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almighty $

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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
What I said before Fri Nov 23, 2018 9:26 pm: After successful prediction of $ reaching 120, I now predict $ to fall below 110-106 by the end of 2018.

Today's rate is 111.61. And One day + one trading day in US left of the year. So close and still so far. :x
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
Deutsche bank predicts $ will strengthen in 2019 Vs I predicted $ will crash in 2019.

Sell $, buy yuan and euro.

Let's see what happens.

More info surfaced to support my prediction:
1: Emerging economy will do better then US.

2: during last 6 months US corporation brought in more than 600 billion dollar into US, as I was saying. That is why $ strengthen. It is said, US corporation had 2.5 trillion outside US, now they have less than 2 trillion. And China alone have more than 5 trillion and other countries may have more than 4 trillion.
I am sure, most of those $ is in US so due to economic problem, those dollar will be dumped and returned to push their economy.

Others have more dollar than US does.

3: Looks like Oil wont peak or wont increase much. Which means middle east has to sell their dollar to balance budget. They have more than a trillion in US too.

4: In 2018 $ attacked and other currency defended. 2019 others will fight back.

5: Many major economies have signed contract to do business in local currency, Even EU is about to start their own SWIFT.

6: US will print more money, so more $ inflation.

I Vs Deutsche bank

Who will be come out victorious???

Dollar fell to 112.15 and less than 10 days left. Will it fall below 110 by the end of the year and meet my prediction????
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
dollar falling again.

i was beginning to worry, my guess would get wrong. i cant accept I being wrong outside NEPSE. I dont mind wrong guess in NEPSE cause it is manupulated by big criminal gangs including bureaucracy. Who can fight against such a formidable gang? I cant but Oli can but he is 8 classe.

I was surprised, few days ago India signed local currency trading pack with uae, iran, russia and still IC weakened. I suspected CIA but CIA is no god.

12 days left.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
Canada PM says government played no role in Huawei executive's arrest

Both Trump and Trudo said, their govt are not involved in arrest of the chinese.

I told you, deeps state is behind the arrest to sabotage xi, trump meeting.

This is not the first time deep state got involved to destroy relation.

Few years back, there was sour relation between china and japan. Both head of state talked and agreed to cooperate. same day at night, japanese defense department released threat to china.

Educated fool in west as well as in Nepal think there is democracy in west and their vassal states but there is not. People there only have right to elect people among chosen by the deep state, if they elect outsider, deep state will take care of them.

one ex cia boss who has spat with trump, warned trump that cia knows 5 ways to screw trump.

Poor peasants.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
After Canada arrested Chinese CFO, $ has increase a lot.

Americans, NATO countries must be dumping local assets and taking home $.

But this may not last long. I am strongly with my previous prediction about $.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
US, China agreed to cease fire for 90 days.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
GODABA( GORKHA DAKSHIN BAHU), even rapist gets that.

Getting that title will destroy my image.

$ buying rate below 112.
Registered: Jun 2018
Posts: 91
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
(Bloomberg) -- A dollar slump is on the horizon in 2019, and it could last for years.

If comes true. .... remember, i predicted it first

I demand Nobel Universe prize. 🌟
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
After successful prediction of $ reaching 120, I now predict $ to fall below 110-106 by the end of 2018.

Real collapse will happen in 2019 if there is no tread deal with China. If there is deal then $ will fall significantly., but wont collapse.

Collapse means more than 50% from high.

Significantly fall means more than 30% from high.

BTY, this is no technical analysis. Just brilliant guessing based on fundamentals.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
#China dumped the biggest load of US Treasuries in 8 months

NC vs dollar below 115 now.

Its amazing, I prediction is suppose to be close not exact. I said, $ could cross 120, and It just crossed 120 and returned.

What does that mean, "power in me is back"???? :roll:

Remember, I said 2500 NEPES, just a few months left. Tic Toc.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
Trump wants to make a deal with China.

If it happens, US economy will be fire for 2/4 year and dollar will crash from 2019 25-35% only. Otherwise 40-60%.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
विश्व बैंकलाई अर्थमन्त्रीको प्रश्न: व्यापार युद्धबाट बच्ने उपाय के हो ?

are pappu beta, why dont you as your daddy.. I?

You cant protect your self from trade war. But you can minimize loss.

Sign liberal trade deal with trusted countries and you need to pump money, reduce tax to increase domestic market etc for a few years. Till then, you would create enough market to minimize damage.

Why dont you ask- if you should resign and help the economy of Nepal? Yes you should. You are the biggest tragedy happened to Nepal's economy. Before you, biddwan baburam had taken that place.

Investors in NEpal as well as foreign investors had been waiting for stable govt in Nepal to invest. Finally they got it. But stability came along with Biddwan yuraj K.

