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What started chain reaction, Monitory policy-2078 did. Dipendra bahadur chettery is gonna die in a year or two.

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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
सुधारका अनेकौँ प्रयासका बाबजुद पनि मुलुकको अर्थतन्त्र लयमा फर्किन नसकेपछि आर्थिक सङ्कटमोचनको सूत्र खोज्दै सरकार

- I have been saying- I can fix this problem in a day (50%), in three month (90%), in 2 year (99%)
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
China Pumps Cash Into Banking System to Support Stimulus Funding

Net cash injection via MLF is the largest since Dec. 2016

StanChart still sees possibility of a reserve ratio cut
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
Dubai explores collaborations with stock exchanges including those in Hong Kong and Asia, with eye on future dual listings

- Nepal's share market can benefit from dual listing. Companies whose market valuation is more than 10 billion NC can duel list in Dubai, Hongkong.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
गभर्नर भन्छन्- चुनौतीका बाबजुत नेपालको अर्थतन्त्र सामान्य अवस्थामै छ

- Only khukuri can solve economy of nepal.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
घरजग्गा, सेयर बजार, औद्योगिक क्षेत्र हुँदै बैंकिङ पनि मन्दीको सिकार, डेढ वर्षदेखि नजरअन्दाज

अहिले घरजग्गा र सेयर बजार मात्र होइन, औद्योगिक, उत्पादन, कृषि र वास्तविक क्षेत्र समस्यामा छ| बाह्य क्षेत्रमा भएको उच्च सुधारलाई देखाएर आन्तरिक अर्थतन्त्रको समस्यालाई अस्वीकार गर्दा बैंकहरुमा त्यसको असर छरपस्ट भएको बैंकरहरु बताउँछन्|

भनिन्छ, नेपालको बैंकिङमा सबैभन्दा अन्तिममा असर देखिन्छ| एक-डेढ वर्षदेखि अन्य क्षेत्रमा असर परिरहँदा त्यसलाई नजरजन्दाज गर्ने काम भयो, जुन अहिले पनि स्वीकार गर्न सरकार र राष्ट्र बैंक तयार छैन|

बैंकरका अनुसार, राष्ट्र बैंक र सरकारले मिलेर बजारको माग नबढाउने हो भने समस्या गहिरिएर जान्छ| अहिले बाह्य क्षेत्रको सुधारलाई हेरेर मक्ख पर्ने काम भएको छ| आन्तरिक अर्थतन्त्रको समस्या स्वीकार नै गरिएको छैन|

'पहिले त समस्या छ भन्ने स्वीकारोक्ति हुनु पर्‍यो| समस्या छ भन्ने भएपछि न सुधार सुरु हुन्छ,' ती बैंकरले भने, 'त्यसैले केही समय अझै सुधार हुन्छ भन्ने मलाई लाग्दैन| अरु व्यवसाय घाटामा जानु हुन्छ भने बैंक पनि जानु पर्छ भन्ने निजी क्षेत्र र अरुलाई पनि लाग्छ|'

उनका अनुसार, अहिले बैंकहरुको नाफा घटेको छ| अब विस्तारै घाटामा गएपछि पुँजी कोष क्षयीकरण हुन्छ| त्यो बेला अर्थतन्त्रको मेरुदण्ड भनिएको बैंकिङले अर्थतन्त्र थेग्न नसक्ने भएपछि ठूलो दुर्घटना हुन्छ|

अर्थतन्त्रमा अहिले सस्तो पैसा चाहिएको छ| सरकार खर्च नगरी बसेको छ| केन्द्रीय बैंक भएको कोष (पुनर्कर्जा) पनि प्रयोग गर्दैन| एकले अर्कालाई (फरक राजनीतिक दलबाट नियुक्त भएका अर्थमन्त्रीले गभर्नरलाई र गभर्नरले अर्थमन्त्रीलाई) देखाइदिन्छु भन्ने इगोले अर्थतन्त्रमा संकट आएको हो|

'अब त्यो संकट बैंकसम्म आएको छ,' ती बैंकरले भने, 'बाह्य क्षेत्र सुदृढ बनाएको छु भन्ने राष्ट्र बैंकलाई लागिरहेको होला, तर अब खराब ऋण बढेर वित्तीय क्षेत्र स्थायित्वमा पनि संकट देखिन थालेको छ| त्यसको अपजस त अरुलाई लगाएर नमिल्ला कि?'

