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Liquidity crisis past Vs present

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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
How to solve liquidity crisis???

- I had been saying, If BFIs/NRB/idiot yuraj k should give share loan of 10 of billions and that loan would have immediately returned back to BFIs which would have deceased pressure on BFIs to increase business and reduce liquidity crisis.

Now, this is my same finding with larger explanation:
When liquidity crisis was increasing, NRB tightened loan policy by reducing loan to products like share loan, personal loan and made BFIs focused on so called priority sector or so called productive sector.

So, when even BFIs had money, that money went to hydro, hotel, big industry like cement and BFIs did not give loan to share loan.

So what happened was, those loan which went to hydro, hotel, cement industry--- most of the money left the country which hit liquidity crisis even more.

If BFIs had give their money first to share loan, personal loan, that money would have returned back to their account immediately and if that deposit, if they had given to so called priority sector, our liquidity crisis would have been over.

When going gets tough, tough gets going.

NRB, instead of focusing on loan to that product which would have immediately brought back cash into BFIs, NRB focused on those product, so called productive sector, which sent money outside Nepal... Liquidity crisis prolonged.

That the economy, stupid!

That is why I been saying, idiots should not make policy.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
UAE to deposit $3 billion in Pakistan's central bank to help the country's economy

This his how you build foreign policy.

Nepal's foreign Policy 🤢

But worry, Not, Share market will solve liquidity crisis-

1: after NEPSE is open for outsider- since after NEPSE reach normal height, return will be just above interest rate Nepal pay for foreign loan which is very small.

Which means, foreign investors will take back tiny fraction profit compared to NCell or Uniliver so wont be a problem.

I dont understand, FDI policy should be opening up market for those company which brings in foreign currency as revenue or helps Nepal reduce import or high tech company.

Why they opened up market for Ncell????

2: One of the reasons there is liquidity crisis is cause BFIs dont have enough business. If they give 100 billion more margin loan, BFIs will give loan and that money will immediately return back to BFIs so that returned can be again given to alu farmer.

But 100 billion is impossible. But possible if govt gives confidence and promotes margin loan.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
ऋणको ब्याज नियन्त्रण गर्न बचतकै ब्याजमा क्याप लगाउने तयारी, १२% मा ब्याज झारिने

this liquidity crisis has become hard nut to crack for incompetent bureaucrats. ... accept me as your bou, i shall solve it within 24hr.
Registered: Mar 2016
Posts: 11
Once I click share-sansar to see century bank offering 13 % on Fixed deposit, I took long breathe. Green Colour cant sustain for sure. Wait will be long......
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
most of the small and medium class commercial banks are providing 13-13.5% interest in deposit. This will definitely increase there cost of fund and just imagine the lending interest rate????? Ultimately its going to hit the share loanee at the end of poush-We have to get prepared for the upcoming harsh condition.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
परिसंघको प्रश्न: जीडीपीको ३५ प्रतिशत पैसा निष्क्रिय राखेर देश कसरी बन्छ?

If they had read my post, they could have said, what they said above, two years ago.

But I dont think, its 35%, probably 15-25%.

बैंकर्स संघका अध्यक्ष भन्छन्-'२-३ दिनमै भद्र सहमति ब्यूँतिनसक्छ |'
- Bring down institutional FD rate to 6.5%.

NRB should start new rule: Institution should not put more than 4% of their cash reserve in one BFI. It should include all pension funds, mutual funds, insurances, and all those corporation which has more than 25 crore cash.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Fri Dec 07, 2018 9:03 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
How to tackle FD interest rate crisis?

-Make new rule: Pension funds, Insurance and all business with more than 1 arab cash can deposit max of 4% of their cash in One BFI.

One more rule to deal with FD interest rate crisis.

