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Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
What could be the reason behind participation of South Korean president, as well as prime minister of Japan, New Zealand & Australia in Current NATO summit ? Whom are they targeting ? Is it because NATO want to open another warfront possibly in Indo-pacific?

Poor chap
Nato summit: Allies refuse to give Ukraine timeframe on joining
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
What Russia did last year to stock pile huge amount of gold :

1. Scrapped its 20% VAT on physical gold trades for individuals.
2. Exempted people from paying income taxon profits gained from selling gold bars.

Now Russia, China, India all are sitting on a huge pile of precious metal.
How will dominating currency maintain its status after August ?

Another escalation

Turkey agrees to back Sweden's NATO bid
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
Can Ukraine move closer to NATO membership ?
Lets wait for the news from Baltic this week.

This is going to become a turning point for ongoing low intensity conflict.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
"I am going to make you an offer you cant refuse'- the last dictator
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
TALL man finally settled the possible GLOBAL TURNING POINT safely on behalf of SUPREMO
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
How will China respond to President Biden's comments.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
In the past G7 countries could make the rules, and most others would fall in line. Does the G7 have similar world support now ?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
One at a time.

EU's economy on the way to be destroy.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
Turkey approves Finland's NATO application.

Now, NATO is at Russia's doorstep. How will Moscow respond ?
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
Further escalation

Russia will deploy nuclear weapons in Belarus
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
UK will send Ukraine armour-piercing shells, containing depleted uranium, for use with its Challenger 2 battle tanks.

So they want to become a catalyst to trigger N-war ? :evil:
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
Doomsday clock was set at 90 sec until midnight, the closest to the hour it has ever been.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
No Leopard tanks for Ukraine.

Its a signal of severe conflict among NATO members.
What next ?
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
US finalising plan to send PATRIOT AIR DEFENCE SYSTEM to Ukraine.

This is going to be a big challenge for RED ARMY.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Back ground of Ukraine war:

Well before 2000AD- Even before USSR dissolved, cia entered into current ukraine to create problem for Russia(USSR)(Soros said it in a video)

90s- After collapse of USSR, cia increased their activity in ukraine. If you know cia, you know what increasing activity by cia means. It means, cia created terrorists in ukraine against russia.

Around 2000- When USSR left east germany, us and west promised Russia that NATO wont move toward Russia, but they did. USSR collapsed mainly due to economic crisis. And after it collapsed, CIA created all kind of problem in Russia including oligarks just like in current Nepal.

After Putin became President, he had to job- bring Russia back in track and make Russia powerful to prevent NATO moving toward Russia.

Since Putin became President, Russia been warning US not to more NATO toward Russia but they did not listen and reached Baltic and (probably) Norway.

2014- Since USSR collapsed, CIA been creating/expanding anti russia elements in ukraine like nazi/azov (Guess who was the official financier of azov? a zoo- funny right? zoo financing and running nazi just like they said zoo financed hitler's nazi)

Ukraine is the poorest and the most corrupt country in europe just like Nepal. Just like in Nepal (who want to go to US), people in Ukraine wanted to go to Germany, eu for money. That is what started 2014 revolution.

Majority of people were peaceful, they joined protest to go to eu, they were not anti russia. But, one of the elements in that revolution are nazi- who hates russia and want to kill russians.

But their support is just 2/3 percentage.

During that revolution, it is said, CIA brought criminal mercenary from Georgia- those mercenary and nazi are said to have killed people from both side- peaceful demonstrators as well as government security. This how, 2014 revolution became violent and president had to flee.

Question is how, were group that had 2/3 percent support able to coup? Answer is CIA.

Since then CIA been running Ukraine. After that revolution, eastern part broke out. Since, eastern part could not take part in the election, pro western kept on getting elected, but voters never supported for war.

And those in govt always were controlled by CIA.

After coup- west been arming, training ukraining army.

Around 2000- Remember, in Nepal, there used to be a series called 'primeminister', and it is said, that series is financed by CIA.

Same in Ukraine, they had a series called 'mr.president'. Guess who was the president in that series- current president of ukraine/zelenskey.

Guess who financed that series? same zoo who financed azove batallion.

And zelenskey won the election with huge majority. His agenda was- peaceful negotiation with russia and implement 'minsk agreement'. And Russia also been demanding implementation of 'minsk agreement'.

They always win election in the name of peace but it was just a lie to reach to power.

