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Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2309
Failure is d/t capable I institution like DRM being sidelined by France's powerful foreign intelligence service.
To hide owns failure, news such as " Vladimir Putin feels his military leaders misled him about Ukraine, declassified intelligence shows (from CNBC)" is floating nowadays
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
Of course, the one been running the show.

In US, inflation is huge. More like hyper inflation- healthcare, college, military budget etc ...... cause of strong dollar, only import is cheap. After $ loose its rule, import will become expensive too and US may crash to Brazil level if there is no civil war, if there is civil war then ......

Hope Indian currency gets strong, hope it gets stronger, may be 25IC to 1 dollar. For the sake of Nepal.

They are building new financial system, parallel to western/us one. And west wont be able to blackmail the world easily.

Something you wont hear from fake news:

Further sources indicate the presence of two France intelligence DGSE operatives (both said to be dead) on board the crashed helicopter. This would explain Macron's desperate please to Putin as of late to organize a French-led evacuation from Mariupol

With respect to the 2nd chopper shot down, it fell several kilometres off the coast of Mariupol, in the Azov sea. The location is currently being investigated.

Sources indicate that, at Azovstal, a group totaling 20-of US (American) & UK (British) military advisors of Azov defenders, as well as several UK SBU (Ukraineian secrete police) advisors-is holed up, together with Azov fighters. They were too late to evacuate.

And today the resignation of the head of the General Directorate of Military Intelligence of France, General Eric Vido, was announced. What a strange coincidence.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2309
India-Russia explore a rupee-rouble payment scheme to bypass war.

Russian companies and banks are turning to China's currency as the doors to the U.S. dollar-based global financial system slam shut due to sanctions.

Who is going to suffer the most ?
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2309
US is already exporting every drop of its gas and almost none to spare for europe. US can supply maximum 10% of the russian export to europe.

China knows how to make profit in every circumstances. चोर पे चकारी :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
Trump: Trade war is easy to win.
China: YES

China buying double the volume of gas from Russia at heavily discounted rate and reselling gas to EU which China been buying from US, which China was forced to buy during trade deal with Trump.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
Putin criticises Japan as a "US pet" Putin criticised, stating that history textbooks do not say who dropped atomic bombs and ignore the truth. "You don't protest against the US when they massacred your civilians with an atomic bomb, is that okay?"

Japanese cannot live in shame, most wud commit harakiri rather than being scorned. The only way for it to live with the shame of being totally colonized since 1945 is by collectively pretending that they were saved by USA: if GOD did this to us, then its not shameful.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Sun Mar 27, 2022 1:22 pm. »
Registered: Mar 2018
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Registered: Oct 2013
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Looks like, if there is no peace deal, Russia as well as US going for breaking Ukraine into two.

Russia going for capturing all of costal area into their influence.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
I used to ask, how would US pay back all its debt.

My theory were- Using inflation (bring down the debt to GDP ratio) and loot $ & treasury of foreign govt kept in US.

Now I have beginning to get larger picture. After US, west seizing Russian govt and public's property.

In west/NATO, they try foreigners for war crime but same law can not be used to try war criminals of NATO.

Around 15 year back, some british PM was saying/suggesting, 'just like war crime tribunal, UK should try corrupt of other countries too'. Guess what? After 9/11, they passed international law against money laundering.

Since, British PM's suggestion, and international law against money laundering, most of the loot wealth only went to west. Even, the loot wealth Prachanda kept in former USSR country, through his land lord, had to be returned back to Nepal.

I believe, that anti money laundering law was to bring all black money into west so that they could seize it.

In Nepal, you have to try criminal in the court. Its a different story regarding corruption or criminals in the court. But in west, if they call you terrorist, you are the terrorist. If they call you corrupt, you are the corrupt.

I think, some day, in a decade or two, they will seize those wealth. They are so desperate, they could steal it sooner. Instead of returning that loot wealth back to Nepal, they will keep it.

All the corrupts criminals in Nepal, you are dead one way or another. TicToc promoters, owners of Banks, insurance, media. You all are dead.

Also, just like anti terror act, west, US passed against Muslim, which they are today using against Americans. The looting of wealth will be used against American dissidents too.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Tue Mar 22, 2022 9:37 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
For first 2 week of Ukraine war, hardly anyone in US went against US narrative, the were scared to speak.

Now, more and more are going against their won govt.

Things will go from bad to worse for the master of west.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
I only have seen two gangs in international politics, anglo lead and middle eastern.

Deleted Web Pages Show Obama Led an Effort To Build a Ukraine-Based BioLab Handling 'Especially Dangerous Pathogens'.

- In Nepal, especially younger who grew under CIA propaganda- who think they are smart cause they serf web- mostly female ........ who is your favorite person in the world ........... answer ...... Obama.

Control the media, control 99%.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2309
Where is BRICS ?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
I found this in comment section:

- This term "bio labs" seems intentionally vague. Are these actually "bio-weapons labs"? I mean they're staffed by THE PENTAGON so they must be "bio-weapons labs", right?

Ans- They are staffed by contractors, they've been given diplomatic immunity, they report to the Department of Defence, NOt the CDC.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
US Senate unanimously passes resolution declaring Putin a war criminal

What a circus????

It's like Nepali parliament passing 'definition' of contract, recently.

No wonder, Nepal is hopeless, while US crashing like no empire had in the history of mankind'.

Now, Duma should pass 'US Senators are GAY' on april 1st. It will teach them.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
Ukraine, Russian Negotiators Say "Significant Progress" Made In Ceasefire Talks, Expect Signed Deal In "Next Few Days"

Let's hope so.

