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Productive sector vs Unproductive sector

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Registered: Oct 2013
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गभर्नर डा. चिरञ्जीबी नेपालको कार्यकाल समीक्षा: कठिन परिस्थितिमा पनि ऐतिहासिक काम

should I laugh or kill myself?

I, I the only one who Predicted, made correct analysis in the entire universe going to say this-

"Chirinjivi Nepal, is the biggest curse in the history of monitory policy".

Last for year was suppose to be the best, golden time in the history of Nepal. Before yuraj k, He is the main who destroyed Nepal through monitory policy, blackmailing and corruption.

Corruption- he came into power through corruption and he lest criminals like NICA, Global destroy capital market.

Last for year was suppose to be the best years in the history of Nepal, but Nepal suffered not just liquidity crisis but also interest rate crisis.

Before yuraj k came into power, chirinjivi been destroying Nepal for first two year.

He was too incompetent to solve liquidity crisis. But, interest crisis was all his doing. He forced Bfis to give 13/14% on FD. Only country suffering from economic crisis have such a high rate, but NRB forced BFIs into 13/14% fd rate.

Chirinjivi Nepal single handedly destroyed share market. He made monitory policy just to crash the market. And during his final year, he tried to save share market but could not.

Many criminals tried to crash share marked when it made record. But could not and they used chirinjivi nepal to crash share market through monitory policy and since then share market still could not gain confidence back.

He became governor with the black money of some banker, and later he kept on attacking banks. Kept on destroying banks with every monitory policy he read.

But never punished banks like NICA for their crime which destroyed not just capital market, but also share market.

Sati ko sarap.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 95
Capital Resource we have from Stock Market and Capital Mobilization obviously single way by Stock market.

let's make clear.
our main target in stock market is Capital gain and earn some money more than bank interest.
This is our main focus and do more best to earn.

In this task
Nation gains huge benefit 1000% more than we earn because we creates Capital resource by buying anybody create stocks in market under rules and regulations of your constitution. That stocks make increment Business and Services and gives bricks to construction country. They are we.

They are we
Shares like a Bricks when construction of building. so, don't ignore like unproductive sector. CONSTRUCTION without Bricks no more stable same like children's sand home.

खतिबडा बुढा, मैले सजेसन दिनु पर्ने सम्म नगिरेको भए हुन्थ्यो । अब छिटो केहि गरेर देखा । मुला बुढा ।
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7561
Here is productive and unproductive sector definition which I am taking seriously.

Those who does not understand economics fully call "future market" unproductive.

प्रत्यक्ष उत्पादन गर्नेलाई मात्र उत्पादनमूलक भनेर परिभाषित गर्नु संकुचित मानसिकता हो। पूँजीलाई परिचालन गरेर त्यही कुरा उत्पादनसँग जोडिने हो। किसानले ५० रुपैयाँमा तरकारी उत्पादन गरिरहेको छ। बजारमा २० रुपैयाँमै पाइयो। अब किसानको ५० रुपैयाँको तरकारीलाई उत्पादनमूलक भन्ने कि अनुत्पादक? उत्पादन गर्ने वित्तिकै उत्पादनमूलक हुँदैन। बजारबाट २० रुपैयाँमा तरकारी किनेर किसानले खर्चिरहेको पूँजी र परिश्रम अन्यत्र लगाउँदा त्यो उत्पादनमूलक हुन्छ। नत्र २० रुपैयाँमा बजारमा पाइरहँदा ५० रुपैयाँ खर्चिएर कसैले तरकारी खेति गर्छ भने त्यो अनुत्पादक हुन्छ। (I am afraid, out ignorant biddwan economist Dr.Yuraj K will make this mistake, so Oli should sack him, this fool too much focuses on production. Cause China too much focused on production, today, China is blowing up Steel and many other factories. Idiot Yuraj is highly likely to repeat the mistake, Nepal is too poor so cant handle over production like China)

शेयर बजार पनि त्यही हो। यसले उत्पादनको साधन पूँजीको निर्माण गर्छ। पूँजीको निर्माण गर्ने क्षेत्र कसरी अनुत्पादक हुनसक्छ? शेयर बजार वित्तीय साधन परिचालन गर्ने ठाउँ हो। जहाँ वित्तीय साधनको भरपुर प्रयोग र प्रबर्द्धन भएका छन् ती देशले विकासमा फड्को मारेका छन्। त्यसैले शेयर बजारलाई अनुत्पादक क्षेत्र भन्न मिल्दैन।

