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What started chain reaction, Monitory policy-2078 did. Dipendra bahadur chettery is gonna die in a year or two.

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Registered: Oct 2013
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Publications from same site:

1: बिजशाला संवाददातालाई धम्की, कारबाहीको माग गर्दै धम्क्याउनेविरुद्ध सीआईबीमा उजुरी

2: डबल बटम बनाउन बजार पुन: १८०६ सम्म आउन सक्छ ?

3: नेप्सेमा गिरावट जारी, 'ब्याजदर र ४-१२को सेटलमेन्टको हल्ला चलाएर बजार घटाए'

Its funny, but in free and fair judiciary, anyone can burry this media using their own publication- 2 and 3. :D
Registered: Oct 2013
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कोभिडकै अवस्थामा अर्थतन्त्र, बजार खुला छ तर सबै आर्थिक तनावमा, व्यवसायीक क्षेत्र खुम्चिँदै

Dont tell me I did not warn about this. Even more importantly, I am the only one who warned about this.

I know, dumb are not just dumb, their memory is also bad, that is why I started this thread. :D

Blame dont just go to- NRB, governor, d governors, top nrb officials, finance secretary, tax secretary, finance minister, pm, their advisers, fake economist in media/social media, wanna be economist in social media/media but also on media.

I have always been saying, the biggest criminal in Nepal are:
1: Media
2: Judiciary
3: Police

Media did not just publish alchina negative views/advise from fake economist to wanna be economist, they also published 'srilanka crisis' 'chinese debt trap' propaganda (china only holds 10% share in srilankan loan- I did a simple check in social media about 'where loan in srilanka went to. I found that chinese loan went to port and port city but i could not find where loan form cia (89%+) loan went to)

All those negative views/advise from fake economist/wanna be economist and srilanka crisis affected decision making of nrb as well as govt.

You need positive action to build a country, and we find negative view/advise every where in Media. One advisor who gave negative advise to nrb, fm, pm is now ambassador to india- who is sher bahadur ko swasni le paleko kukur.

Media is not just no.1 criminal in Nepal, Media also has been destroying society and economy of Nepal.

We better take care of media asap.

How dangerous media could be?

Ukraine war.

I blame media, that cause of media ukraine was is possible.

There is war in ukriane cause people of europe supported it.

People of europe supported it cause they hate Russia.

They have Russia cause CIA/MI6 media told them to hate Russia.

For example- Years before this war, there were, mostly in MI6 media, and CIA media they organized fake assentation by Russia using nerve agent/poison.

The most powerful poison that did not kill three people. But it were in MI6/CIA media every where. I think MI6 was behind those fake poisonings drama. (MI6 involved in white helmet. russia gate, anti china etc)

This is how, by using fake media, they were able to start war in Ukraine.

VOTE RIGHT, media in Nepal is not just no1 criminal in Nepal, they are creating economic, social, foriegn policy problem. We need to take cared of them. We are in last stage, media is one of the culprits. We need to investigate media and their financial backers. Their activities, connection with foriegn and domestic enemies.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7582
बैंकर मनोज ज्ञवालीको कथा: राष्ट्र बैंकको जागिर छोड्दा 'बिग्रिस्' भन्नेहरु अहिले प्रगति देखेर लोभिन्छन्

This guy became joke to me when he introduced exam system in jbbl in every few months when he was ceo then.

Then I hated this guy for supporting MCC.

Now the question is "why all products of NRB is rotten to the core".

And idiot chaudary thinks he is competent, or chaudary hired him to buy bureaucracy. his brother made some dig ceo of nervic.

For example: Bureaucrats cant even print license in time at road department. If that bureaucrat go to NRB, he will act like 'know it all', malik and if governor or d governors are transferred to road department, they will also be proven total failure even in small matter.

NRB has always been failure, nepal is sh!t hole, one of the reasons is NRB. But very few like me, see it. Instead blame it on others instead of NRB. Nepal's economy is in deep sh!t today, there is a threat of NPL- all cause of NRB and no body see it except for me.

धरानमा बराह सहकारीपीडित आन्दोलित, मेयर साम्पाङको कार्यकक्ष तोडफोड- Blame NRB for this, another are politcian.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7582
One person was saying in the comment section- 12 crore for single person and not for the family. More family member means *12.

Is this correct???

And in future, limit of 12 will be erased.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7582
Education system of Nepal is totally useless.

Kasta kasta haru CEO bancha Nepal ma.

You cant get 'cash dividend' or 'release shares' with loan settlement letter. What kind of system they have created?

२ दशकपछि भुवन दाहालले माफी माग्दै भने- आईएम सरी अनुपमाजी

I see this guy as baburam of Banking sector. Dumb, haram, popular made by media, presented as biddwan by media, but does not know where deposit comes from into Bank, alchina, .....

