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2500 within 6 months after yuraj k's death or firing.

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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
Boom Boom
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
Finally BFIs turn.

Hope so.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
Some are saying, NEPSE fell cause of interest payment pressure.

Reality is, as per recent publication by media, less than 40 billion (to build nepal, share loan should be 1000 billion) is loan has been issued issued meaning, around 1 billion needed to pay quarterly interest.

And most of the borrower, mostly big and medium arrange interest well before the date. So its non sense.

Less than 10 crore may be sold for interest in last week.

And about the war, first phase of attack is over, iran has made their intention cleared and showed they mighty missiles and their accuracy. Now, next phase will be diplomatic pressure to US out of Iraq and Syria. If it does not work then, war.

Now, Oil, Gold, Dollar will fall. And world share market will rise.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
NEPSE Confidence @61

First time I saw NEPSE confidence into strong territory since I watch it.

Majority will be in profit only when NEPSE crosses 1900. NEPSE increased for just a few days, UP merely 50 points, investors are already happy and forgot to curse KP Oli and commie govt.

IF US force leave Iraq and Syria, world economy will get boost and world stock market will see boom boom.

Share market boom is far better than BOOM BOOM.

Every human in the world should invest big percentage of their saving in share market and join global economic boom for long term. Its never too late. Share market should always go up or it will be the end of the economy of the country. Either through economic growth or by creating inflation.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
I see no name of yuraj k, in upper house candidates list.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
Just like I said, It was yuraj k who was behind and succeeded in destroying share market. He wanted to destroy share market for 18 month and for last few month he is trying to increase share market but since he is pakhe, he has no idea how it is done.

I can do it in an hour. cause my bou is not pakhe.

यसअघि स्टक डिलर कम्पनी खोल्ने प्रक्रिया अघि बढाउन अवरोध सिर्जना गर्दै आएका खरेल अहिले भने जतिसक्दो चाँडो खोल्नुपर्ने दबाब दिन थालेका छन्

एक वर्षअघि नै कोषले स्टक डिलरका लागि कार्यविधि र नियमावली बनाएको थियो, त्यसबेला खरेल सरले अहिले हतार छैन भन्नुभयो,' कोषका एक सञ्चालकले क्लिकमाण्डूसँग भने, 'अहिले उहाँलाई नै हतारो छ

शुरुशुरुमा अर्थमन्त्री डा. युवराज खतिवडा र उनको आर्थिक मामिला सहयोगी खरेल सेयर बजारको बारेमा सुन्न नै चाहँदैन थिए

त्यो समय खरेलले कोषलाई स्टक डिलर खोल्ने प्रक्रिया रोक्न भनेका थिए

उक्त अन्तक्र्रिया कार्यक्रमपछि खरेलले स्टक डिल्लरमा ज-जसले सहभागी गर्ने भनेका छन्, उनीहरुलाई जबर्जस्तरुपमा समयमा नै कम्पनी खोल्न र काम थाल्न निर्देशन दिएका छन्

पहिला के-के भयो, त्यसमा ध्यान नदिनू, यसमा मन्त्रीज्यूको पनि निकै चासो छ

अहिलेको बजारको अवस्थाले पनि समस्या भएको छ

यसमा तपाईहरुले पुराना कुरा बिर्सनु, अहिले गम्भिर भएर समयमा नै काम गरिदिनु होला

कार्यक्रममा सहभागी एकले डा. खरेललाई उदृत गर्दै भने

खरेलले अर्थमन्त्रीको चाहना भन्दै स्टक डिलरको काम छिटो गर्न भनेपछि कम्पनी दर्ता गर्ने तयारीमा नागरिक लगानी कोष रहेको छ

कोष नेपाल पुर्नबीमा कम्पनी, नेपाल टेलिकम, बीमा कम्पनी, बीमा संस्थान, निक्षेप कर्जा सुरक्षण केन्द्र र नागरिक लगानी कोषको संयुक्त लगानीमा कम्पनी खुल्ने भएको छ

buddi chaihincha des chalauna. kukur ko aukat le chalaune haina.

