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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
Trudeau says western countries need to stand together against China

White power.

India, japan, Philippines should die for white master from china, russia, iran.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
India made youtube ban around 20 pakistani accounts citing fake news.

Now, Pakistan will press youtube ban all indian accounts for being fake news.

Few months ago, Pakistan exposed Indian govt's fake propaganda cell and humiliated india in europe.

Its amazing how powerful media could be. You can make people believe black is white and white is black. Just like there was never indian blockade of Nepal and #freeassange does not exist.

God will make sinners pay.
Registered: Jun 2017
Posts: 844
What's roaring ?? is that a bull ???

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2145
Don't know When this Finance Minister will Act to Release the Fund towards Corona Beema ???

Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
Censorship about #freeassange in Nepali media is just like world media censored Indian blockade during the blockade.

Pashupati nath should punish those for their sin.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
#FreeAssange 's case has become mistrial, now they are going to start retrial from lower court then go to higher court.

All those who are silent about #FreeAssange are evil and they are 99%.... you do know that 99% suffer like a mad dog in life, GOD is punishing you low life for your sin.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
US Officially Announces Diplomatic Boycott Of Beijing Winter Olympics

How should China response??

China should call US "stolen land" by European invaders by wiping out native..... and Chinese politicians should boycott visiting US (except for UNHQ), meeting should be held outside of US land with US politicians if needed.

Similar move if other countries boycott.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
Alarm grows as mortuaries fill with thousands of extra non-Covid deaths

For more than last 1.5 year, I kept on saying dont go for lockdown, curfew ... (if needed, just for a week). This kind of cure is many times worst than the disease.

It is not just bad for the economy, but also for mental and physical health.

During last few months, I have seen middle age men sitting by the side of the road, probably due to sudden increase in blood pressure..

Dumb fake expert who pushed for curfew should be blamed for all these and govt.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
Just before dashain, one doctor wrote the article that corona will increase due to dashain, tihar gathering. He even gave wrong example that last year, corona increased after dashain and tihar.

Either he is lying or just trying to be a puddle of western fake news, trying to establish western narrative.

Last year, govt went for months long curfew but it did not decrease cases by much. Just before dashain and tihar, last year, govt ended curfew.

After, dashain and tihar, last year, corona started to decrease drastically.

Looks like my theory could have been right. In south asia, where summer is hot and winter is not that cold in crowed area, corona increases during summer when people use AC, drink and eat cold, use fan ....... which makes corona complicated and many are admitted which lead to more identification of corona as well as more get transmitted.

I warned about many things, including advising to order vaccine 6-12 months earlier than govt began the procedure.

I have a next corona warning. Give third dose of vaccine to above 55-58 by magh end. Local election date should have been by the end of falgun not chait. There could be possibility of corona rate increasing when summer begins that would be from chaitra.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
Even to hate, you need buddi (intelligence). 99% are dumb. Learn to respect 1%.

What are you talking about?

I am talking about maoist haters. There are many maoist haters you can find in media, social media. They are so dumb, they dont even know, whom to hate, how to hate.

If you hate maoist, if you are or your family or friend is the victim of maoist, you should not just hate maoist, you should hate some others too.

- maoist is created by shah (birendra)
- maoist is raised by india
- maoist is protected by CIA.

Its amazing, those who hate maosit support shah, india and CIA (European too), cause they are dumb. They dont know whom to hate. Also hate politicians of other parties too.

Maoist would not have become powerful without the help from others. Hate above more than maoist. Maoist were just at the right place at the right time. If there had not been maoist, they had been some one else.

Just like, before maoist, India created nepali congress- created in india, by indian for india.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
China digs through the Himalayas and the China-Nepal railway may be completed next year.

Hope it reaches few km inside Nepal.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
Kashmir students face terror law for cheering Pakistan win

And indian agents (dalals) in Nepal say, nationalism is bad, they try to bite those who support (even mild) Nepal.

When are we going into action against them?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
Just a few days ago, one thing came into my mind. In capitalist economy, many economists contributed over centuries. But in fake economy called communist/social economy- one lazy, who never worked in life, probably a drunk wrote it. I think he wrote the story cause he hated successful people. If you look at communist/socialist economy supporter- they are usually poorly educated, lazy, jealous ......
Registered: Dec 2016
Posts: 173
1. Electricity Shortage
2. Possible Dollar Shortage
3. Inflation
4. Possible load shedding during winter

