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Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
बैंकहरुको नाफा घटेकोमा चिन्ता गर्नु पर्ने अवस्था छैन, प्रोभिजनिङको कारणले प्रफिट घटेकाे हाे पछि रिकभरि हुन्छः गभर्नर अधिकारी

येस्तै होश भनेर कामना गर्ने लगानीकर्ताहरुको संख्या पनि ठुलै छ
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
केहि साथीहरुले येस अघिको संकेत "कालो बादलले छेक्यो" लाई बुझ्नु भएछ :lol: :lol: :lol:

काजी झमक्क हुनासाथ बालकोट तिरको यात्राले के संकेत गरेको होला ?
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
आज अहिलेसम्म त कालो बादलले छेक्यो !

आइतबार देखि बजारको दिशा कता होला ?
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2145
अन्डरवर्ल्ड डन दाउदको सम्पत्ति कति ?

सन् २०२३ मा दाउदको नेट वर्थ कति छ भन्ने स्पष्ट नभए पनि सन् २०१५ मा भने फोर्व्स उनको अपराधिक साम्राज्यको अनुमान गरेको थियो । त्यो बेला उनको कुल सम्पत्ति ८ खर्ब ९५ अर्ब ४१ करोड ९४ लाख नेपाली रुपैयाँ (६.७ बिलियन अमेरिकी डलर) रहेको फोर्ब्सले जनाएको थियो ।

Is D Company Money Flowing in the NEPSE ??

Once D Company money Flowed in KSE (Karachi Stock Exchange) & KSE made a life time High at that time 15700+ Level was Crossed in 2008 when all Global Stock Markets were Melting.

Its Just a Speculative thought Only.
« Last edit by deepak_mm on Mon Dec 18, 2023 5:40 pm. »
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
हाम्रो बजारलाई किन जुवा खाल भनिन्छ
येस्तै कारणले गर्दा
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
सेयर बजार, अटो बजारमा पूर्ण मन्दी छ भने घरजग्गा क्षेत्रमा आंशिक मन्दी छ । घरजग्गाको कारोबार कम भए पनि मूल्य घटेको देखिँदैन । दुइ दशकमा दश हजार आनाको जग्गा अहिले करोड हाराहारी पुग्दा जनताको मेहेनतको पैसा सबै माटोमा फसेको र सिमित ब्येक्ति मोटाएको अहिलेको अवस्थामा जब सम्म उल्लेख्य मात्रामा घरजग्गाको मुल्यमा करेक्सन आएर उत्पादनमुलक क्षेत्रमा सर्बसाधारणले लगानी गर्न सुरु गर्दैनन् तब सम्म दलदलमा फसेको देशको अर्थतन्त्र उभो लाग्ने कुनै पनि आशा गर्ने ठाउँ देखिदैन।
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
इजरायल-हमासबीचको युद्धले विश्वको अर्थव्यवस्थालाई प्रभाव पार्न थाल्दै गर्दा यो उक्ति मनन उत्तम

हुल मूलमा जिउ जोगाउनु , अनिकालमा (बैस्विक द्वन्द) बिउ (पुंजी) जोगाउनु
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
All six states voted No to a proposal to amend the Australian constitution to recognise First Nations people and create a body for them to advise the government.

Developed nations can conduct referendum even for a small issues,
Why referendum was rejected in Nepal for major issues like गणतन्त्र, संघियेता , धर्म निरपेक्षेता ?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
'Dogs feed off your vibes'

Commander and the other one learned from Sleepy Joe (and son) - who himself is a rapist, pedophile, dumb, arrogant, predator, corrupt, war criminal, war hawk and what not .......

Media and social media in the west should be punished and destroyed for protecting rapist and war criminals. They wont let you write truth, sensor victims, etc. They said, they need censorship to fight fake news, but reality is they created censorship empire to protect themselves.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
"Commander" is no longer at the WH after showing series of aggression. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
के सेयर कर्जाको १२ करोडको क्याप पुनरावलोकन होला ?
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
चीनको रियल स्टेट बजारको अवस्था नाजुक छ। किनकि धेरै कम्पनीले आफ्नो परियोजना पूरा गरिसकेका छन् तर खरिदकर्ता पाएका छैनन्।

के नेपालमा पनि घर जग्गा हो हालत येस्तै हुने त होइन ?
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
आयो पो त
City Hotel को रिपोर्ट
घाटा : 27.36 करोड
EPS : -16.35
अर्को बर्ष पनि येति नै घाटा भयो भने networth below 90
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2145
Mai Khola Hydro Power (MKHL) recently Published its Un-audited Q4 Report.

