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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
War is fought for a greater good.

Saudi Arabia considers accepting Yuan instead of Dollars for Chinese oil sales, the WSJ reports.

Anglo zoo war gave world misery. It did slowly degrade west but no greater good. Only helped to make world bigger vassal of satan.

But this war is about to give the world NWO. End of 300 year terror of anglo zoo. Zoo terror going on for ever. Bigger question is, would this war end terror of Zoo too, or Zoo will find a new body/country to continue their exploitations and terror????

If Russia and EU be parting away, Russia will be selling their commodity in non Euro, $, Pound and EU be buying commodity from canada, australia with euro. So $ bye bye.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Tue Mar 15, 2022 7:52 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
War censorship exposes Putin's leaky internet controls

Those who censored media are spreading propaganda that the other side are censoring media.

But tragedy is, this propaganda works pretty well.

I openly call 99% dumb as a doggo, cause I am the MAN. But they been treating 99% dumb, but never call them dumb.

And still those dumb in Nepal think they are know everything.

Not just american media, media from 5eye, germany, france, japan, korea, alzazeera, indian (many), many media in nepal are controlled by CIA.

Its amazing, in Nepal, only one media talked about RT being censored in Nepal. I dont think, CIA send memo to media in Nepal not to talk about it, but dalals in Nepal know, what their master CIA wants.

Russia began censoring after their media are censored first. China began censoring after western media stopped following their rule and promoted terrorist, bomber in China.

Western, not just media, but also social media is one sided propaganda, which censor other side. Its ok if other countries block them. Western media blocked gaza war happened recently.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2309
Large military drone crashed in the Croatian capital Zagreb on Thursday night & around 40 cars were reported as damaged.
Croatian officials criticised NATO on Saturday for what they said was its slow reaction to a military drone that flew over several NATO member states, including Romania and Hungary, for at least an hour.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
Control the media, control 99%.

Less than a decade, evil empire of the west promoted anti muslim. And majority hated muslim.

Till, few weeks back, they promoted anti Chinese, and they hated Chinese.

Now, they are promoting anti Russian, and majority hating Russian.

In Nepal, there is no anti India in media. Even though, India occupying 1/3rd of Nepal's land, they stole our water, kill Nepalese now and then, forced Nepal to give million of Indian Nepali citizenship .......... and still, majority of Nepalese dont hate India.


Control media, Control 99%.

In west, red necks pushed law to crack down on muslims about 20 year back, violating their human right.

Today, same laws are being used against red necks (and others too). IRONY! and funny.

Today, West are going after wealth of Russian. In Near future, using same action, they will go after red necks' wealth (and others too).

Let's enjoy the show.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
Around $300Billion of Russian govt assets are frozen by west, probably $400billion if private is included.

I had been considering Putin, Russian to be strategist. What were they thinking by keeping wealth in the west. They been talking about west going for nuclear sanction, and still .........

Or Keeping 300-400 in west is just a bait. Make west loot 400billion so that Russia gets to take trillion of west. I read, west has 1 trillion dollar in Russia.


I and many others, have been, taking how, in international politics, Nepal and Ukraine are in similar position.

I just realized, there is one more. In Ukraine, they elected/like a person who is a good talker. Just talk but no brain, experience, understanding.

In Nepal too, those who talk big are liked by many idiots.

By the way, That clown is really popular in Ukraine??? or CIA propaganda is just presenting the clown as popular to the world.

Clown who dont understand foreign policy, economics, society, administration has become president during crisis and the result is infront of us.

Same is going on in Nepal. Nepal is ran by those- finance minister, governor, PM, finance ministry, d governors, advisors, bank promoters, bankers, media writers etc etc- who have no idea about economics and look where our economy is in.

Our politician, bureaucracy has no idea about international politics, international events- and now we are facing it. From MCC to foreign agents have begun to go openly against China like supporting Tibet letter to UN, ambassador visiting Tibetan refugee camp....

Chinese FM is visiting Nepal. I think, this time, it wont be for talk. I think, he may be here to make a threat to politicians and govt.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
Except for Russian, Chinese, Iranian and few others, all remaining media controlled by CIA ........ Look at Indian channels, very confused.

