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GDP of Nepal

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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
GDP of 2078/79: 48.52 kharab (40billion$)

1: Entertainment and other- .61%
2: Healthcare- 1.79
3: Education- 8.1%
4: Public adm and secutiry- 7.73%
5: Administration and NGO- .78%
5: Professional, technical activity- .99%
6: Housing- 8.79%
7: Banking and insurance- 6.86%
8: Communication, media- 2.09%
9: Hotel and restaurant- 1.65%
10: Transportation, warehousing- 5.98%
11: Retail- 16.40%
12: Construction- 6.17%
13: Garbage collection- 0.51%
14: Electricity, gas- 1.37%
15: Industrial production- 5.65%
16: Mining- .58%
17: Agriculture, forester- 23.95%

Official gdp correction (ignoring underground economy);

7: Banking and insurance- 6.86% should be 13%
(Total deposit of BFis + micro + cooperative could be 115% of current GDP, let's say, they charge in average, during normal time 12% interest, which means BFis alone contribution to GDP be 12% and dont know how to calculate GDP contribution of insurance, but let's say, 1% so total 13%)

9: Hotel and restaurant- 1.65% should be 4%
(somewhere I read, hospitality industry has created 5-10% job. And since they pay more than average salary, is not its contribution be 5% at least, due to corona, it may be 4%)

11: Retail- 16.40% should be 25%
(Even after restriction, Import may reach 18kharab this year (real import could be 5-10kharab more). Profit and tax could be far more than 70% ,which would be 12 kharab. And there is retailing of domestic production. Just with import, retail's contribution should be 25%)

So official GDP should be at least 17% higher, and there is underground economy. Which means Nepal's official GDP should be far more than 56kharab, 46billion$.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
IMF projected GDP of 2022

1: US- 25.3
2: China- 19.9
6: India- 3.29
11: Russia- 1.82
14: Iran- 17.4
73: Srilanka- 81.9
102: Zimbabwe: 36.38
103: Nepal- 36.31

(I have prediction about China becoming no1 by 25. US recession is around the corner and Dollar will go down in a year or two. Prediction in ""I""" topic.)

Nepal is missing big from grand success of China. Soon China be starting to sell electric cares and batteries to the world and their GDP will be even greater. This year, they be starting to produce 14nm Chips and in a year or two 7/5nm chips.

Iran, without any media coverage in the world or Nepal, is jumping like a dear. In Nepal, only I covered about Iran, only I have been telling how Iran is becoming economic super power of the reason for last few years. Now we have the data.

About Nepal's economy, only two person can change the fate of Nepal- """"I""" and China.
I am considered as no body by idiots and as for China, all politicians, bureaucrats, media, civil society are ignoring China cause they are getting personal benefit from CIA, RAW.

Many learned little about liquidity from ""I"" and some idiot did not learn. They still think high interest rate, controlling loan would create liquidity. Sad thing is, those some are in power.

Nepal is hopeless case in both nationalism as well as economy.

Tell you a another secret- one of the main reason Nepalese want Green card is 'CAR DREAM'. Since, it is crime in Nepal to own care with white money, youth have American dream. One of the main cause of brain drain- which is harming economy of Nepal. Decrease tax of car, let people make money legally, destroy NRB and save Nepal. Take care of the governor.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
I have been saying, NEPAL's GDP is close to 100 kharab than close to 40 kharab.

One clue.
Daily chicken consumption- 56 lakh/kg
Price per kg- 300rs
Daily consumption in Rs- 56lakh*300=1.6 billion
Annual consumption in Rs- 1.6arab *365= 584 arab- almost 6 kharab.

So, when chicken alone contributes 6 kaharab into Nepal's GDP, so could Nepal's GDP be 40 kharab or 100 kharab????

When share market crashed, Chicken dalals were laughing.

२० दिनमै कुखुराको मासु एक सय बढीले घट्यो

Now, who is laughing, idiots????
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
For 5 year when NEPSE went into depression, I had been saying- "Crashing of share market directly impact big on the economy. How could society invest or consume more when they loose half of their assets".

I has been asking "during great depression in USA, did share market crash lead to the great depression or economic problem lead to share market crash?"

