learn from world.

Nepalese expect change coming from same person/leader/bureaucrat who been in power, which is never possible. People dont change so if things do not improve change leader/ceo/bureaucrat. We should not expect different result from same action.

In the history, even for little change, leader had/have to be changed-
1: China- deng
2: Putin
3: Cuba
4: north and south korea. Remember, CIA did their best to prevent current SK president from winning. (progress in Korean peace talk)
5: also US. They said Obama was different but he was blessed by puppet master while who low trump may be, CIA did their best to prevent trump.

Nepalese should not expect different result from same action/leader/ceo/bureaucrat.

NRB governor and directors needed to be changed. Finally, they let Banks to bring loan from international market, but since, they are same failure, their action is too little too late.

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