Iran just bombed US consulate office in Iraq, kurdish area. To send message to Mossad and CIA, Probably.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2309
You can watch french channel in 704 slot of dish home :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: enjoy :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
Now its clear, why evil empire (west) banned Russian media:

- Bio lab
- Nazi
- To spread fake digital videos
- To spread fake news

What more shall we know in future

This tactic definitely works in Nepal, would it world in the world???

Now RT news only available in Web.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
Days ago, I said, Ukraine war is 'world vs west'.

Now, I see another clear picture. The war in Ukraine is between 'rich vs poor' countries. Outside middle east, all rich countries are with (or forced to stand with) Ukraine while Poor countries are not with NATO.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2309

US, UK ban Russian oil

Possibility of crude oil going above 200$ per barrel.
& We may have to pay 300 a liter.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
End of the war could be near, after few peace talks.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
This is why?????
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2309
झापड :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Zapad


Seems both parties are getting prepared for a BIG GAME

Government tells British nationals to get out of Russia 'if your presence is not essential'
Do Not Travel advisory from U.S. Embassy in Russia
United States Deploys B-52 Bombers To The United Kingdom
The Pentagon has confirmed troops from the 82nd Airborne Division are being sent to Poland in the next few days while others are on high alert for deployment to Germany and Romania.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
Western Propaganda: Russia controlling freedom of speech by blocking western media and social media.

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz West is the first one to block Russian media, not just in the world, but in the entire world.

10000 fake news controlled by CIA is scared of handful of Russian media.

IRAN?????????? That's a very GOOD IDEA :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
Russia published list of 47 unfriendly countries and one providence. Whose population is, what 70% of India. Less than 1 billion in the world of almost 8 billion.

Thank god, Nepal is not on the list.

China, Russia and many others should do the following to change GDP and world finance:

- Ban individuals from owing property in the west, japan, s korea, singapore.
- Govt should only deposit, invest tiny fraction in above countries.
- Business should not buy unnecessary property and in the case of cash, not more than one year expenses.
- Put money in other countries.
- Ban export of valuable metals to those countries.

If China, Russia, Iran do trading of 15 billion $ (which is not a big amount) with poor countries like Nepal, Nepal be in your side, West wont be able to influence much. Countries like Nepal need financial, media, trading, research coordination, inter connectivity.

Let's together destroy $, root cause of all evil.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
Why I am blindly anti west? Cause I know them.

US and allies discuss Ukraine's line of succession in event Zelenskyy is captured or killed: Report (this is from CIA controlled media, not russian propaganda.)

Pakhe in Nepal may not understand this. This is like East India Company deciding, who will be leader, puppet of India. Or like annglo zoo choosing your bau.

Cause of the support from dumb 99% to the evil white, fight against evil empire may become harder.

Its always 99%. Control the media, control 99%. That is why Russian Media is one of the first being banned.

kukur ko jati buddi chaina, 99% dumb media social media ma badta janne huncha.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
Last few days, US ambassador and his doggo ambassadors met with Tibetans, went to baudha ....... now China will respond.

Nepal on the way to become Ukraine due to CIA, RAW agent sher bahadur and dalal nc and maoist and uml and commies.

Nepal needs violent revolution if we are going to save this country. 25 lakh with khukuri.

China should invest in NGO, INGO in Nepal instead of infrastructure. China should build intelligence and collect criminal data of politicians and bureaucrats and judges and civil society and business class and media.

Good thing is, the enemy of Nepal and China are same individuals and groups. We should join hand and take good care of them.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2309
online version is still available
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
dalal media, how long are nepalese going to tolerate.

nepal need 25 lakh with khukuri hitting the road and knocking the door of dalals

युक्रेन युद्धका 'गोस्ट अफ किभ', जसले थुप्रै रुसी लडाकु विमान खसाले

'ghost of kiev' a video game clip, being circulated by cia, now being copy pasted by dalal media in nepal too.


remember the faces and names of dalal. These are the enemy of both nepal and china. we should join hand and take good care of them

