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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
Good news, Today, single day recovery will pass 10000 and in 2/3 day, it may pass 15000.

I was hoping, outside US, recovery pass new cases from today, but, looks like, we may have to wait few more days.

I was hoping, yuraj k would announce his full package recovery plan for corona impact and after that I would present my own plan to tell in future, """I told you so""". He is still sleeping. Tapare bahun.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Fri Mar 27, 2020 1:12 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
There is one of the quickest testing kit in UK, which cost- 150 for mother kit and 5$ for individual testing kit.

Govt needs to buy 5000 mother kit and 2lakh individual testing kit immediately.

First priority for testing (every one should be tested).

- All those foreign arrival should be tested twice- immediately and after 21 days.

- Workers at hospital, airport, border, pharma shop, those handling them like police.

- And every one those who are inflected.

Second priority,
- restaurant workers, retail shop, bankers, public vehicle staff, all those who have to deal with crowd.

One good news,

One research institution saying, they may be able to start producing anti body injection within a month. If they are successful, they may be produce enough antibody for a million if many pharma join hands.

20% of those inflected need treatment. If 5 million are inflected, 1 million needs treatment. more than 100thousands are already cured. So there are more than 100k plasma donors. In a week, there will be 200k doners.

Jail those who violate self quarantining should be jailed. colombai just jailed one female 7 year jail.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
There is definitely going to be inflation. Price of assets will rise. And value of currency will decrease. Since, all major countries will be pumping money, so swap value may not effect much except for few currencies.

(I support those measures. US pumping will help world economy too, but since US already printed a lot to support war, wont be a good for them, but they have no other option, If they dont, depression).

But for Nepal, since, we always had difficult in doing business and yuraj k made it worse, Nepal, I think will get less benefit.

We may benefit in remittance and tourism (sounds like a joke now, but when things get normal..... )

In Nepal, govt is suppose to help all those who been making less than 15k per month with one month salary. And refinance loan for those directly hit and indirectly hit business.

One year, zero percent loan to those directly hit industry (refinancing). And to other borrowers (all borrowers) extend repayment of loan and interest for one month (if things improve with in chaitra, extend if things dont improve). (same with tax)

Govt should pump 500 billion into banking system at 2% interest to bring down base rate.

But, just read news earlier, biddwan yuraj k said, business directly hit with corona dont have to pay interest and loan in chairtra. What about others?????? haram does not know the ground reality of business and have wrong knowledge about economics.

To me, yuraj virus is looking like to be bigger threat than corona virus.

sati ko sarap.

las is pm and yuraj k is virus and communist party is linga na vayako and so called expert are roaches.

One good news, 4000 recovered today, till now.
Registered: Jun 2018
Posts: 91
Too much money is being pumped into US, European Countries, China or lets say throughout the world. So how is it going to affect the price of assets and stocks in developing countries like ours.

Will our cash lose more value or get strengthened by this ridiculously pumped cash in major economies.

Any insights from THE RISING SUN JEE and other members of this forum.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
BREAKING : Prince Charles test positive for COVID-19
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 821


Sounds RUDE, but we humans always broke barriers and created troubles for all NON HUMANS

May love in hearts of humans for nature and animals flourish by lessons from this pandemic and may compassionate co-existence perpetuate

Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
Eradicating VIRAL disease is almost next to impossible.
Look at POLIO eradication programme. WHO initial target to eradicate POLIO was 2000. Still the programme is ongoing and there are small outbreaks in different parts of the world. There is not much mutation in polio virus.
Our current medical science knows little about the behaviour of CORONA virus and spectrum of disease it can cause.
So its too early to predict the possibilty of successful treatment and vaccination for the disease.
This is for sure, YOUR body is best hospital to treat most of the disease that exist in the world. If you ve strong immune system, MICROBES can do minimal harm. But if you are weak, even best medicine cant treat your diease.

