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What started chain reaction, Monitory policy-2078 did. Dipendra bahadur chettery is gonna die in a year or two.

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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
'अब बैंकहरुको काम नयाँ ऋण दिएर गतिविधि बढाउने होइन, डुबेको ऋण उठाउने हुन्छ'- सुनिल केसी NMB CEO

- This guy could be the main person from private sector who lead to collapse of Nepal's economy with his action and advice to government (NRB).

He was involved in increasing Bank's interest on loan to 18% and Bank's deposit rate to 14%- which destroyed economy, destroyed business, destroyed borrowers which ultimately collapsed Cooperative and micro finance and lead to high NPL of Banks.

Ever time, Banks increase interest on loan, NRB decrease Premium of Banks- Cause of this guy, Bank is attacked. It's amazing, NRB forced Banks to increase interest rate than by pointing out to high interest rate, NRB attacked Bank's premium.

Now he is floating another dangerous idea about- stopping loan and forcing liquidation of borrowers. - This will lead to further collapse of economy and increase NPL.

Only way to reduce NPL is by- Increasing economic activity by a lot and loan rescheduling and decreasing interest by a lot and increasing loan.

And still, he and failure like him never get fired just like failed Bureaucrats dont get fired---- I think, it's cause, he knows his boss' secrets, helps his boss loot bank's money.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
बैंकको कर्जा ४ प्रतिशत र मूल्यवृद्धि ६ प्रतिशतले बढेकाे छ, मूल्यवृद्धि जति पनि बैंकको कर्जा नबढ्नु भनेको आर्थिक संकुचन हुनु हो: पूर्वअर्थमन्त्री खतिवडा
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
China removes its securities regulator after slide in the stock market

Sati protects incompetents in Nepal.

Wonder of India is that sati???
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
Xi Set to Discuss China Stock Market With Financial Regulators

Nepal is ran by sarba gyani, every politician and bureaucrats are SECOND TO GOD.

There are very few sellers, BUT, where the buyers go. Looks like today's volume will be less than 2.5b.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Tue Feb 06, 2024 12:59 pm. »
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2309
Selling week for many big holders :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

We are planning to buy only after evaluating the situation.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
We shall find out why NEPSE crashing in 3:30.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
बिरामीको चाप घटेपछि स्वास्थ्य संस्था नोक्सानीमा, काठमाडौंका अधिकांश निजी अस्पताल 'बिक्री'मा

- Because of collapsed economy, people cant even afford regular checkup and health care.

And Government/finance minister is focused on TAX and say, economy has improved.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
Our destructive finance minister has started another nonsense talk about economy to blame his failure on others.

Now he says, only revenue collection is in problem, rest of the economy is fine.

Let me explain in a way, even fools would understand: (assumed figure)

Year- Economic size- Govt budget- Govt revenue

2077- 1000-100-100 (This is the year, maoist sharma FM began to destroy economy)

2078- 990-110-100

2079- 950-110-90 (year of biggest collapse) (year mahat become FM)

2080- 930-110-88 (year of small collapse) (As per govt, collapsed has stopped and economy improving)

NC incompetent Mahat FM thinks economic collapsed has stopped (reality is economy is still going down) ...

Since, he thinks, collapse of economy has stopped, so Govt revenue collection should be as much as during 2077.

What he does not know that, govt budget is same or similar as 2077, while economy has collapsed by around 10% since 2077. And since, Mahat thinks, economic collapse has stopped, so revenue collection in 2080 should be as much as during 2077.

Nepal needs 'economic kick start'. Mahat and prachanda (prachanda was active few month ago to revive economy, now he has gone silent) are just wasting time, even worse, they are destroying economy even more. They will waste and destroy economy if they remain in power for one more year.

We need election.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
आज धनगढीमा एकजना ब्यापारीले ५ तले घरबाट हाम फालेर आत्महत्या गरेको समाचार आएको छ,

पोहोर आजकै दिन झापाका जीवन आचार्यले संसद भवन अगाडी आफैमाथी पेट्रोल खन्याएर आगो लगाएका थिए र

भोलीपल्ट अस्पतालमा उनको मृत्यु भएको थियो l- nissan

Mahat lai ke matlab

Election should be held every year.

Economic collapse, share market collapse, tik tok will destroy Maoist and NC in next election.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
PBOC Governor Pan Gongsheng says China will cut the reserve requirement ratio for banks in early February.

