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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7560
American people have been facing sanction, secondary sanction by foreigners, dual citizen, American loyal to foreign country or paid by foreign country/agent- for criticizing a foreign country. Is not this suppose to be national security threat for USA??

And this sanction has increased by many folds during last few year.

Those American people face sanction from- media, social media, university, big corporations, banks etc.

US house just passed 14billion payment to Israel by cutting their own internal budget.

Remember, I have been saying- Red necks are one of the three most dumb race in the world. Red necks are the only one who are controlled by/used by those (zoo) who use Red necks money, sweat, blood against Red neck as well as against human all over the world. And amazingly, while doing so zoo- still program those red necks in thinking themselves as superior, with higher values, intelligent, their god loving, patriot and what not.

Zoos been using red necks like animals- dog, cow, pig, predeator. US been used as a pig farm since wwi or ii. I head English and Jews made a deal to use usa.

Just a matter of time, those animals will turn againt zoo just like in the past. History is bout to repeat. May be that is why, zoo been bringing in different community into western society. Divide and rule. Do you know, zoo also control immigration department of the west???

Zoo have controlled western society and probably middle east for regularly for few thousand years. And get persecuted again and again. Why? Cause they been controlling west and muslim world by buying those in power and position. People's anger keep on rising and when huge majority rise, they get persecuted. Zoos are international cult, they are nation inside a nation.

People are talking: Hasbulla's boss will give speech today. They are saying he may declare war against Israel.

I dont think so, he may declare to enter into NEXT PHASE!
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7560
Bella Hadid is a Palestine American model who supports Palestine. Propaganda account is spreading that Bella's family had to scape from Palestine cause of Muslim.

Fact is here:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7560
This is caused by Intercepted Hamas missile:

they are saying, they- Israel govt/intelligence, US govt/intelligence, now French intelligence. Where is British and Germany.

This is worst than WMD cause the whole world watch the video.

The latest cause Israeli are saying The hospital was blown up is: Intercepted Hamas missile falling on the hospital parking.
Before this, they have floated lies: First was- false flag by hamas. Then Hamas missile misfire. Then, Hamas misfired missile hit the hamas rocket stock. Then Hamas misfired missile hit fuel storage. Then Hamas misfired missile hit oxygen tank. They also said- third party sabotage.

One of the best information provider regarding Hamas, Israel, Palestine, Hazbulla, Iran, Russia, US battle is: Ray McGovern I think he is Irish, most of the Irish are pro Palestine cause of terror from British.
Registered: Oct 2013
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Registered: Oct 2013
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Registered: Oct 2013
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Gaza crisis has been blessing in disguise for social media.

There were some, so called conspiracy theorist (social media personalities), who liked to talk about freedom: have been exposed.

And also, this crisis has put light on some people (social media personalities) who really turned out to be supporting freedom.

Ukraine war: It exposed intelligence level of people. That case is very complicated. After Gaza crisis, it has proven, a lot of those who supported Russia and Putin, supported cause Putin/Russia is white/Christian not cause they see the truth.

A lot of whited idiots are like: I hate deep state, but, I support deep state masters.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7560
Gaza crisis has been blessing in disguise for social media.

There were some, so called conspiracy theorist (social media personalities), who liked to talk about freedom: have been exposed.

And also, this crisis has put light on some people (social media personalities) who really turned out to be supporting freedom.
Registered: Jul 2017
Posts: 12
This is proof nepal is infested with useless leftist thugs
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2307
Bombing hospital is definitely a "terrorist act". Still PUPPET HUMAN RIGHT ORGANIZATION are in deep sleep
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7560
Evil zoos are deliberately targeting Hospitals. More than 500 killed in single massacre.

Years back- there was in an interview, Netanyahu talked about killing as many family members as possible of 'so called terrorist'.

Similar was said by americans and they been doing so in action.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7560
They are saying: US foreign minister recently (1 or 2 day ago) visited Saudi to meet the crown prince. The response was, he was too busy so the foreign minister went to another gulf country. Then returned back to saudi again for the meeting. And again was told, the crown prince was busy.

The free world saw in the past week: How zoo tried to burn alive 2.5 million Palestine who are forced to concentrate in a small concentration camp. Most of whom are children of Palestine whose house, land, farm were stolen forcibly by anglozoo during last 80 year. :shock:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7560
As per Seymour Hersh: Israel will flatten building in Gaza then use American bunker buster bombs to destroy tunnel that can kill people up to 1.5 mile radius.

---- (Then probably get inside Gaza)

I was wanting to see IDF get into now. If above is true then ......

Wonder how deep are the tunnels.

It looks like, they rest of the world will force for two state solution after this battle. Which Israel did not want and wanted to capture the whole Palestine.

Short history of Gaza: Gazans did not use to live in Gaza. They used to live in Palestine. Israeli took their land and houses and business and farm and concentrated them in that tiny concentrated land with 2.3m Palestinians.