PASHUPATINATH le hami sabaiko kalyan garun
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
As the First Coronavirus Vaccine Human Trials Begin, Manufacturer is Already Preparing To Scale Production to Millions

Just yesterday I watched a youtube video about Vaccine: there are few types (principle), Vaccine is fake disease which has real disease like character, when injected into an animal, immunity starts working on that fake disease and when/if that animal gets the real disease, immunity recognize early and start attacking and cures the disease.

Looks like, if the vaccine is successful, the blood/plasma/WBC is injected into the person carrying the disease from the one who received the vaccine, could cure the disease.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Mon Mar 23, 2020 8:58 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
हामी क्लिनिकल्ली प्यारामिटर हेर्दै गर्छौँ| उहाँमा अहिले थप लक्षण देखिएको छैन| अवस्था सामान्य छ| पछि लक्षण बढ्दै गयो भने थप परीक्षण गर्नु पर्ने हुन सक्छ', उनले भने',अहिले थप लक्षण नदेखिएको हुँदा नमुना परीक्षण नेगेटिभ आए ७ दिनमा डिस्चार्ज गर्छौँ र फेरि पनि पोजेटिभ आए १४ दिन राख्छौँ|

In China, before releasing, they also test stool for virus.

Common cold is very severe and regular in me. When I get cold, my body becomes weak, fragile ....

Used to think, during cold, my body gets less oxygen that is why body becomes weak and fragile.

After knowing about corona, I have began to ask, does cold destroy our immunity system????

When I get cold, I need to eat good and exercise little (not too much, not too less).
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 821
We Human Being Must Understand That OTHER CREATURES HAVE EQUAL RIGHT TO EXISTENCE AS MUCH AS WE DO........... Their PAIN and their DEATH is similar to that to HUMAN PAIN & TEARS........Humans kill their mothers in front of their childs, skins off them alive, eat them alive.....

...3 BILLION animals are harshly slaughtered EACH DAY for FLESH AND FUR.....The cruelty of humans has no limits.......

....Humans which should have been the loving parents of all creatures devours on them......How Sadistic.....

...Epidemics avian flu, Ebola, HIV, swine flu, SARS and vCJD, Covid etc all emerge because of DARK SIDE OF HUMANS THEMSELVES....

.....These EPIDEMICS and PANDEMICS will continue.....

....BE HUMAN.... BE SAFE....

Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
Even young people can have serious illness, so strictly follow the WHO guidlines by everyone, otherwise CORONA will not show mercy.

12-year-old girl with coronavirus is on a ventilator and fighting for her life in an Atlanta hospital after testing positive for the coronavirus
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
How to track self quarantined person?

Through mobile and phone.

Track mobile, no mobile then call the phone number regularly.

If some one has the virus, test every person who was in contact with including people from public place like club, restaurant, transportation, shop etc.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
Some question, those who have taken flue vaccine, corona type anti viral vaccine...... have any of then contracted the corona virus?????????????

I saw in social media, dear leader in n korea has not put on mast while everyone around him have mask. Just like in Nepal, all have mask but KP Oli. Wonder, if the korean leader is coping KP Oli's authoritarian-ship.

Hoping, to get improved data from Italy. Iranian data has been improving for some day now. Humanity needs hope, they been getting hope from China, Japan, Korea.. now we need from Italy and Iran.... And soon from EU. ... Hope India doesnt surprise us any more.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
China injected its first coronavirus vaccine to volunteers on Saturday. The first group of volunteers for the experiment is limited to permanent residents in Wuhan, aged between 18 and 60 years old.

