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Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2392
Syria is only a theater for a PROXY WAR between super powers. It will not even trigger a large scale regional conflict.
Before the next show of proxy war in Syria, Iran would be on the target (possibly before the next president takes the seat).

Likely region where the WW III starts would be the SCS. Superpowers always try to crumble down the CHALLENGER.
Just see why most of the INDIAN and western media highlighting current outbreak of HMPV ?
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2392
If Iran don't do something now Israel will start treating Iran as they did with Syria
& understanding will be established that Israel can strike Teheran without getting a response.
Iran & partners will be labeled "PAPER TIGER"
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2392
It all depends on who wins the election after 10 days.
On the other side, Iran has a hard choice : Looking weak or escalating the conflict

'Ebrahim Raisi used pager, its explosion likely to have caused chopper crash,' claims Iranian MP
« Last edit by Dubosi7 on Sun Oct 27, 2024 8:43 am. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7800
There wont be full scale war.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2392
Israel's attack in Iran means full scale war is closer than ever.
Important thing to note in this context : The Israeli fear barrier to attack inside Iran has now broken. Iran's neighboring countries allowed their air space to be used.
Now lets see how Iran responds.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2392
At least one killed in fire at refinery in Iran's Khuzestan province

Anyone can guess the cause of the fire at oil refinery
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2392
Biden and Netanyahu closer to consensus on Israel's plans to attack Iran

"The Iranians have stated: If the Gulf states open up their airspace to Israel, that would be an act of war'

So SA and Jordan are trapped between the "capitalistic axis' and "evil axis"

4th largest economy on verge of economic catastrophe if this war flare up.
Spill over effect in neighbouring country ?
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2392
Reason behind 4.5 Richter Scale earthquake yesterday in Semnan province of Iran ?
Is it N test ?
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2392
The head of Russia's nuclear testing site said on Tuesday his secretive facility was ready to resume nuclear tests "at any moment" if Moscow gave the order

So the nuclear race will begin again
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2392
The landing of Russia's IL-76 plane in Tehran while world awaits Iran's response to Israel.

Can we see FATAH 1 in action by tomorrow ?
What will be the repercussions then after ?

& on the other side
VZ confirmed arrival of F-16 in the country.
Will Russia sit quiet ?
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2392
BREAKING: Iranian state-affiliated media outlet confirms death of president Ebrahim Raisi
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2392
Some of the Facts

Iran now enriches uranium at nearly weapon grade levels and hampers international inspection. Iran has armed Russia in its war against Ukraine. Launched massive drone attack on Israel amid its war against Hamas in Gaza strip. It also has continued arming proxy groups in the middle east (Houthi, Hizbullah etc).
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2392
Reminded this date

June 29, 1914
11 AM Monday
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2392
Anyone can guess whos behind HELI CRASH cabal.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2392
Israeli missile has struck Iran: US officials

Explosions in Isfahan province
Probable target will be 5 nuclear sites.

This is going to be a major escalation which could pave a path to ALL OUT WAR
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2392
Europe To Use Frozen Russian Profits To Buy Arms For Ukraine

Self inflicted wound :lol: :lol:
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2392
Berlin confirmed the Authenticity of Spied recording of German Officers -WSJ
According to the Wall Street Journal, in the leaked conversation, the commander of the German Air Force Indicated that Germany had the ability to take out the Kerch Bridge with Taurus.

Pseudo MACHO in recent days is becoming replica of CLOWN. Seems paper tiger could do nothing.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2392
Evergrande ordered to be liquidated by a Hong Kong court

Three US troops killed in drone strike on US base in Middle East

The Doomsday Clock was reset at 90 seconds to midnight, still the closest the Clock has ever been to midnight

Now I can correlate things that are going to happen soon.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2392
US and Iran are dangerously close to confrontation in the Middle East

74 people killed in downing a Russian military plane near the Ukrainian border Wednesday.
Who is responsible for this event ?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7800
Evil zoo are responsible. Anglozoo are responsible.

Zoo been committing inhumane crime for last 2000-3000 year. Anglozoo been committing inhumane crime for last 500 year.

What is happening in Gaza is not just a war crime- it's genocide.

There is no civilized world. All are evil. Some are less some are more and some are pure evil like zoo.

Why fake media in Nepal not covering ongoing genocide. Remember, prostitution is the oldest profession. Where all the gene pool go????

All fake organization pretending to promote democracy and human right are CIA.

I have been boycotting good made in USA and India for a long time now (if there is other option). Now, no European, Japanese, S korean goods and services for me, of course if there is another alternative.

Rich Jews should be made to pay REPARATION to:

1: Palestinians
2: Natives Americans
3: Blacks
4: Indians
5: Germany
6: Syrians
7: Europeans
8: Iranians
9: Every human

It's amazing, almost all war criminals and war hawks are either Jews or those in Jews' payroll.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2392
Who is responsible for premature babies death in GAZA Hospital incubators ? Who ?

Where is civilized world ? Dont they think this is a heinous war crime ?

Why International community and governments who dont get tired of giving lectures on Democracy & Human Rights are muted & under Rat holes now ?
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2392
Not a single circumstantial evidence support there claim.

-Air raid is usually carried out in dark, HAMAS fires rockets during light 'coz they dont have precision guided system.
-Most of the rockets used by militants are locally improvised explosive made from drinking water pipes & not a single military literate believes it can cause devastation of that magnitude.
- Who gave the warning for evacuation of hospital.
- People corroborate threatening of possible bombing few days ago and even low scale attack.
- Many of us are well aware of death of Shireen Abu Akleh.
Registered: Jul 2017
Posts: 12
Their own explosion (by mistake or intended to blame isael).
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2392
White House says Israel feels "very strongly" they did not cause hospital explosion.
Then who did this EXTREME TERRORIST act ?

Hell of a difference between what "they feel" & reality.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2392
60% of those killed in Gaza the past week were women and children
Palestinian-American 6 yrs boy stabbed to death in Gaza war-related killing in US.

Where are those international oganization who does ठेकेदारी of Human Right ?

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