(BFIs, Insurance are also back bone of all economy, learn to respect them.. Others are education, transportation etc- back bone of economy)

पुर्ण रुपमा अर्थतन्त्र नवुझेकाले मात्रै शेयर बजारलाई अनुत्पादक भन्छ। माथिल्लो पदमा पुगेका सबैले सबै कुरा जानेकै हुनु पर्छ भन्ने पनि छैन। नेपालको सन्दर्भमा माथिल्लो पदमा पुगेकाहरु सबै कुरा जानेर त्यहाँ पुगेका पनि छैनन्। र त्यसको आवस्यकता पनि छैन।

बैंकिङ क्षेत्र, मौद्रिक नीतिको बारेमा जानकारी छ भन्दैमा पुरै अर्थतन्त्रको ज्ञान छ भन्ने अर्थ लगाउन मिल्दैन। एउटा जिम्मेवार पदाधिकारीले के बोल्नु पर्छ, के बोल्नु हुँदैन भन्ने कुरामा संयमता अपनाउनु पर्छ। आफ्नो बोलीको संवेदनशिलता कतिसम्मको छ बुझ्नु पर्छ। १८८१ को परिसुचक ११ सयको लाइनमा झरिसक्यो भन्दै गर्दा खर्बौं रुपैयाँको मूल्य गुमिसक्यो भन्ने पनि बुझ्नु पर्छ।

जिम्मेवार ब्यक्तिबाट अब्यवहारिक अभिब्यक्ति आएको हो। नत्र बुझेको मान्छेले पूँजी परिचालन हुने क्षेत्रलाई अनुत्पादक भन्न सक्दैन।

बजारमा अस्वभाविक उतारचढाब किन भइरहेको छ? बजारलाई कुन कुन फ्याक्टरले अनावश्यक दवावमा राखिरहेको छ भन्ने कुरा अध्ययन गरिनु पर्छ। बजारलार्इ तर्क संगत र पारदर्शी बनाउँदै लैजानेतर्फ पहल गर्नु पर्छ।

हिजो राष्ट्र बैंकको २ अर्बको पूँजीलाई आठ अर्ब पुर्याउने नीतिका कारण पनि बजार अहिले समस्यामा परेको हो। त्य सबेला बढ्यो तर त्यसैका कारण अहिले घटेको हो। बोनस, हकप्रद र एफपिओका कारण आपूर्ति बढेर शेयर बजार प्रभावित भएको छ।

विदेशमा काम गरेका नेपालीहरुले पनि शेयर बजारमा पैसा लगाएका छन्। उनीहरुको पैसा पूँजीका रुपमा परिचालित भएको छ। यसलाई कसरी अनुत्पादक भन्न मिल्छ? जलविद्युत कम्पनीमा अर्बौ रुपैयाँ पैसा लगानी भएर लोडसेडिङ अन्त्य भएको छ। शेयर बजार नहुने हो भने त्यत्रो पैसा जुट्दैन थियो। अब बिद्युत उत्पादन गर्न उठाएको त्यो पैसालाई अनुत्पादक भन्न मिल्छ?

शेयर बजार उत्पादनमूलक क्षेत्र हो। बरु बजारमा कस्तो सूचना प्रवाह भैरहेको छ? प्रवाह भएका सुचना कतिका सही हुन्? त्यस बारेमा राज्यले चासो राख्नु पर्छ। बजारलाई थप पारदर्शी बनाउँदै लैजानु पर्छ। ताकि धेरैभन्दा धेरै जनता पूँजी परिचालन गर्ने अभियानमा सहभागी होउन्।

(This guy is intelligent and still what is taking so long to reform "future market", Is he in minority in SEBON?)
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7561
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7561
It looks like Share Market is too complex for our primitive (agro) economist. Their intellectual, knowledge is not even good enough to make Nepal independent in agriculture.

Its time Nepal should hire economist from Russia, China- who dealt with attack from CIA few years ago- to advice Nepal govt regarding economy, NRB, finance, Share Market.

