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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7560
There is a question they are asking, how corona rate is decreasing even when they opened up their country, while declined to decrease when their country was locked down.

I gave two theories few months back:

1: Especially places like Nepal and india when winter is not so cold while summer is hot............ People tend to use ac, consume cold drinks/food, use fan which makes, those who have corona, worse so they have to visit hospital which lead to more testing, so rate of cases goes up.

2: Corona case wont fall till it reaches peak or until those get corona who needs to get corona. Those people wont follow rules, so ultimately get corona. They go to meet corona hiding. Lockdown would only delay them, that is why when there is lock down, it takes a long time for curve to form.

Now, one more reason: 3: Vaccine. Vaccinated individuals get cured in half the time, so they only spread to half the people than unvaccinated.

I believe, my theory is correct. That is why, corona case is falling even when countries have opened up, while it declined to fall even when there was lockdown.

Japanese case proves mask works.

And, second, even when covid case is not down significantly, wester govt have opened up. It looks like, they have changed their policy. They are scared and given up.

Again here, they seems like, they are following my formula. DO WHAT IS POSSIBLE, DONT GO FOR TOTAL LOCK DOWN FOR MORE THAN 1/2 WEEK. Lock down does not work. It only delays creating other problems- health and economic and social.

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Government secretly orders Google to track anyone searching certain names, addresses, and phone numbers
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7560
From my noise analysis skill (which I have been trying to learn for last few years, kind of a, doing my PHd on :mrgreen: ) - this is what I have made the following, just a few I can remember, those wanting to know real truth can benefit.

- US is kicked out of Afghanistan by Taliban, Pakistan, China, Russia, Iran.

- Without Pakistan, it would not have been possible, Pakistan declined to give transit rout to NATO to fight in Afghanistan. Russia, China must have been pressuring Pakistan for sometime, but why Pakistan agreed now.

Knowing that, crossing US would be suicidal.

Good reasons, Pakistan is already in deeply with China and with Russia by their side, Pakistan got more courage.

Main reason, India. India have been using terrorist in Afghanistan to bomb Pakistan, that forced Pakistan to make this decision this early. Other wise, they may have waited 5 more year till China becomes true superpower.

- Russia, China made a deal with Taliban- Taliban would be peaceful, Taliban would not interfere outside their boundary, Tilaban will get help in UN, China/Russia will invest in Afghanistan.

And, there, Pakistan's role is to make sure all follow the deal. Since, Pakistan is the most influential on Taliban.

Idiots in Nepal and other dumb free (they think they are free, but they are not) people, say, hell has begun in Afghanistan. Yes and No. The hell, whole world accepts is about to happen in Afghanistan too, meaning, same as in countries like Saudi, Kuwait, Indonesia, Malaysia :mrgreen:

With their resource and help from China, they are going to progress many times faster then Nepal. Only I can make Nepal progress faster. Then they will become hell like Indonesia, if not Dubai. :mrgreen:

How free Afghanistan turned into evil conservative?

- To fight USSR, CIA with the help of saudi, pakistan etc, turned them into evil conservative. Now US is humiliated by the evil, they themselves created.

- Rambo first blood, is one of my favorite movie. Just a couple of year ago only I found out that USSR did not evaded Afghanistan, they were invited by the govt of Afghanistan.

CIA propaganda is so good, just like there was no IndiaBlockadesNepal , USSR evaded Afghanistan.

Why US has been loosing and Russia/China have been wining after WWII?

- Cause Russia/China makes deal with the people/govt while US evades and put their Doggie. Doggie dont fight for their country.

- Russia/China know their limitation. US does not. US is accidental superpower, wise men say. Power without brain, became superpower causes of the right situation.

How come Taliban reached Kabul just in a few day???

- Remember, how CIA brag about general like in Syria defected, in the media. US tell them to take money and change side or else. In case of Afghanistan, Russia/China must have told those generals, if they surrender, Russia/China/Pakistan will protect them.