if yuraj k had had brain, he would not have destructive mind just like bhatterai. both are dangerous, and result from both is similar.

both did not just destroyed share market, both destroyed economy. bhatterai destroyed maoist, now yuraj k destroying commie.

even idiot knows, its easy to destroy but hard to build. looks like yuraj k is worst than idiot, more like a dog.

idiot kp oli wont live to see death of commie. idiots commie know but does not know the seriousness of how yuraj k have destroyed commie and how much public hate commie due to yuraj k. otherwise, they would not even have let yuraj k continue for three more hour, forget 3 more month.

in the history of Nepal, almost all PM were/are hated. people wanted to bring down govt of all pm, but i dont remember Nepalese wanted to see PM dead immediately.

Majority of Nepalese want to see you dead KP Oli. and cause mainly due to yuraj k and his adviser.

Even before yuraj k became fiance minister, he talked about destroying economy and share market, and still dumb idiot public thought he is biddwan and expected him to build the economy. how could a person who wanted to destroy builds anything. soch na soch tero bau ko ke jancha.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
So many 2s in this year.

Could we see 2999 in this year???? Only other 2 is 200 and it is not possible unless there is communism. but that communist will be killed immediately. 20000 is not possible.

Only possible 2 in year 2020 is 2999.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676

alchina pakhe running govt/bureaucracy been trying to increase NEPSE for a few months now. have no idea how to do it.

Hand over power to sahariya, pahes.

I can start bull run with one hour policy formation.


One pakhes was saying, in next election, commie will get 2/3 singlehandely.

They have already forgot recent election. If there is election now, they will loose at least majority.

If you cant correct mistake, you are certain to fail. and our pakhes dont even know they are failing forget them knowing who they are failing.

One word- Yuraj k!
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
It great that transaction has been big during last week or two. And NEPSE has been stable. Soon seller will run out of stock or willingness to bring down the market or confidence to keep NEPSE down.

............ then something good will happen very soon.

Remember, some gang may try to crash the market by dumping big volume. Dont fight them. Keep buying the following day like during last two day.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
Thanks for keeping NEPSE low for a week.

Now, my loan has been approved. 8)

My children, grand children, great grand children will be great full to you for life. :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
Let's keep market down for three more days until ..............
Registered: Dec 2016
Posts: 173
KP Oli is beholden to Ncell, Yeti Group, Medical Mafia, Manpower Mafia.
Prachanda is beholden to construction mafia.

Nepal trust ko sabai land Ang Chiring ko santati lai badyo.

Yesterday, I read some lady Bhawani Singh Shrestha who owns 20% of Ncell made a huge land deal in Bag Bazar,

Does she really own it? I find it very hard to believe. Who actually owns 205 of Ncell?
Registered: Jun 2018
Posts: 91
UML destroyed everything...dalal ko party
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
World shares remain near record peaks ................ congratulations to Nepalese investors :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: ..... thanks to yuraj k and chirinjivi nepal (who started the crash- his second monitory policy..... then joined yuraj k to destroy share market of Nepal).

As per official no. Nepal is in top 5 GDP growth in the world, but in the case of share market, it crashed to half .... and for last 4 year, there has been total depression going on. thanks to yuraj k and chirinjivi nepal.

they must be really proud and pakhe sarbagyani in the social media. !#$!$# sati ko sarap.

सेयर बजार उकास्ने विधि खोज्दै अर्थमन्त्री खतिवडा, सीआइटीलाई डिलरको काम सक्न दवाब

for first 20 month, been trying to destroy share market. he fooled KP Oli and protesting investors and other comreds in commie party. lately, for a few months, be been trying to increase share market but has no idea how to do it.