Today, one economist, in an interview said- "If govt does X, which lead to crash of the share market which would lead to economic depression".

Does this mean, "share market crash lead to economic depression" is written in the books of economics? If yes, how come none of the bureaucrats at finance ministry or NRB knew that when NEPSE crashed twice in last 10 year. How come biddwan yuraj k had no idea.

Sector wise contribution in GDP of Nepal:

Agriculture- 25.8%
Mining- .6%
Manu. Industry- 5.1%
Electricity- 1.2%
Water supply- .6%
Construction- 5.7%
Trade- 15.7%
Healthcare- 1.7%
Education- 8.1%
Public service- 7.7%
Administration- .8%
Employment activity- 1.1%
Housing and land- 9.4%
Banking- 6.9%
Communication- 2.2%
Hospitality- 1.6%
Transportation and warehousing- 5.4%

BFIs, Micro, Cooperative get around 500 billion interest which alone is 12%
We import more than 1000 billion- must be sold at 2500 billion, so 1500 billion would be 35%.

Just two, 1500+500 billion would be almost 50% of 4200 billion economy.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
मुलुक अर्थतन्त्र चलायमान हुन थालेको अर्थको ठहर, नेप्सेमा सुधार आउँदा पुँजीबजार पनि सवलीकृत

I think, around 3 months after 20% (priority individuals) get IndianVirus vaccine, Economy will get close to normal.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
भारतका १० ठूला टेक अरबपति, जसको सम्पत्ति कोरोना संकटको समयमा पनि दोब्बर भयो

They dont come to Nepal, take/buy/fake Nepali citizenship and start business. Who does;

कलंकीपछि चण्डोलमा पनि भेटियो नयाँ मितिको लेबल टाँस्ने धन्दा, ठूलै घराना संलग्न

They not just evade tax, they also kill Nepalese with poison and worst they are work for RAW against Nepal, destroy Nepal disrespect, treat staff like animal and show no respect to customers.

bishal and shankar groups latest kanda is enough to bury those two enemy of the state but that wont happen cause all will be settled with few crore bribe to politician, bureaucracy, police and judge.

Bishal group is not just enemy of people, they media went against Nepal but also against 8 classe kp oli and still kp oli will protect they taking few crore.

Black money investing department were threatening Nepalese for years now, but where they are now........ few crore cover their eye.

Idiots tapare in bureaucracy and politics and so called expert think if you touch our friends from south, whole business in Nepal will collapse......

........ but that is not true idiots, you been fooled. our friends from south dont run microsoft, that if you jail them multi billion economy will collapse.......

...... what they run is poison business and evade tax. all they do is "eta ko saman uta", any one can do it and any one can run their banking, insurance business. If you jail them someone else will replace them....

...... when they are replaced, new one may pay more tax, feed nepalese will smelly food instead with poison, pay better salary. Be more loyal to Nepal.....
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
I said on: Fri Mar 22, 2019 6:56 pm (Some highlight)

When tax rate is high and policy is conservative- good people wont enter and who enters are idiot criminals and crony capitalist like people around prachanda and all other politicians who neither any willing to build anything nor pay tax.

When tax is high and policy is hard- if criminals evade them, good investors wont be able to compete with criminals that is why all business community are criminals in Nepal. That is why no Nepalese can compete with indian traders in Nepal. Indian origin traders nor pay tax and they import damaged and expired goods into Nepal.

Traders from south are very rich cause they dont pay tax and import damaged goods and involved adultery. And today, they are so rich, majority of banks and insurance too are controlled by them including media too.

we are so dead.

All cause tax in Nepal is high, policy is tough and they follow non.


Latest news/proof

म्याद गुज्रिएका वस्तु 'रिलेबलिङ' गर्न विशाल ग्रुपले भारतीयसँग लिखित सहमति गरेको खुलासा
बरामद सामानको मूल्य ४ करोड

They are not just criminals, they are anti nation, enemy of Nepal. Had been in advanced countries, their intelligence agency would be keeping close eye on them and as soon as they get the proof of their crime they hang them with nationalizing their entire wealth.

But in Nepal, tapare pakhe take bribe and let them free.

