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Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2310
HYDRO shares are consolidating at current level for next acceleration !!!
Of course, prudent investors are collecting safe scripts "WHITE GOLD of NEPAL" in crisis situation like this.
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2135
Hydro Power Stocks ownership is changing from Weaker hands to Stronger Hands.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2310
Expecting stong momentum in HYDROs tomorrow !!!
Registered: Jun 2013
Posts: 67
aba pani vanna lai kehi baki chha ta about SHPC. Je aauchha mazzale pachauchha!
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2310
1st category of Hydro power companies should be promoted.
Since price of even good hydropower companies has already hit the BOTTOM, there is enough space to rise. Comparative return by some of these good hydropower companies will definitely match investors wish.
Small investors may get trapped in some of the rubbish hydros promoted by shrewd brats. So be careful and select good one, avoid category 2 & 3 as classified by Punjibhairab ji
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 815

1. Govt Owned + BPCL + SHPC are the players & will be the future players in Hydros. They are somehow public oriented and want to benefit public and nation.

2. Other private Sector (Neupane Group, Pachthar & Super Madi Hydro Group, Universal Group, , Lower Likhu Group, Chaulagain Group etc) all are **** in hydropower sector who want to rise higher with public money. they want to rise on personal levels at the expense of public money.

3. Third category includes big investors who wants to build project for their groups and dont want to include others including dont want to go public..... Siklace Hydropower, Dugar Group, Chinese Investors, Etc... They are also good....but only for them....

« Last edit by पूजीभैरव on Mon Dec 09, 2019 12:22 pm. »
Registered: Aug 2015
Posts: 77
100% True. However, how you see the future of SHPC ???
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 815
Few major promoters sit on board
They eat 30% of total cost

Each promoter has few agents who collects money from public
These agents gets shares at Rs 80 and sells them at Rs 100 to new investors
So these agents eat 15% to 20% of the total shares they sell
In other cases they give interest to general investors and eat big on the spread

In major contracts such as hydro-mechanical equipments, tunnelling and in major incidents
They eat big money for that 1) & 2) stuffs

Until now Govt Projects and Sanima Hydros and BPCL eat less than other private sectors
Private sectors eat big
Thats why they fart big and have rangerovers, prados and high profile life

These playing with public money is pathetic
And the ambitions to play with public money scales up and these demons even dream of making bigger hydros
Curse on you
If u loot public or keep them in dark, u can never excel in long run


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