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Nepal needs National Independent Party to success for peaceful revolution.

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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7670
Rabi needs to wait till he become samsad again or send someone else temporarily.

I thought maoist will wait till 2.5 year for newkhojne. I underestimated their dumbness.

When election process will begin, they will remember, they got 11% vote during last election as much as NIP got.

NIP and people should sue NC samsads in the court for their corruption, fraud in election, misuse of passport etc.

People should demand court to appoint investigation council from public to investigate corruption of deuba since he did not disclose his wealth when he was pm also his fraud in last election by buying vote.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7670
After last local election, most people's conclusion was, which ever party (uml or nc) go to election with maoist will win big.

Not that dynamic has changed after the grand entry of NIP and performance of RPP.

NIP and RPP's combined force is far greater than maoist's position. Who ever go to election joining hand with NIP and RPP will have far better position in election than the party that joins hand with maoist.

NIP got angry people's vote. But cause of attack on Rabi, NIP is becoming party with base gradually. In NC, UML- there are lots of voters who say- I have been voting for that party since the beginning, my whole party been supporting that party, I vote for NC cause I hate communist .. ETC ETC.

Cause of attack on Rabi, who left US citizenship (most nepalese do anything to get US citizenship) to do something for Nepal, now slowly, there will form voter base of NIP who will be saying- I have been voting for NIB since that party was established, I support Rabi cause he was attacked by the system who came back to Nepal for Nepal, I had been giving vote for NC cause I hate communist- Now I have NIP as better option.... ETC ETC.

Over time, NIP is most likely to replace NC.

May be that is why UML is supporting NIP lately. If UML, RPP, NIP dont cross disrespecting each other..... they will have a good political future for 5-15 year together.

Many NC supported NIP during election. If NIP had disrespected NC, NIP could have payed dearly in next election. Cause of the NC's attack on NIP during last few days, now loyalty toward NIP will grow drastically. NIP I highly likely to replace NC. Change will happen swiftly if Rabi is attacked even more.

Attack on Rabi is turning him into a politician with base.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7670
राष्ट्रिय सुरक्षामा 'राष्ट्रवादी' भ्वाङ: विजयकान्त कर्ण /ukaalo

In Kasmir, Indian kills kasmiris and tag them terrorist. Now, Indian has began to tag nationalist/anti nationalist in Nepal on Nepalese. (And dalal media in Nepal Nepal also call those kasmiris- terrorists. Someday, Nepalese will be killed in Nepal by indian force and media in bangladesh will call Nepalese- terrorist)

Now the question is, why bahuns (ukaalo) published it?

This is the biggest blunder of bahuns letting indian write the article. They could have easily found other bahun like dollarmani, bharmani to write these articles.

Just yesterday, I asked, why doggo of sher bahadur's wife left the gang and now has started to go after sher bahadur. I got the answer the next day: 'ma noker sanga haina malik sangai deal garchu'.

Looks like the doggo(ukaalo) wants to deal directly with malik (indian embassy) instead of noker (sher bahadur's wife).

And this article is the message to indian embassy that they are ready to sell nepal for katro (money). This article is the message to indian embassy that they are ready to become little zlenenskey of Nepal.

Even India understands the message. And India understands dalals. India understands they are offering to be ho. India understands, they are offering Nepal to India to be raped and in return, they are asking for big donation.

And India will give them big donation. Just like lendrup. Until Lendrup handed over Sikkim to India, India treated Lendurp like son in law. Then after threw into dustbin.

Its like currently Zelenskey, sher bahadur (just US officials treated him well). Not long ago, similarly treated was- Guardeo of Venezuela, small opposition leader of Belarus, Modo. In the past- Saddham, Taliban, Mahendra, Birendra, Polpot, and many many others.

Sell Nepal, make money. Talk big.

Have you notices, almost all those professionals, who put picture of alcohol are dalals. Have you felt that almost all alcoholic in Nepal with certain positions are all dalals. They sell Nepal to feed their soul alcohol.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7670
I am sure dalal media called ukera is financed by criminals and takes order from criminals.

Each and everyone related to that media should be investigated for crime by people and expose them and sue them.

One person in that media used to be sherbahadur's wife's doggo .. lately he is going against her. wonder what next agenda his new master are working on.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7670
Have you noticed: Most of those who are making fun of Economic Martyr Prem Acharya, talking about his aukat are bahun.

Have you noticed: Most of those who are going after Rabi's citizenship are also bahuns.

Evolution is proven science, Race is evolution. That makes Race science- SECOND TO GOD

this is good for Independent party, Rabi and Nepal.

