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#251 Mon Dec 05, 2022 9:18 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
Is there any central bank in the world where they challenge elected government except for Nepal? If Governor has different view than elected government, governor resigns or gets fired. How NRB became parallel government in Nepal???
In Nepal 99.99999999% people dont know, NRB has destroyed economy.Remember, I said, crisis in economy is normal, collapse is man made!
#252 Sun Dec 04, 2022 5:52 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
'गाली गर्नेले प्रसारणलाइन बनेपछि एप्रिसियट गर्छन्'
area MF, no body opposed project, nor they opposed US grant. What they opposed was MCC contract.
#253 Sat Dec 03, 2022 7:55 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
राष्ट्र बैंकको प्रक्षेपण: एक वर्षमा मूल्यवृद्धि दर १२ प्रतिशत पुग्ने, तीन महिनामै १० प्रतिशत
- What do you expect? Interest rate 18%, productivity collapsed. How do you think producer would make a living by selling half the quantity than they had been selling? By increasing price.
Next stage- There will be low supply of goods due to lack of investment in the past, lack of money to upgrade or fix things like machinery etc. Which will increase inflation more.
Dont tell me I did not warn.
Nepal needs 'monetary policy guidance'.
NRB, bureaucracy, advisers, politicians, media/social media turned foreign currency crisis into total collapse.
------------------- Cash Is Trash
Remember what I have been saying: Recession is normal economic cycle while depression, stagflation then hyper inflation is man made.
Internally in Nepal, there are only two domestic factors which push for stagflation. And that is high interest rate and Monitory tightening pushed by NRB (and advisers and finance ministry). (There are some international factors which are pushing for stagflation is squeeze of supply chain caused by sanction)
What have high interest rate and unnecessary Monitory tightening pushed by NRB, done so far???
- Due to high interest rate and monitory tightening, govt has to spend more money to address loan. Cause of stagflation, govt revenue is down too.
In the past, let's say, govt used to spend 100 for 100 things. Like- 50 for operation, 10 for loan settlement, 40 for development.
Now cause of high interest rate and monitory tightening and lower revenue, govt will be spending 50 on operation, 20 for loan and 25 for development (total=95 things and spent 95money) (today we have stagflation)
** And when there is hyper inflation - govt will be spending 150 on operation (since salary and all expenditure will increase by a lot) and has to borrow 50 to settle loan and no development fund.
- Private sector: Cause of high interest rate and unnecessary monitory tightening. Sell has fallen, but to pay high interest rate, they have to increase price of goods and services. And since interest rate is high and demand falling due to stagflation- there wont be new production capacity build up.
** And this will lead to hyper inflation. Sell number will fall but they will charge high price. Their expenses will sky rocket too.
- We have already seen in Coke: Coke price used to be 225 few months ago, today its 265. Almost close to 20% increase. Their sell no is low, but revenue is up. Hyper inflation.
When interest rate is 15-17%, and demand is low, what would people do- increase price of everything to pay interest. Meaning hyper inflation. All caused by NRB policy of super high interest rate and unnecessary tightening of monitory policy.
Some are saying this will lead to super high share market. True, just like Zimbabwe, Venezuela, srilanka, pakistan.
Like I have been saying for 6-8 year- when banks give high interest on deposit, it wont increase your wealth, it will destroy your wealth.
Those who have deposited money in bank, holding cash in greed for high interest .... their cash will turn into trash.
And we all know, our pakhes running country- politicians, bureaucracy, nrb, and their advisers- they will advise opposite and act and advice to increase interest rate to tackle hyper inflation.
This is how 'Cash will turn into trash and share market- super high'. And dont forget to thank NRB.
NRB's super high interest rate and unnecessary tightening of monitory policy has already pushed Nepal into stagflation and soon start hyper inflation.
SECOND IN GOD said: 'Pakhe le des chalaune haina.
#254 Fri Dec 02, 2022 8:09 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
निर्माण सामाग्रीहरुको व्यवसाय जुन तरिकाकाे डाउनफलमा गएकाे छ, मेरो १९ वर्षको व्यवसायिक जीवनमा कहिले पनि देखेको छैन: सीएनआइ अध्यक्ष अग्रवाल
- This crisis is due to govt, bureaucracy, sanctions and you people.