Whose job is to jail them, finish them- politicians, bureaucracy, judiciary, police, media .......... but due to sati ko sarap all of those insitutions are controlled by tapare pakhe who take bribe and sell every piece of Mother Nepal.

It does not matter, How brilliant I may be, but it is not possible to compete with them in business they are involved in due to such practice, cause I can never fall that low. I cant even fall.

Every business related to India is controlled by our friends from south, why cause others cant do what they can easily do.

Check whom they buy those damaged goods. If it is nor from factory directly, if it is from some trader, it could be possible that they are using invoice to money launder.

A few tapare close to 8 classe govt Indianvirus, but trust me Sati ko sarap will save them not cause sati cares for them, but sati keeps them alive to punish Nepali society.

Ever wonder, why insurance premium are so high, probably the highest in the world in Nepal, just look at the face who controls insurance company. Our friends from south bribe pakhe tapre to make some insurance compulsorily and charge public high.

Almost all crime in Nepal has tapare connection.

Full post:


नेपालको आर्थिक वृद्धि ५ प्रतिशत मात्र हुने आइएमएफको नयाँ प्रक्षेपण, ४ महिनामा डेढ प्रतिशत घटायो

यसअघि आइएमएफले गत डिसेम्बर १३ मा जारी गरेको रिपोर्टमा चालु आर्थिक वर्षमा नेपालको आर्थिक वृद्धिदर ६.५ प्रतिशत हुने प्रक्षेपण गरेको थियो |

केपी शर्मा ओली र अर्थमन्त्री डा. युवराज खतिवडाले आइएमएफको प्रक्षेपणलाई देखाउँदै सरकारको ठूलो उपलब्धिको रुपमा व्याख्या गरेका थिए |

उद्योग विभागका अनुसार विदेशी लगानी चालु आर्थिक वर्षको प्रथम ८ महिनामा ६३ प्रतिशतले घटेको छ |

आइएमएफको टिम लिडर ग्रीर्ट अल्मेकिन्डर्सले नेपालको आन्तरिक उत्पादन क्षमता कमजोर भएकोले अर्थतन्त्र संकटमा रहेको बताएका छन् |

संघीयतामा धेरै नीति तथा कार्यक्रम दोहोरिएको, कर वृद्धि, पुराना नीतिले लगानीको वातावरण बन्न असहयोग गरेको आईएमएफले जनाएको छ |


The latest revised GDP growth I predicted is 5.5% of 2019

Here some organization has predicted 5% growth (IMF- did not they predict 6.5% before???)

And yuraj k predicts growth of 7%, Oli predicts close to 8%, Worldbank/IMF predicts 6.5%.

Remember, I predicted 5.5% in Thu Nov 22, 2018 4:39 pm

IMF has revised to 5% on 2019-2-17


If GDP growth reach around 5.5%, Since only Jews gets Nobel prize, I demand world to use one time "master of Universe" and give it to me. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

I have been saying- high tax rate and unnecessary hard and complicated policy would never help economy.

And still why there used to be 6/7% GDP growth? Investors did not use to follow the policy and pay tax.

Now sarbagyani yuraj k has not only forcefully implemented policy and tax rate- he has made policy even tougher and increased tax by a lot.

I had recommended 8 classe Oli, when he won the election to - slowly decrease tax and slowly inforce it. There should be 10 year plan to bring underground and black economy into mainstream economy.

And make fiscal and monitory policy liberal and other policy too.

When tax rate is high and policy is conservative- good people wont enter and who enters are idiot criminals and crony capitalist like people around prachanda and all other politicians who neither any willing to build anything nor pay tax.

When tax is high and policy is hard- if criminals evade them, good investors wont be able to compete with criminals that is why all business community are criminals in Nepal. That is why no Nepalese can compete with indian traders in Nepal. Indian origin traders nor pay tax and they import damaged and expired goods into Nepal.

Traders from south are very rich cause they dont pay tax and import damaged goods and involved adultery. And today, they are so rich, majority of banks and insurance too are controlled by them including media too.

we are so dead.

All cause tax in Nepal is high, policy is tough and they follow non.

