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What started chain reaction, Monitory policy-2078 did. Dipendra bahadur chettery is gonna die in a year or two.

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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
'अर्थतन्त्रको रोग पहिचान गरेर इलाज नगर्दा समस्या झन् बल्झिँदै गएको छ'

Too little, tooooooooooooo late for many!

Janardan sharma is the cancer- maoist (always)

Prakash Mahat is the cancer spreader- NC (during last two time, both doggo of share bahadur's swasni)

Pun is the death- maoist (sati ko sarap)

Now, UML will pay for staying quiet. And all vote will go to NIP.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
China's March new yuan loans seen rebounding, more stimulus expected

--- China's loan is rebounding and still they are going for stimulus. Why? Cause rebound is not enough.

While in Nepal, loan growth target is around 15%, actual growth around 4.5% .... BUT..... everything is fine. NRB officials are making 50lakh per year and they dont care about depression- 10s of lakhs of people are going through.

Then we have bharya Finance minister. Industrial production is around 55%, people are throwing milk and Pun thinks, economy is doing fine.

Does the maoist know, to reach previous level, we need growth of around 30%. But we have official growth of 3%. Real growth is in negative.

To reach previous govt revenue, growth needed is around 30% and for finance minister Pun, economy is doing fine.

NC, Maoist are finished. Soon, UML will join them, if UML/KP Oli dont press Pun and Prachanda to perform, rescue collapsed economy, collapsed share market.

NIP's vote increase when they join government, while- UML, Maoist, NC lose votes when they form govt.

Wasting 50year in politics is one thing, understanding politics is another.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
As per jotish we have sati going on.

Look at how sati works-

* We have alchina running govt. finance minister, prime minister and major party uml is quiet, not telling them to act to recover economy and share market

* Then we have alchina in share market who is working hard to collapsed market further.

* Then we have alchina TA who is teaching idiots to book loss.

UML will not get a chance to regret. This is going to be their second regret after yuraj k.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Longer these type live, more people/longer the people will suffer.

Dharti ko boj.

Bharyi should not become finance minister. No country in the world has bharya for finance minister. Pakistan recently gave finance minister to a top banker.

We did cheer him up for first 7 day even his last finance ministry was a total failure. We tolerated him for 2 week. Now he has already wasted 4 week. He does not even know- economy is in collapsed state, share market is in collapsed state, 10s of lakhs are in depression, 10s of lakhs lost a lot of money, crores are sufferings ...

Just cause dog wish to become man wont become man.

Just so, Pun cant deal with finance ministry forget about rescuing collapsed economy and collapsed share market.

In Nepal, looks like, only way to free Nepal from these type is their death. People did tried to get rid of them by defeating them in election, but some how party with 32 seat has become PM, Finance minister, hydro minister (since they entered free politics, maoist has captured hydro minster 90% of the time, and cause of them load shedding is back), information minister.

Which proves, defeating in election is not enough, death is the must.

China could pay too if they keep on hanging around with incompetent, criminals, terrorists.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
He received new "जिगर" for 80% failure due to Type 2 Crigler-Najjar Syndrome.

Do you still want to curse him ?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
If Pun does not die, he will waste another 17 month.

Do UML, NIM want to go to sati with Maoist 17000 hajare?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Chinese Stocks Gain as Report Spurs Policy Easing Speculation - Bloomberg

Does China review Monetary policy in every two week? Cause they have been loosing their policy in every few weeks.

Rapists running NRB should visit Chinese central bank and teach them about Monetary Policy.

Is not it amazing, we blame NRB for collapse of economy, share market- we thought they are criminals, corrupt, dalal, incompetent, harams..... turned out they are rapist too.

In Nepal, after 3 week, Finance minister is still sleeping. PM been sleeping for more than a year.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Auto alchin gyo- Sharma Finance minister, he was replaced by another alchin Mahat now he was also replaced, but, sati ko sarap, the replacement turned out to be alchin 17 hajare.

सरकारी खर्च टाइट गरिएका कारण अर्थतन्त्रमा शिथिलता मात्र आएको हो, संकटमा छैन : अर्थमन्त्री

Kasta kasta lai Finance minister hunu parne. This is going to be the final finance minister, PM from Maoist.

Then why dont you loosen the expenditure of government???