Why you people????
(Let's say, for instance, you people are clean, professional business people who are not criminal, who dont finance politicians with black money, who dont bribe bureaucracy... then why you)
- First of all, not just people elect incompetent politicians, who hire incompetent bureaucracy and advisers, ,,, you people also select incompetent business leaders like you, who is not just incompetent .... who is so incompetent who cant even find a right advisers, who cant even decide whom to listen.
If you were competent, you would have raised voice when policy were made, you would have contacted right advisers and listen to right people.
(I- I am the only one in Nepal- have been accurately analyzing about economy, policy in Nepal for around last 6 year, and still no body listens to me- this does not make me incompetent, this proves you people in power incompetent)
- Second, you people run media. Why you let some dumb pakeh patrakar do economic analysis. And their talk is always negative and dangerous. Fire them. Disappear them.
- Third, why your media keep on inviting proven failed bureaucrats for interview in you media? When you give those failures space, bureaucrats/politicians would listen to them and we get where we are now.
- I am the only one who been accurately analyzing and giving advice regarding Nepal's economy, for last 6 year and I have been proven right almost all the time. Why you people dont listen to me from the beginning? Why your media dont promote me?
- One of the reasons, we are in this situation is, you people's advice to NRB. Banker's director's association boss and the organization's advice to NRB is one of the main reason, we are in this situation.
Tell the MF to resign and stop talking in public, stop giving advice.
#255 Thu Dec 01, 2022 2:08 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
गभर्नरलाई संकेत गर्दै अर्थमन्त्री शर्माको प्रश्न: अर्थतन्त्रमा कहाँ संकट छ ? समस्या कहाँ छ ?
- Liquidity crisis - Interest rate is 18% - Factories running at less than 50% capacity - Share market has crashed - Consumption has crashed - Govt revenue is down by a lot - Balance of payment is suffering
And most of them are created by govt and nrb.
And where is media made experts? why are they not answering this question? Where is media's golden boy wagle- In last 6-7 year, he has hardly talked about economy of nepal, economic crisis and still media and social media presented him as expert and some idiots bought it. That's called sati ko sarap.
After successfully selling- prachanda, baburam, yuraj k, gagan thapa and many others in the past, now media is selling golden boy wagle as great.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me million times, I am a sarbagyani nepali trying for green card.
#256 Tue Nov 29, 2022 8:31 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
NRB Quarterly Review on Monetary Policy Unlikely to Keep Fiscal Stability-Chamber
उद्योग वाणिज्य महासंघले भन्यो 'माैद्रिक नीतिकाे समीक्षाले तत्काल ब्याजदर घटदैन,ब्याजदर नघटे अर्थतन्त्र जोगाउन कठिन छ'
If someone were there to predict all these, Nepal would not have gone through all this hell---- zzzzzzzzzzeee I dont know, did not I do that.
No wonder, there are only three persons in the world, who accepts '''I''' as 'SECOND TO GOD'.
Nepal is ran by proven failure bureaucrats, their advisers are proven failed ex bureaucrats. And you people expect success!
#257 Sat Nov 19, 2022 5:41 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
Ground zero report published by some media and social media seem to be true.
Among my relatives- most of the youngers and females are voting for new while most of the older males are voting for same old sh!t.
So 2/3rd votes in cities (let's say half since around 10-15% population in cities are jholes) in cities could go for new ones.
Most of the investors are young people and they lost a lot. This is going to make a huge impact in tomorrow's election. NC and communist will pay big for listening to failed ex and current bureaucrats and jhole fake experts.
#258 Wed Nov 16, 2022 6:09 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
I kept on saying, if you dont fire incompetent, the person/s behind the problem- instead of fixing the problem/fixing the mistake- they will focus on trying to prove themselves right. राष्ट्र बैंकको कठोर नीतिले अर्थतन्त्र सुधारोन्मुख: गभर्नर अधिकारीEconomy has collapsed, it has collapsed worst than during the blockade and still this ghug is saying, they saved the economy. There is a saying, which is popular among pakehs, 'you don't cut hand just cause there is a pillow on your finger'. And this governor and d governors and NRB did not just cut hand, they kill the person. Nepal needs 'monetary policy guidance'. Independent party should not forget to thank NRB for the popularity they received and also thank share investors. VOTE RIGHT! Almost all, who have been in power are total failure.