Its all cause of characters like sarbagyani yuraj k. Who has no idea what economics is, what share market is but he believes he knows everything. And made policy tough and tax high.

If policy had been liberal and tax rate had been low- even if criminals evade them, it would he hard/impossible for them to compete with good investors.

Look at so called civil society members, experts and media, whom they consider to be hero among finance minister. What work they glorify?

- They made hero to ramsaran mahato. They gave him credit for increasing tax. and those idiots dont see that same high tax is the reason every thing is expensive in Nepal compared to other south asia.

Because of high tax, life in Nepal is very expensive and so doing business is very expensive and cant compete with world.

And still they give credit to idiot mahato.

- And there is another hero. recently dead bharat mohan adhakari. They gave him credit for distributing free wealth.

Since when looting from hardworking and giving it to bhat mara is glorifying.

In the world, leaders who have made their country rich are considered as hero. But in Nepal those who increase tax and distributing wealth are considered as hero.

Sati ko sarap

and they ask why Nepal is poor. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzee

May be because in Nepal, those who have louder voice are all idiot and people like me, whose voice is not heard????
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
अर्थमन्त्री भन्छन् : वित्तीय प्रणालीमा ७० अर्ब रुपैयाँ तरलता छ, पुँजी बजार बिग्रिंदैन

Just imagine, what could mao, stallin have said before millions died due to famine?

Could they have said, "millions are about to die, fk them"?????


they could have said, "every thing is fine".

Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
Before corona, communist (yuraj k, kp oli, tanki baje and socialist chirinjivi nepal) destroyed economy. now we have corona.

(I wanted to write about economic cycle under different system, but did not have motivation cause of NEPSE crash. corona would given me the perfect example about communist, and socialist economy)

If yuraj k and chirinjivi nepal had not destroyed economy which increased credit in the system, things would have been better.

I am the only one who knows how to protect the economy. If they bring surendra pandey in finance minister, I will tell you.

Its been weeks, economy is in trouble due to corona but yuraj k is still sleeping. he talked about reducing huge tax well before corona but even after corona he is like a las.

Remember, in the history, when there is communist in the govt, if there is economic crisis, millions had died (famine in china, ussr). history is repeating in Nepal, we have problem but govt does not care. tanky baje said something few days ago to tourism sector instead of solving problem or addressing problem. that is how, millions did in china, ussr cause of famine, communist/socialist mentality.

I know, how to address it, call me.

I would tell you if there is surendra panday as finance minister.


chririnjivi nepal has put forward his 25 achievements as the governor.

During his tenure, we faced liquidity crisis, interest rate crisis, share market crisis, over production crisis. and in 25 achievements, none is mentioned (i just read some highlights, I may have missed it)

Most of the problem he created, and one, he made it worse (liquidity crisis). then entered yuraj k to make things worst.


when going gets tough, tough gets going.

We have 10-15% interest on FD, 10-12% interest on bfis bond. All cause of chirinjivi nepal.

I may be the only one who see those rates as a grave threat to the economy, which was created by chirinjivi nepal.

sati ko sarap


Bring down FD rate to- 4% for institution, 7% for public (including older contracts) if you want to save Nepal's economy.

Bfis profit is too low to handle any future threat which I have been warning for years.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Wed Mar 18, 2020 5:49 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
गभर्नर डा. चिरञ्जीबी नेपालको कार्यकाल समीक्षा: कठिन परिस्थितिमा पनि ऐतिहासिक काम

should I laugh or kill myself?

I, I the only one who Predicted, made correct analysis in the entire universe going to say this-

"Chirinjivi Nepal, is the biggest curse in the history of monitory policy".

Last for year was suppose to be the best, golden time in the history of Nepal. Before yuraj k, He is the main who destroyed Nepal through monitory policy, blackmailing and corruption.

Corruption- he came into power through corruption and he lest criminals like NICA, Global destroy capital market.

Last for year was suppose to be the best years in the history of Nepal, but Nepal suffered not just liquidity crisis but also interest rate crisis.

Before yuraj k came into power, chirinjivi been destroying Nepal for first two year.