I think, he is one of the reasons last year's monitory policy was alchina. He gave a lot of alchina advice to NRB.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7582
Media propaganda, social media noise:

Around 4 year back, when we had liquidity crisis media/social media kept on saying 'it was cause banks gave away too much loan". That time I kept on saying- its cause of too much import. I kept on saying 'it's cause so called productive sector imported too much like cement, hotel etc".

Its like, everybody, including all those fake economist said the same thing.

It looks like, I was able to teach a thing or two about economy, deposit to society of Nepal.

This time, we have same liquidity problem. Reason is same "too much import/high negative balance of payment".

This time, media/social media is blaming on import, exit of foreign currency. And so called fake economic expert to saying same thing- liquidity crisis is due to import/negative balance of payment.

So the question is, last time, so called fake economist blame high bank loan for liquidity crisis while this time they are blaming negative balance of payment?

The answer is, noise being created by media/social media.

Majority follow louder voice.

This is what makes media so dangerous. It can manipulate everything. We need to silence bad media using freedom of speech.

Another garbage media is spreading is "Chinese debt trap". Cause of this, Nepal's relation with China would sour, and Nepalese will see China skeptically. Which would destroy our future.

About our economy, crowd including so called fake economic expert is blaming high import for liquidity crisis. Which is not true. Our liquidity crisis is caused by export crisis not import crisis.

People need to educate crowd. All I can do is 'make good analysis', good, intelligent people need to turn my analysis into loud voice. Crowd wont listen to correct analysis, they only listen to loud voice. Good, intelligent people need to turn that correct analysis into noise.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7582
कुनै पार्टी राजनीतिमा नरहेको गभर्नरको प्रष्टोक्ति, एम. अधिकारी नामको नेता एमालेमा अरु भेटिएनन्

गभर्नर महाप्रसाद अधिकारीले आफू कुनै पार्टी राजनीतिमा नरहेको बताएका छन्

VOTE RIGHT, Nepal in final stage
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7582
On budget day, plane crashed. I said, this budget will lead to something bad. When such thing happen, I mostly focus on share market, economy or society.

But after the budget, I did not see any big problem.

Now, Finance minister has resigned. So this is what that accident was trying to tell me, which I did not see that time.

I thought, after the budget, 'may be this time, the plane crash is just an accident, coincident'. Turned out NO. It was a message.

All the accidents on special day has always lead to something bad.

Said on: Sun May 29, 2022 12:14 pm

Last year, on the day of Monitory policy, something bad happened, probably bus accident, and I did say, that monitory policy will harm and the governor is alchina.

And that monitory policy destroyed the economy, share market and banking. Some People think this is superstition, really even after proof, same happened when KP oli became PM, I think.

Today is budget day and a plane has been out of contact. Hope plane is safe, which is not possible or somebody stop the budget.

Our village idiot finance minister may increase tax, probably in import, and destroy out economy and exporting capacity and manufacturing capacity just to make some criminal industry happy cause they will get to increase their profit margin.

Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7582
बजार अस्थिर बन्नुमा लगानीकर्तालाई नै दोष दिन्छन् पूर्वगभर्नर क्षेत्री, 'ठूलालाई मस्ती, सानालाई सास्ती'

After successfully advising for a year, his MF still barking.

The level of idiots in Nepal- Finance minister is doing bad. Adviser of Finance minister- chettry is a good economist.

Remember, I am the only one in Nepal who raised the issue 'stopping credit destroys economy'. The is a basic economics.

After failed policy that went on for a year, they want to double it. This is what happens when you dont point out incompetent. This is what happens when you make a hero out of a complete failure.

sati ko sarap never dies in time. very sad.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7582
Congratulations governor and d governors,

you have succeeded in destroying everything.

hope your mother, wife, daughter, son die painfully so that we can celebrate too.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7582
सेयर बजारमा अराजकता- जोखिमको बजारमा नाफा ग्यारेन्टी गर्न सदनदेखि सडकसम्म दबाब - शरद ओझा clickmandu

la hai, gupta and sons le paleko patrakar bhukyo.

Like I said before, who hates share market: Dalal, jhole, criminal, loser, alchin, jealous

I think the above is all of the above so his is media.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7582
सेयर बजारमा साक्षरताको कमी छ, बजारमा परिपक्वता आएको छैन: अर्थमन्त्री शर्मा

Like I said few days ago: Wiseman says, problem with the world is, "Brilliant people have full of doubts while Idiots have full of confidence".
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7582
Remember, at the end, I said blame game will start ...

Wed Jun 15, 2022 8:06 am,
Yesterdays CEO level Interaction of NRB was very crucial
1 - NRB is strict with regard to lending
2 - NRB is strict with regard to credit over expansion
3 - NRB seems to uphold contractionary monetary policy to combat inflation
4 - NRB is harsh to all speculative investments
5 - NRB is harsh to all overgreening

Market To Slide Down More
1- It seems market will bleed more



Dalals, the most corrupt in the world, the most incompetitive bureaucrat in the world who came into power through setting is blaming others.