Hope, share market doesnt increase for a week.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
चार कारण जसले गर्दा बैंकमा ऋणको माग हुन छाड्यो, डरको माहौलले लगानी उत्साह मर्यो

Tic Toc
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
Marna na sake ka alchina haru
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
Big turnover, NEPSE increases

Then turnover slows down a lot, then NEPSE decreases,

Then turnover increases and NEPSE increase pace,

Then turnover slows down ..............

What is going on.......... some group collecting shares or something else .....
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
अर्थमन्त्री खतिवडाले भने-अब सेयर बजारका लगानीकर्ताको विश्वास जित्नुहोस्

Tried to destroy share market for 18 month, now wants to increase it but has no idea how to do it.

There is a saying "it is easy to destroy but hard to build".

Just like baburam who destroyed everything hoping to rebuild them, but never could, and he is anti share too.

If he had known what share is, he would never have negative feeling about share market.

Just wasted 22 month of share market and nepal's economy.

The common thing of alchinas whom I have met in my life who have negative feeling about share is "they are dumb negative people but think they are smart/sarbagyani".
Registered: Dec 2016
Posts: 173
Rising Ji,
Yo maile paper bata copy gareko ho. No typos. The datapoint was from 2000-2014.

*The above estimated cointegration relationship of equation shows that real economic activity has insignificant and negative relationship with the stock prices.

Nepal ko case ma I thin share market increased even with low level of economic activities during that time bhayera hola, ali counter intuitive lagne tyo conclusion.

*Finally inflation (CPI) has insignificant influence over the stock prices in the cointegrating vector against the hypothesis of relationship.aAgain the data point from 2000-2014. Zimbabwe/ Venezuela outliers hola sayed. Need to look more for better answer.
But, I can say Venezuelahas most preety women in the world. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
I am no technical guy, I could not even understand half of what you wrote.

If they would listen to me, I would have never let problem happen driven by policy or solved all problems which could be solved through policy.

Let's discuss about principle:

-- *The above estimated cointegration relationship of equation shows that real economic activity has insignificant and negative relationship with the stock prices.

@ Actually economy does impact share market in big but due to sub variable, the impact could be positive or negative.

Like, If economy is booming, then companies business would increase so does profit and price increase.

But, like in Nepal just recently, when economy about to become vibrant, demand of liquidity increased from so called productive sector so that lead to liquidity crisis which lead to increase in interest rate and nrb began to make one after another bad monitory policy, and yuraj k govt to kept on passing bad fiscal policy, which lead to share market crash. It was one of the main reason, we are having market crash for last 4 year.

Now, due to their bad policy, our economy is in trouble, so liquidity demand is low and import is low too which lead to positive balance of payment. And soon there will be liquidity and lower interest rate which will drive share market higher.

In civilized country, if there is economic problem ahead, investors would assume, govt is about to support economy through fiscal and monitory policy so Their market increase.

If govt, NRB had known who to handle higher liquidity demand and vibrant economy, we would not have economic problem right know, which they still have not noticed.

--- *The result of this study also implies that a positive and insignificant relationship between exchange rate and the Nepalese stock market.

@ It does impact but less. And if our market had been open to the world, it would have impacted more.

----------- *Similarly, foreign direct investment and stock returns have a positive and insignificant relationship means if FDI increases then it leads to industrial growth and thereby increases stock prices.

@ Agree. But why it says insignificant relationship????

--------- *There is evidence that stock prices are positively and significantly related to money supply. This finding implies that monetary policy in Nepal has positive impact on stock prices, since
central bank in Nepal uses the credit control (Control money supply) as an intermediate targets in monetary policy framework. The positive relationship may be because increase in money supply increases cash in hand and growth, ultimately earnings and dividends and thereby increasing stock prices.

@ Agreed.

--------- *Interest rate has negative and insignificant relationship with stock prices. The negative relationship is similar to our hypothesis and is consistent with the present value model.argue that short term interest rate are positively related to stock prices (at Short-Term Analysis and Granger Causality). One of the reasons may be increasing in interest rate decreases the lending rate.

