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Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
के चैत मसान्त पछि ब्याज घट्ला त ?
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
तरलता समस्या समाधानको संकेत, अन्तरबैंक ब्याजदर ६ प्रतिशतमा झर्‍यो

गफै मात्र त होला
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
निर्वाचनपछि बैंकमा उत्साहजनक निक्षेप आएन
Registered: Jun 2017
Posts: 844
sankat kal is

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
प्रधानमन्त्री संकटकाल लगाउनेसम्मको तयारीमा, बजारमा कस्तो प्रभाव पर्ला ?

Is it possible ?
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
But this issue is related to BANK and not directly linked with government. So hopeful for quick implementation.
Last year 2% flat interest discount on loan implemented at lightening speed.
Registered: Jun 2017
Posts: 844
sometimes it takes lot of time for a policy to get implement ..e.g. Rs 50 lakh VAT exemption/mw annouced like 4-5 yrs ago, never got implemented...

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
HYDRO BANK 50 : 50 :mrgreen:

चालु आर्थिक वर्षको अर्धवार्षिक समिक्षामा १० मेगावाट भन्दा साना जलबिद्युत् आयोजनाहरूलाई विशेष पुनरकर्जा उपलब्ध गराउने गरी नीतिगत व्यवस्था
we have to wait sometime to see the result.
Registered: Jun 2017
Posts: 844
timi aayenau ... Kya bore bhayo ...

take a chill pill, time will come

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Registered: Sep 2013
Posts: 259
पुँजी बृद्दि हुनु भन्दा अगाडि (क) वर्ग को बैकको शेयर रेट कति थियो ? र पुँजी वृद्दि पछि अाजकल कतिि छ ? हेर्दा हेर्दा ,कुर्दा कुर्दा वर्षोै बिते तर बढेन बैक ।
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
(TA are like if nepse increase then it will reach 2700 if not it may fall to 2352..
and in either case one of the stament will definately come true..)

VALID POINT :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
Our SOUTHY friend is using his NWARAN ko BAL to pull market up (as indicated by his you tube video yesterday) but all went into vain. He always ve alternative count of EW in his pocket. This is BLACK if not WHITE :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Market will go up if not fall down.
« Last edit by Dubosi7 on Sun Sep 08, 2019 1:50 pm. »
Registered: Jun 2017
Posts: 844
All these so called investors forum should be closed for good.

Only forum who can show at least 10000 members should be allowed to function.

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 1381
यसपाली धामीजीको गुलेलीको निशानामा share market पर्ने भो,

हाम्रो बानी छनी,
कसैले बाटामा भेट हुँदा,के छ हालखबर भनेर सोध्दा,
एक दम ठिक छ भन्ने,चाहे बिसन्चो या ठिक नभए पनि भए पनि,

हो अब यो बजारमै बस्न चाहनेले,
यस्तै 'ठिक छ,राम्रो छ,'भन्न सिक्नु पर्ने भो या,
घाटा खाएर,यसलाई त्याग्नु पर्ने भो,

दोश्रो उपायले 'घर खेत'जान सक्छ,
पहिलोले 'मानसिक तनाब',

सोच्दै बिरक्त लागेर आउछ,
जहाँसम्म समयमै रिपोर्ट बुझाउने कुरा छ,त्यो त कसले पत्याउछ र ?

उही बिमान दुर्घटना भयो भने चाही केहि ढिला गरेर पनि रिपोर्ट बुझाउछन र सधै दोष मरेर जाने Pilot को टाउकोमा हाल्ने गरिन्छ l
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
अर्थ समितिको निर्देशनपछि नेप्सेले स्थगन गर्यो बैंकलाई ब्रोकरको लाईसेन्स दिने प्रकृया
Investors leaders were so interested to ve PHOTO SESSION with some of the DHARTI KO BHOJ
What are they doing nowadays? Must have got some DOG BONE from these DHARTI KO BHOJ
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
Nissan ji, your thought is just a MIRRAGE in desert.
Dhami and Company will not submit report even after many months which further tardy our dream getting materialize. Can you give me any example where GOVER formed committee submitting there report within given time frame?
Recently formed BLACK BODY committee was not even activated, forget about the report.
Only thing which we can wish - If there is so called GOD, let us allow to avoid SALT for 13 days for some cause.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 1381
भोलीको दिन सुन्दर हुनेछ भनेर चित्त बुझाएर बस्ने बाहेक उपाय रहेन अब,

हेरौ यो तमाशा कति दिन या महिना चल्ने रहेछ l
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
Yes Nissan ji, I think majority of brokers dont want banks as brokers due to the threat to their business, even the honest brokers.

And for some criminal brokers like brokers which have secret investment from top officials from SEBON, NEPSE, NRB, finance ministry they dont want banks cause entry of banks can reduce manipulation.

Since from the beginning, after manipulators buy shares (those criminal brokers, secret investors of brokerage, criminal investors, who have invested in media too) they increase the price of share........ and after they dump, they crash share price to unbelievable level.

It has always happened but for too long like for last 4 year. Share market always crash after they sell, and when market is way under valued, it is easy to manipulate cause, even if they cant increase market, they will be in safe side.

