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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
Monitory policy review and weather matches. NOICE!
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
Nepal sida tarika le track ma aula jasto chaina Nissan ji.

Kranti only way.

Kranti against rana

Than kranti against shah

Now, kranti against bureaucracy. Wonder what it would be like. What would it mean. Kranti against rana, shah meant getting rid of them, what is getting rid of bureaucracy means????

25 nepalese with khukuri hitting the road.

33 kg gold, cleared by bureaucracy. X'bad.

this aat of b will get them ki

about mantir from adalat..... few days back some politicians and their doggo made noise, after he was made minister, their noise stopped .......... what the f is this........ this is not the first time, when kari was made CIAA boss same happened..
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Sat Oct 09, 2021 3:00 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 1381
मन्त्रि बन्नु हुने त, जेठान,

अब K.P. भिनाजु,

कोरियाको लागि राजदुत बन्नु हुन्छ भन्ने हल्ला छ,

न्यायपालिका पनि गठबन्धनमा सामेल हुनु ....अत्यन्तै दुखद कुरा हो The Rising Sun जी l
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
मन्त्रिपरिषद्‍मा प्रधानन्यायाधीशको कोटा : गजेन्द्र हमाल आपूर्तिमन्त्री

Those who hate me for being truthful must be planning to go booommmm against those/enemy of the nation. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

sati ko sarap

They may be the ones doing, but its you scum of the land, who made it possible. Your silence, and your attack on those (I), who go against them is the reason, all this is being possible. Die with your entire family.

Aat ta manai parne ho.......... every body is mard when they are protected by the army. shah were merd, now X bad, even generals of the army.

I am the only, one man army in the world, since very young. Cause I grew up watching super hero movie.

Tell you a secret, When I was school, I used to scare gang of dozen single handedly. They used to think, I knew kompfu.

@#$!$ bahu#
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
सत्तारुढ दलका नेताहरुका अनुसार २१ मन्त्रालय भागवण्डामा प्रधानन्यायाधीश जबरालाई पनि भाग छुट्याइएको छ | उनको सिफारिसमा सर्वोच्च अदालतमा सूचना प्रविधि विज्ञका रुपमा काम गरिसकेका दीपक तिमिल्सिना मन्त्री बन्ने पक्का जस्तै छ

I have been saying X'Bad running Nepal.

Rana sending X jat from his quota.

Oli thought, rana was hid doggie, I said, no body is his doggie, they are cia's wanna be doggie.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
Why dalal, corrupt, crook, looser hate share market, especially when share market increase????????

Find the answer, the answer will help you and the society and the market.

नेपालमा फोर्ड एभरेष्टको बुकिङ खुला, कति पर्छ मूल्य

यसको सुरुआती नेपाली मूल्य रु. १.९९ करोड रहेको छ

Bhane pachi, neta, bureucracy, dalal le matra chadne bhaya.

ma pani 20 hajar lak kate ra neta bannu paryo.

CIA, I accept your offer.

China, I am ready to be come double agent and will become full agent after NWO. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

If I become CIA agent, nepal ko neta, bureaucracy ko bhijcha hola paint. :lol:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
हाकिम फेरिएपछि नक्कली अन्त:शुल्कको स्टीकर प्रयोगको आशंकामा बन्द भएका उद्योग खुले

If this is what it takes then,

- I am ready to bribe- maoist fm, pm, governor one lakh each to save share market and introduce positive share market policy.

Heil B'bad!
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
I think, in US it is worst. Nissan ji.

In Nepal they loot nepali and freely deposit that money in 5eye and India. (It is not easy to hide arab, but since they are hiding in those countries, means, they get help from their intelligence that is why they have become dalal of cia and raw)

Worst in US, from my analysis till date, enemy of US (british/jew) loot from US, use sweat and blood of red neck against red neck, us, world. That is why red neck is one of the three dumb race in my book.

Something bad could happen in India too. But it will be stopped before that happens, since international balance of power is sifting very rapidly.
Fake nationalist, modi changed land law. I think it was to help his master to take over land of India.

Even worse, british/jew through US controlled the world by taking over Oil for decades, now I think they are after water. They are trying to take control water of India. They may control water of Nepal too and sell it to nepalese and indians.

India had nothing to do with world war one and two and still, I believe, Indian lost the most life from western side. British and jew fought world war one and two using indian.