Some dalal must have got sacred after seeing airport video from Afghanistan. What if someday, dalal will meet same faith in Nepal. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

By the way, I dont like Taliban, or conservative, who want to impose their will on others. But there is nothing I can do in Afghanistan Plus, LESSER OF TWO EVILS.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7560
काबुलबाट नेपालीहरूको उद्धारमा समन्वय गर्न कार्यदल गठन, कूटनीतिक नियोगहरूलाई पनि पत्राचार

Ask help from Pakistan. ASAP
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7560
During that time, more than 7,000 children and adults acquired the coronavirus and attended school while infectious. Because of close contact with those cases, more than 40,000 people required quarantine. Through contact tracing and testing, however, we found only 363 additional children and adults acquired the coronavirus. We believe this low rate of transmission occurred because of the mask-on-mask school environment: Both the infected person and the close contact wore masks. Schools provided this protection without expensive screening tests for the coronavirus or massive overhauls in ventilation systems.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 1296
गणतन्त्र अनि संघीयता आउदा पनि,

देश चलाउने चाही अझै CDO हरुनै l

:) :)
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7560
राति रेष्टुरेण्टमा जानेहरुलाई राेक्न कडाई गरियाे: सिडिओ पराजुली

I dont go to restaurant, why are you punishing me khate tapare.

talks as if he is going to slice throat of everybody, but when its time to cut of criminals, instead, he changes the rule punishing all, just like hijada, chakka yuraj k.

all of them came from same sh!t hole, and behaves same way.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7560
3 gold cost China top position.

1: diving double- one splash
2: mixed double TT- bad coordination
3: gymnastic- bad judges (probably CIA)
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7560
what a sh!thole india is! proved again in this Olympics ....... antd still in another sh!thole called nepal, there are pakhes who like to copy sh!thole.
You only learn from mistake of sh!thole, not copy them.

What another proof (Olympics) india is a sh!thole:

1: they are broadcasting live Olympics from 4 channels. And they are broadcasting same game from 2/3 channels most of the time.

2: they are not broadcasting gold medal events when the ones they are broadcasting are not important and not popular.

In Nepal, rich are incompetent cause of the law. In india, they are rich cause of law as well as just cause their population is huge. Worthless piece of sh!t. And still think they are better than Chinese. There is no comparison between Chinese and indian. Only they can be compared in is their population. Those who try to compare are dumb as doggie.

If fake news in india is correct, india would be the most powerful country by now and China would have ceased to exist by a long time ago.

Idiot indian are not broadcasting great gold medal volleyball match. instead they are showing sh!t talk of sh!t people.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7560
Trump would not have let this circus go on and on.

Trump would have ordered Japan to arrest Chinese officials for exploiting minors (13,14) in the circus. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Assange must be regretting for not taking refuge into Japanese embassy instead of Ecuadorian embassy.


In Nepal, 90% youths want american green card.

Guess what, to get green card for all.

Tell Nepal govt to arrest American ambassador. Then In retaliation, US will give residential visa to all 90%, just like they are giving to those in Hongkong and Belarus. :lol: :lol: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7560
UPSET in 100m!!!!!!!!!!! China had had won gold in Olympics in hurdles
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7560
Is vaccine keeping no of sick in emergency lower in Nepal too?????

Looks like US wont be winning too many gold in athletics too after loosing swimming crown. US no 2.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7560
US regime over in Swimming.

China lost in mixed TT.

In this Olympic- US, China wont be winning too many golds like they used to.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7560
American domination in Swimming looks unfound in this Olympic. Which Means, US leading in Gold Medal tally is not guaranteed.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7560
Paris investigating Moroccan use of Israeli Pegasus spyware

so those pussybtch yuro trash going after everyone but isreal????

Tell me something, does jew really control west or UK, US using jew to bully europe and muslim world?????

Imagine, what if, Instead of Isreal, it was China or Russia or Iran.

पेगासस प्रकरण: भारतका लागि नेपाली राजदूत सहित विभिन्न कुटनीतिज्ञको 'फोन ट्यापिङ', को को छन लक्षित व्यक्ति ?

If this were China- NC, madeshi and media would have been all over the place.

By the way, would they go after China to make their master happy or they get paid to do so....... CIA does spend 100 billion in Nepal every year. It means, majority of public figure must be in pay roll.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7560
सार्वजनिक यातायातको भाडा २८%सम्मले बढ्यो

Nepal is the best place for intelligent people, cause they can easily destroy their enemy, rival.