I was going through the Report :-

Income from Sales increased from 7.03 Crore to 7.31 Crore compared to Last Year.

Paid Up stands at 39,21,56,800 = 39.21 Crores after IPO.

The Company has allocated NPR 2,10,52,632 towards Bonus & Dividend.

Bonus & Dividend Allocation stands @ (21052632/3921568 Shares) = 5.368 Per shares.

Thus it mean Company is Planning 5 Rs per Share towards 5% Bonus Shares & Remaining 0.368 Rs towards Tax for Bonus Shares ??

Cash & Bank Balance has increased from 3.12 crore to 16.32 Crores.

Technically on Chart after forming the Bottom its under Trend Reversal.

Lets see what is Next for it.

Disclosure : I have a Holding in this Company and the above statement is for Study Purpose only and should not be considered as a Financial Advice, Kindly Consult an Expert before making any Financial Decision.

Happy Investment !!
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2145
Mai Khola Hydro Power (MKHL) recently Published its Un-audited Q4 Report.

I was going through the Report :-

Income from Sales increased from 7.03 Crore to 7.31 Crore compared to Last Year.

Paid Up stands at 39,21,56,800 = 39.21 Crores after IPO.

The Company has allocated NPR 2,10,52,632 towards Bonus & Dividend.

Bonus & Dividend Allocation stands @ (21052632/3921568 Shares) = 5.368 Per shares.

Thus it mean Company is Planning 5 Rs per Share towards 5% Bonus Shares & Remaining 0.368 Rs towards Tax for Bonus Shares ??

Cash & Bank Balance has increased from 3.12 crore to 16.32 Crores.

Technically on Chart after forming the Bottom its under Trend Reversal.

Lets see what is Next for it.

Disclosure : I have a Holding in this Company and the above statement is for Study Purpose only and should not be considered as a Financial Advice, Kindly Consult an Expert before making any Financial Decision.

Happy Investment !!
Registered: Mar 2014
Posts: 321
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2145
Thought of the Day :-

" Hutiyaar le bechxan, Himmatwala le kinxan"

Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2145
I was going through the Chart of MKHL (Mai Khola)

Yesterday Mai khole made a All time low of 256.60 /-

On a Daily Chart it has formed a Hammer Pattern which indicates Reversal in trend from Bearish to Bullish.

For the Confirmation we need to watch today's Candle formation Pattern in Mai Khola.

285/- level to Act as Major Resistance Lets see what is Next for It.

Disclosure :- I have Investment in this Stock at an average Price of 281/- , This is not a Financial Advice and is Presented for Study Purpose only. Consult an expert before making any investment Decesion.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
नेप्से ३० इन्डेक्सलाई धितोपत्र बोर्डको 'ग्रिन सिग्नल', 'डिस्क्लेमर' सहित कार्यान्वयनमा आउने

भनेपछि अर्को हप्ताको बजार रोचक हुने भयो
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2145
Today MKHL (Mai Khola) hit an all time low of 265.70

Now What is Next for this Stock ?? :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Any Body Any Guesses ??

Will it break in downside or will break on upside ??

Awaiting for the Responce from every Member of SS forum.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
This Winston Churchill saying is relevant in stock market too

"Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it."
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2145
Stock Market is All about Future Prospects.

The Past is History only.

We need to see the Future

Thank You
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
One can see the dividend history of below mentioned companies in last 5 years considering there market price.
Someone is expecting miracle this year :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2145
Chinese Tourist Prefer Hyatt Palace (City) & Hyatt Regency (TRH) and SHL.

Places closer to Syambhu and Bouddha Stupa.

American Marriot and Raddison (OHL)

Indian Prefer Places close to Pashupatinath and Thamel Hyatt, Dwarika, Aloft, Raddison, Yak and Yeti & Marriot.
« Last edit by deepak_mm on Wed Aug 02, 2023 9:25 am. »
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
Fitch has downgraded the US credit rating over its raising debt.

This may have negative impact in number of american tourist arrival . American tourists are considered "QUALITY TOURIST" who spend a lot during travel. Number of JHOLE TOURIST wont contribute much.

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