Party jhole, RAW/CIA assets are threatening Nepalese.

A MC neta ho, afno kukur lai samjha. Tell them, they are not malik of Nepal.

Every time sher bahadur becomes PM, we always see crisis.

I forgot, its, I believe, NRB is the ones who recommend medal for bankers. And they gave medals to likes of nica, global .... two worst banks ran by two worst criminals in Nepal.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Wed Jun 15, 2022 12:45 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7582
It looks like some big players have existed.

They are the ones who have been crashing the market, they always do that after existing.

I dont think it is cause of the selling pressure due to 4/12, since, all have to fix their 4/12 during renewal. If some got some left, it wont be more than a few billion which is not much.

Dont forget to thank NRB, village idiots- pm and fm for the crash. Every time alchina in power, we see crisis.

Why I am always ungrateful to myself. I am the first one who predicted this crisis year ago. But I went on believing crowd that- players wont let market crash. They will keep market sideways.


Wiseman says, problem with the world is, "Brilliant people have full of doubts while Idiots have full of confidence".

Why I keep on forgetting that I am 'SECOND TO GOD'.

At least I halved my loan.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7582
some are talking about 6 trading day

Let's not do it

It is unnecessary and exhausting

May be reduce 30 min/day
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7582
Under Sherbahadur and maoist Nepse has crashed more than 1200. Last time, there was this combo, it crashed 400+.

Nidar mai alchina leke cha shere ko ra maoist ko.

Sherbahadru selling rivers of Nepal to India ........ coming in the evening.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7582
पूँजीबजार लगानीकर्ता संघले प्रमलाई बुझायो ज्ञापनपत्र, लगत्तै गभर्नरलाई देउवाको फोन
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7582
आफूलाई बर्खास्त गर्ने अर्थमन्त्रीसँग गभर्नरको पहिलो भेट: आपसमा संवाद भएन, पत्रकारलाई जवाफ फर्काए

Under these circumstances, governor resigns all over the world. ... but in Nepal, governor is chosen from doggo through setting.

'kukur ko buddi hundaina, buddi hune kukur hundaina- SECOND TO GOD'

'ijjat hune kukur hundaina, kukur ko ijjat hundaina- SECOND TO GOD'

Governor said, his mistake (increasing interest rate, tightening loan in the economy) is not giving desired result.

So he wants to double the mistake. There is not a single person who has brain.

In the world, in financial media, they keep on talking about policy, in nepal, its just some jhole/doggo who become financial patrakar to get bone. and still they think they understand economy. look at their posting in media, social media. your aukat is doggo, know your place, financial patrakar,, all of you.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Tue May 31, 2022 2:06 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7582
I was wondering why there was a plane crash during budget.

Now, it is getting cleared, it has hid every micro sector ... tuch tuch.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7582
Last year, on the day of Monitory policy, something bad happened, probably bus accident, and I did say, that monitory policy will harm and the governor is alchina.

And that monitory policy destroyed the economy, share market and banking.
Some People think this is superstition, really even after proof, same happened when KP oli became PM, I think.

Today is budget day and a plane has been out of contact. Hope plane is safe, which is not possible or somebody stop the budget.

Our village idiot finance minister may increase tax, probably in import, and destroy out economy and exporting capacity and manufacturing capacity just to make some criminal industry happy cause they will get to increase their profit margin.

In Nepal, when weather is bad, it is banned to fly plane, cause ever time plane flies during bad weather, it go boom. Then some idiot in social media talks about how that rule is foolish.

I believe in freedom of speech. So such idiot should be stopped using freedom of speech. Murkha, alchina ko awaj dheri tholo huncha.

Just few week ago, those alchina came in support for governor when he was fired.

Those alchina came in support of NRB's monitory policy and now here we are. ISUPPORTNRB MC. Most of them are investor RC.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7582
After KP oli lost the election, this doggo of kp and yuraj k- governor is going hyperactive for general election.

He will do his best to destroy the economy and help kp oli.

Like I have been saying, if someone destroys something, change the person or that person will just try to prove himself right during remaining tenure. This governor trying to say he is correct in his high interest sh!t and anti share market policy and blocking credit.

Maoist (and nc) is finished, they cant even take care of servant- governor. this governor is treating them as trash and they dont even see it.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7582
नेपालीलाई पनि बाहिर लगानी गर्न खुला गर्नुपर्ने गभर्नरको टिप्पणी, 'खराब पैसा ल्याउनु हुन्न'

loot money exit lai tero bau le rokcha.

Desh bechna hune, teska ama kina bechna na hu ne. Send picture of your women governor.

