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Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
प्राइम बैंकले कैलाशलाई प्राप्ति गर्ने, प्रति शेयर ९४ रुपैयाँ दिने, उच्च ब्यवस्थापनमा प्राइमकै
Registered: Aug 2018
Posts: 16
Global IME bank and Janata bank to undergo merger; Preliminary swap ratio stands at 1:0.85
Registered: Jul 2014
Posts: 110
Tow different opinions


Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
मौद्रिक नीति अघि नै आधा दर्जन वाणिज्य बैंकले मर्जरको सम्झौता गरुन् भन्ने राष्ट्र बैंकको चाहना- Is it possible ?
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
Yeah, we all are student in every aspect of life till we take our last breath. But this is true only for those who have learning appetite.
Registered: May 2018
Posts: 18
"A rising tide lifts all boats" - It's right for nepalese market. When a first deal of merger will be signed between couple of commercial banks then all other remaining banks will also rise in anticipation of chain of mergers. It's not that some will rise and others will not. We can verify it from history of this market.

EVERY BAD NEWS IS GOOD FOR MARKET - Currently, it is being said in U.S. market because bad news brings stimulus (Federal reserve cutting interest rate) which will make equity price rise. In Nepalese market, EVERY BAD COMPANY IS CANDIDATE FOR MERGER. It means we need to dissolve concentrated portfolios of good companies (NABIL, SCB, EBL, SBI etc) and create a diversified portfolio of bad companies (candidate for acquisition like CBL, CCBL, KBL, JBNL MEGA etc). I think it's time to play merger theme than to build portfolio for long run.

GURU, it's quite a weird word. It depends on how much we know but we all are students of the market and it will continue till then end of life.
Registered: Jun 2013
Posts: 67
Me too adding MNBBL and SHINE from development bank. I think MNBBL will not go on merger due to recent application for 20% rights at SEBON and aggressive move on every indicator. If concern authority want to erase the development banks then also it could stay under the leading Micro finance sector. Any way i am confident for the existence and very good return with value in future for MNBBL.
Registered: Jan 2017
Posts: 51
I am adding only MNBBL from development bank. I am really wondering, they will stay as development or go merge with commercial.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
Since development banks are still maintaining there bullish momentum, you can choose your favourite one on the basis of this review analysis published in SHARESANSAR
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
This thread started last year is getting materialized now.
Possibilities indicated in the subsequent response may give you direction.

Seems NRB Gov (with green signal from FM) will show his GUTs to implement forceful merger (indicated by importance given in major online business media)

Reduction in number of weak financial institution will benefit money market as well as capital market. Reduction in number of institution (considering certain swap ratio)will reduce number of share in capital market along with formation of big healthy BFI which can easily absorb major stress.

For trading purpose betting on relatively small & weak institution may yield better result in current scenario.

Todays market closed @1260. This could be the bottom of correction (This is just my opinion and your investment must be based on your own analysis) If merger process is considered seriously, SUPPLY side can be taken care easily. So its right time to invest in BFI. Insurance and Hydro performance in short/medium period seems doubtful b'coz lots of IPO from both these sectors are on the way which will prevent positive momentum.
Good luk !!!
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
If you disperse your capital in many companies, few will give handsome profit and most of them nullify your gain. So better strategy is DO YOUR HOMEWORK THOROUGHLY & concentrate your investment only is few scripts - THIS IS GURU MANTRA which no one like to reveal.
Registered: May 2018
Posts: 18

ओम अर्कैसँग गएपछि जोडी खोज्न तात्यो प्राइम बैंक, डेढ दर्जन संस्थासँग मर्जरको छलफलमा

It needs 18 analysis for 18 companies that PCBL is considering for merger. What is the use?

I think it will be better strategy to buy lots of companies in Portfolio than concentrating in few because who knows what's cooking in Bank's director mind.