Now, they(british/jew/american) are planning to fight world war 3 using indian again. This time may not happen. Last time, their enemies were small. this time, its china, russia, pakistan, iran. Pakistan and iran's population is 2/3 of eu and russian population is half of US.... and china ............

Worst than Nepal is US, middle east and india ... in my book.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 1381
लुट्न सके लुट कान्छा, लुट्न सके लुट
अरु देशमा पाइदैन, नेपालमै हो छुट.......

- लोकगायक पशुपती शर्माजीको, गीतका यी शब्दहरु यतातिर पनि ठ्याक्कै मिल्छ,

हैन त The Rising Sun जी l

:) :)
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
५१ कम्पनीको सूची सार्वजनिक गर्दा यसरी भएको थियो जालझेल

यस अध्ययन समितिले सार्वजनिक गरेको प्रतिवेदन अनुसार धितोपत्र बोर्डका अध्यक्ष भीष्मराज ढुंगाना (हाल निलम्बित) ले आफ्नो योजना अनुरुप ५१ कम्पनीको सूची सार्वजनिक गरेको यसमा उल्लेख गरिएको छ

सूची सार्वजनिक गर्नुभन्दा अघिल्लो दिन (जेठ ३१ गते) बसेको धितोपत्र बोर्डको सञ्चालक समिति बैठकले ५ कम्पनीको मात्र सेयर मूल्य अस्वभाविक रुपमा बढेको निष्कार्ष निकालेर त्यसमाथि अध्ययन अनुसन्धान गर्ने निर्णय गरेको थियो

तर, त्यसको भोलिपल्टै (असार १ गते) धितोपत्र बोर्डका अध्यक्ष ढुंगानाले एकाएक ५१ कम्पनीहरूको सूची सार्वजनिक गरे

जोखिमयुक्त कम्पनीहरु सार्वजनिक गर्ने भनेर बोर्ड बैठकमा कुनै पनि निर्णय नभएको स्रोतको दाबी छ

उक्त अध्ययन प्रतिवेदनमा भनिएको छ, 'बोर्ड बैठकबाट जोखिमयुक्त कम्पनीको नाम उल्लेख गरी जानकारी गराउने निर्णय भएको नदेखिएबाट बोर्ड सञ्चालक समितिले गरेको उक्त निर्णय विपरीत अध्यक्ष भीष्मराज ढुंगानाले आफ्नो स्वार्थ अनुकूल हुने गरी धितोपत्र बजारमा ५१ कम्पनी जोखिमयुक्त रहेको भन्ने सूचना जारी गरेर ती कम्पनीहरुको सेयर मूल्य घटाउने, बढाउने जस्ता अवैध गतिविधिमा संलग्न भएको भन्ने आधार धितोपत्र बोर्ड सञ्चालक समितिको उक्त मितिको निर्णय र मिति २०७८-०३-०१ को सो बोर्डबाट जारी सूचनाबाट स्पष्ट देखिएको छ

५१ कम्पनीको सूची सार्वजनिक गर्ने भन्दै लगानीकर्ता तर्साएर ठूला सेयर खेलाडीबाट ३५ करोड रुपैयाँ उठाएको भन्दै ढुंगानामाथि अख्तियार दुरुपयोग अनुसन्धान आयोगले समेत छानबिन गरिरहेको छ

कम्पनीहरुको सूची सार्वजनिक गर्नुभन्दा अगाडि आफन्तलाई सेयर बेच्न लगाएको समेत उनीमाथि आरोप लागेको छ

Let's connect the dots......

- There was halla, 1000 gang (aka ime group) sold their share before 51 list was published.

- IME gang is involved in सर्वोत्तम सिमेन्ट kanda.

- IME gang also has access to investors data through biko or something

- IME, governor, sebon boss all from same jat has connection with yuraj k who is also from same jat

Remember, I said X'bad controlling Nepal.

Many suffered for 5 year cause of share crash and IME was behind it too.... the 1000 gang's main member.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
Small investors at social media are panicking.

They should pour their on following:

1: sher bahadur- when oli was pm, even when, during last 12-6 months, there was max political instability, and still governance did not effect much.
Today, sher bahadur has disappeared from governance. Capital market, economy, share market are suffering, but he is no where to be found. Even, 'what he says' has no meaning. He talked about solving problems about economy, share market more than a month ago. Nothing happening.

2: finance minister- just a village idiot, who is harami. became fM to raise collect tax so that he could loot for up coming election.
Current FM cant even be compared with bishnu paudel's jutta ko taluwa.

