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#326 Wed Apr 06, 2022 7:35 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7675
Today, I one media (dont remember which one) wrote that CD ratio crossed 91.**, but the latest, yesterday's was 90.58. Looks like somebody been selling.......
Wealth of owners/promoters of BFIs, insurance, media should be investigated, its source, where investment came from, their expenses, their domestic and international link, they activities to protect national security as well as economy.
बजेटमा सहकारीलाई प्राथमिकता दिइनेछ : अर्थमन्त्री
Take out this village idiot to prevent further crisis.
Partial fuel lockdown. Private- even/odd (expect for electri) for a month. for taxi- even/odd on friday and saturday. for a month.
#327 Tue Apr 05, 2022 1:41 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7675
Last time also, during Maoist/dalal congress government- share market as well as economy collapsed. This time, same crisis repeated. To pass MCC, dalal congress threatened to bring down the govt..... but no body- pm, fm, governor, finance secretary... no body is getting fired for economic crisis, share market crisis, banking crisis. I dont know about hijada nepalese, but I will make them pay in the election. I wont vote for dalals, incompetent- congress, communist ......... My vote for mandala. My only worry is, what if, may voted like me and mandale becomes gets the majority and gyne returns. Another problem. But it will be the problem for the future.
#328 Sun Apr 03, 2022 2:47 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7675
No Vote
#329 Fri Apr 01, 2022 2:53 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7675
पूर्वअर्थसचिव भन्छन्-'बैंकहरुमा लगानीयोग्य रकमको हाहाकार भयो भन्ने हल्लामात्र'
and some ask, why Nepal is a sh!thole.
and media invites past failure for the interview.
to save Nepal, promoters/owners of bfis, insurance, media should be investigated for their- wealth, source of wealth, their connections with domestic and foreign powers.
This is national security threat.
#330 Fri Mar 25, 2022 6:49 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7675
ब्याजदर बढाउँदा पनि निक्षेप संकलन बढेन, निक्षेपकाे ब्याजदर बढ्दा बैंककाे खर्च बढ्याे र ऋणीहरुले बढी ब्याज मात्र तिर्नु पर्याे
- I tried many time to silence those dumb, dangerous idiots. But I did not get support from others.
- Every time there is liquidity crisis, these idiots appear. This time, their number have gone drastically down. May be thank to me.
- And there are other idiots, who advice to solve liquidity problem by making borrowers pay back the loan. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz if borrowers pay back the loan, business of bfis will fall, deposit will fall, revenue of govt will fall, job created will fall, economy will fall .......
Des pakhe le chalaune haina- SECOND TO GOD.
#331 Wed Mar 16, 2022 6:28 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7675
China's Intervention Sends Stocks Soaring
There is war going on across the border and they are worried about share market.
They should hire officials from NRB and bankers from Nepal too.
Banker promotors advised dalal congress 11/12 points, they did not include corruption, smuggling, tax evasion. MFs
To save Nepal, Bank and insurance promotors, media owners should be investigated.
Let's nationalize all their wealth and gang all those MFs.
Turned out, tomorrow is holi. when market is continuously down, you wont notice anything else.
#332 Tue Mar 15, 2022 10:53 am
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7675
Pakhe haru le NTC dhosta parne bho
#333 Thu Mar 03, 2022 11:30 am
Registered: Dec 2016
Posts: 173
Not gonna help. of hedge funders and private equities and investors made their careers investing in Russia in 1990 and 1997. May be this is an another chance. Time will tell. Nepalese businessmen who made money in Russia and holding Russian assets must be suffering now. Russia ETF is down quite a lot. may halt Russian securities from trading. It is basically fucked up scenario there. But, when time comes back for picking, this will be another lifetime opportunity. If I were to bet in countries, it would be Brazil/Chile/Vietnam/Mexico. First two because they export lots of commodities. Last two because, they are benefitting from Sino-US cold war and labor inflation in China. Manufacturing will move to Vietnam and Mexico(close to US shores).
#334 Tue Mar 01, 2022 6:18 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7675
Russia's government will spend up to 1 trillion rubles to buy shares of companies that have been sanctioned
In Nepal, NRB said, they dont care about share.
MC pakhe le des chalaune haina: SECOND TO GOD
#335 Mon Feb 28, 2022 12:50 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7675
World market rebounding.
Good news coming
hedge against hyper inflation
#336 Wed Feb 23, 2022 6:05 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7675
संस्थापक शेयरधनीले अन्य संस्थाको शेयर किन्न राष्ट्र बैंकलाई सोध्नुपर्ने
After they banned cooperative from investing in share market, dark day for banking share began.
Then, they added fuel into the fire by banning bfis to invest in BFIs' shares.
Now this. Until pakhe in Nepal die, there is no future of Nepal.