If you are leveraged, its time to lessen your exposure. Inflation worldwide will be running high unless we enter in a serious recession due to slowdown in China. Oil prices will probably end the year over $90 per barrel, next summer it may get to $120ish. LPG gas is up 126% YTD. Coal up 196% YTD. Crude oil up 70% YTD. Copper up 22% YTD. Most of the heavy industries in Nepal use these commodities. Nepal Oil Corporation will post historic losses this fiscal year if it doesn't raises fuel prices. The price difference in Nepal and India is Nrs 20, hence smuggling fuel to India will reach another level. This government will not dare to raise fuel prices due to coming elections.
Serious fuel supply shock coming due to decreasing capex by oil majors in the West. OPEC is most likely bluffing about its spare capacity, and will most likely enjoy the higher fuel prices. Saudi needs 80 dollar oil to balance its budget. As fuel prices go up, the INR will lose its value against the dollar. Hence, imports to Nepal will be costlier as we are pegged to INR. USD will likely make a huge gain against EURO, YEN and INR.
Overall, it looks like we are fucked. Not sure what is NRB thinking? We haven't had tourism dollars for almost two years now. Remittance growth probably is not as sustainable for the next few years, as we haven't exported labor at the same pace last two years. AID dollars will lessen, as the West will be fucked by the rising inflation too.

Few steps the government can do for next 1-2 year term to escape this bout of inflation and conserve foreign currency.
1. Stop new hydro projects. Complete those that are in various stages, complete the transmission lines. India won't be buying our surplus electricity unless its from projects where Indians have invested.
2. Stop imports of luxury vehicles.
3. Stop imports of foreign wines/spirits/beer.
4. Put restrictions on imports of cereals/grains/palm oil/soybeans from Argentina. Most of them are being smuggled to India.
5. Put special units to stop gold smuggling from TIA.
6. Jail Hundiwalas. Have police special forces go after them.
7. Open the country to people who are vaccinated. Make VISA free if they spend more than 15 days in the country.
8. Improve process for folks willing to go to S. Korea, Japan and Israel. These countries are clamoring for Nepalese labor.
9. Start landing buddhists from around the world in Lumbini.
10. Start campaign to reduce consumption of imported goods.
« Last edit by simrik on Mon Oct 11, 2021 12:15 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
European wiped out native in Australia.

Since, there is hardly any native in Australia, I say, Australia should be occupied by nearest relative of native Australia .......... which is Aisan. And send, European back to Europe.

Why dont China build Navy base is East of Russia and Navy/Air base in west of Russia? And Russia build Navy/Air/maintenance/upgrading of weapon base in South East of China.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
The 2021 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded Friday to journalists Maria Ressa of the Philippines and Dmitry Muratov of Russia.

Its been years, I been saying, Nobel prize is CIA weapon. It works pretty well on educated fools of the world. It is one of the reason, educated fools think west is society with values. :mrgreen: The society, that wiped of the entire few races and stole their land and resources are see as society with values by educated fools.

If that russian guy is not the rapist of mother russia, he should invite the wife of #freeAssange to moscow and give his prize to #freeAssange.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
There is a question they are asking, how corona rate is decreasing even when they opened up their country, while declined to decrease when their country was locked down.

I gave two theories few months back:

1: Especially places like Nepal and india when winter is not so cold while summer is hot............ People tend to use ac, consume cold drinks/food, use fan which makes, those who have corona, worse so they have to visit hospital which lead to more testing, so rate of cases goes up.

2: Corona case wont fall till it reaches peak or until those get corona who needs to get corona. Those people wont follow rules, so ultimately get corona. They go to meet corona hiding. Lockdown would only delay them, that is why when there is lock down, it takes a long time for curve to form.

Now, one more reason: 3: Vaccine. Vaccinated individuals get cured in half the time, so they only spread to half the people than unvaccinated.

I believe, my theory is correct. That is why, corona case is falling even when countries have opened up, while it declined to fall even when there was lockdown.

Japanese case proves mask works.

And, second, even when covid case is not down significantly, wester govt have opened up. It looks like, they have changed their policy. They are scared and given up.

Again here, they seems like, they are following my formula. DO WHAT IS POSSIBLE, DONT GO FOR TOTAL LOCK DOWN FOR MORE THAN 1/2 WEEK. Lock down does not work. It only delays creating other problems- health and economic and social.

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Government secretly orders Google to track anyone searching certain names, addresses, and phone numbers
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
From my noise analysis skill (which I have been trying to learn for last few years, kind of a, doing my PHd on :mrgreen: ) - this is what I have made the following, just a few I can remember, those wanting to know real truth can benefit.

- US is kicked out of Afghanistan by Taliban, Pakistan, China, Russia, Iran.

- Without Pakistan, it would not have been possible, Pakistan declined to give transit rout to NATO to fight in Afghanistan. Russia, China must have been pressuring Pakistan for sometime, but why Pakistan agreed now.

Knowing that, crossing US would be suicidal.

Good reasons, Pakistan is already in deeply with China and with Russia by their side, Pakistan got more courage.

Main reason, India. India have been using terrorist in Afghanistan to bomb Pakistan, that forced Pakistan to make this decision this early. Other wise, they may have waited 5 more year till China becomes true superpower.