Till few years ago, I was angry cause Media did not use to cover economy, share market. Today, I wish, media would skip Share market totally.

No friend is better than Idiot friend.

Cause media taught, advised ignorant to become short term player, we are facing current lack of discipline in NEPSE.

Cause of NRB's policy, long term investors' share has gone in the hand of short term ignorant players, and media was pushing NRB to make such policy change last year.

Hope Oli's economic adviser read this.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7561
Nepal ka khate patrakar and so called khate economist say what!

अलैँचीको भाउ दशकयताकै कम, किसान पीडित

They want to pour all resource into agriculture and this happens. over investment in agriculture, industry (like in china blowing up over production of steel- infrastructure), infrastructure are more dangerous than over investment in other sector.

10% investment by BFIs in agri is too big and forcing that amount by NRB is even bigger threat.

Media had been promoting, fooling farmers about alaichi, now this happen.

Invest in that sector where media says- there is not much profit.

another example was tomato.

let me advice farmer, invest in kagati for now, cant say same about in 2 year later.
Registered: Oct 2013
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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7561
NRB has become flexible regarding CD ratio for short period.

NRB needs to decrease required CD ratio slowly, 2/3% per quarter or year by maintaining latest condition. Because of CD ratio requirement, money is being stored and becoming unproductive.

Its not CD ratio, its investing where people cant pay back, bad collateral, and not auctioning collateral in time result insolvency of BFIs not CD ration.

Now again, its time Govt, NRB redefine 'productive sector and unproductive sector'- sector that harms nepal is unproductive and remaining productive. Only sector that promotes import of finished goods is bad and unproductive sector.

In china, there is big default, its cause of investing too much in so called productive sector like infrastructure and factories. Too much investment in so called production sector resulted over heating of investment and could harm economy and will have chain effect.

But there bad loan is just few hundred billion so wont crash chinese economy.

To promote productive sector, we need consumer so bfis need to lend more to customer than to so called productive sector to maintaining demand. But in nepal, so called expert does not see the importance of customer economy. But it should help domestic producer.

Redefine 'productive and unproductive sector"

In developed countries' GDP, around 1% is contributed by agriculture and around 10-15% by factory product. In nepal, they are forcing BFIs to invest 20% in such sector. Bad. very bad.

REDEFINE 'PRODUCTIVE AND UNPRODUCTIVE SECTORS'. re educate so called economic expert.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7561
उत्पादनशील क्षेत्रलाई कर्जा लगानी गर्ने बैंकहरूलार्इ थप १८० अर्ब लगानी विस्तार गर्ने सुविधा - See more at:

- should have included hydro and tourism?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7561
डेनमार्क पुगेर रामचन्द्रले भने- विदेशमा कमाएको पैसाले जग्गा किन्यो, घर बनायो!
'कमाएर घर जग्गा जोड्नु भन्दा, लगानी गर्नुहोस्'

-- here comes another retard politician, who does not know what economy is, what investment is, what share is

and still advices to invest.

Investing by middle class is always means investment in share- they cant build hotel, hydro on their own, start banks on their own. all they can do is invest through share.

And retards in NEpal been saying, investing in share is unproductive. One retard ex banker was saying same, share holder of bfis whose ceo or other staff say, investing in share is unproductive should be fired immediately.

Are indians, chinese, russians dumb who ask investors of the world to invest in there share market????? is only so called expert in nepal only intelligent???? sati ko sarap.

If every body invest in potato farming, then who will buy farmers' potato.


but in nepal, some idiot media 'my republica' and many other fools talk about how much profit business make- which they hate?? is making 20EPS by bfis too big. in other countries they make more than 100.

khate harulai salary, wages chaine, increment pani chaine, tara salary dena company le profit garna na hune??? retards should go to US where trump will dump you into pacific ocean.
Registered: Oct 2013
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Registered: Oct 2013
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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7561
lau, NRB now is forcing BFIs to give loan to buy unproductive share

विपन्नलाई सेयर किन्न राष्ट्र बैंकले ऋणको चाँजो मिलाउँदै, कमजोरलाई पैसा दिए विपन्न गणना

- Can NRB tell those khate to build hydro instead of buying hydro share? Nepal ko ke hune ho :P

sati ko sarap
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7561
चित्तबुझ्दो योजना तयार पार्नुस्, पाँच प्रतिशत ब्याजमै पाउनु हुनेछ पाँच बर्षलाई ऋण

- invest heavily in so called productive sector- tomato production, and you will know what so called productive sector will do to our economy.