Pakhe le des chalaune haina: SECOND TO GOD
#337 Sat Feb 19, 2022 7:37 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7675
From FIRE, now waiting to be ASHES.
#338 Tue Feb 15, 2022 6:22 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7675
One of the consequences of destroying share market, I did not see, ............ capital flight to crypto. They did say, if share market is destroyed, remittance flow will fall. क्रिप्टो कारोबार बढ्न थालेपछि तात्यो सरकार, उच्चस्तरीय कार्यदलको पहिलो बैठकमा के भयो? I dont think, crypto has hit liquidity, BOP that hard. NRB and finance ministry are just using it to shift blame for their incompetency. There is zero chance, they will be able to control crypto trading.'चुनावको मुखमा ब्याज बढाउन लगाएर सरकारलाई आलोचित बनाइयो' are village idiot, because of the election, NRB is creating economic problems. They got order from KP oli.
#339 Sun Feb 13, 2022 7:15 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7675
If you dont have connection with NRB, finance minister, listed company and big players ....... you have zero ability to predict the market.
Sati ko sarap
#340 Thu Feb 10, 2022 2:32 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7675
Pakhe le des chalaune haina.
Nepal's GDP is 40 kharab, while import (even after controlling) is 20 arab (10 arab in 6 month)..... where only 6 arab cash is in the market and bfis only have provided around 2.5 arab in loan.
How did that happen???
Black money. People with black money.
One of the ways to solve it is, all the banks' directors- past, present, future should be investigated. They wealth should be investigated.
How did they make their wealth? Where their money came from, which they invested? Money made from inventing black money is also black. While investing, their expenses and loss should also be investigated. Where they have kept their other black money?
Cause, criminals are free to loot in Nepal, today they have become bank owners.
Those who started business by smuggling cloths on bus seat, one small garment shop- today has become a kharab pati. And a banker.
This is why Nepal always have been facing negative balance of payment, lack of industry. Nepal is poor while all criminals are arab pati.
Criminals loot kharab from Nepal and send those to off shore account and Nepal face liquidity crisis.
Investigate wealth of all directors, chairmen, big owners of bfis .... if found guilty- jail them and confiscate their wealth .... then liquidity problem will be solved.
#341 Sun Feb 06, 2022 6:05 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7675
तरलता सहज बनाउन शेयर कर्जालाई नियन्त्रण गर्नु पर्ने सिबिफिनको सुझाव
- 100% guaranteed action to solve liquidity crisis
Investigate wealth of सिबिफिन members.
If it does not solve the liquidity problem, I would commit suicide.
#342 Thu Feb 03, 2022 8:51 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7675
सेयर बजारमा अब इन्साइडर ट्रेडिङ रोकिन्छ: नेप्से सीइओ कृष्ण कार्की
another pakeh.
anuhar herda, big insider trader jasto cha.
pakhe may not know, keep on changing rule is one of the biggest insider trading. And is one way of insider trading, nexus between bureaucracy and big players been doing in Nepal.
Is he from maoist quota????
#343 Sun Jan 30, 2022 6:58 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7675
Till few months ago, governor, d governors and ex spokes person used to give interview, almost daily, threatening to destroy everybody.
Lately, d governors and spokes person have almost vanished. What happened to those RCs?
NRB should be dissolved if you want economic development.
नक्कली रक्सीमात्र होइन बिइङ ह्युमनसँग जोडिएर ड्रग्सको कारोबारमा पनि संलग्न थिए सन्तोष
I always wondered, shops at kings way are always almost empty, rent is high and still they dont go bankrupt.
I am always amazed, why people inside crores car looks so khate?
भुवन दहाल: जसलाई बैंकर बन्दा 'डेबिट-क्रेडिट' पनि थाहा थिएन संयोगले बैंकर बनेका भुवन दहाल, विज्ञ बैंकरको 'ताज' लिएर अवकाश
just cause, crook media gives you title, wont make you an expert. This idiot does not even know, where bank's deposit comes from.... and still gets title, banking expert.
sati ko sarap
pakhe le des chalaune haina.
#344 Mon Jan 10, 2022 6:55 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7675
I doubt there is bull in Bank. Cause of liquidity crisis, interest rate crisis, NRB, Corona - Banks' business and profit has been hit. Second qtr profit may fall in comparison to first. Third wave may make things complicated for Bank. But in dev bank/finance, there are players..... so let's see. We may have to wait till 4th qtr report for bank. Players are able to keep bull alive. Good for them.
#345 Thu Jan 06, 2022 7:05 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7675
This week says- players are able to keep bull alive.
But, still no conformation- which sector will see bull probably all sector or dev bank or bank.
May be final days of next will give us conformation.