PBOC Governor says RRR will be lowered by 0.5 ppts on Feb. 5
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
Hong Kong stocks climb on call for 'forceful' state support to curb market rout
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
As China Stocks Crash, Beijing Proposes Multi-Trillion Market Rescue Package


बैंकको खराब कर्जा बढ्यो भने अर्थतन्त्रमा समस्या भयो भनेर बुझ्दा हुन्छ: भुवन दाहालकाे विचार

- Always remember, One of the reasons Economy crashed is this scum and his advice.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Tue Jan 23, 2024 11:53 am. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
नेपाल लाइफ इन्सुरेन्सले आव २०७८-७९ को नाफाबाट लाभांश वितरण नगर्ने

What is this?

When other companies have announced dividend for 79/80, NLIC announce about 78/79.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
खराब कर्जा नियन्त्रण गर्न बैंकहरुलाई समस्या, नियन्त्रण गर्न नसके यी बैंकको लाभांश रोकिन सक्ने

Dont tell me I did not warn more than 2 year back.

Prachanda and Mahat will regret by their term end. They have already wasted more than a year. They will be too late.

Remember, I advised them to 'kick start the economy'.

Solve the NPL problem- Kick start the economy now, Base rate should should fall more than 2% in banks and 3.5% of d banks tomorrow, NEPSE should break record asap.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
प्रधानमन्त्री र अर्थमन्त्रीको दाबी झुठो सावित, अर्थतन्त्रमा छैन सुधार, राजस्वमा सरकार असफल

- This is the kind of media which have been destroying Nepal.

After reading this garbage- politicians/ministers will focus on tax rather than fixing economy which has crashed.

Tax collection suffered cause economy crashed, economic activities crashed.

Which I warned about more than 2 year ago.

This finance minister is too much focusing on Tax collection rather than reviving the economy. He will destroy everything and NC will collapse in next election.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
The US economy is set for an unexpected fiscal boost if lawmakers back a potential deal for $70 billion worth of tax breaks for businesses and families.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
Some patrakar wrote- even after interest rate decreased, NPL has not decreased.

You think, interest rate only would fix NPL? You think, it will happen over night??

To decrease NPL, following main three condition should be met:

1: Low interest rate: Interest rate is still very high. Base rate should fall to around 7.5%.

2: Rescheduling of loan: Loan should be rescheduled for 1/2 year.

3: Economy should be kick started: Which still have not started. Monetary policy should be further loosen, share market should break record, govt need to inject 100/200 billion into the market.

This govt still wasting time. Decisions which could be made in a day- this govt is taking a year. After a year, finally they have begun to loose the monetary policy- more should be loosen.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
China removed an official at a government body overseeing its press and publications regulator, five sources who were briefed on the matter said, days after Chinese gaming stocks were hit by proposed rules to curb spending on video games.

- In Nepal, those who destroyed economy (the worst collapse in the history of Nepal), share market are still there and still are very loud.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
China Injects $50 Billion Into Policy Banks in Stimulus Push
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
Prachanda talked about reviving Share market.

But how?

Market maker/new investors: Govt needs to source fresh cash equivalent to 25% of market capitalization. And during market crisis- govt should give market maker 'zero % interest loan which is 1 to 2 times their capital- as needed till market reach certain level, then stop new loan and pay back loan slowly'.

Where fresh money can be sourced from: Let bfis/insurance invest in share market freely with their capital and reserve including in their own sector/company (they should be able to invest freely but should be banned to sell for 2/3 year), let cooperative invest too, let pension fund invest, bring in market makers- 250 billion capital, nrn, foriegn investors- start with pension fund of foreign countries.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
शेयर बजारप्रति प्रधानमन्त्रीको बेकारको चिन्ता, साँच्चै चिन्ता नै भए सरकारकै योजना पुरा गर्ने कि ?

- Most people come to media, social media cause they dont have self respect/dignity/shyness (laj pacheko) rather than they have something intelligent to say.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
I have been telling- 'When share market collapses, rest of the economy follows'.

Looks like PM and FM have found out too.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
China's Mega Banks Cut Deposit Rates Further to Boost Growth
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
Economy might recover in 2024. But Cooperative is less likely to recover in 2024.

I think NEPSE should cross 2500 easily, cause, during crash NEPSE should not have fallen below 2500. So since 2500 is the fundamental bottom, NEPSE should easily cross 2500.

And I hope to see big transaction between 2700-3000 to make records.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
Looks like Monetary policy review will be empty.

Game over for investor. All I see is suicide.

Democracy without out recall is no democracy.

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