Like, Airlines can bribe transportation leader and politician. and order transportation leader to demand to increase fair and order politician to meet their demand.

Transportation entrepreneur is happy while airline becomes the beneficiary.

Its amazing, I dont remember, any one other than current transportation don being transportation leader. It always looks like, both transportation and govt are fighting but it seems nothing both drama. Those transportation workers are the cadres of one or another political party.

This transpiration leader also got medal last year.

Cause of nexus between transportation, many nepalese die in accident, mainly bus accident.
And those are dead cause of bad buses which became possible cause they are protected by political party, and those political parties are power full cause of the support from those dead. Tragic but FUNNY.

Another amazing information, I dont know how much progress transportation sector made during the tenure of current leadership, but airlines went ROCKET during his time.


Same way you can destroy telecommunication company. Just give ceo bribe to not to upgrade service. Meaning, company will save money and ceo could tell it as his accomplishment. And later the company go bankrupt due to loss in consumer.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7560
An Australian scientist who was the only foreigner at the Wuhan virus lab says she never got COVID-19 and doesn't believe the center leaked it

Danielle Anderson worked at the Wuhan Institute of Virology until late 2019.

She told Bloomberg she doesn't believe the novel coronavirus leaked from her old workplace.

The lab-leak theory has gained steam recently, and Biden has ordered a US intelligence report into it.

As Anderson described her workplace: "It's not that it was boring, but it was a regular lab that worked in the same way as any other high-containment lab."

"What people are saying is just not how it is."

So, China, Australia, US in it, now UK and India are left.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7560
It looks like, Indian Virus missed many.

Already, 10-15% of those on the road not wearing mask.

And 95% of those are pakhes.

Alchina ka santan haru.

If I were running govt, I would have broken all their bones on the spot. I believe in quick decision making.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7560
जारी निषेधाज्ञा पुन: थपिने तर 'मोडालिटी' भने परिवर्तन हुने

haina yo BA le ka ka bata yesta khate kukur ko jati pani buddi na bhayako pakhe tapare kaha bata fela parcha.

Lockdown should not just be lifted, CDO from all three district should be sacked just like during first wave.

During first wave too, lock down did not work, wave ended with time itself few months after lockdown was lifted.

It wont work this time also. Lockdown needed for a week or two to break the chain, it wont end wave. Now open the damn lock down.

From tomorrow, all shops should be open, full time, but they should used rope and plastic sheet just like during first wave. Open private transportation from tomorrow and after a week, open public transportation.

Open everything except for school, gym, cinema etc.

If you open lockdown from tomorrow, tax and interest payment should be delayed by 15 day.

Without public pressure, lockdown wont be lifted.

Mandale raj has not ended in the mind of bureaucracy, it is hidden inside them. Which keeps on appearing. Remember, during mandale raj, all bureaucracy did was- curfew, stick, bullet etc. nothing else. Today too, their mind and capacity is nothing more than curfew and stick.

Fire them all, its time to invent new method of test to choose bureaucracy.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7560
Does antigen test work? Both pcr and antigen test showing similar positive rate.

If works, govt should buy 25lakh. Who much it cost, 100/200. If works, it would save 100s of billion in economy.

Its time, to open the country. Just like, during last wave, open shops/business 24/7 by covering with plastic sheet.

Remember, we had 3 month curfew, which did not works, few months later, first wave ended on its own.

Open the damn, country, but forcefully implement mast. Those who dont wear, break their bones.

Today, sukraraj infectious disease hospital tested 146, result zero positive.

Lockdown, harms physical and mental health 100times more than Indianvirus and economic problem destroys life even more.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7560
Author of Wall Street Journal "Wuhan lab" story wrote lies about Iraqi "Weapons of Mass Destruction"

:'( :'( :'(

They are giving two proof that covid 19 came from the lab.

1: Three staff had covid 19 symptoms

2: Medium host still not found.

1: So, in winter, three staff in 100s got common cold. And three were the patient zero in November and in 2/3 month, new cases reached 10s of thousand.

2: ..........

This propaganda is being spread by fake news in US, India, Australia, UK and less by france.

Indian are protesting for calling 'indian variant'. They were/are they most vocal in calling "china virus" which is still not proven.

