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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7710
Insiders have been saying: All sectors is going to publish far better balance sheet, and still, transaction is so slow.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7710
Dev Banks are so weak, or should I say, Deb Banks Big players are weak.

If they want to accumulate, they are suppose to accumulate aggressively when NEPSE go negative.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7710
Turn over increasing.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7710
Yo bull nai ho.

Next month suru hola ke badna.
Registered: Apr 2016
Posts: 345
yeta uta manage garera paisa tapyo....baluwa ma pani hale jasto hune..........k garne ho rising ji
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7710
Yo dashain pani bigrene bho. Continuous last 4 dashain.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7710
Development banks have always been alchina.

Many years back, when banks used to run, dev ran behind. During last two book, Finance ran and dev bank lagged again.

Dev bank in the middle, it is suppose to be the leader that is suppose to guide both banks and finance but dont.

Why big strong investors never preferred dev banks???

Now again, dev hardly increased, but when NEPSE falling, it fell more.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7710
Seems like Government is ready to let everyone die??
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7710
'सामाजिक सञ्जालबाट त्रास फैलाएर बजार घटाउने गिरोहलाई सरकारले छाड्ने छैन'

- For the first time they are going after who are spreading negativity.

In the past, they used to target Positive propaganda.

Govt need to punish fake news spreading fake news. Like- Cakegate
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7710
Now dev bank's price have fallen to 2200.

Seems like dev bank is a bad bet.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7710
During previous bull- Dev banks only saw minor bull and Insurance did not see bull.

This bull has been worse for D banks and Insurance.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7710
Some MPs must have be sleeping well for last few weeks.


Every time share cartel has to crash share market, they publish something negative then some govt department get into action.

This time, TMS at govt offices.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7710
Not a single clue, at viber, what is happening.

Wonder what garbage fake news will say the reason is after 3 pm?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7710
We may never see current NEPSE lever ever again.

(Unless, correction is not over)
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7710
Looks like Bull is beginning to fight back and bear making last fight.

In 1-3 days, Bull may win in my guess.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7710
At around 3000, we have already witnessed around 300 arab in transaction.

So NEPSE could reach around 3500-4000 before major correction. Just guessing.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7710
For the first time in this bull, One of my stocks finally hit positive circuit.

But still, it's price is no where close to other stocks.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7710
आर्थिक सुधार आयोग गठन भएकोप्रति उद्योग वाणिज्य महासंघ सकारात्मक

- Idiot over smart sub humans in Nepal think all government, all ministers are same.

But they are not.

Janardan Sharma destroyed the economy. He threatened many.

Alchin arrogant Mahat ignored collapse and wasted 1 year. He also threated many.

Pun was too dumb to be a minister, forget finance minister. He wasted a lot of time. First, he ignored policy change. Then he was only focused on Foreign investment forum. Then he was only focused on Budget. Then he was only focused on Monetary policy. He is too dumb, slow to think of making whatever change needed to make as soon as possible and at the same time, lead other project to fix the economy.

But, this govt, minister is different. This govt has already changed policy asap as well as now forming 'economic recovery forum'

This minister can do more than one job at a time, cause his attitude is different as well as his team is more competent.

But remember, the magic word is 'export'.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7710
NEPSE hit 3000 and 1+%.

And my portfolio hit -.5%.

Sati ko sarap.

BTW, almost all companies in my portfolio are best of the best companies. :mrgreen:

Cause I cant predict NEPSE, I cant tell which company will increase and which wont.... I talk about share market very less...

And then there are in social media, viber ... who dont even understand S of share market talks as if they are the top expert. Individuals, who dont even understand basics of share market has become guide of share market.

Sati ko sarap.

And they are the ones who give dangerous advice to govt.

Almost everyone in social media in Nepal, who are social media personalities are in social media not cause they are expert cause they dont have dignity. Lag pache ko.

Bhatti ma gaff dine aukat ka haru are filling social media in Nepal.

Even worst, fake news present them as expert and take their interview. :lol:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7710
I need NEPSE to grow slow and my portfolio to grow 5 times more than NEPSE.

My portfolio is lagging a lot.

One day it increases 1.5 time than NEPSE, then sleeps for next 3/4 day, and when there is correction, it falls twice as much as NEPSE.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7710
Today's turnover 35B!!!
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7710
NEPSE is so close to breaking the record, but still I am not happy... cause

MY Portfolio is lagging far far behind NEPSE.

I am only happy because Bull has begun.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7710
Some sold at 2400,

Some at 2500,

Some at 2600,

Some at 2700,

Some at 2800- who wants nepse down after they sold.

And they are angry, so they may be the ones who are putting negativity in the ear of some dumb crook politicians.

Those dumb crook politicians should be questioned to find out who been feeding them bad information. Then we shall find out the real criminals, crooks of Nepal's share market.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2377
नेप्सेको इतिहासमा अहिले सम्मको सबै भन्दा ठुलो अंकको गिरावटको रेकर्ड पनि "पुंजी बजार मैत्री" कै पालामा देख्न पाइयो। :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
अहिले सम्म कुनै पनि मीडियाको ध्यान यो रेकर्ड तर्फ गएनछ। येस पछि यो रेकर्डको बारेमा पनि थुप्रै मीडियाले लेख्नेछन
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7710
Aja kehe neta lai majale nindra lagne bho.

chunab ma dekh cha tinie haru le.

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