This way, if NICasia give 9% and others offer 7%, would be fine.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
नेपाल राष्ट्र बैंकबाट प्राप्त विवरण अनुसार २५ मध्ये १६ बैंकको निक्षेप असार मसान्तको तुलनामा साउन १५ मा घटेको देखिन्छ।
Again showing early symptoms of chronic economic disease.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
सरकारी 'ब्याकअप' मा बैंकर्स संघले फेरी गर्यो ब्याज बढ्न नदिने भद्र सहमति, बचत ७%, मुद्दति ११%

सहमति अनुसार, संस्थागत निक्षेपकर्ताले अब साढे १० प्रतिशत मात्र ब्याज पाउने छन्। सर्वसाधारण निक्षेपकर्तालाई बढिमा ११ प्रतिशत ब्याज दिइने छ। यसअघिको सहमतिमा संस्थागतलाई ११.१५ प्रतिशतसम्म दिन पाइने थियो।

संघले ब्याज दरलाई अझ तल झार्नका लागि बचतको सीमा पनि घटाएको छ। पुरानो सहमति अनुसार ८ प्रतिशतसम्म बचतमा ब्याज दिन पाइन्थ्यो। बिहीबारको निर्णय अनुसार अब बचतमा अधिकतम ७ प्रतिशत मात्र ब्याज दिने सहमति भएको छ।

अब बैंकहरुले सबै ब्याजको भुक्तानी त्रैमासिक रुपमा मात्र गर्ने भएका छन्।

ऋणको ब्याज दरमा पनि अंकुस लगाइएको छ।

Why dont NRB fix max and min interest? There are <APE expert in social media supporting free market who expect freebies from our tax money.

Loan int: 7-12 (12 for finance, 11.5 for dev bank, 11 for bank) (dev and finance should get 3% concession in CCD ratio)

Deposit int: 3-8
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
बैशाख लागेसँगै घट्यो घरजग्गा कारोबार, व्यवसायीहरु नयाँ बिकल्पको खोजीमा
WATER(LIQUID) will find its own way - REAL STATE to STOCK and viceversa.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
सानिमा बैंकले पनि विदेशबाट ऋण ल्याएर गर्ने भयो लगानी
सानिमा बैंक र आइएफसीबीच कर्जा सम्झौता
बैंकहरुमा तरलता अभावको समस्या कम हुँदै, सरकारी खर्चको प्रभाव निक्षेपमा/बैंकहरुले निक्षेप बढेसँगै ऋण पनि बृद्धि गर्न थालेका छन्।
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
बैंकहरूमा पैसा आउन थाल्यो, २१ दिनमा ३० अर्ब निक्षेप संकलन
वैशाख ७ गते २२ खर्ब ६३ अर्ब रुपैयाँ रहेको वाणिज्य बैंकहरूको निक्षेप संकलन २८ गते २२ खर्ब ९३ अर्ब रुपैयाँ पुगेको छ
निक्षेप बढेसँगै बैंकहरू सहज बन्दै गएको
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
निक्षेप भन्दा कर्जाको वृद्धिदर उच्च हुँदा वित्तीय असन्तुलन देखियो : राष्ट्र बैंक

tero bau khaire le pani bhani sakyo- budget not implementing is the main reason behind liquidity crisis.

Increment in BFIs capital is another main reason. And NRB is behind it.

Liquidity crisis could have been easily avoided just by signing a couple of papers. But criminals/incompetent are our bureaucrats.

Bringing $ form international is turning out to be a flop too since rule is drafted by same incompetent bureaucrats.

dharti ko boj.
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2145
I feel the market is looking for valuation in PE multiple of 14-16 instead of earlier used to be 24-28. The Dividend yield has shrinked Invrstor looking for dividend yield of 9-15 percent instead of 2-4 percent.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 821
As soon as Mutual Funds Understands - Interest Rate is about to DIP

1 - All their FD will go into stock market
2 - Market to witness big turnovers and surges

Question is when will Interest Rate begin to Dip
1 - As Govt expenditure is accelerating
2 - As new govt will avail every way to increase the liquidity
3 - Trend of interest rate going down is likely to begin from next month (2/3 weeks from now)