बैंकरका अनुसार, आर्थिक संकट मौलाइरहँदा अनावश्यक रुपमा कडा पारिएका नियमन र सुपरिवेक्षणले झन् समस्या थोपरेको छ|

- Follow SECOND TO GOD to know future event today. Yours truly.

Amazing, there is not a single person intelligent enough in Nepal who can recognize SECOND TO GOD.

But, if you visit social media, fake media- you will find almost everyone 'know all'. (Dharti ko boj)

While breathing dont forget to hand this MF- दीपेन्द्र क्षेत्री भन्छन्-'ब्याजदर सिंगल डिजिटमा आउँदैन, सरकारको बुद्धि बिग्रिए १० वर्ष समस्या पर्छ'
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
दीपेन्द्र क्षेत्री भन्छन्-'ब्याजदर सिंगल डिजिटमा आउँदैन, सरकारको बुद्धि बिग्रिए १० वर्ष समस्या पर्छ'

- R$!!$@! b@@$$ ajai judai cha.

Sati ko sarap.

What kind of fake news give space to such MFs? Those bastar#s who are the byproduct of setting.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
समग्र अर्थतन्त्र चलायमान हुन नसक्दा खराब कर्जा बढ्यो, तर आत्तिहाल्नुपर्ने अवस्था छैन : अध्यक्ष केसी

- Dont say I neve warned. Dont say, I did not say- they will create high NPL and crisis created by high NPL would be unsolvable, even by their fathers. We are in middle of such crisis. Cooperative has collapsed and Micro finance is on the verse of total collapse. Other BFIs in early stage- real situation is far worse than what is seen on the surface.

Only way to solved the collapse is- Kick starting the economy, reducing interest by a lot and rescheduling loan payment. Kick starting the economy needs increasing share market, solving land crisis, Undo Monetary policy tightening etc.

This crisis is created by NRB, NC/Maoist govt. And they were advised by their doggos and bankers, investors, business people too.

Cant believe- there are dumb running business and banks who advised govt to destroy their won customers.

How were such dumb be able to control business, bfis??

- They are bast@rds of setting. Setting system created incompetent in all sector. Bankers and big business houses are suppose to be main adviser of govt, but in Nepal they cant advice cause they are chappl chap.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
South Korean Stocks Soar After Country Inexplicably Bans Short Selling Until June 2024

--- Looks like, Only some Nepalese- NRB, bureaucracy, politicians, ministers and all their dogs understand share market. MCs.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
Banks NPL increasing.

Remember, I did warn about this two year ago in this thread and I also said- if this happens, no one's father will be able to solve it.

I kept on saying, to prevent this upcoming crisis, we need to kick start economy. To kick start economy- we need to loosen monetary policy, pump in few hundred billion, NEPSE needs to cross around 4000 etc.

Governor, NRB, PM, FMs have destroyed this economy.

Every time, NC/Maoist govt is formed, we face with extreme economic collapse.

During last 15 year we saw three extreme economic collapse.

First: By maoist (baburam)

Second: By Maoist (pun), NC (karki) and UML (Yuraj K)

Third (current): By maoist (sharma), NC (Mahat), (one month of uml- paudel).

First two collapsed were fixed by UML: Pandey and Paudel.

