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Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2392
Lithuanian authorities ban the transit through their territory of goods to the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad may further flare the tension between RUSSIA & WEST. Russia may take this as there existential threat which may have devastating outcome for the whole world.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2392
Russia's nuclear forces are holding drills. Some 1,000 servicemen are exercising in intense manoeuvres.
News of the drill came after President Joe Biden revealed on Tuesday that the US would provide "more advanced rocket systems" to Ukraine.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2392
Israel refused US request to transfer anti-tank missiles to Ukraine.

If this is taken as change in alignment of a key partner, balance in power is changing.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2392
Moscow has said that sanctions on Russia would have to be reviewed if it were to heed a UN appeal to open access to Ukraine's Black sea ports so that grain could be exported.

भारतले गहुँको निर्यात प्रतिबन्ध लगाइरहे नेपालका मैदा र पिठो उद्योग बढीमा असारसम्म मात्र चल्ने

Where is our government when food crisis is looming at the door step ?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
Modi, foreign minister, war advisor, etc destroyed indian foreign policy.

US seems to be sending warning to India by making dollar exist from India.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2392
India bans wheat exports - G7 immediately condemned Indias ban.

IMF cuts Indias FY23 growth forecast.

Seems west are now after our south neighbour.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
This is the war between the world and the west.

Pick your side wisely.

All the cia funded ngos aka hos have come out in support of ganeshman's buhari. The same CIA who are involved in terrorism in not just the world, but also in Nepal and been involved in Christianity conversion. VOTE RIGHT.

Communists and congress are hos of CIA. Remember during voting.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2392
Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh killed - Triggers outpouring of condemnation & condolence

Who is the Messiah to define DEMOCRACY & FREEDOM in this planet ?
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2392
@Deepak mm (Don't Know when will the Russia Ukraine War will Stop.)

Its not going to happen before September.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2392
US provided intelligence that helped Ukraine sink the Moskva

This is direct challenge to Moscow. Moscow is silent on this matter. Are they afraid to confront NATO ?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
Rate hike means controlling or bringing down inflation. Which also means lower growth or bigger recession (-1.4% last qtr)

China be starting to sell western assets, which means, west be printing money to buy those which means higher inflation.

Then this:

US Senate has passed the NOPEC bill with a view to potentially applying US lawsuits to OPEC producers, claiming price collusion.

.... which means US is telling gulf regimes to sell their wealth in US too.

Which means, My prediction coming true ........

Why all happening in west, cause west is ran by war hawks. They have bigger voice than economic, foreign policy etc experts. Even foreign policy is ran by war hawks in the west..... and majority of them are zooooo ..

(War hawk- lover of war, usually for personal benefit or revenge, less likely to understand war
military expert- who understands war)
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2392
Fed raised its benchmark interest rate by 0.5 to 0.75-1 percentage point to curtail 40 years high inflation rate.
Will have huge impact in world market. Can we expect its ripple in our local market?
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2392
SATAN II will probably be ready by autumn and get commissioned in there arsenal - according to the claim a weapon capable of destroying everything breathing in this world. Current low intensity conflict will continue for few more months, then only we can see the real confrontation between main arch rival.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
8 years ago, on May 2nd 2014, Ukrainian radicals murdered at least 42 people in Odessa for the crime of being Russian. They burned them alive. They had tacit approval from the government; no one was punished. From that day on, it was clear that war had become inevitable.

War wont end before Russia take over sea coast.
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2148
Don't Know when will the Russia Ukraine War will Stop.

But further Escalation beyond Ukraine will Lead for WW III.

Lets see What is Next ??
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2392
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2392
Missile barrage on KYIV while UN chief visited shows Russia's leader has no intention to bow to international pressure & its in fact Putins middle .!nger to UN & clear message to the West.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
Saudi arabia (gulf) has changed sides. (OPEC keep on saying, they are fully committed to the OPEC+ deal and they see no need to increase oil production) (many countries are helping russia indirectly. They are not helping directly cause of the fear of NATO, which means, deep inside, they are angry with NATO, when China becomes powerful- which is very soon, many will change side openly)

EU will break up.

Japan, especially south korea will go neutral. Taiwan will be taken easily.

US has a base in Singapore. That base main job is close the strait and watch on not just China but also Malaysia and Indonesia. That base will be destroyed in an hour. I think, Oceanic asian hates Australia. They may want to take over Australia, Australia is asia not some Europe.

European have harmed many in last 3 decade. Deep inside many may hate them. Without looting the world, west cant be this rich. It is getting very hard to loot world. West been getting deposit from Russia and China, and that will stop soon. May be that is why, euro, pound and yen are crashing, Dollar is not crashing yet cause western money could be flowing towards US and China is devaluating yuan (those losers, they are too scared to do something new, they dont know) (West is bullying China cause China made them stronger by keeping reserve in West. Capitalism changed the fate of China and still china still not grateful to capitalism, that is why they are unable to understand capitalism that is why they keep on doing stupid things)

Just before Russia attacked Ukraine, Putin went to China and made a deal to promote Asian economically. May be planning to double or triple the economy ASAP and increase trade volume by a lot.

South asia is not getting benefit cause of India and criminal gangs in Nepal.

Where is pakistan?

Team west no longer controls commodity production.

I dont know, why Hitler evaded USSR, but I think, its for resource. Without resource of Russia, Europe cant become wealthy. Same resource is causing problem for Japan now.

US and Canada also has a lot of energy deposit but they are very expensive.

And worse.US and EU is separated by ocean.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2392
High probability that WW III would not be fought by every country exempting most South American, African, and Oceanian countries and a good number of Asian countries. So many countries were involved in WW II just because colonial powers ruled them.

Team West
South Korea
Saudi Arabia.

Team East
North Korea

If WWIII initiate in south china sea, battlefield will be Asia, otherwise it will be europe.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2392
Why world war iii is inevitable ?

Deutsche Bank raised eyebrows earlier this month by becoming the first major bank to forecast a US recession "mild" one. Now, it's warning of a deeper downturn caused by the Federal Reserve's quest to knock down stubbornly high inflation. "We will get a major recession," - Coming recession will be worse than expected

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