NC, uml, maoist, bureaucracy, judiciary, media ...... are national security threat. VOTE VOTE

Talk about letting criminal invest in foreign country is letting them take black money out. BLACK MONEY AND THEIR WHOLE WEALTH SHOULD BE NATIONALIZED AND THEY SHOULD BE JAILED FOR LIFE.

There is so much loot, probably, 1/3-2/3 that they are unable to hide it in Nepal, that is why they need policy 'to let invest outside' to send money outside. Those who cant even compete business in Nepal legally, who is it possible for them to compete outside Nepal?
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Mon May 23, 2022 1:04 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7582
ब्याजदर बढ्दैमा निक्षेप बढ्दैन तर अनावश्यक खपत घटाउन ब्याजदर बढाउनु पर्छ: गभर्नर अधिकारी

Its been around one and a half year since interest rate has reached peak. Khoi import ghate ko MC.

You tried to decrease import by destroying the economy. You are able to destroy the economy but unable to decrease import.

I told you to directly intervene import. And finally you did after wasting almost a year and finally import decreasing.

Your logic did now work, but, Like always, mine working. Cause I am "SECOND TO GOD".

Second half of your latest career has been nothing but total disaster.

Have you thought about what would happen when interest rate is too high to the economy???? You are pakhe and pakeh is not suppose to run a country.

Few years back, we had foreign currency problem too. That time we did not have noise like today. Why, today media made noise cause of Srilanka.

NRB/governor totally failed neapli economy with their policy which did not help in foreign currency savings.

Then just around srilanka problem was spread by fake news in Nepal and governor was fired by the govt, this governor went on media making noise that if govt dont stop import, Nepal's economy will be destroyed. He kept on barking in Nepali media that Nepal's economy is about to collapse.

His barking, srilanka news and his firing are the reasons, people, fake expert supported this mf governor when he was fired. Crowd thought- governor was trying to save the economy, only governor understood the economy, governor was trying to save the economy. His barking in the right time and his firing helped him from getting public support. But dumb crowd did not know, governor is dumb and he is one of the individuals who is behind the crisis. He was too late to recognize the crisis and identifying the short term solution. Only I knew in Nepal. And if they had implemented my advice when I proposed it, foreign currency problem would have been solved months back.

Now let me talk about interest rate a little bit more.

Do you understand business. In business borrower pay interest from profit. At this time borrower are paying interest rate from their pocket or from saving or black money. Means, those whose who are paying interest rate is not the money that contributed to the economy but for those who are getting paid interest rate are getting paid a lot, they are making a lot of profit. Which means, they are the ones driving consumption. Country is suffering, business is suffering but depositors are enjoying which is the one of the reasons behind high import even when economy is suffering.

Which means, consumption is driven by interest paid on deposit and that interest is paid with loss. Loss is driving our economy, import. Good job governor.

NRB's policy is the reason, import is not decreasing even when economy is in sh!t. Other reasons are- black money, loot from budget, criminal making money. Bad Monitory, fiscal policy only harm official economy. This governor is able to destroy official economy while criminal economy is hardly hit. Look how much criminal were able to spend on the election, even when interest rate is high, when there is no credit available. NRB policy was only able to destroy economy and share market.

Alchina governor

oli ko kukur, yuraj k ko kukur ('kukur ko buddi hundaina, buddi hune kukur hundaina- SECOND TO GOD)

Sati ko sarap.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Sun May 22, 2022 10:23 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7582
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7582
'आर्थिक सूचक र स्वरूपमा हैन, कुशासन र नीतिगत कच्चापनमा हामी श्रीलंकाजस्तै छौं'

राष्ट्रिय योजना आयोगका पूर्वउपाध्यक्ष स्वर्णिम वाग्लेले हालै राष्ट्रसंघीय विकास कार्यक्रम (यूएनडीपी) को मुख्यालय न्युयोर्कस्थित एसिया-प्रशान्त क्षेत्रको प्रमुख आर्थिक सल्लाहकारका रुपमा श्रीलंका भ्रमण गरे

Did UNDP hired him or he got the job from Nepal's quota just like yuraj k used to?

Is not it sad comedy, this guy, when he was boss of national planning commission, we too had liquidity crisis, dollar crisis just like today (last time few years ago) ....... he did nothing, he had no solution, he had no advice for NRB, govt ......... now he is the expert of current srilankan crisis, nepal's current economic crisis.

Does UNDP or srilanka know that under his leadership, nepal faced similar similar crisis and he had no solution?

And Nepali media is making him hero, advisor, focusing on him as an adviser of current crisis.

Like I have been saying, media in nepal either promote their guy or cia/raw agent. His whole family is professional jhole of dalal congress. And media promotes his and his brother/s.

This is why" Wealth of owners/promoters of BFIs, insurance, media should be investigated, its source, where investment came from, their expenses, their domestic and international link, their activities- to protect national security as well as economy.

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