Looks like, till we have mahat and prachanda- this crisis will be very difficult to fix. They are so incompetent- they are talking about gathering crowd to fix economic collapse. Which never happened in the history of man kind. If you think you cant fix it- just resign or commit suicide.

Few weeks ago prachanda said: they been trying to fix economic collapse for last one year.

Remember, I said, I can fix this problem in a day (50%) and 95% in 3 month.

Remember, I am the only one who understand economy in Nepal.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
China's biggest fund managers drum up support for stocks in the face of record selling by foreign investors

- It wont happen in Nepal cause govt have been going after big players.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
सेयर किनबेच नेप्सेमा भएजस्तै घरजग्गा कारोबार गर्न ल्यान्ड मार्केटसम्बन्धी कानुन बन्‍ने

- So what would be the price of property which generates 2,00,000Rs/annum???? :shock: :lol: :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
आर्थिक संकटबारे बृहत छलफलको तयारीमा प्रधानमन्त्री, विज्ञ टोली गठन गरी कार्ययोजना बनाइने

- Tamasa

What kind of people have been running this sh!t hole country???

Expert- as per who???

Remember- there is not a single person in Nepal to whom 'SECOND TO GOD' has given 'economic expert certificate'.

Few weeks ago- Sajha club organized to talk about economic collapse of Nepal, and some of the fake expert said- we dont have economic collapse :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Remember, those fake experts were chosen by another fake expert Golden boy. :mrgreen:

Also remember, Golden boy was made fake expert by 'Talking heads/class'. :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
Nepali economic noise society have two groups: 'Working class & Talking class'.

Working class- who has to work like economically independent people, self employed, even those with jobs (like managers) who's work out come depends upon govt policy- like CEOs, top management. Meaning- whose work is directly affected by govt policy.

Talking class- Unemployed. Who dont work for living but still make money which are not considered as socially acceptable- politicians, ngo/ingos workers etc. Others are bureaucrats, Journalists, media/social media people, fake experts- who make money but govt policy dont affect them directly. All their income are affected by govt policy but they are too dumb to see it.

Noise from talking class is the main reason our economy has collapsed while working class' people's noise is weaker and there are dumb in working class too.

Always remember, all those bad govt policies are supported by mostly talking class and opposed by huge majority of working class.

Similarly, so called economic expert title is also given/promoted by talking class, while most of the working class hates those so called fake economic expert like Baburam, Yuraj k, Sornim wagle etc.

Meaning, Talking classed is the one who promoted the destruction of our economy. They are always loud in supporting bad policies driven by their jealousy.

It's amazing, in Nepal, dump in power listen to wrong people- talking class and ignores working class. That is why our economy keeps on crashing (when slight slowdown would have been enough), and the result keeps on destroying political parties in the election and those politicians are too dumb to see it.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
न मर्छ न राजीनामा दिन्छ

Sati ko sarap

God really hates this paap ki ghaito called nepal.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
How long are mahat and dahal willing to torture Nepalese?

Show some mercy and commit suicide.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
Beijing will offer fresh stimulus through a rare budget adjustment and increased sovereign debt

Hong Kong announces steps to boost growth and restore global status
Government to cut property and stock stamp duties, Lee says in annual address
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
China Offers Record Cash Infusion to Keep Rates Low for Growth
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
Last three dashain have been dasha and PM during all three were Prachanda and Sher bahadur.

10s of lakhs are destroyed economically and emotionally and physically.

10s of lakhs ae in deep depression.

And still, they are not trying to change the govt.

Last hope for economy is- UML, NC govt with UML finance minister. During last 10-15, only two finance ministers were successful- Surendra Pandey and Bishnu Paudel. And both are from UML. And probably, in the history of Nepal, only Surendra Pandey has reduced TAX.

Many more are going to suffer and die if this incompetent Prachanda and Prakash saran Mahat are not kicked out of the govt and new govt is not formed.

Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
Big China Hedge Fund Calls on Government to Prop Up Stocks
- A stabilization fund is the 'only way' now, Banxia's Li writes
- Falling asset prices hurt confidence, fueling more declines
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
आईएमएफले गत अप्रिलमा सन् २०२३ मा नेपालको आर्थिक वृद्धि ४.४ प्रतिशत रहने प्रक्षेपण गरेको थियो| अहिले त्यसलाई घटाएर ०.८ प्रतिशतमा सीमित रहने आईएमएफले प्रक्षेपण गरेको हो|

- Now, make it negative 5-10%. The real guesstimate.

10s of lakhs are destroyed economically and emotionally and physically.

10s of lakhs ae in deep depression.

And still, they are not trying to change the govt.

Last hope for economy is- UML, NC govt with UML finance minister. During last 10-15, only two finance ministers were successful- Surendra Pandey and Bishnu Paudel. And both are from UML. And probably, in the history of Nepal, only Surendra Pandey has reduced TAX.

Many more are going to suffer and die if this incompetent Prachanda and Prakash saran Mahat are not kicked out of the govt and new govt is not formed.

Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
China considers new stabilization fund to prop up stock market - Bloomberg News

---- Every week, China add new measure to kick start their economy, share market.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
Beijing fund buys China bank shares in show of support for stock market

Except for those who get remittance, bureaucrats, politicians, some job holders rest are suffering.

10s of lakhs are destroyed economically and emotionally and physically.

10s of lakhs ae in deep depression.

And still, they are not trying to change the govt.

Last hope for economy is- UML, NC govt with UML finance minister. During last 10-15, only two finance ministers were successful- Surendra Pandey and Bishnu Paudel. And both are from UML. And probably, in the history of Nepal, only Surendra Pandey has reduced TAX.

Many more are going to suffer and die if this incompetent Prachanda and Prakash saran Mahat are not kicked out of the govt and new govt is not formed.

Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
Except for those who get remittance, bureaucrats, politicians, some job holders rest are suffering.

10s of lakhs are destroyed economically and emotionally and physically.

10s of lakhs ae in deep depression.

And still, they are not trying to change the govt.

Last hope for economy is- UML, NC govt with UML finance minister. During last 10-15, only two finance ministers were successful- Surendra Pandey and Bishnu Paudel. And both are from UML. And probably, in the history of Nepal, only Surendra Pandey has reduced TAX.

Many more are going to suffer and die if this incompetent Prachanda and Prakash saran Mahat are not kicked out of the govt and new govt is not formed.

Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
100s of people have already committed suicide. 10s of lakhs are broke. 10s of lakhs are in deep depression.

And still government, politicians, ministers, PM, NRB dont care. And have no idea how to improve economy.

Last hope for economy is- UML, NC govt with UML finance minister. During last 10-15, only two finance ministers were successful- Surendra Pandey and Bishnu Paudel. And both are from UML. And probably, in the history of Nepal, only Surendra Pandey has reduced TAX.

Many more are going to suffer and die if this incompetent Prachanda and Prakash saran Mahat are not kicked out of the govt and new govt is not formed.

Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
Monetary policy review was made to give confidence to Share market instead share market collapsed.

Dont Governor, d governors, FM, PM need to resign???

Incompetent, ignorant, inexperienced, jealous, angry, narrow minded people been making policy by rejecting the demand/view/advice from concerned individuals.

100s of people have already committed suicide. 10s of lakhs are broke. 10s of lakhs are in deep depression.

And still government, politicians, ministers, PM, NRB dont care. And have no idea how to improve economy.

Last hope for economy is- UML, NC govt with UML finance minister. During last 10-15, only two finance ministers were successful- Surendra Pandey and Bishnu Paudel. And both are from UML. And probably, in the history of Nepal, only Surendra Pandey has reduced TAX.

Many more are going to suffer and die if this incompetent Prachanda and Prakash saran Mahat are not kicked out of the govt and new govt is not formed.


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