@ True in some case but Depends on other variable too. High interest rate also means high inflation, means you should not hold cash so you should invest somewhere. Stock is one of them. Turkey has high interest rate, and I think their stock market was the best performer last year. So was in Pakistan and Zimbabwe.

------------ *Finally inflation (CPI) has insignificant influence over the stock prices in the cointegrating vector against the hypothesis of relationship.

@ You did not type """insignificant"""" by mistake, did you???? (in all above) It has the most impact. In Zimbabwe, Venezuela, due to high inflation, their stock price sky rocketed. During hyper inflation, Or even high inflation, never hold cash.

I am socked to find out they do research but no action. Its amazing, they still have no idea what bank is, what cash is, what credit is.
Registered: Dec 2016
Posts: 173
Eso NRB ko site hereko, euta research paper dekhiyo.

Euta equation bhetiyo.


In equation form this can be written as:
LNEPSE = β0 + β1 LGDP + β2 LXER + β3 LFDI + β4 LM1+ β5 LBTR + β6 LCPI

Where, variables LNEPSE, LGDP, LEXR, LFDI, LM1, LTBR and LCPI denote log values of Nepal stock exchange index, real gross domestic product, NRs/US dollar exchange rate, foreign direct investment, narrow money supply, 91-days Treasury bill rate, and consumer price index. The expected signs of thecoefficients of the variables are:
β1 > 0, β3 > 0, β5 < 0 and others are determined empirically.


Conclusion from the study:

*The above estimated cointegration relationship of equation shows that real economic activity has insignificant and negative relationship with the stock prices.

*The result of this study also implies that a positive and insignificant relationship between exchange rate and the Nepalese stock market.

*Similarly, foreign direct investment and stock returns have a positive and insignificant relationship means if FDI increases then it leads to industrial growth and thereby increases stock prices.

*There is evidence that stock prices are positively and significantly related to money supply. This finding implies that monetary policy in Nepal has positive impact on stock prices, since
central bank in Nepal uses the credit control (Control money supply) as an intermediate targets in monetary policy framework. The positive relationship may be because increase in money supply increases cash in hand and growth, ultimately earnings and dividends and thereby increasing stock prices.

*Interest rate has negative and insignificant relationship with stock prices. The negative relationship is similar to our hypothesis and is consistent with the present value model. This is however consistent to the findings of Shrestha and Subedi(2014) for Nepal; Mukherjee and Naka (1995) for Japan and Ratnapakorn and Sharma (2007) for USA who argue that short term interest rate are positively related to stock prices (at Short-Term Analysis and Granger Causality). One of the reasons may be increasing in interest rate decreases the lending rate. With the high interest rate spread individuals will expect decrease investment in future, which ultimately decreases profit of banking and financial institution which has predominance in the Nepalese stock market thus decreasing the stock price.

*Finally inflation (CPI) has insignificant influence over the stock prices in the cointegrating vector against the hypothesis of relationship.

Rising Ji le lekheko paper ho k yo? :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 820
Simrik Jee

Nice Research....
Registered: Dec 2016
Posts: 173
NEPAL GDP 2018: ~$29 Billion
NEPSE Market Cap as of 10/31/2019: ~$13 Billion
less than 50% of GDP

US GDP 2018: ~$20.5 Trillion
US Market Cap as of 11/29/2019: ~$30 Trillion
Around 150% of GDP

Sati ko sarap. :D :D

100% matra pugey ni sabai Bhairab haru ko koti koti avari huney thiye.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
शेयर ऋण दिन बैंक धाउन थाले ब्रोकर कार्यालय, सहजै ऋण दिने I did told banks, this day would come so respect all customers.

Time is running out for long term investors.

There will always be chance, but there will never be as great like today.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Tue Dec 03, 2019 4:39 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
भेन्टिलेटरमा राखिएका प्रधानमन्त्री केपी शर्मा ओलीलाई

is he in coma?????????????

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