Fool dont even know, cause of economic collapse, share market collapse government's revenue has collapsed.

Next he will say- the person died cause of excess blood loss not cause some body sliced his throat.

UML needs to change this finance minister tomorrow or UML's vote will fall.

Nepal's economy, banking sector is living in borrowed time. We got borrow time by extending loan rescheduling. If collapsed economy, collapsed share market is not recovered soon,,,, we shall reach the point of no return.

Fire this fking moron Finance minister Pun. Our borrowed time is sleeping from our hand.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Alchin le chalaya ko des.

PM and FM should be replaced.

PM has already wasted one year.

And FM has wasted 3 week.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
आधा दर्जन बढी फाइनान्स कम्पनीको खराब कर्जा ५ प्रतिशत माथि, २० प्रतिशतसम्म पुग्यो खराब कर्जा

- Cooperative collapsed, they ignored

- Microfinance collapsed, they ignored.

- Finance collapsing, they are still ignoring.

Like I said, You have to replace those in NRB/Finance ministry who are behind collapse. If you dont, instead of correcting their mistake, they will focus on proving themselves right.

This Finance minister Pun have already wasted 3 week. It's time to think about new Finance minister.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
अनुदानमा कृषि बीमा पोलिसी बिक्री गर्न छोडे कम्पनीले, दुई अर्ब भुक्तानी बाँकी

-alchin mc Prakash mahat kept on talking about improving of collapsed economy and collapsed share market by doing nothing.

- And our latest maoist FM Pun has already wasted almost 3 week doing nothing while swatantra party's ministers have already made dozen decisions.

- Remember, current collapse of economy and collapse of share market was gift of maoist minister RC FM sharma.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
अर्थतन्त्रमा आमूल परिवर्तनको जग बनाएँ : महत, पुनको जवाफ, तपाईंको विज्ञताले काम गरेन

- Tal tal ko kura garch alchin Mahat.

Became Finance minister at the time of worst economic collapse and share market collapse, using, nepotism .... wasted the whole year. .. never tried to rescue economy and share market and still expected economy/share market to improve on their own.

Kaha kaha bata auch khate haru artha mantri banna.

Alchina ka santan.

And still talk nonsense like "अर्थतन्त्रमा आमूल परिवर्तनको जग बनाएँ", what does that even mean.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
ब्याजदर निरन्तर घटिरहँदा पनि बैंकमा किन बढिरहेको छ निक्षेप?

Another garbage fake expert kept on floating- If interest falls, money would exit. Banks should increase interest to attract more deposit- but it never happened. Those dumb dangerous people destroyed out economy.

While SECOND TO GOD kept on saying- deposit in BFIs is affected by money available to the system- like balance of payment, monetary policy etc.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
NRB, sharma, mahat so easily crashed share market.

But today, even after so much focusing on share market by govt, market does not show positive sigh.

This proves again- it is easy to destroy, even dumb can destroy, but you cant build.

Another thing, NEPSE needs new players. Bring Foreign players, big players in Nepal are not friend of NPESE.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
मह बिक्री नहुँदा मौरीपालक किसान विस्थापित हुँदै, महासंघले गरायो सरकारको ध्यानाकर्षण

- Sun Sep 12, 2021 7:43 pm (

In Nepal, there were people who laughed, were happy when share market crashed to 1100. They cheered when many lost a lot of money.

Then two year later, those people had to sell their chicken below vegetable price.

Nepal's share capitalization is bigger than the economy. When Share market crashes more than 20%, just a matter of time, all sector, all individuals will feel the pain.

Share market dubda, sabai dub cha.

Dont laugh at others misery.

Especially, policy maker and bankers and media should be serious.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
बिग्रिएको अर्थतन्त्रलाई आफूले लयमा ल्याएको महतको दाबी, नयाँ स्टक एक्सचेन्ज लाइसेन्स प्रधानमन्त्रीको कारण रोकियो

- Alchin Prakash Mahat kati bhukcha, Deuba ko doggo. He is the only one who has been saying- collapsed economy has come in track. Is not people, investor, business are suppose to say so.

Just cause economy, which were in 100 crash to 50/60 in two year, stop crashing or crash a little does not mean- economy has come in track.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
New government's main goal should be quick recovery of collapsed economy and collapsed share market.