#259 Tue Nov 15, 2022 5:42 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
जग्गा र सेयरमा भएको लगानी अनुगमन गर्न नसक्दा अर्थतन्त्र मन्दीमा, शेखर गोल्छाको विश्लेषण
Wrong, all this problem came cause Nepal did not investigate hidden wealth of people like you, cause Nepal did not investigate dealing of people like you.
But wont be for too long. Revolution is coming. I suggest you make a least who your family accumulated all the wealth and hidden wealth. I am 100% sure, all males in your family will go to jail and women will be begging infront of pashupati after the revolution.
#260 Mon Nov 07, 2022 2:42 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
Last night, I could not sleep.
Cause, yesterday market increased and that kept me worried if market would go up or down the next day.
This is what the psychology created by bureaucrats, politicians, govt in Nepal in investors, business community, self employed, bank borrowers....
VOTE RIGHT! This election should be the beginning of the end of dalal, ghusya, incompetent.
#261 Sun Nov 06, 2022 2:07 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
If maoist win any significant seat, economy and share market will be destroyed.
One example is corona insurance. During corona time, maoist agent in insurance department said 'sangsar ma kasaile na gare ko korona bima hamu garchau'.
And Now we are paying the price. And we all know what is going on with share market and liquidity and interest rate.
#262 Fri Nov 04, 2022 3:59 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
अर्थतन्त्रमा गम्भीर सङ्कट, ८०% इँटा उद्योग बन्द, दर्जनौँ सिमेन्ट उद्योग बिक्रीमा,कसले लिने जिम्मेवारी ? मुलुक हाँक्ने सबै चुनावी मैदानमा Dont say, I did not warn. They are 12 month late to protest. I have been saying- you have to blame the cause, blame those behind the problem (if not, instead of solving the problem, problem will get worse and new will arise) ....... Finally, they are going after those who created new/current problems. Finally they are going after NRB. 
#263 Fri Oct 28, 2022 6:23 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
Those mf who are anti share market said, share loan system does not exist in US.
Musk just bought twitter share with share loan. And during QE, govt gives loan to Buffet interest free loan to buy shares.
4k off alchinas.
#264 Sat Oct 22, 2022 7:13 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
If you dont blame the reason or the person or the institution behind the problem and fix it, instead point to someone or something else..... instead of solving the problem, problem gets worst and new problems are created.
Business community has begun to protest against high interest rate. They should target NRB. NRB is the No.1 reason behind the crisis. NRB forced banks to increase interest rate, NRB created liquidity crisis.
#265 Wed Oct 19, 2022 6:16 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
Like I predicted/said in the beginning of the crisis: If you dont fire those who created the crisis, instead of fixing the crisis, they will focus on proving themselves right and make crisis worse and start new crisis.
To fix 2 kharab excess import, NRB destroyed 10 kharab economy by forcing to increase interest rate and stopping credit. (Instead of increasing export).
This policy of their did not decrease import, import began to decrease after govt banned import (just like I advice).
Now NRB is saying, their failed policy (which destroyed the economy)(increasing interest rate and banning credit) is beginning to show impact.
महासंघको गुनासो सुनेपछि डेपुटी गभर्नर ढुंगानाले भनिन्- हाम्रो नीतिले काम गर्न थाल्यो
Why is 'Independent party not raising voice regarding economic crisis, share market crisis, banking crisis. They are missing a huge opportunity.
Nepal needs many fixed policy. One of them is 'monetary policy guidance'. And I know what is needed.
#266 Mon Oct 17, 2022 11:18 am
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
I thought market will start increasing from yesterday, its down today too. k.
#267 Sun Oct 16, 2022 5:54 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
बैंकको ब्याज तत्काल तिर्न नसक्ने होटल संघको घोषणा, 'किस्ता तिर्ने समय नबढे बन्द गर्छौं'
चेम्बरले भन्यो- 'ब्याजदर वृद्धिले व्यवसायी आहत, उपभोक्ता महँगीको मारमा', तरलता बढाउन यस्तो सुझाव
Nepal desperately needs 'monitory policy guidance' and I know what to draft.