He was too incompetent to solve liquidity crisis. But, interest crisis was all his doing. He forced Bfis to give 13/14% on FD. Only country suffering from economic crisis have such a high rate, but NRB forced BFIs into 13/14% fd rate.

Chirinjivi Nepal single handedly destroyed share market. He made monitory policy just to crash the market. And during his final year, he tried to save share market but could not.

Many criminals tried to crash share marked when it made record. But could not and they used chirinjivi nepal to crash share market through monitory policy and since then share market still could not gain confidence back.

He became governor with the black money of some banker, and later he kept on attacking banks. Kept on destroying banks with every monitory policy he read.

But never punished banks like NICA for their crime which destroyed not just capital market, but also share market.

Sati ko sarap.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
House Dems will hear from
Claudia Sahm
Wed. morning as they consider fiscal package in response to coronavirus crisis.

Both economists have called for """"""""going big and going quickly"""""""""". Furman wants -$350 billion.

I am sure, Lord Pashupatinath too is almost ready with his plan to tackle corona hit economy of Nepal. :mrgreen:

Hope, Pasupatinath takes over tax department too (fiscal and monitory policy too).

Its not fair, Pashupatinath taking care of everything except for TAX department which is controlled by criminal pakhes who suck blood of one small group and redistribute it to a big group of criminals.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
I want to teach or direct you to study a huge topic about economics/life, which I have been saying for more than a decade, to those who consider themselves expert or student of economics (even business or even commoners).

I have been saying a very important, one of the most important topic in life, economics, earning which is "Making good money is more important than wanting price to fall (whose price is already reasonable)". Which many or almost every one disagree and over smart also gives me example against my view.

Which scenario would you prefer- Low oil price and loosing job/loosing remittance

or Normal oil price and keeping job/remittance?????

During load shedding, pakhes, public, media kept on barking, opposing govt giving electricity to industries/business while public had to face long load shedding.

Then too I used to say, govt need to first priorities electricity to business than to public. Public can live with longer load shedding but cant live without job. But that time pakhe with animal personality used to respond with aggression.

No wonder, Nepal is a shithole.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
Nepal's economy is facing crisis (over hyped crisis) due to having a sanki bureaucrat as fiance minister.

If we has good political with understanding of business, economics as finance minister, may be we had different approach. In china, us, eu, japan have already made changes to their fiscal and monitory policy to tackle possible corona impact.

Another big analysis about the economy: Now Nepali will feed the devil (10-15% FD rate). High interest on FD will be felt by the economy, but other than myself, no one will see it. How many major prediction I may get it right, its sarbagyani in media and social media who make their voice loud and their voice is heard not mine.

Yuraj k is going for safe landing of his failure by lying to kp oli and comreds. They are saying corona may bring down economy to below 5%.

Reality is, corona has impacted for last one month only, and we have remain 4 month in this fiscal year. Real impact wont be more than .5% to 1% max.

Now, looks like yuraj k is about to tell the truth about real GDP growth of below 5% blaming on corona to cover his incompetence.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Thu Mar 05, 2020 11:12 am. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
'चालू आर्थिक वर्षमा ४ प्रतिशतको मात्रै आर्थिक वृद्धिदर देखिने भएपछि यो विवरण लुकाएको भन्ने बाहिर चर्चा छ'

उनले तथ्याङ्क विभागले चौमासिक अवस्थालाई विश्लेषण गर्दा करिब ५ प्रतिशतको हाराहारीमा वृद्धिदर रहेको जानकारी दिए

गत वर्ष पनि यही हाराहारीमा नै थियो

I predicted 5.5% growth for last year. But Yuraj k said, 7%. Now National planning commission is saying it was around 5%.

Looks like, I was correct.

My prediction for this year is, 1.5% less than last year's. Which would be around 4%. And those in power suspect, it is around 4% and yuraj k has been hiding something.

Looks like, data could be wrong, but, your's truly would not. :mrgreen:

I have been joking saying, "second to God". But, looks like, God has not been joking.

If IMF, World bank, ADB had been following me, and published real GDP growth of Nepal, they could have helped save Nepal at least 6 months. If had KP Oli saw real number, he could have made the decision to sack Yuraj k 6 month ago.