And when foreign investor enters market, it is not possible to crash the market, not possible to make market too undervalued. That is why they are preventing foreign investors and bank brokerage.

I am sure JHakri was approached by that brokerage who have secret investment.

And retard politicians cant see it cause they are 8 classe, 10 classe.

What kind of a circus have you been running KP Oli????

राष्ट्र बैंकको स्वामित्वमा रहेको नेप्सेको शेयर खरीदका लागि तीन संस्थागत लगानीकर्ताको आवेदन- wonder some or all of them are or associated with Global bank, prabhu bank, nica asia bank.... we will find out very soon since it is secret today. why is it secret? to manipulate bidding, and governor is their doggie.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 1381
The Rising Sun जी,

के त यी सिमित ब्रोकरहरुले आफ्नो भाग खोसिने र competition गर्न सकिंदैन भनेर,
बैंकहरुलाई share कारोबारबाट पर लान खोजेका हुन् ?

ब्रोकर कम्पनीका नदेखिने लगानी कर्ताका रुपमा,policy लेभलकै मान्छेहरु भएर पो,
बैंकलाई लाइसेन्स दिन यति सकस परेको हो कि ?

हिम्मत चाहियो,लगानीकर्ताहरुको बिभिन्न संस्थाहरु छ क्यार,
तिनले अलि कडा रुपमा कुरा उठाउनु पर्यो,

'पेजर' कम्पनीहरुको पनि त रुची हुँदो होनी,
मोबाइल नआओस भन्ने,त्यसो भएन त l

कुन घुम्तीबाट कसरी जोगाउदै,
share बजारलाई अगाडी बढाउछन या
जानी जानी सिधै पहिरोमै पछार्छन l
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
Handful of brokers with the blessing of bureaucrats and politicians have been manipulating share market for ever.

If banks are given brokerage license, there will enter more player and more investors would be able to join the share market which will reduce the manipulation.

You cant say, banks will manipulate and other brokers wont. Wrong individuals manipulate whether they are in bank or brokerage.

And it will be harder for banks to manipulate since, more people will be involved in brokerage ran by banks. There are directors in bank, who appoint CEO who appoint CEO in brokerage house, who appoint trading staff. So there will be long chain of command. If there is manipulation, someone will tell it while drunk.

So Bank ran organization are the safest.

There is the reason, in Nepal, Banks are the most reliable and most rule following industry in Nepal. And still they are targeted. Its cause of idiot bharya type ceos and khate type directors.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 1381
Dubosi7 जी तपाई हामी सबको चिन्ता भनेको,
चलखेल युक्त कारोबार बन्द होस्,
रगत पसिनाको कमाई लगाउने,सोझा सिधाहरुको उठिबास नलागोस्,

सहज तरिकाले आफ्नो कारोबार गर्न पाईयोस्,त्यही न हो,
अनेक खिचातानी गर्छन, एउटाले एक थोक भन्छ,
फेरी ६ महिनापछि अर्को कुरा आउछ,

लाग्छ नीति निर्माताहरुनै भ्रम र आफ्नो स्वार्थको अधिनमा छन्,

समस्या तन्काई रहलान जस्तो छ l
« Last edit by nissan on Mon Aug 19, 2019 3:38 pm. »
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
Nissan ji, the reason behind creating hurdles in Bank Broker licence lies in your previous reply

मेरो प्रथमिकतामा त 'Bank Broker' नै पर्छन,
अझ आफ्नो खाता भएको Bank बाट,
यदि यिनले राम्रो response गरेनन भनेमात्र Current Broker मा जानु पर्ला l

Many other investors are also looking for the alternative way.
Who want to share there meal to others ? But sincere and hard worker can always earn numerous plate.Believe in MERITOCRACY AND DARWINs LAW -Survival of the fittest.

'Bank Broker'लाई प्राथमिकतामा राख्दा एउटा समस्या चाही देखियो,
मानौ मैले NIBL को Broker मार्फत कारोबार गर्न चाहे,
तर उसबाट NIBL को share किन्न पाईन भने के काम भयो र ?
This is not a problem, rather check & balance to prevent INSIDER TRADING. You can choose another broker to trade that script. NEPSE has to open trading account for individual investors and you can become member of any broker house .
« Last edit by Dubosi7 on Sun Aug 18, 2019 4:36 pm. »
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
yesterday online news -अर्थसमितिद्वारा बैंकलाई ब्रोकर लाइसेन्सको काम अगाडि नबढाउन नेप्सेलाई निर्देशन
todays OL news - १९ वाणिज्य बैंकले पाए धितोपत्र बोर्डबाट शेयर कारोबारको अनुमति
Is it true ?
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
बैंकलाई ब्रोकर लाइसेन्स 'इन्साइडर ट्रेडिङ्गलाई मलजल'
Why some of the brokers are so panicked with NRB directives to give licence of bank? Insider trading should be the concern of investors and regulators not brokers. Good brokers who are providing quality service to there clients will be benefited with this directive, so they need nt be panic.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362

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