Now people will sue those who have taken nepali citizenship illegally, there will start voice for this issue. Most of those who went after citizenship of rabi are also those who demand citizenship for foreigners. Now, more people will be vocal against it.

This will harm Nepali congress politics and help Independent party.

This case proves that Rabi did not misuse his position, this should help his politics. Many will see him as victim. In Nepal foreigner gets citizenship illegally, forcefully. Rabi is Nepal but he lost it, for now.

This is bad for congress, india and good for nepal, independent party.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7670
Since Hari Dhakal is in Government and Chinese are coming in a few weeks, He should ask Chinese for help under following:

Posted on: Mon Nov 28, 2022 2:17 pm

Go to Chinese Embassy and ask for help to bring in latest rice plantation technology and chicken farming technology- through technology transfer.

Call it 'Gift from China'.

Utilize cooperative, ngo, microfinance and private/public company and Chinese govt/corporation to upgrade agriculture technology. Cooperative and ngo's job should be to check price of private company.

From Chitwan, rice and chicken farmers from all over Nepal should be trained in latest technology, this could turn Chitwan like Holland.

PS- prepare to address about economy, share market and problem people of chitwan been facing in up coming Lower house session. I am ready to work closely, if you want.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7670
After some decisions from NIP's home minister, those voters who did not like NIP taking home minister began to support back NIP.

After Rabi became home minister, my father also stared at me.

After some minor, some basic good decision, what else can Home minister change that can help Nepal in long term:

1: Reduction of burden of govt expenses: Home minister should dissolve CDOs and introduce CSOs (chief state officers). CDOs power should be delegated to CSOs and Wards.

And all work of CSOs should be delivered through wards. Connect CSOs and ward with internet and intranet.

2: Reduction of traffic accidents and violations: Ask people to add camera in their vehicles. And if they send video of somebody violates (dangerous) traffic rule, they should be given 25% commission of the fine.

Some dangerous traffic rule violations should be panelized with 25000-100000 fine- Like
- Over speeding in school/residential/hospital/office/walking area.
- During high traffic, If someone's speed is 50-100% more than other vehicles' speed.
- Is someone overtakes zig zigging more than 2 time within 25second.
- If someone overtakes you and cuts you off just infront of you, or stops infront of you after overtaking.
- Double or more overtake.
- ETC.

3: Centralized data base for police: After my property was stolen, I gave police a video of the thief and him stealing. Video was slightly blurred.
Police told me, that thief is not from his area. So, I believe he/they ignored the case.
I thought, police has centralized data base of criminals and they have software that can enhance image.

Not really. Home minister should centralized data base for police and get software needed. Utilize internet and intranet.

4: Convert Police into FBI like and give APF responsibility of muscle job of police.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7670
NIP could have done good in many ministries but why they chose home ministry. Home ministry is good for criminals only to misuse power.

Why NIP was formed? Time will tell, but I would still give benefit of doubt to them.

What can NIP do with Home ministry ............. coming soon.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7670
NIP should demand health and education minister. It is easy to develop these without outside help.

For home minister- you need PM's post.

For finance minister- you need foreign policy.

For law minister- you need majority or even 2/3.

For agri minister- you need a lot of work and foreign policy.

They are saying Bishnu Paudel is going to be finance minister. Hope so.
Remember, from communists and congress- I only supported Bishnu Paudel during election. I supported him for finance ministerial post if UML is in govt.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7670
NIP (and RPP) should start protest in the lower house from day 1 wearing black arm band demanding- Govt to fix economic problems and improve economy.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7670

If 20 house of representative demand govt/local govt bills and contracts, corruption in Nepal can easily decrease by 50%.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7670
NIP needs to conduct 100 days of membership every year.

- Needs to bring in 15-25 lakh educated people for primary elections.

- Go door to door, if want to join, ask for Id and Upload their Information on the spot or give them a pamphlet with procedure to upload their information and get password and Log in ID.

- Tell people, they should join to be able to choose right representative/candidate for elections.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7670
After share investment (asking people to invest), next sector Hari Dhakal should promote is agriculture in Chitwan. In agriculture- focused should be in rice plantation and chicken farming.

Go to Chinese Embassy and ask for help to bring in latest rice plantation technology and chicken farming technology- through technology transfer.

Call it 'Gift from China'.

Utilize cooperative, ngo, microfinance and private/public company and Chinese govt/corporation to upgrade agriculture technology. Cooperative and ngo's job should be to check price of private company.