- If Vaccine and medicine work, they are testing about 20 Vaccine, Tourism and Travel business could recover in 3-6 month after good result.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
Number of critically ill patient exceeding the HEALTH CARE FACILITY (of country or region) have little chance of survival. So we must take each and every steps (from both governement and public side) to flatten the epidemic curve so that our health care facility can deliver adequate service to the needy.
Eg: If any country/region have total 500 units of ICU with ventillators and if that region get 1000 critically ill patient, 1st 500 cases may survive but later 500 are unlucky one. We have to make effort to reduce the number of infected cases so that hospital will get less than 500 critically ill patient. This is very important lesson we have to learn from CHINA,KOREA Vs ITALY,SPAIN.
« Last edit by Dubosi7 on Fri Mar 20, 2020 8:25 am. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
Serious cases as of today remains: around 10000.

There may be a little coming from surprise from US, UK and new places.

Hope all or at least most of those serious cases would get better.

By next friday, I believe recovery rate will be higher than new cases outside US, UK and new places. Since, world is in lock down.

Since, most of the factories in China has begun operating, as soon as, lock down is over, economic activity will slowly start to recover.

But, worlds need to strictly implement self quarantine and forced mast to every body. Till medicine and vaccine are available.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
होल्यान्डका वैज्ञानिककाे दाबी- काेराेनाकाे औषधि हामीले फेला पार्‍याैँ

Asian cases are in decline, there could appear new hit area in Asia, since all countries been working over time in all over asia. Even Iranian case is in decline.

In Europe, outside UK, cases may start to decline from 1-3 week.

US, being arrogant, dont know when their cases will start decline.

But, good news, summer is coming.

New study says 'high temperature and high relative humidity significantly reduce' spread of COVID-19

Great news, China offered to help Nepal.

(CNN)Nearly two months since the first US coronavirus case, the federal government is now preparing for a pandemic that could last up to 18 months or longer and "include multiple waves of illness," a report obtained by CNN shows.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Thu Mar 19, 2020 7:30 pm. »
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
US government is preparing for coronavirus pandemic that could last up to 18 months

Do you still think we can limit this disease in short time span ?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
Chinese official says drug produced by Japanese company Fujifilm showed good clinical results against coronavirus.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
Pakhe mantri ho,

when are you going to make mask compulsory????

Mast- to protect others,

Gloves- to protect self.

No touching face- especially mouth, nose, eyes.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
We ve to arrange necessary commodities and cash require if india takes serious steps to curtail CORONA CRISIS.
New Delhi: A group of venture capitalists and start-ups have appealed to Prime Minister Narendra Modi to take decisive action and "impose strict lock-downs
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
Stocks plunged around the world Monday as data showed the outbreak has caused an unprecedented economic collapse in China.
The market remained in the red all day and sold off further in the last hour of trading, as President Donald Trump said the coronavirus outbreak could last until July or August
US stocks ended sharply lower on Monday, with the Dow posting its worst point drop in history
S&P 500 closed down nearly 12%, while the Dow (INDU) fell 12.9%, or 2,997 points,

FED interest cut to ZERO is not working to uplift the market sentiment.
If the PANDEMIC continues for few more months, it will have devastating effect in the world economy.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
The huge amount of money offered to have the rights transferred to US alone has the German government ministers crying foul.
The German government has reiterated that the vaccine belongs to the world and humanity.

--- So, Hitler did was able to create the superior race. ;)

- US has begun clinical trial of corona vaccine.

- China has already started trial on mice. And result has been successful. Which has able to create antibody. And there will start clinical trial in a month.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
And finally WHO declares PANDEMIC to global outbreak of CORONA VIRUS infection
Death TOLL in ITALY 196 and new cases more than 2300 in a single day , largest since start of this outbreak in any country.

STAY SAFE, ARRANGE ALL THE COMMODITIES INCLUDING DRUGS and most important is have adequate amount of CASH in hand so that u can get important things when in dire need.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
Why Nepal would be far less affected than Germany?

- We dont have public toilet
- We dont go to restaurant, cinema,
- We are poor so we travel less
- we have lesser human to human contact

- We are shit hole so, our immune has got to be superior.

Our dirty cities have a lot of bacteria which would eat tine tiny virus for a breakfast 8)

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