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Registered: Dec 2016
Posts: 173
I don't mind if little froth is taken away from NEPSE in this correction phase. We need price reset in some of the sectors and some individual scripts. A few hundred points correction and the market will find a good base onwards to 4000.
I guess market maker don't want a bad first fiscal year.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 1301
नाम मात्रको market maker,

यो Mutual Fund कै Relatives मात्र हो,

खाली यसको value बढाउन अनेक विशेषण थपिएको मात्र हो,

जसरी निजि अस्पताल(सकेको लुटेर पनि)ले स्वास्थ्य सेवा उपलब्ध गराएको भन्छन नि त्यस्तै हो l

:) :)
Registered: Jun 2017
Posts: 844
Maket Maker doesnot have any courage to enter in this market..

Yesterday and today, it bought only 1 crore and sold almost same amount..

Looks like it is interested in peanuts only..

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2309
Allotment of generation licence of Lower Indrawati is fixed for Jestha 3. What could be the overall impact in financial health of NHPC if they get the licence of Lower Indrawati ?
Lets hope, NHPC will get back there partially completed project and attain position to distribute dividend for the first time in its history.
Registered: Jun 2018
Posts: 91
Mero ta chitta dukheko chhaina, last week nai 70% + portfolio bechera baseko chhu. So, waiting for NEPSE 2300 to 2100 to re-enter the market. I too guess selling pressure will continue for at least a week or two.

Meanwhile, Q3 reports are just normal, nothing like the way it was hyped.

The utmost importance at present should be directed to controlling the spread of virus as we all are aware of the situation of our neighbour INDIA. What a neighbour to have :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: .

Stay safe forum members. The panic red in the market screen will act as RED BULL to our BULL as soon as normality is restored.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2309
As I said earlier, we saw panic sell yesterday which can continue for sometime. But after falling to certain level, it is possible for market to take upside rally.
We are still selling short term trading script which has generated some amount of profit.
Thenafter we will take decision according to market sentiment.

चुतियाजी को चित्त दुखिरहेको छ कि निको भयो ?

Probably from tomorrow onward KATHMANDU valley will see severe form of restriction.
Dont hesitate to take vaccine whoever are eligible, stay safe, take healty nutritious diet and lets beat corona within short time span.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2309
मुख्य प्रमुख कार्यकारी अधिकृतका रूपमा अशोक राणालाई के-कति अधिकार दिने भन्ने विषय आज-भोलि टुंग्याएर मंगलबारसम्म हिमालयन र इन्भेष्टमेन्ट बैंक मर्ज गर्न औपचारिक सहमति गर्ने तयारी
दुवै संस्थाबीच बराबरी अर्थात एक बराबर एककै अनुपातमा मर्जरमा जाने सहमति भइसकेको छ।

So they are near to conclusion. NIB holder benefit slightly better than HBL.
After merger, MERGED entity will be the largest FINANCIAL INSTITUTION in Nepal.
ITTY BITTY NICA . :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2309
HBL and NIB merger highly possible by the end of this month.

HYDROPOWER will remain BULLISH in SHORT,MID & LONG TERM depending upone the particular script.
FINANCE is showing SHORT TERM bullish signal.

Possibility of LOCAL & REGIONAL lockdown/restriction in many places of Nepal by this weekend.
Probably it wont negatively IMPACT our CAPITAL MARKET.
Past experience of LOCKDOWN : Ultrashort term panic sell followed by BIG BULL.
We are expecting similar trend this time also.
"मे समय हुँ " So,Let समय tell the whole story.
Registered: Jun 2017
Posts: 844
NIB & HBL will happen soon and it will have a positive impact on the market

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2309
Planning to exit MNBBL this week becoz despite good balance sheet, we can't see strength in its trend. Being a PULL BACK category of TRADER, finance sector is now at our RADAR. Looking for some ideal scripts in this sector to park amount booked last week and expecting at least 30% margin in a week period.
Registered: Dec 2020
Posts: 22
BNo. 35 starting to accumulate Nagarik Lagani Kosh. Auction ma 3,600 ko cutoff chha. Aba dherai ghatdaina. Hold is gold.
Registered: Nov 2020
Posts: 90
From today market may go up ...Those who are panic off possible lock down already sold their stocks, ab tauko samaune palo tiniharuko... ho....?????
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2309
In the SECOND WAVE of COVID, HYDRO is going to be the LEADER through out the difficult period and considered to be the SAFEST SECTOR if one choose the good and growing HYDROs in early phase of SECTORAL BIG BULL.
Already some of the GALs/GUYs made significant profit in few HYDROs. But dont buy artificially inflated scripts and RIGHT SHARE TRAP.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 1301
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2309
Citi Bank To Exit Consumer Banking In India
Also pulling out of Australia, Bahrain, China, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Poland, Russia, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.

How to interpret this move ? Retail banking in emerging nations are not beneficial to BIG banks from developed world or power politics ?