No body is investing cause of Biddwan yuraj k.

8 class Dr.Oli needs to fire biddwan yuraj k. Make mahesh basnet finance minister and both oli and mahesh basnet beg me to become their mentor.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
Weakening rupee pushes India to settle with China in yuan
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 821
Dollar rise is primarily due to crash of turkish, argentenian currency and loss of confidence in currency of other countries (India, Chile, South Africa, Etc)

This was due to many many billion dollar debts thats these countries have (Turkey alone have 900 billion $) and loss of confidence causes investors to sell local currency (Which causes crash) and collect the dollars (which increases dollar value in intl market)

All is scheme of america which is wolf

Also dollar is flowing back to America as nation is getting strong

As int rate is rising in USA, inflation will be under check

But dollar is just a piece of paper, quantitatively eased, and politically made strong

...Baki Ishwor Ko Leela....
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
Clear end of $ will begin from 2019.

Dump $, buy yuan and euro.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
US market down
$ down
Oil down
Gold Up

is this the sign??? We shall know next week if this is the beginning or not?

Central banks across the world increased their holdings of #renminbi by 32.6% in Q2, despite the currency's depreciation against the greenback, according to the latest IMF figures.

If $ starts to weaken significantly for a few week, without trade deal with China, its a sign to dump $.

Hyper inflation coming to US?????

Following the stock market rout in the US, China needs to take firmer and unconventional measures to stabilize the market and restore investor confidence.

- In Nepal, so called expert, including biddwan say- crash is normal. And in Nepal, it was criminals driven crash not fundamental. When then finance minister wanted to help NEPSE to stay above 600 after crash from 1100 to 300, biddwan yuraj k advised, do nothing.

Gobar sorne aukat get biddwan title in Nepal.

Depending on the economic situation, #China's central bank should prepare more powerful monetary and fiscal policy tools, possibly including a large-scale stimulus package.

- In Nepal, do nothing approach- expert advises and bureaucrats. Pashupatinath ko kripa.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
Almighty $ 120 .......... hope those who follow this forum are not surprised.

Huawei has unveiled their own chips.

Now US has edge over east only in Medicine and passenger jets and hollywood.

almighty $ .............. Tic Toc
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
#Switzerland would join alternative to #SWIFT payment system independent of US

Tic Toc

Russia and India be trading in their currency.

Russia building gas pipeline between Iran and India through Pakistan sea.

No wonder, Indian currency is crashing even bigger than before and indian stock market crashing too. today could be one of the biggest crash, if not the biggest or could be biggest. more than 800 pts. but its not big comparison to NEPSE crash.

(800 pts, close to the size of NEPSE)

In Nepse, crash of 1/2 even 5 percent is normal to biddwan, idiots in sebon, nepse, nrb, pm, etc. Retards!

In india or other civilized market, it such crash needs reason, in Nepal its normal crash and policy makers dont give a damn. khate ka santan, gobar sorna aukat ka haru des chalauna aucha.

« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Thu Oct 04, 2018 6:17 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
When $ is crushing all major currencies, Yuan is gaining strength after earlier crash.


China fighting back?

US devaluating against Yuan?

Or Some part of the world turning into Yuan?

Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
Dont be surprised if dollar against NC crosses 120.

Majority of world may soon realize, $ is their national security threat. And doing business using $ is a bad decision.

American companies too could be taking $ back to US. There will be huge inflation knocking on the door of US along with higher price due to Tariff.

Russia has been dumping US treasure for sometime now. China must have given the clue that trade negotiation is not going well and time to destroy $.

I always believed, Russia and China game was smooth transition of power, never collapse of US or $. Now it may change.

When $ gets stronger then people with $ is suppose to invest in Indian share market. But last couple of days, their market is going down too. Weak IC and market may mean, US is attacking India too. We have to remember, India and China have joined hands in developing software and operating systems.

It time to trade in local currency and yuan. In the right time- when $ start to decline, NRB should sell $ and buy indian currency. That day is, if there is successful trade negotiation between China and US. Or when 25%-30% of world economy starts to dump $ in their trade.

If dollar starts to decline cause of world dumping it, the beginning of the end has begun for $.

If dollar starts to decline cause of successful trade negotiation, $ dollar gets few more years.

Govt. NRB better watch, when to dump dollar.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
Why $ gaining strength?

- Cause of TRump and lower tax in US and Trade war and sanctions, US corporations must be selling local assets and currency to bring cash back to US.

Why Indian currency weakening more than others?
- Above and
- CIA could be punishing India for buying S-400 and getting closer to China.

How long before world dumps dollar?
- More and more country are experiencing first hand, if you use dollar, if you do not follow CIA order, they will punish you by destroying your currency and share market.
- Dont be surprised if half the world dumps $ very soon. Who ever holds it will suffer.

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