If you want to know about Nepal's economy in advance, follow me and only me and it would not just save time also make you look smart. 8)
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
Thanks Chutiya ji for your motivation and support.
Registered: Dec 2016
Posts: 173
2019 Nepal's GDP ~33 kharab
Nepse's Market Cap as of 2/17/2020 ~17 kharab

Nepse is so undevalued. The bull is just a baby now.
Registered: Jun 2018
Posts: 91
THE RISING SUN JEE......I am also your true admirer for your in depth analysis and overwhelming knowledge of economics and intricate relationships of market supply and demand. At first it was hard for me to grasp what you meant but after few years of reading your posts, now they all make sense. Keep enlightening us with your wisdom. Always grateful to you..
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
Thanks, you are the first one to appreciate (hope its not sarcasm). Even my father and brother used to say- timro kura testai ho.. but after NEPSE hit the record it stopped and after it crashed, there were some question marks...... hope my father remembers what I said about a decade ago like- some day electric car will be cheaper than petrol car cause it requires very less parts. I heard, my that prediction will become correct in 2/3 year.

I told my brother that electric toy cars/ RC and real are similar- only difference is quality of parts, size and few extra parts.

I also have said, some day, electric car will be much faster than petrol cause electricity travels faster than wind. Battery is the problem till now. And my cousin laughed. Hope he remembers.

I have made many such predictions.

Thanks to internet, now I can post and later claim, I told you so.

I am not that social so...

By the way, I am a great looking fellow.

Really, grammar??? I thought my problem in language is vocabulary and lazy to read before posting and spelling (thanks to auto correction and google, I am not exposed in this department :mrgreen: ).

I never used to curse, It all started cause of the NEPSE crash, now I cant stop cursing in the road. Hope, it ends after NEPSE breaks the record. ;)

That is why, it is called conspiracy theory. :mrgreen:
Registered: Dec 2016
Posts: 173
I would like to applaud Rising Ji sincerely for forecasting correctly many of the issues we have been facing in the economy.
Now, I would also encourage Rising Ji to come out of his shell, get a nice hair cut, put on some smart glasses and start writing articles for online business portals. He will definitely have to improve his grammar and stop cussing, but, if he comes out and start making timely economic projections and well formed arguments, may be he can start wider conversations on these serious economic matters. People will definitely be well informed. Overall, a win win for the public.
P.S. He may also have to delete his conspiracy thread if he wants to be taken seriously. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
आर्थिक वृद्धि ६% भन्दा तल झर्दै, तथ्यांक 'छेडछाड',अर्थतन्त्रका लागि आन्तरिक र वाह्य दुवै प्रतिकूल

Remember, I said, during the budget, this year's GDP growth will be around 1.5% less than last year's (7.2%, they said, which also I think is fake).

Now so called, experts are saying today, which I said during analysis of fiscal policy and budget. That is called analyzing policy.

That's natural born expert. Or you can say, second to GOD. :mrgreen:

एक अर्थशास्त्रीले भने- 'हामीले नबुझेर हो| उहाँले किस्ता किस्तामा ढाँटिरहनु भएको छ| हामीले त्यसलाई अर्थमन्त्रीको आत्मविश्वास बढेको भनेर विश्लेषण गरिरहेका छौं :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
केपी ओलीलाई विस्तारै साइड लगाउने प्रचण्डको यस्तो रणनीति

आफूलाई एक्ल्याइँदैछ भन्ने बुझेपछि ओलीले आफ्नो प्रधानमन्त्री पद यसपटक जोगाएका छन्, नेकपा स्रोतले भन्यो

अहिले नेकपाको केन्द्रीय कमिटी र स्थायी कमिटीमा प्रधानमन्त्री ओली अल्पमतमा छन्

आफू अध्यक्ष बनेपछि उपाध्यक्ष वामदेव गौतम, प्रधानमन्त्रीमा माधवकुमार नेपाल र राष्ट्रपतिमा झलनाथ खनाललाई बनाउने आश्वासन प्रचण्डले दिइसकेको स्रोतको दाबी छ

Share market lost 1000 billion and 4 year, in a country whose GDP is 3000 billion. That is a huge loss.