Investment money wont be waster, farmers wont commit suicide, since farmers wont commit suicide- we dont need to search for another generation of tomato farmers.

University of economics, opening near you. ha


since buying tomato is unproductive and producing is productive?????????????? :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7561
Unproductive sector is that sector which can not make money out of investment.

In nepal, BFIs and retard NRB think providing SME loan is doing great to society and is productive loan.

I believe, big percentage of SME loan goes to retail shop.

In cities, there are one shop for every 25house, it is suppose to be one shop for few thousand house. Retail investment is suppose to make 1000EPS per 100 investment. But in NEpal, they may make 25EPS out of 100 (Only those which are in profit). 25EPS sounds good but the shop keeper is making very low profit, just few thousand. That person is wasting time in unproductive sector and money invested in shop is not making enough profit.

So it makes shop, unproductive sector, SME loan unproductive.

Think like a modern economist. Old mentality economist needs to redefine productive sector.

That investment which makes money, creates job, creates wealth, contributes to revenue is productive sector.

In nepal, 99% of the manufacturing industry of the world cant compete. So investing in them will destroy wealth/loan/investment. So retard govt. NRB should not push loan to those industries. Just a waste of money. Like ''seyo factory, dead factories of govt. govt trying to revive wasting billions of Rs.

Use your head, learn from the past, learn from others mistake. Not all manufacturing, or over investment in industries/agro farm is bad.

Only industries that can compete are hydro and tourism. BFIs should stop saying - other than hydro and tourism we gave this much loan. That helps negative retards.

I say, other than hydro and tourism industry- BFIs should not even lend more than 5% loan. They simply could not compete.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7561
राष्ट्रबैंकका अधिकारी भन्छन- तरलताको समस्या दुई सातामै हट्छ
अनुत्पादक क्षेत्रमा लगानी गर्न राष्ट्र बैंकले पैसा दिँदैन

Here comes another retard talking about Unproductive sector.

Did he became CEO cause of maoist or cause some bad university gave him 'dr.' title.

His position is suppose to be a position of thinker but he speaks like a maoist.

SOme great mind said, intelligent person never become bureaucrat. So politicians need to find non bureaucrat adviser, intelligent adviser.

Tell me retard Thapa, what happens to all the job, economy when you destroy all those "Unproductive sector" you like to call. In the world, more than 80% economy is contributed by the so called Unproductive sector.

Is BFIs unproductive sector? Remember Nepal's economy when there was no private BFIs?

Kaha kaha bata khate haru Govt ko decision making position ma auch.
Ever time new beurocrat comes, they dont have idea about history, so keeps on talking/making past mistake.


Die retard thapa. khate.
This retard thapa should never become Governor. or Sati ko sarap.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Sun Jan 29, 2017 5:05 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7561
Why BFIs giving loan to unproductive sector?????? :D :shock: :roll: :'( :| :x

ऋण काढेरै जलविद्युतमा सेयर लगानी
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7561
If BFIs lends someone and s/he cant pay back by making profit, BFIs may get back their investment by selling collateral, but that money is wasted. Which harms not only the borrower, govt, economy but also creates liquidity crisis for BFIs/economy. Which makes that lended cash idle.

So no lending to those who cant pay back.

So NRB, govt better solve liquidity crisis and and prevent NPL from accumulating due to Liquidity crisis and higher interest rate.

If there is liquidity crisis occurs due to NPL no body's father will be able to solve then liquidity crisis easily.

Remember liquidity crisis due to housing crisis???? I do.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7561

(I would like to categorize in three group from investment/loan by BFIs as well as govt/economy point of view)

1: Unproductive sector where BFIs should not lend to/NRB should not force BFIs to lend to or Stop BFIs from investing: Its simple, dont lend to those who could not pay back the loan, dont invest in those business/industry that cant compete (like seyo factory, over production of agriculture product, over investment in housing etc).