IndianVirus hospitalization cases in Nepal is falling. I guess, in a few days, I shall be vocally demanding end of lock down.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7560
Few days ago, I said, in a few day, new corona case will fall drastically. Looks like its happening. Today's positive rate is 28%. Few weeks ago, it was around 45%.

Now, Hope my word for NEPSE come true too. NEPSE crossing 3200 by next Thursday and MNBBL 1000+ by next Thursday. :mrgreen:

In, a few day, indian case will fall to 1/3.

I believe, there wont be third wave cause by then indians will be fully vaccinated- with at least one doze. First and second wave in Nepal came from Indai, so no third wave in Nepal too.

Indian daily vaccination rate has reached 30lakh per day, in a month it may reach close to 50 lakh and in 2/3 month close to crore per day.

[bNow bfis bull need to continue from tomorrow.
Registered: Feb 2021
Posts: 34
Some countries with the world's highest vaccination rates are also battling devastating surges of Covid-19 and the highest death tolls, a worrying trend that has left experts and officials wondering whether successful inoculation drives have lulled governments into easing restrictions too soon and the public into a false sense of security.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7560
Few days ago, I asked "would corona positive fall below 5000"?

At the end of the week, the no is 4487.

Even though, tested no is down by 6000, but still I turned out to be correct. Has power come back in my tongue? Let's test- Within next Thursday (two week), NEPSE will cross 3200. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: 8)

Good news is, today's positive rate is 31%, couple of weeks back, it was about 45%. 4% less than yesterday.

In bagmati, rate has fallen by 6%.

Cont..... cold war.

One more clue, In China and - I think- in Iran too, during early corona pandemic----- One city had higher corona case while rest of the country had very low case......

- This data/math said, some intelligence could have hand in spreading corona in China and Iran ...... cough CIA cough Mossad cough.

There was one more clue, during November, well before covid 19 was identified, Israel media wrote about CIA talking to Mossad about possible virus outbreak.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7560
As for part of the cold war, US is trying to create hate against China my claiming Corona could have come from Chinese Lab. As per available information, following is the possibility. (I am telling this, to protect friends from being fooled by fake propaganda)

2019 march- First known case of Corona through sewage sample in Spain..

2019 October- First known case of Corona in US.

2019 December- First known case in China, first identified case in the world.

(Till few months ago, so called virologist, were saying, covid 19 is impossible to be created by human, now, 5Eye and NATO and India trying to push, it came from chinese lab.)

- Above date and math proves, Covid 19 did not started from china, neither naturally or through lab leak. If it had (china went into partial lockdown and wuan went into full lock down from jan 2020), corona would have been all over china and asia pacific, southasia, far east of russia etc.

- Did corona released by chinese govt? would china have release corona inside their own country?

- One of the theories, during early corona pandemic, was, did first corona CIA released in China? Above data debunks this theory too.

- Now what theories available information does not debunk:

1: Could CIA or Mossad have introduced corona in China/Iran?

2: Did corona start from US- natural or lab?

Media, social media in the west had been censoring corona theories- especially lab leak, Now, they are pushing this propaganda.

Now I am going to predict, this stunt will harm west rather than China, pretty soon and they are the ones who will be defensive very soon just like during wikileaks, panamaleaks, economic attack on russia, trade war with China etc. .... Just like when going gets tough, tough gets going. Nothing evil west do bring positive result to them, always been back firing.

My prediction from early this year:

Sat Jan 02, 2021 9:01 pm

""""I"""" would like to make another world share market prediction

Prediction of World Share market for 2021.

If Corona is controlled, most of the share market of the world my increase 25-50%. Reason, Inflation. Probably highest or one of the highest growth ever.

Inflation will increase price of share market, Gold and well as profit of business also wages.


We are into half year,

World market has increased +9.25%
India- +16.05%
S korea +6.18%
Canada +20.65%
Taiwan +11.42%
Australia +8.6%
France +12.13%
China +4.13
USA +11.38%

[Remember- share market of the world just finished correction, now rocket).
Registered: Jun 2017
Posts: 844
News !! Hydro are allowed to issue right share for payment of loans..

Herd run after hydro// almost all hydros hit circuit ..

Why you want to risk your money to repay conniving thug's loans...??

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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