Ukrainian should listen and analyze what anglo sh!t been saying:

"We'll make, Ukraine Russia's Afghanistan"

"Even if Russia wins, we will make sure, the cost be high"

"We have to prepare for a long war"

"Guerilla warfare"

"They may take Ukraine, but they wont be able to control it"

"Ukrainian will make it hard for Russia"

Everything say, Ukraine will be ruined. They have no plan to save Ukraine, their only plan is to give Russia suffering. Its them Vs Russia- Ukraine no exist.

And clown president only following their play book, not Ukraine's play book. There is no Ukraine's play book.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
As per pakistani radar, that missile turned 90^.

Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2309
India says it accidentally fired missile into Pakistan
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
Covid 19 also found in waste water in Spain from march.

Before they attacked Iraq, CIA attacked US with anthrax and blamed on Iraq.

Now anthrax is found in Ukraine bio lab ran by CIA. May be if Russia had not attacked Ukraine now, CIA would have attacked Russia with anthrax from Ukraine bio lab which would have forced Russia to attack Ukraine.

One bio lab would been enough for CIA in Ukraine, but they were running 30, why? they wanted to show Russia that the anthrax came from Ukraine so that Russia would attack Ukraine.

And anthrax came from ford district bio lab of US army, they were saying after they already attacked Iraq. Today, some, even China is asking UN to investigate ford district bio lab for Covid 19, and that lab is closed at this time for being unsafe.

(I want to wright about how Russia been preparing for the war. Anglo been preparing to start Cold war, Which I been saying, and pushing for hillary was part of it and later biden, who is brain dead, made a president for the same reason. Anglo wanted cold war 2, and Russia, China had their won plan too, even bigger).
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2309
A cancer research center in Italy, researchers analyzed blood samples taken from 959 healthy volunteers during a lung cancer screening trial in October 2019. They found that more than 100 people had developed coronavirus-linked immunoglobulin M antibodies, immunoglobulin G antibodies, or both. This led the scientists to believe that the volunteers had recently contracted SARS-CoV-2.

So when was the DAY ZERO & GROUND ZERO ?

One can go through these documents if time avails to know more in details about the P COVID vaccine research
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2309
UN Security Council to hold a meeting at the request of Russia about an allegation the United States is using chemical weapons in Ukraine.

"exactly the kind of false flag effort we have warned Russia might initiate to justify a biological or chemical weapons attack" :mrgreen:
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2309
Pak military reported a high altitude object entered Pakistan at supersonic speed and crashed into pakistan territory .
Is it a ब्रह्मास्त्र ?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
During corona related 'wuhan lab' senate hearing in US, they called Dr.Fuchi.

(Its amazing, wanna be redneck conspiracy theorist, said, covid came from wuhan lab just cause that lab was in wuhan)

Now, when there is hearing for 'Ukraine bio lab' in their senate, they are asking question to cookie zoo.

Look, wanna be conspiracy theorist, this is how elite conspiracy theorist think- "they asked dr.fuchi about wuhan lab cause it was a scientific research bio lab, and they are asking question about 'Ukraine bio lab' to cookie zoo, cause its military/cia bio lab". Truth always leaks, just a matter of time, all you have to do is look carefully.

Russian- "US, Ukrainian and Georgian laboratories near Russian borders are implementing a project where bats are considered as carriers of bioweapons - Russian Defense Ministry."
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Thu Mar 10, 2022 8:14 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
Some are saying its fake news.

"There are biological research facilities in Ukraine, and we fear that Russia will take control over them." - U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland at a congressional hearing

There are many bio labs US control all over the world. Most are encircling Russia, China and Iran.

One of the basic rules of conspiracy theory- Is something bad happens and there is concrete proof who is behind it, first finger should be pointed at CIA.

Timing of covid-19 says, if it is man made, it is CIA.

Saudis, UAE Refuse To Take Biden's Calls To Discuss Ukraine Situation, Talk To Putin Instead

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Only idiots in Nepal dont see it.

Refusing US' president's call .......... O boy

Week back, when foreign ministers of most of the Gulf counties visited China together, I said "them visiting together to China means something big is happening, change is coming. It means they will deal with future even together". (this is how you do conspiracy theory.... kids) :D

(I would like to float a conspiracy theory about when Russia decided to go for their plan, why did they choose this time- soon)
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2309
Maj-Gen Vitaly Gerasimov, 41st Army chief of staff, died along with other Russian officers -BBC
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
How did I find out CIA, anglo zoo created ISIS?

- After Syria protest, war broke out. CIA was able to cure generals of Syria to fight Syrian dictator. CIA was loosing the war.

Then CIA, anglo zoo started to bring in foreigner mercenary.

Those early days, fake news like CNN, BBC was motivating Muslims to join the war against the dictator. CNN, BBC and other fake news were like recruiting Muslims to fight.

They were saying how muslims all around the were going to syria to fight the dictator. How those mercenaries are trained by CIA, MI6, Turkey and funded by saudi, Qatari, UAE and provided weapons.

Then few years later, those fake news started to call those foreign fighters ISIS.

Then CIA kept on rebranding ISIS. They were dividend in many groups, Some went with US, some with turkey .....

CIA, MI6 trying to do the same in Ukraine. They have even made a video of one Nepali joining the mercenary (hope putin kills the mercenary), another promotional video was of a mercenary from Thailand.

For the first time, NATO mercenary, other mercenaries, NAZI and ISIS are openly fighting together against Russia. Anglo Zoo must be really deperate.

There is peace talk tomorrow, if it fails, Russia may flatten Kiev tomorrow night.

Then there will be another peace talk.

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