प्रतीक प्रधान
प्रधान सम्पादक

गोविन्द अधिकारी
कार्यकारी सम्पादक

Is RT news being censored in Nepal too?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
NATO in the disguise of mercenary + mercenary + ISIS + NAZI will be fighting from the same camp against Russia.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
Biden administration looking whether to apply or waive sanctions on India under 'Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act' (CAATSA): US diplomat

Dr. Peter McCullough Raises Alarming News Concerning the Shots

"The genetic code for the spike protein doesn't just stay in the rough endoplasmic reticulum. In fact, it goes into the human nucleus. The belief is that it's a permanent installation into human DNA."
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Thu Mar 03, 2022 3:46 pm. »
Registered: Dec 2016
Posts: 173

Government is pussyfooting. Go and grab 20 hundiwalas from trading hubs in Nepal. Put more Armed Police at the border. 30% of all trafficking/confiscation goes to police fund which pays for schooling/medical/housing of armed police forces. 10% direct payment to the police forces making confiscation.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
Just a couple of days ago I asked 'does CIA pay dalals in Nepal for anti China contents only'?

Looks like, $$$$ for anti Russia has beginning to arrive.

And for international News you wont hear in criminal controlled media in Nepal or world:

* Czech Republic: "For public support of Russia's actions, expressed online or in any other space - you will face prison for 1 to 3 years. We monitor cases of online comments expressing support of Russia."

* Slovakia: "For public support of Russia's actions, you may face up to 25 years in prison."

* Google has announced it is blocking RT and Sputnik YouTube channels in EU

* Facebook, TikTok & instagram block Russian media in EU.

Like I have been saying, control media control 99%. Its amazing, by controlling media and paying crowd, how nazi were able to present themselves as democracy, freedom, supporter of rule of law and ......

Europeans killed many natives all over the world for 100s of years. They treated many worst than animals. And GOD punished them with WWI, was not enough, so again gave them WWII ........ not enough ...... now close to WWIII or even nuclear winter.

All this ukraine war pushed by US, UK, zoon /anglo sh!t zoo ....... but looks like eu has taken over the dealing with Russia, and US is not dealing with the world, or more like US are bulling world to go against Russia. ..... where is UK????? may be laughing. I always believed, UK was the reason behind WWI and WWII was the continuation of WWI....... If this is WWIII then, WWIII will be the mistake of WWII, which west thought, They should have fought USSR instead of NAZI...... And WWIV,,, China ....... (just a wet dream).
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
Russia says Kyiv residents can leave safely

For first few days, Russia used soft weapons. Which gave hope to anglo sh!t that Ukraine could keep on fighting.

Clown president asked for peace talk, then disappeared. Anglo sh!t may have promised him help.

Now, Russians are using big weapons.

Nazis are gathering in the capital and Russian are using MRLS to wipe them. Russian been developing their MRLS for decades to wipe out european army.

Now, ukrainians are getting the taste of it. Kiyv about to be flattened. Slav fighting Slav. Just like I hate Nepali traitors, asian traitors.

Ex US Ambassador to Russia William Burns (now CIA director) admitted back in 2008 that NATO expansion to Ukraine crosses Moscow's security "redlines" and could create violence & civil war, which would force Russia to intervene

That's exactly what happened

So every one who had good international knowledge knew- Ukraine will be destroyed- except for the Ukrainian.

Only in Nepal, I see, Nepal could see lost decade due to MCC, unless Nepal can convince China.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Mon Feb 28, 2022 2:07 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7566
Well informed world knows what US been doing for 100s of years.

During Ukraine crisis, US and vassals been talking about free countries' right to make independent decision, sovereignty.

Now, with Ukraine crisis, (if peace does not show up in Ukraine), wait what US and vassal will do to the freedom of free countries in making decisions freely.

Cause of desperation at the peak due to Ukraine war, MCC may start to show it color very soon.

Sharpen your khukuris, gangan thapa talked about tadi par yesterday.

Great US of A is about to show respect to our soverienty due to Ukraine.

By the way, Is Nepal connected to distant alternative to SWIFT - CIPS?

pakhes been running this country since ever, so I doubt.

Pakhe le des chalaune haina- SECOND TO GOD.

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