3: NRB: NRB has always been behind every economic and share market collapse. Bishnu paudel had prevented them from making bad decisions.
AFter moaist FM and sher bahadur came into power, NRB has done, what they had been trying to do.

Today, NRB does regret for their CCD ratio and 12 crore decision. But they are waiting for good site (date), quarterly evaluations.

Economy, share market is suffering. Instead of reversing them immediately, they care more about their ego than country. That's bureaucracy of Nepal.

Its amazing, I am the only one who has been talking about all this, so called economic expert, they hardly analyze policy and do prediction.

4: Those self proclaimed experts of share market who supported NRB policy: Just tell them, you supported NRB policy, and market has crashed. ........... what would you say now.... $!#@$@#$ choro.

Those self proclaimed experts, all they do is share news, data, talk about handful of basics like how to apply IPO, what are the process one need to follow to start to buy/sell shares........ that no expert's job, that's clerk's job.

In Nepal, I have seen many, who think clerk are expert, whether that is in share market or economy.

Even some of my friends used to get information from driver or peon of a company. Idiots making clerk an expert.

I have been trying to silence those fake dangerous expert, but I could not get help or support. There are just less than 50 of them, .01% investors, if go after them, can easily silence them.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
अग्रवाल र न्यौपानेले सुशिल भट्टमार्फत करोडौंको चलखेल गरी अर्थमन्त्री शर्मालाई प्रभावमा पारेर नयाँ कर नीति ल्याएको खुलासा, २४ डण्डी उद्योगको विचल्ली

भट्ट दाजुभाई विवादस्पद विचौलियाको रुपमा परिचित छन् | भट्ट दाजुभाईले अर्थमन्त्री जनार्दन शर्मालाई प्रभावमा पारेर यस्तो नीति ल्याएको अहिले बजारमा चर्चा हुन थालेको छ | नीति परिमार्जनको लागि मन्त्री गुहार्न पुगेका पीडित उद्योगीहरु उल्टै मन्त्रीको हप्की र दप्की खाएर फर्किएका छन्
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 821
Even good news or structural policy change will not attract the broken sentiments
Sentiments are like glassess, once broken or bruised, hard to aggregate
It will be hard, indeed very hard for market to catch same speed again

5: Investors who supported monitory policy.

I agree with you. I always condemned NRB for bringing stupid policy. Chinranjivi capped Personal OD limit. And this Governer capped share loan limit. Whoever comes want to cap the stock market.

Also in clubhouses/viber/facebook some scrupulous people who support NRB......My friend brought 9 ana land at 5 crores, That is ballooning in real estate......Why no cap in real estate?.....

Selling and Buying is in hands (TMS)
the fast it can rise, it also can fall fast
New range of investors will not enter market again
All want to take out their principal and already have forgotten profits
Also experienced ones are booking lossess and making exit

Didnt expected this
NRB Governer is the great manipulator

Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
१५०० आयो भने त धेरैको उठी बास लाग्छ होइन र LC SKrishna जी ?

बजारको हल्ला त यस्तो छ

सर्वसाधारण डराउँदै बेच्दै जाँदा नेप्से २५ सय अंकसम्म झारी पुनः ठूला लगानीकर्ताले उठाएर तिहारपछि सर्वसाधारणलाई बेचेर नाफा कमाउने
Registered: Nov 2020
Posts: 90
I believe your opinion somebody ji, yini harule ab ahileko support 2600 vanchhan, 2600 pugepachhi 2300 ma support dekhauchhana, yiniharuko strong support chahi 1500 tir hola, nautanki gari rahanchhan....
Registered: Jun 2017
Posts: 844
Nobody can predict the market.

But i am suprised by ignorance of people, who still follows those TA fools.

when the market is falling, they were saying market wont drop below 2800.

Market drops below 2800 now they were saying that U-trend is around the corner.

Now market comes below 2700m they are saying strong support at around 2650..

Bloody fakers..

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
Those behind the crash:

1: NRB
2: village idiot moist finance minister
3: Sher bahadur
4: those who have nothing much to do and still hate share market and supported monitory policy.
5: Investors who supported monitory policy.

Some of no 5 has begun to blame govt for the crash. ffking low lives. kukur ko jati buddi chaina, tara afu lai share expert bhanne bhram cha.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
Try to identify fake share market expert from the crowd of experts.

Try to gain something from loss.

Clue no 1: 99% are fake.