Future of Standard Chartered in Nepal ?
Registered: Mar 2014
Posts: 320
ILFCO micro CLBSL bhayeko barsau pachhi. ILFCO micro ko promoter share trading ma aayo. Congrats NEPSE.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2309
@ rising sun
Because of some nuisance created by SASURA company, progress of BIG MERGER is halted for the time being.
thats why we are unable to reap significant profit in ultrashort period. Possibility of this merger is still there. We just have to wait some more time.

For the time being use your surplus capital to make some QUICKIE in selected HYDROs :mrgreen:
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2309
Rising sun ji, I can get fresh MNBBL anytime ;coz its price is not flying. But reluctant to add more in short term (I do have significant left over chunk for zero investment & aint going to sell it). Regarding fresh buy, if you are getting Deb for the same price why do you wanna ve Biddy.
Better will be to GO with the FLO :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
Great news to all, including BFIs. This helps a lot in liquidity area by helping in balance of payment.

Congratulations to hydro investor, after this, they will make good money in 10 year. Till then join MNBBL. :mrgreen:

Tic Toc Dubosi ji. Why dont you just buy few thousand, if not more, of MNBBL. I bought your NIB, now you buy MNBBL. If sharesansar members dont have mnbbl and mnbbl go boom, there wont be too much fun.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2309

Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2309
Banks whose exposure to risky sector is less definitely perform well this year. But those with high exposure in Hotel, Tourism, Aviation, Public Transport will suffer if LOCK-DOWN is imposed again.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2309
Chutiya Ji,

My intention is not to HURT you. Its my GUT feeling which may not be correct. No one is RIGHT 100% of the timein stock market. You are the winner even if are 50% of the time correct.
You will realize the relevence of this particular post after 5 or 6 months. In the precent scenario, it may sound ODD to you. Look how the COVID is spreading in our community ? Reckless behaviour of general public is pushing the graph UP day by day. Schools have started reporting cases of COVID, hospital beds are gradually filled with COVID cases including ICU. After a month or more, we may see significant rise in number of TEST POSITIVE cases and proportionate increase in MORTALITY. Now tell me, in such scenario who has courage to run their business in FULL CAPACITY? Within few days of case/mortality overshoot, BRAVERY which people are showing now will vanish. Now tell me, which sector can BREATH easily in such circumstances and which other sectors have hard time? In share market prudent investors invest there HARD EARNED money looking at the future prospect. You are most well-come to share your alternative thought if you disagree with this post. Which sector do you think is best to invest now for mid to long term? Asking you because you are one of the SENIOR forum member with lot of experience which may be helpful for me and other naive investors.

Jay Hos
Registered: Jun 2018
Posts: 91
Dubosi jee logical lagthyo, yo hajur ko post dekhda dherai chitta dukhyo.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2309
फेरी पनि LOCK-DOWN 2 दोहोरिएमा (जसको सम्भावना अहिलेको स्थिति हेर्दा देखिन्छ, number of daily cases in india is above 1.6 lakh and nepal above 500 with 13 death yeasterday ) सबैभन्दा सुरक्षित क्षेत्र HYDROPOWER नै हुनेछ किन भने HYDROPOWER को ब्यबसाय र आम्दानी LOCK-DOWN मा पनि रोकिदैन , अझ LOCK-DOWN को समयमा घट्ने ब्याजको कारण नाफामा उल्लेख्य सुधार हुने देखिन्छ / त्येसैले अहिलेको अबस्थामा UNDERVALUED HYDROPOWER र भबिस्यमा राम्रो प्रतिफल दिन सक्ने HYDROPOWER COMPANY हरु छानी छानी उठायमा छिटैनै राम्रो नाफा हुनसक्छ / LOCK-DOWN 2 येदि भयो भने 3rd Quarter रिपोर्ट बैंकले जस्तो निकाले पनि FINAL 4th Quarter रिपोर्ट खल्बलिने अवस्था बन्न सक्छ , किनभने ऋण तिर्न ग्राहकलाई LOCK-DOWNको अबस्था पक्कै पनि सहज हुनेछैन , त्येस्माथी पनि पोहोर साल को LOCK-DOWNको मार खेपेका ऋणीको अबस्था झनै नाजुक हुने हुनाले र राष्ट्र बैंकले दिएको छुट समय पनि चैत्र मसान्तमा धेरै को, केहि अति प्रभावितको असार मसान्तमा सकिने भएकोले ठुलो मात्रमा PROVISIONING गर्नपर्ने अवस्था आउन सक्छ / त्येसैले अबको दिनमा लगानी गर्दा यो कुराको ख्याल गर्न एकदमै जरुरि देखिन्छ / LOCK-DOWN 1 पछि खुलेको बजारमा तुरुन्तै कुन SECTOR ह्वात्तै बढेको थियो, लगानी गर्नु भन्दा अगाडी त्यो पनि याद गर्नुहोला /
Players are accumulating hydropower scripts by reducing price.

जय होस्
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 1301
१० कित्ते नीति हटाउनु ठीक हो त ?

मेरो र म जस्ता धेरैको कुरा गर्ने हो भने,

१० कित्ते नीति नभा भए,

धेरै राम्रा कम्पनीको share(थोरै भए पनि) हाम्रा हातमा हुँदैन थियो,

त्यसैले १० कित्ते नियम हटाउनु हुन्न l

:) :)

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