2: Unnecessary sector: Suppose borrower can easily pay back loan but the loan wont help Nepal, economy. Like- if some body who can pay back loan ask loan for HONEYMOON in Switzerland then, auto loan etc.
Bank should give them loan but interest should be the highest.

3: Productive sector: All those loan which helps Nepal, economy, job creation, brings profit, creates wealth should all be considered productive sector. In other word, borrower can pay back loan.
Here, all industries, services which can compete in domestic or international market are main.

Others are, You can give loan to honeymooner who want to go to Switzerland but at higher interest rate, but if those honeymooner wants to go to pokhara then interest rate should be low cause it helps economy, creates job.

Margin lending, that money returns back to banking sector, creates job, revenue, wealth of public, brings in investment by public etc. And interest should be low. And its clear by NEPSE crash that margin lending by BFIs is still too low. Since, margin lending money returns back to Banking system, so it never creates liquidity crisis.

Even consumer loan, that could increase consumption of domestically produced goods are productive loan like housing. But here, if loan to housing sector is over flown, it could in the beginning increase price of house and later crashes and makes investment/money idle. So, in cases like this NRB, govt, BFIs should make sure there is no over investment.

Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7561
Let's talk about productive sector which NRB, govt, so called experts are talking about:

Agriculture: Our almost all agriculture sector can not compete with indian or other countries products. So, if there is over production farmers have to commit suicide. So over investing in agriculture sector or particular agriculture production is bad for the farmer, bad for the BFIs, bad for the depositor, and bad for the country.

Manufacturing: Most of the industry cant compete in Nepali market, forget about international market.
We like to talk about how nepal cant even manufacture 'SEYO' , just invest in seyo factory and you will find out, if we should invest in productive sector 'seyo factory' or not.

Do you want to commit mistake by doing or you are ready to take my word???? I know you are smart enough.

Its time to redefine PRODUCTIVE SECTOR. Or nepal economy will become like NKorea or Cuba if we listen to so called expert.

If we focus on so called productive sector, our economy wont grow, there wont be employment opportunity created enough, livelihood of people wont increase etc.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7561
So called experts, remember this-

In developed nations, contribution of agriculture (which is considered as productive sector in Nepal) to GDP is around 1% and manufacturing industries (another productive sector) is 10-15%.

While contribution of service sector (so called expert in nepal say, this is unproductive sector) is huge.

And in US contribution of retail service (or should I say, consumer loan consumer, the most unproductive sector) is huge.

In all countries, they try to create market (who also demand consumer loan-unproductive loan) and in nepal it is called unproductive sector, if there is no consumer, who will consume factory product.

Our factor owner, who was in one of the tv show, today, was talking bad about consumer loan. That idiot does not even understand, if there is no customer, his whole investment will turn into ashes.

What I meant to say is every loan has important, but its NRB, Bureaucrats, experts who should decide, which loan should get what kind of importance. You cant say no to any loan.
While, deciding, they have to study the contribution- like job creation, wealth creation, health of public, balance of payment etc etc.

Car loan is harmful to balance of payment which would ultimately harm liquidity and economy so this loan should be discouraged and interest should be the highest not the lowest.

In the one hand, govt talk about private investment and in the other hand, talks about margin lending as unproductive sector. Use your head experts.

Margin lending creates jobs, money returns back to banking system so creates liquidity and wealth and increase revenue of govt too. Share investment is the only easily accessible way of investment by general public. Instead of promoting it, govt. , so called expert , NRB discouraging public.

Margin lending does not create liquidity crisis, cause that money will return back to banking channel. So instead of promoting it, making it easily accessible, and cheaper, why NRB is discouraging it.

IN china, india they are promoting their stock market very hard, in nepal, NRB, govt are not even trying to promote it, they are not trying to stabilizing it.

In US, most of the pension fund are invested in stock market, in NEpal just the opposite.

IN NEPAL, NRB, FINANCE MINISTRY, SEBON, NEPSE are afraid of NEpse becoming stable cause they could not play and loot small investor. They should be jailed by CIB OR KILLED BY SMALL INVESTOR. just a matter of time.

I already talked too much.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7561
After the liquidity crisis, so many idiot so called experts, talking about Productive sector and unproductive sector.

The way they are talking, the things they are talking- it looks like they want to turn Nepal into North Korea.

I would like to talk long in this topic but I dont have mood at this time.

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