You can get signs if new finance minister would succeed or not- with in a coupe of weeks.

- Businesses and Investors' confidence should be back.
- Loan discernment growth should be at least 25%
- NEPSE bounce back should be 25% within

Two weeks.

If not, we have to assume, the new finance minister is going to waste months. In this case, either change finance minister or change govt.

This economic and share market recovery should be bottom line of UML. And UML should give Maoist PM/(if)FM two weeks.

If not UML should form govt with NC for two year. UML should keep FM and PM should be held 1/1 year. And after 2 year, there should be early election.

If collapsed economy and collapsed share market dont start recovering within 2 week, every wasted day, UML will lose 1000s of votes to NIP.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Even if Pun becomes FM- private sector may closely work with him.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
I believe NEPSE would still be under valued even at 2700-3000.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
4K alchina doggo of dueba Prakash Mahat

4K dalal Nepali congress

Wait for next elelction dalal Congress to get 4kd from behind.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
If this govt breaks, we may see circuit.

UML's finance minister.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Seems like we shall get new finance minister. Either from UML or Maoist. Good.

Another good thing- Finance minister Mahat and Nepal congress will be out as a failure. Back to back failure. Last two Finance ministers of NC have been total failure which had cost/will cost NC lakhs of votes and NC will never recover unless KP oli does another stupid thing.

First job of new Finance minister should be- create private sector working committee (including share investors) which will work closely with Finance minister, Prime minister and Governor. I think, this is the reason Maoist want Finance minister. And FM Mahat has been opposing this. And new FM and PM should implement advice of the committee. Solving 90% of the economy in coma is easy.

Second job for new Finance Minister- Monetary policy should be relaxed max within a couple of day. Dont wait for a month to reduce interest of BFIs. Banks interest should be reduced by 2% and development banks' 3.5%.

Relax lending policy of loan- end share loan limit/personal loan limit/personal housing loan limit, change monetary policy which would decrease cost of money like- 1% NPL even for good loan (no loan should be forced to be declared bad until 3 month), 125% coverage for loan like share loan (I cant remember the term), etc.

Third Job for PM- Dont let new Finance minister waste too much time like current Finance minister did. Change new finance minister if he cant improve economic indicator within 15 day like- Share market should 25% with in 15 day of his appointment, new loan growth should cross 25% within 15 day, private sector and share investor should get back confidence in this government with in 15 day.

Forth job- FM and PM should bring NRB under elected govt control.

Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Until Mahat is fired or dead ........ it's hopeless.

He wasted 1 year doing nothing, except on increasing tax rates, to revive the economy in coma, share market in coma.

Mahat is alchin like his brother. His brother too destroyed Nepal's economy and mentality. His brother is the one, who printed in the mind of Nepalese- 'budget means increasing tax rate'.

Mahats are khandani sati ko sarap.

Only good thing came out of Mahat is- he has killed dalal congress forever.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
अर्थतन्त्रका चुनौती सम्बोधन गर्दै समृद्धिको आधार तयार गर्न सरकार क्रियाशील : प्रधानमन्त्री

This govt just wasted 1 year doing nothing to revive 'collapsed economy'.

Finance minister and Governor been expecting economic revive by doing hardly anything. They been saying- soon economy will begin to revive for last 1.5 year. And still there is no sign. And still, both are not replaced.

We need new finance minister and Governor (probably PM too) ... if economic indicator dont improve drastically like- share market, loan issue, confidence in investors within 15 day, they should be replaced again.
And give new 15 day.

Current FM wasted 1 year doing nothing, while he kept on saying- economy is reviving, soon economy will revive.

I repeat again: FM and Governor been saying- collapsed economy will revive by doing hardly anything- they neither losen monetary policy nor helped using fiscal policy .... and still they been expecting economy revival of economy which is in coma.

And there is another minister- who said he rescued NAC by doing nothing. He is saying- NAC which was in loss a couple of year ago is in profit now due to him. Wonder what he did which revived NAC- did he invented corona cure???? :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Whole governement is ran by fools like him.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
चन्द्रागिरी नगरपालिका र कर्जा सुरक्षण कोषबीच सहकार्य : बिनाधितोे कर्जा प्रवाह गर्न सहज हुने

- New andolonkaris in the making

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