After budget the matter will be clear that coming year will be merger season of Commercial Banks + Development banks or commercial Banks + commercial Banks.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
What is the possibility of PCBL and LBBL merger/acqusition?
LBBL wish to get upgraded in commercial bank is not possible with the existing NRB rule, PCBL desperately want merger partner esp medium class BFI bcoz they dont want to lose there identity.
Circumstantial evidence indicates possibility of merger. Delay in announcement of LBBL AGM date may be due to internal discussion. If so, what will be the SWAP RATIO ?

Opinion from experts awaited.
Registered: Jan 2017
Posts: 51ओमसँग-सम्बन्ध-विच्छेद-गर/

अर्को कुनै बाणिज्य बैंकसँग मर्जरको कुरा चलाउँदै गरेको प्राईमलाई आफ्नो अबस्था नसुधारी भएको छैन । यद्यपी उसको खुद नाफामा भने ३१ प्रतिशतको बढोत्तरी भएको छ, यसमा ब्याज आम्दानी बृद्धिको मुख्य आधार रहेको देखिन्छ - with Century?
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 821

...Another series of hoax or reality......

Another Possible Big Merger in Microfinance Industry... GBLBS +Sana Kisan ...Market Price.....Rs 360 (GBLBS) & 1050 (SANA KISHAN)....GBLBS has lots of fixed assets and intensive network of branches and is excellent MFI while Sana kishan have loads of reserves and excellent wholesaler...If this happens swap ratio must be very competative........Both are Govt Owned.....

...Time will tell the reality.... Baki Ishwor Ko Leelaa....
« Last edit by पूजीभैरव on Wed May 08, 2019 8:26 am. »
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
Whats there in KHATIWODA -NEPAL pandora's box which we r expecting on 15th Jestha and then after ?
Any incentive to BFIs which are losing there existence ?
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
Its not like that.
Previously it was difficult to get information and knowledge of investment. Thats why we used to share what we have in this forum. Now there are lot of online media, market pundit and internet access to wide range of investment strategies, knowledge and information.hence many oldies are not active nowadays.
However we can always share possibilities (dont want to call inside info) and market gossips in this forum.

Nowadays market rumor is rampant regarding BIG MERGER/ACQUISITION
Possibility of BOK acquiring some of the small financial institutions having common holdings is there. Preliminary round of talk has already begun according to source.
Registered: Aug 2015
Posts: 77
Dubosi7 , पहिले पहिले पुरानो फोरम मा त तपाई बाट धेरै ज्ञान, सूचना र टिप्स हरु पाइएको थियो .... यो फोरम मा त त्यस्तो केहि आऊदैन त तपाई बाट.... पहिले जस्तै ज्ञान, सूचना र टिप्स हरु शेयर गर्न छोड्न भएन....
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
"Udayo sapana sabai huri le " :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
प्राइम कमर्शियल बैंक र ओम डेभलपमेन्ट बैंकबीचको मर्जर प्रक्रिया रोकिएको छ
Registered: May 2018
Posts: 18

Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
Happy New Year 2076
Lets hope this year become a starting point towards prosperity in Capital Market,
I m expecting few strong banks rather than "NANGLO PASAL BANK' in coming days.
Registered: Jun 2013
Posts: 574
Location: Kathmandu, Nepal
Sounds like Prabhu and Civil.
Registered: Jan 2017
Posts: 51
Which banks are they?साना-दुई-यी-बाणिज्य-बैंकब/
Registered: Jan 2017
Posts: 51
Which banks are they?
Registered: Jul 2014
Posts: 110
Issues in Big Mergers as of date:

1. Bank Directors and promoters are reluctant (not interested), as many of them will lose their position in cash-cow banks.
2. Past few mergers show that both the business and profis havn't increased as expected.
3. Interested banks are waiting for NRB's lucractive merger incentives, other than existing 3 years' tax holiday.

But look, many of them are interested in M&A which means, they are publicly calling NRB to initiate it voluntarily or forcefully.

But one thing is sure that NRB will bring a damn good policy on M&A through upcoming monetary policy.

Nice article on the topic by Bizmandu. Two possible acquisitions it didn't mention are NMB-GBBL and PRVU-SADBL.

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