So called loser activists talk about socialism, teach those losers how to utilize capitalism to bring prosperity.

In social media, they are disrespecting Hari Dhakal for defeating fake economic experts from dalal congress and dalal uml (I think panday is the best finance minister of nepal, till now). Prove them wrong, teach them how it is done.

Time to increase economy, increase productivity by many times and start working for next election (probably early election).

From Chitwan, rice and chicken farmers from all over Nepal should be trained in latest technology, this could turn Chitwan like Holland.

Revolution in Early election. Its time to teach pakhes, what capitalism is?

PS- prepare to address about economy, share market and problem people of chitwan been facing in up coming Lower house session. I am ready to work closely, if you want.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7670
Hari Dhakal needs to promote investing in Chitwan and in all cities. In 5 year, their wealth will increase 5 times which will guarantee his and NIP's victory in next election.

If they invest 2/5 lakh today, it will become 10/25 lakh in 5 year.

Recommend them to invest in safe, long term shares.

It's the money, stupid!
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7670
From day one, NIP should focus on next election- local election in 4 year (probably early election in 2/3 year). .......

- NIP should divide their approach into two- to win next personal election and for country.

There focus should be local election in 4 year (most probably early election too)

But first- in the lower house:

1: To win personal next election- they should raise their constituency's problems loudly (also raise those issues in concern ministry)

2: Second, raise national problems in the lower house- mostly corruption, nationalism, economy, rule of law, public grievances etc.

For local election:

1: Bring people into local party office. They should bring three types of people- 1/3rd should be filled by activist (activist are best to run local body, they are undesirable as member of parliament or ministers).

Another 1/3rd should be cadres of other parties who have good connectivity will locals. If found out to be corrupt, they should be kicked out after exposing them.

Another 1/3rd should be from public who are well known, popular, with good connections with local.

Elected officials, party and local office should open hotline: to collect grievance of people. If that grievance is national matter, it should be raised in the parliament, if not it should be raised in local body or concern department.

Bring in more members in the party: NIP should focus their next election in all cities and district headquarter(sadarmukam). Rallies and aam savah should be organized in all cities and district headquarters.

How to capture local vote during local election?
- In local election, people vote or reelect knowingly that person is corrupt. People have been voting among corrupts who can deliver or has delivered in the past.

To break into this corrupt system, Local NIP can do two things-
- Raise local issues in local body.
- Demand accounting book, contract deeds and expose their corruption infront of public.

This election is just the beginning of a revolution. We must get our revolution in next election. Most likely, we will have early election in 2/3 year and local election in 4 year and I dont thing communist and congress will change their attitude, so Revolution cant be prevented.

Always remember: """It's the economy, stupid!""" .........
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7670
Regarding my fool proof system to judge new person ability about economy is very simple:

- If somebody say 'productive sector'
- If support 'socialist, communist economy/system'
- If anti 'share market'
- If talking about 'self-sufficient manufacturing'

I would judge that that politician or bureaucrat or minister will destroy economy or maintain deadlock.

Our dear leader Sovita Gautal already pronounced the term 'samajbad'.

- Our new leader already talking about (just like all other criminal, incompetent, dalals) 'how to give away free money' which we dont have, instead of talking about 'how to make money, increase the economy'.

I am the lost hope of Nepal.
I am the only hope of Nepal.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7670
How to build a strong party?

- One of the main ways is through right voting system.
To pass simple policies/decision go through 50%+1 process.
To pass radical/controversial decision, go for 60%+1 process (Organization- even country- should not be divided into half while going into radical/controversial situation).
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7670
National Independent party has become national party. (RPP too has become)

RPP did better than expected, NIP seems to be achieving lower side of expectation which is a huge performance- can become beginning of the revolution.

I am giving NIP benefit of doubt. Some are US return, some are funded by west but still I am ready to give them benefit of doubt.

There is a good chance, wife of Rabi could replace sher bahadur's wife (I see her to be 10% of sher bahadur's wife- after watching/reading her interview years ago and her face and background, RAW/CIA could already have approached her or will approach soon and I think she will be more than happy to entertain them- people need to keep a close eye on her).

(I did not want to say these things before election for Nepal cause we been ruled by double agents since ever so our only hope is change- hope for the best or if we ae going to make another mistake, let it be a new one)

From day one, NIP should focus on next election- local election in 4 year (probably early election in 2/3 year). .......
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7670
It seems, 'National Independent Party' would do better than expected ;) :D 8)

RPP also look like would do much better.

Hope this is the beginning of the revolution.

Nepal needs National Independent Party to success for peaceful revolution.

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