.....Reseach, Analyze and Invest.... Baki Ishwor Ko Leela...
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
ब्याजदर उच्च हुँदा निक्षेपकर्तालाई फाइदा हुने भए पनि उत्पादन लागत बढ्न गई समग्र आर्थिक वृद्धिमा प्रतिकूल प्रभाव पर्ने भएकोले यसतर्पm राष्ट्र बैंक सजग रहेको गभर्नरले बताए ।

व्याजदर स्थीर बनाउने प्रयास

उपयुक्त मौद्रिक व्यवस्थापनका माध्यमबाट कर्जा तथा निक्षेपको ब्याजदरमा आउने उतार चढाबलाई नियन्त्रण गर्न, उच्च ब्याजदरका कारण कर्जा प्रवाह अबरुद्ध नहुने वातावरण सृजना गर्न तथा उत्पादनशील क्षेत्रमा लगानी विस्तारका लागि आवश्यक मौद्रिक तरलता उपलब्ध गराउन नेपाल राष्ट्र बैंक प्रयासरत रहेको उनले बताए ।

सरकारसँग समेत सहकार्य गरी पुनरकर्जा कोषमा थप रकम सुनिश्चित गर्ने, पूँजीगत खर्च बढाउन सरकारलाई अनुरोध गर्ने, ब्याजदर करिडोरमार्पmत् तरलता व्यवस्थापनको कार्यलाई अझ प्रभावकारी बनाउने, निर्देशित कर्जा कार्यक्रमलाई थप सक्रिय तुल्याउने कार्यलाई राष्ट्र बैंकले उच्च प्राथमिकता दिएको उनले बताएका छन् ।

Looks like who invested today are really blessed by lady luck. and those who dumped shares. .........

I added 25% more. thought, there is two off trading days, in this bullish market any good news may appear so added some more :D
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 821
1 - This will get solved

Impact to MFI
1 - Direct impact will be on MFI
2 - Cost of funds becomes low
3 - Income remains constant or sustains normal growth
4 - Profit surges due to lowering cost of funds
5 - EPS of MFI will rise

Impact to commercial bank
1 - No major impact as amount of spread remains same

Impact to Economy
1 - Good for expansionary economy for increased investment

.....Research, Analyse & Invest.....Baki Ishwor Ko Leela...
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
gradually liquidity problem is getting solved.

Cheers now investors will get enough loan from bank :) :) :)
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
While, So called expert, NRB, Beurocrats, media, wanna be economist all were saying "we have liquidity crisis cause Banks gave 15/20 extra loan than they are suppose to".

I said, main reason, there is liquidity crisis is "govt not spending revenue".

They did not listen to me, now, since khaire has spoken too "उनले स्रोतबीना बजेटको आकार बढाउने, पैसा खर्च नगरी कोषमा थुपारेर राख्ने र निजी क्षेत्रले परिचालन गर्ने रकम सरकारको कोषमा थुप्रिएर बस्ने जस्ता कारणले वित्तीय क्षेत्रमा उतारचढाव देखिएको बताए।".

Now they may listen.

Another reason is, BFIs restriction in lending capital and reserve as loan while they keep on increasing.

These problems could have easily been solved just signing one document. Deposit govt revenue in the BFIs and let banks give loan from capital and reserve.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
Interest rate down by good number of almost all :D
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
We need to bring 200 billion now and 200+300 billion within one year.

And govt revenue and capital & reserve & 5% CD ratio cash of BFIs should join the system immediately.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 821
Sir, Anal Raj Bhattarai is RIGHT.
1 - Commercial Banks should be able to accept deposits from abroad as well, not just loans

Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
Yesterday, NMB was offering 10% interest for 2 week FD today, 5%

do they change offer for one client? jaha pani connection chalne
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
तत्काल ७८ अर्ब विदेशी पैसा भित्र्याउन राष्ट्र बैंकले नयाँ ब्यवस्था गर्दै, १०% ब्याजमै ऋण पाइने

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