Like I mentioned before that- Deep state had been trying to start cold war with russia and china. And that is why they by force tried to make hillary clinton President. But failed.

And I have also said before, I started this thread to warn about that 'cold war'. """I told you so"""".

So, Anglo zoo been wanted to start cold war and they needed the reason. For russia, they created ukraine(georgia too but cause it is too small, they failed) And for china they created taiwan (they tried in hongkong too- other spots were japan, korea, india, Philippines but non cooperated till now)

And Putin/Russia been preparing for this since be came into power too.

It turned out, NATO were too confident, they hardly prepared, they only prepared in Ukraine only. While, Putin been preparing in the whole world. That is why Russia and China been cooperating for last 10-15 years.

I even said, just before the war, middle eastern ministers together went to China, that time I said, something big about to happen. Now we are seeing it. OPEC is cooperating with Russia.

So Putin had been preparing as well as NATO were trying to drag Russia into Ukraine too- NATO told ukraine to attack eastern ukraine that is when Russia began the war.

First was, NATO wanted to fight till the last willing ukrainian. But russia killed many of them. Now anglo zoo want to fight till the last ukrainian.

So they ordered zelenskey to force people to join army and fight russia. And they also ordered him to close opposition media as well as political parties. Today, there is no opposition in ukriane.

I think Putin/Russia did not want war, they were threatening to make NATO back away from Russia but they did not, they wanted to start cold war. This is why war Happened.

I think, half the army from ukraine are nato. Russia have already killed many and they themselves could have already lost 10000-20000.

Before the war, I thought, cause this war would destroy EU economy so european would never let this war happen. Turned out they are too dumb to see. So I was wrong about the war but right about collapse of EU economy.

I did not know, nato been arming ukriane army and nato army were inside ukraine. That is why, war went for longer. But russia too have only used part of their army.

In conclusion,

People of ukraine did not want this war. CIA(anglozoo) couped in Ukraine and since then they been making decisions. Tiny minority been running ukraine. Majority were lied during election. After getting election, that clown couped for anglo zoo. People today have zero voice. Or should I say, CIA using tiny minority to run ukraine. Just like in Nepal.

Amazing is, turned out european did not learn from their history. In second ww, they called zoo- thief, criminal, corrupt, crook, who sold their country for profit ........ and today, they still voted a zoo and history is repeating.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
Ukrainian COMEDIAN is privately asked by his master to show it's open to negotiate with russia.

Why the hell this COMEDIAN shoved 43 million people in war & brought cataclysm in the world ?
These 43 million people are so dumb to support this b.s comedian, even worst than our people.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
Saudi Arabia, U.S. on High Alert After Warning of Imminent Iranian Attack
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Now Russia is responding
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
Massive drone attack on the Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol, Crimea.
Heard that flagship frigate "MAKAROV" also sustained some damage.
Previously MOSKVA sunken & now strike in MAKAROV
Suspends Ukraine grain deal after attack on Sevastopol naval base.
Still no military response from "MACHO" ?
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
South Korea's National Intelligence Service said North Korea may conduct nuclear test between Oct 16 to Nov 7.

What will be the west response ?
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
Moskova sank a long ago.
Today in the early morning, KERCH STRAIT BRIDGE the most prized possession of MACHO MAN is destroyed. Its open secret who is behind the incident.
Still red army is silent till now, is it a silence before big storm
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363

What if K-329 repeats the history of 2000 again , known to many "FAUJI" by the name KUrSk disaster.

Accept your failure and don't repeat it again.

L. King asked him what happened to Kursk - he answered "It Sank"
Detail of the incident is written in the book by Boris Kuznetsov.

Always accept your failure and don't repeat it again.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
Another major escalation in ongoing West-Russia conflict -Monday's underwater explosions at the two underwater Nord stream gas pipeline just outside territorial waters of Denmark.
Matter of debate on the cause : Could be pipeline tampering or natural cause.
Whatever may be the cause , result is same and we all know that.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
Ramp up of current Russia-Ukraine War to next level.

President Putin address to the nation (probably first national address on the war)

Putin announces 'partial mobilisation' of Russia and pledges to use 'all means available to us' -Guardian news

300,000 reservists will be called up : Sergei Shoigu
Russian Lawmakers Approve Long Jail Terms for Military Surrender, Refusal to Serve
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
Don't Don't Don't
Dont forget to watch full interview of President Biden with Scott Peley on 55th session of 60 minutes (west sunday)

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