VOTE RIGHT! I would advice rough 'monitory policy guidance' to the right govt- for free.
#268 Fri Oct 14, 2022 11:43 am
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
Nepal's official GDP is about 50 kharab. Real GDP could be around 100 kharab.
NRB says- Loan should not be as much as GDP and trying to bring down the loan. Normally, govt in the world would try to increase GDP but in Nepal pakhes want to bring down loan.
Remember, Nepal barely surviving in 100 kharab (expected real gdp), what happens to Nepali society if NRB crash Nepal's GDP to 50 kharab????
I know, do you know????
(I see Many dead people)
Bureaucracy dont talk about decreasing govt expenses. They dont talk about making things positive. They just want to curve everything.
Last time, there was election, dueba and maoist were in govt and there were economic crisis, sharemarket crisis, banking crisis and they lost the election. This time, history seems to repeat.
No one may get majority but I dont think dalal congress and maosit will get as much seat as they are expecting.
VOTE RIGHT! Nepal needs revolution in bureaucracy. Vote for new.
#269 Thu Oct 13, 2022 4:32 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
उद्योगमा ठूलो संकट: उत्पादन र बिक्री ७० प्रतिशतसम्म घट्यो, कतै श्रमिक कटौती शुरु (remember: this partrkar should also be blamed for current crisis, alchina- magera, lootera khane ko aukat thinks he understand economics  ) Dont tell me I did not warn. Never forget: who is 'SECOND TO GOD'One of the main reason, this kind of bureaucracy created crisis keeps on happening is 'those alchina dumb who make noise in media and social media'. I always tried to silence them, but, instead of supporting me, some came after me. Now pay the price. If you dont blame/point the finger at the reason, individual, institution who created the problem, instead of solving problem, the problem gets bigger and new problem will arise.NRB is the main who created current problem. Last time too, NRB created problem. Second blame goes to finance ministry. And the third go to their advisers, those who advised them. And fourth, those alchinas who barked in the media and social media. Dont forget to blame those dalal media who published cia, raw propaganda regarding- srilanka crisis.I dont care what kind of GDP growth figure they give, in my book we have stagflation. Next stage is hyperinflation. Never forget: who is 'SECOND TO GOD'VOTE RIGHT! I am ready to give advice to independent party for free to save Nepal.
#270 Sun Oct 09, 2022 10:32 am
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
'निर्वाचनपछि हाम्रो सरकार आउँछ, हाम्रो सरकार आएपछि सेयर बजारले उचाईं चुम्छ' : एमाले अध्यक्ष ओली
#271 Fri Oct 07, 2022 12:30 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
- dont those idiots in korea know that share market is unproductive, and does not reflect real economy?
- looks like only pakhes and bahuns and commies and nrb and bureaucrats and patrakar in nepal understand share market in the world. (mc alchina ka santan haru)
#272 Wed Oct 05, 2022 1:20 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
Congratulations, World share market started to boom boom
But, OPEC threatened to cut 2mbd Oil. Putin and saudi prince's handshake- now we know, what that meant.
West needs to surrender to Russia and end the war.
#273 Mon Oct 03, 2022 9:35 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
#274 Sat Oct 01, 2022 10:15 am
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2392
Nasty chain of reaction : Government borrowing shot up , this in turn led to a warning from IMF who issued a statement saying that the government's tax cut plans were economically risky -can create greater income inequality and worthless step to buy gov bond just create artificial demand.
#275 Fri Sep 30, 2022 3:02 pm
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7807
The UK nearly had a total economic collapse.
Senior banker describing the leveraged unwind in Gilts as coming close to triggering a "Lehman moment". Asset manager accusing the Bank of England of ignoring calls to intervene sooner
------ UK govt bought shares and bonds to save the market. It looks like, there is not a single intelligent know all in UK like in Nepal (in Nepal, there are 100s of them in media and social media), or he would have said- share/bond market is not real economy.
BTY who has been buying Pound. My money is on CIA.