History is repeating. After concentrating Palestinians in Gaza, now the next phase (which we were told had happened in Europe).
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7560
Epstein Victim Who Testified Against Ghislaine Maxwell Has Died- and Her Family Wants Answers

- How convenient.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7560

- The World should declare 'radical zoo' 'the most dangerous terrorist'.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7560
From comment section:

On December 31, 1947, the first large attack by the Haganah Zionist militia took place against the village of Balad al-Sheikh, east of the port city of Haifa, in which 60 to 70 Palestinians were killed.

---- Probably, start of the ongoing violence in that part of the world.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7560
Post below in anglozoo social media, and wait for what happens.

Madeleine Albright - The deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children was worth it for Iraq's non existent WMD's

Evil social media and media controlled by anglozoo protects pedo, war criminals, rapists. All of them should be help liable and reparation should be in 100s of trillions $.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7560
Finland-Estonia Undersea Pipeline In Baltic "Has Been Deliberately Damaged"

- Putin be like- right time to squeeze some flies. :mrgreen:

Peaceful resolution required between Taiwan and China: President Tsai

- After the best of the best of the best 'NATO trained, heavily armed by NATO weapons- Military barracks were ran over by AK47 carrying unemployed on sinkers" ..... no1 anti China- half chinese, half japanese W!tch is now come into sense.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Tue Oct 10, 2023 8:19 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7560
One small nuke in some pond .............
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2307
Thats why I used to call them "PAPER TIGER"

Do you know the geophysics ? Who will suffer if he Nuke WARSAW in coming few months ?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7560
US is sending battle group, fighter planes, B52 to defend Israel from Hasbulla, Syria etc.

Hasbulla says, they will enter war if Israel enters Gaza.

Egypt says, they will enter into war if Palestinians are killed discriminately.

Saudi just ended normalization talk with Israel.

Looking at what Israel is doing to Gaza, Russians in Ukraine are like god of humanity.

For many decades, using media propaganda, they been presenting Israeli army- as best of the best- with NATO tanks, APCs, Choppers, F35 ...... then few thousand Hamas ran over their Barracks on snickers with AK47.

This make Russian army in Ukraine, world's best who are fighting NATO trained, NATO armed million army.

US been saying they can fight two front war. But turned out, they cant even fight 1 and 0.1 front war. They (NATO) ran out of weapons.

What happens when they have to fight 3 and a half front war. Russia, China, Iran (middle east) and africa?

US warned no one outside get involved in this war. While Dozens of countries are involved in Ukraine war. Putin seems too week. Russia should use GAZA war to warn others not to help Ukraine. Or Putin should nuke Warsaw.

Russia should give Hasbulla few dozen 'hypersonic anti ship' to take revenge for sinking their ship in Black sea.

Putin is too weak!
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7560
Looks like cheap drone is gonna change the war against occupation (in big settlements).

Hamas used to be helpless against tanks, now, no more.

Gaza division general is also POW.

Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2307
A year after the attacks, no one has been charged with the bombing, but mounting evidence points to Ukrainian involvement. Those who put there foot in mouth will always become a scapegoat.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7560
Russian defense minister said: They are going to end the war by 2025. (boom boom soon or negotiation??)

Western media have began to spread negativity of India.

Fun fact: 99% of Western negative propaganda regarding Russia and China are either lies or exaggerated by many many times. But, negative truth of India is far worse than those lies and exaggeration.

Can you spy on a phone when it is turned off?

- If you dont know, you are dumb.

Did you know that USA not only spies on every single Japanese but also has a 'sleeper program" or a "kill switch" for entire Japan?

If Japan asks US military to leave, US can destroy their entire digital infrastructure plus dams, power grid, hospitals etc.- Snowden

-- Same everywhere, except for Russia, China, N korea, Iran etc. Even in Nepal, that is why they are preventing Nepal from getting Chinese technology.

Shocking allegation by Pulitzer-winning Seymour Hersh:

When German chancellor Schulz was at the White House in February last year - 2 weeks before Russia invaded Ukraine - he was told by Biden that the U.S. will blow up Nord Stream pipeline!
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Thu Sep 28, 2023 12:14 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7560
Seems like US is squeezing India slowly.

We shall find out soon, how much Modi is going to surrender in front of US by India's action and talk. For last some years- Modi has already handed over- internet, IT, finance, trading, probably land (that is what land reform was about) etc.

India will pay a big price for sanctioning China.

(Nepal needs to revive economy asap, make trade deals with China asap, become trading bridge between China and India asap- can finance minister, PM hear????)
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7560
Canada accused Indian Govt (modi) of killing Canadian in Canada.

India been killing Nepalese in Nepal.

Will NATO go after India like they been going after Russia, Iran, China etc? May be no, but hope so.

India has zero chance against NATO. NATO can easily destroy India without wasting a bullet. India is completely dependent upon NATO. India will pay big for disrespecting China.

Unlike Russia, China, Iran ... India has zero friend and their are in fake alliance with those (west) who want to destroy them just cause they exist.

As for Nepal: Only Nepal or India can survive. If there is India, Nepal wont survive. What should we do .........

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