- Russia, China made a deal with Taliban- Taliban would be peaceful, Taliban would not interfere outside their boundary, Tilaban will get help in UN, China/Russia will invest in Afghanistan.

And, there, Pakistan's role is to make sure all follow the deal. Since, Pakistan is the most influential on Taliban.

Idiots in Nepal and other dumb free (they think they are free, but they are not) people, say, hell has begun in Afghanistan. Yes and No. The hell, whole world accepts is about to happen in Afghanistan too, meaning, same as in countries like Saudi, Kuwait, Indonesia, Malaysia :mrgreen:

With their resource and help from China, they are going to progress many times faster then Nepal. Only I can make Nepal progress faster. Then they will become hell like Indonesia, if not Dubai. :mrgreen:

How free Afghanistan turned into evil conservative?

- To fight USSR, CIA with the help of saudi, pakistan etc, turned them into evil conservative. Now US is humiliated by the evil, they themselves created.

- Rambo first blood, is one of my favorite movie. Just a couple of year ago only I found out that USSR did not evaded Afghanistan, they were invited by the govt of Afghanistan.

CIA propaganda is so good, just like there was no IndiaBlockadesNepal , USSR evaded Afghanistan.

Why US has been loosing and Russia/China have been wining after WWII?

- Cause Russia/China makes deal with the people/govt while US evades and put their Doggie. Doggie dont fight for their country.

- Russia/China know their limitation. US does not. US is accidental superpower, wise men say. Power without brain, became superpower causes of the right situation.

How come Taliban reached Kabul just in a few day???

- Remember, how CIA brag about general like in Syria defected, in the media. US tell them to take money and change side or else. In case of Afghanistan, Russia/China must have told those generals, if they surrender, Russia/China/Pakistan will protect them.

Some dalal must have got sacred after seeing airport video from Afghanistan. What if someday, dalal will meet same faith in Nepal. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

By the way, I dont like Taliban, or conservative, who want to impose their will on others. But there is nothing I can do in Afghanistan Plus, LESSER OF TWO EVILS.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
काबुलबाट नेपालीहरूको उद्धारमा समन्वय गर्न कार्यदल गठन, कूटनीतिक नियोगहरूलाई पनि पत्राचार

Ask help from Pakistan. ASAP
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
During that time, more than 7,000 children and adults acquired the coronavirus and attended school while infectious. Because of close contact with those cases, more than 40,000 people required quarantine. Through contact tracing and testing, however, we found only 363 additional children and adults acquired the coronavirus. We believe this low rate of transmission occurred because of the mask-on-mask school environment: Both the infected person and the close contact wore masks. Schools provided this protection without expensive screening tests for the coronavirus or massive overhauls in ventilation systems.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 1381
गणतन्त्र अनि संघीयता आउदा पनि,

देश चलाउने चाही अझै CDO हरुनै l

:) :)
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
राति रेष्टुरेण्टमा जानेहरुलाई राेक्न कडाई गरियाे: सिडिओ पराजुली

I dont go to restaurant, why are you punishing me khate tapare.

talks as if he is going to slice throat of everybody, but when its time to cut of criminals, instead, he changes the rule punishing all, just like hijada, chakka yuraj k.

all of them came from same sh!t hole, and behaves same way.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
3 gold cost China top position.

1: diving double- one splash
2: mixed double TT- bad coordination
3: gymnastic- bad judges (probably CIA)
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
what a sh!thole india is! proved again in this Olympics ....... antd still in another sh!thole called nepal, there are pakhes who like to copy sh!thole.
You only learn from mistake of sh!thole, not copy them.

What another proof (Olympics) india is a sh!thole:

1: they are broadcasting live Olympics from 4 channels. And they are broadcasting same game from 2/3 channels most of the time.

2: they are not broadcasting gold medal events when the ones they are broadcasting are not important and not popular.

In Nepal, rich are incompetent cause of the law. In india, they are rich cause of law as well as just cause their population is huge. Worthless piece of sh!t. And still think they are better than Chinese. There is no comparison between Chinese and indian. Only they can be compared in is their population. Those who try to compare are dumb as doggie.

If fake news in india is correct, india would be the most powerful country by now and China would have ceased to exist by a long time ago.

Idiot indian are not broadcasting great gold medal volleyball match. instead they are showing sh!t talk of sh!t people.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
Trump would not have let this circus go on and on.

Trump would have ordered Japan to arrest Chinese officials for exploiting minors (13,14) in the circus. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Assange must be regretting for not taking refuge into Japanese embassy instead of Ecuadorian embassy.


In Nepal, 90% youths want american green card.

Guess what, to get green card for all.

Tell Nepal govt to arrest American ambassador. Then In retaliation, US will give residential visa to all 90%, just like they are giving to those in Hongkong and Belarus. :lol: :lol: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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