How is people gonna invest when they have lost 1000 billion. How much people could consume when they have lost 1000 billion.

With low investment there is low capacity.

With low consumption, there is over production.

And results economic problem.

All caused by yuraj k and bureaucracy.

Due to yuraj k and bureaucracy, KP Oli is about to be killed and so is communist party. 3 year left for communist to save their vote.

Do they want to go to sati with KP Oli?

Does KP Oli want to go to sati with yuraj k?

Even after learning, economy was in trouble, communist or KP Oli did not fire yuraj k. He is still not fired.

You can win election by lying, but you wont be re elected without brain.

Only I can give you re election victory. Cause I am second to God.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
टेलिकम र आयल निगमको लाभांश जोडेर राजस्व लक्ष्य पुर्‍याइयो

who gives a fk.

all you have to do is fool KP Oli and I am sure he did. Soon, KP Oli may use this as an example of govt success.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
आर्थिक वृद्धिदरमा यसैपालि ब्रेक लाग्न सक्छ !
'चिन्ता लिइहाल्नुपर्दैन' भन्ने थेगो नै भयो

नरबहादुर थापा ----------- He is one of the main or should I say main reason behind liquidity crisis, interest rate crisis, share market crisis, over production crisis, consumer demand crisis and many many

and now he has become sarba gyani.

When he was top official of NRB, when Nepal was going through all crisis, he kept on saying every this is ok, instead of handling them properly. He was more radical in implementing bad monitory policy than the governor.

Sati ko sarap.

He was representing Share market from NRB in SEBON. While in post to save share market, he was always working to destroy share market. ......

...... what kind of a person sits in a position which is suppose to save it but instead keeps on trying to destroy it ......... only person who is born from certain kind of a woman (you all know what I mean, right ;) )

alchina pakhe

sati ko sarap.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
Amazing, so called economic expert, economic enthusiast who has no idea what is happening in the economy in Nepal comments/analyze about Indian economy as if they are the expert of Indian economy or economics!!!!!!!!!

They may wish, somebody outside Nepal would write about economic of Nepal so that they could copy and paste in Nepal's media and social media :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Yuraj k!!!!!! When India reduced their tax a few month ago to kick start their growth, talked about reducing tax in Nepal too. Which still has not happened.

And I read, India will soon reduce next phase of tax again. Yuraj k is all talk and no action- he talked about solving liquidity and interest crisis two year ago. And he has had no idea how to do that.

Yuraj k talked about reducing tax in Nepal when India did a few month ago. And still has not happened in Nepal. And India already working on to reduce second phase of tax reduction.

About Economic slowdown in India- Let the master (I) do the prediction. You just read my comment and prediction and analysis. This economic slowdown and Economic growth in India will bring in permanent lower tax and lower interest rate in India and South Asia and due to low life/brain dead/sarbagyani like yuraj k, Nepal will be too late to react.

Fire Yuraj k and stop yuraj k to waste any more precious time of Nepal.

KP Oli, dont wait for another 3 month, fire yuraj k immediately and save 3 precious month time of Nepal. And make Surendra Panday Finance minister immediately.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7676
७ दिनमा बैंकहरुको निक्षेप ९ अर्ब बढ्यो, कर्जा लगानी स्थिर

Deposit UP by 9 billion
Loan Up by 0 billion
In a week.

Another problem/failure of Yuraj k, but great for Share market. Now Some BFIs are begging to take share loan. , Interest is down due to base rate down, Plus, to attract customer, some even offering loan at 11.5%, which used to be 16% till a couple of year ago.

Market crashed 20/40% in the name of 16% interest, but when will NEPSE increase 20/40% in the name of down interest????

Finally, data is coming that says, loan demand is low and economy is slowing down. And still, yuraj k is able to fool KP Oli and comreds how economy is doing great.

It would have been great if there was somebody in Nepal who could predict these things 3 year back, 1 year back, 6 month back ....................... Wait I did that. Only I did that.

I predicted this around 6 month back. And Puji bhairab ji been taking about this for weeks too.

This Sharesansar forum has been the only economic analytical site (should be media) in Nepal. Its sad, and still we find sarbagyani, spreading economic gyan in media and social media in Nepal.

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