#346 Wed Jan 05, 2022 7:27 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7675
मर्जर तोडेको संस्थाले तीन वर्षपछि मात्रै लाभांश दिन पाउने, मर्जर भाँडिए अर्को संस्था खोजेर मर्जर गर्नैपर्ने बाध्यकारी व्यवस्था
15-20 year back, when I heard, NB group's shrestha treated Governor and other officials like trash, My blood boiled.
Now, I want to see someone like him or appear again and put noker/servant in their right place. Khate pakhe le afulai malik smjhana thalyo.
Aba ta ati bho. One after another micro management from those who has no idea about economics, business, banking, liquidity .....
I have been very closely watching all sector of Nepal's economy since around last 8 year. I have been watching Nepal's economy for last 20 year.
Worst time our economy faced was, 1 is the worst:
1: The Blockade 2: Current crisis- created by NRB, supported by finance minister. 3: Previous liquidity crisis, 3 year back- created by NRB, supported by finance minister. 4: The great earthquake 5: Maoist terrorism 6: Housing crisis- ignored by baburam.
Which means, NRB is bigger problem for Nepal's economy than the earthquake and maoist terror.
Till now, whatever economy is there, all due to people, no hand of bureaucracy. But, our economy would have been far better, but not good enough, if bureaucracy would not have created problem time after time.
Time to cancel NRB. NRB should be one of the branches of finance ministry controlled by assistant secretary. So that all blame would go to elected finance minister not some unelected over powerful public servant.
Its amazing how they are publishing change in monitory policy in every second day. Like, monitory policy is some kind of their private ho.
#347 Tue Jan 04, 2022 7:12 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7675
राष्ट्र बैंकले तोक्यो लघुवित्तको कर्जाको सीमा
MFs trying to control everything except for their own salary+corruption money. Khates who cant even get job of a driver in a private sector is making 30-40 lakh annually in NRB. Its amazing, those who cant even sell their experience in private sector keeps on getting high position bureaucratic job.
Why dont we just cancel money and go back to barter. We wont be facing recession or depression that day, except for famine which would be- not the problem of the economy.
Its amazing- world bank, IMF wont complain in these and policy to control share market, since, these policies match their policies to prevent development of countries which are not fully vassal of jew. Jew wont tell them, you are trying to control your economy, which is against free economy.
Cooperative is started to serve khate barga. Except for cooperative, dont try to unnecessarily control other BFIs and share market.
#348 Sun Jan 02, 2022 9:56 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7675
Bull still alive?
All sector or particular sector bull???
We may find out this week.
#349 Tue Dec 28, 2021 12:46 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7675
सहकारीको ब्याजदर २ प्रतिशतले बढाउने तयारी
BFIs is suppose to be for public and cooperative is suppose to be for khate barga.
Now, since cooperative is in control of political dalal ghusya pujipati, cooperative has become their loot organization.
Even haram yuraj k increased tax on almost everybody, he decreased tax for cooperative which is suppose to be non profit orgainzation.
If we dont take care of criminal politicians- which is all of them---- economy will collapse.
If somebody wants high interest on deposit, why dont they go to cooperative, why they want high interest from bfis. khate haru.
FD rate in India.
Tenure Bracket Regular FD rates (p.a.) Senior Citizens FD rates (p.a.) 7 to 14 days 2.90 3.40 15 to 29 days 2.90 3.40 30 to 45 days 2.90 3.40 46 to 90 days 3.05 3.55 91 to 120 days 3.95 4.45
1 year 5.00 5.50
2 years to less than 3 years 5.10 5.60 3 years to less than 5 years 5.15 5.65
Above 5 years 5.15 5.65
In Nepal FD rate is 10-11+% Double the indian rate. Where are those dumb so called expert who got ' economic expert title' from media, cia, raw, political party.......... who say, if Nepal's interest rate is low, money will flight into India??????
O MFs, why is money from Indian not flying into Nepal?????
No wonder, those in Nepal, who has money deposit their money in FD and those who dont take loan at high rate and invest. Just the opposite. TOTALLY FAILED ECONOMY POLICY DRATED BY PAKHES.
Which I have been trying to teach for years now.
#350 Thu Dec 23, 2021 11:14 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7675
सेयर बजारबाट पैसा कमाउनेको बिपक्षमा प्रचण्ड, अभिव्यक्तिको पुन: रक्षा गरे
I want prachanda and his family to live long, I just dont want them to waste precious oxygen.
मलाई त रिटायर हुन मन छ, साथीहरुले भनेर मात्र बसिरहेको छु : प्रचण्ड
- so he listens to others.
Then, lets make this viral: #commitsuicideprachanda
I know only party, media and intelligence agency can make views viral. Let me try it anyway.
They make it small viral, then losers join in and make it big viral, cause losers want to be cool and part of the crowd.