Clue no 2: Nobody knows everything. Fake pretend to know what they dont know plus lies plus guff.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Mon Sep 20, 2021 2:09 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
Today is the day, where dalals, criminals, corrupts give medals to each other.

99% wont get angry for this, but if I make correct analysis of this, some from 99% will hate me. :lol:

One of the criminal who got medal is bhaugada (been scaping from law for around a decade now).

Bjat who gave prachanda's wife, madhav nepal's bau- medal will get another govt job after retirement.

This is one of 'B'bad, which I am not allowed to say.

Enjoy rap!ng Nepal. Nepal is your bau ko birta. It used to be of shah's then rana's now b'bad's.

Army of Nepal, fought british. Later, all they did was kill people to protect rule of shah, and rana.

They never cared about protecting life of people from enemy- insider or outsider, or border.

Today, there is no rana or shah.

When will Army of Nepal come out of their barrack, in your view?

I think, army of Nepal come out, when 25lakh nepalese will hit the road with khukuris to take care of corrupt, dalals to protect corrupt, dalals for 25lakh nepalese.

Cause Nepal is, today, birta of those b'badi. B'badi is Nepal malik and army protects malik of Nepal. Not border or people.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
I expressed my max anger on """""Mon Sep 06, 2021 11:32 pm"""""

My first anger leaked on """""" Sun Aug 15, 2021 11:35 am""" in topic- 3800-5000 by Dashain

More than a month ago. Do you still have doubt that I am "SECOND TO GOD"????
Registered: Apr 2016
Posts: 344
i used to be die heart fan of maoist ..... but m@@@@# haru le garda rodpati hune bhaiyo
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
It looks like only share market realized that maosit took over finance ministry.

All they care about is increase tax so that they could steal tax payer's money.

That is why they demanded finance ministry and hydro ministry.

When maoist came into govt, there used to be a lot of lafada in hydro projects. Today, they must have found out how to look without making lafada. May be they used to demand 50% ghus, today they may just be demanding 25%.

History is repeating.

Worry not, coming election will be their last. They wont more than total 12 seat then they will never become finance minister again. And after the election, all their karyakarta will join other party and zero seat in the following election then prachanda and janardan to the Hague.

Kukur le gu khana chordaina, maoist le ghus.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
सूर्य नेपालको गत वर्षको लाभांश १० अर्ब रुपैयाँ, साढे २४ अर्बको कारोबार, पौने ६ अर्ब ऋण

Revenue 24 billion, dividend 10 billion. WOW. Must be the company with highest profit margin. So the cigarette they sell, all cost is profit and tax.

What about garments- 50% profit margin for manufacturer????

So this is what those in govt trying to do by taxing with unimaginable rate on custom for import?????

Only handful are making huge profit from high import tax.

एभरेष्ट बैंककाे अफर: ६.८८ प्रतिशत ब्याजदरमै गाडी कर्जा

Car loan is mostly 30-50 lakh. And banks normally dont give much importance to that amount of loan.

Car loan hardly helps the economy of Nepal.

And still, car loan is one of the cheapest loan. Why? I say RAW.

News say, there is liquidity crisis, but EBL is offering car loan at below 7%.

Those in NRB, dont even know, what are the problems in Nepal, NRB is suppose to deal with. All they go after is Share market, which they are not support to intervene unless there is a crash.

If NRB, would have been ran by competent individuals, NRB would have made it very easy to transfer lone from one bank to another.

There are banks, facing liquidity crisis, while other offers car loan at below 7%. NRB should make loan transferable easy just by making borrower pay 5000 Rs. So that customer from banks facing liquidity crisis can go to bank with high liquidity.

This is the reason, some are increasing interest on deposit. Due to incompetents in NRB.

BFIs have 2.4% liquidity as per NRB's website. Which is 110 billion. And still, why there is liquidity crisis???

What about capital and reserve of BFIs? Can they lend it. Has incompetent at NRB turned capital and reserve idle???
Registered: Apr 2016
Posts: 344
most c%%@@pt woman of nepal :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
Investor talked to deuba, he said, 12 crore issue will be resolved and still it is not resolved.

If you want something from this govt, you need to approach deuba's swasni.

Deuba is retard pakhe. Deuba's wife is rana. She know how to deal with servant. If she had said, it will be resolved, it would have been resolved in the evening.

Rana knows how to deal with bahuns at NRB.

By the way, 1.9.2021 is the date, I began to dump shares. I just found out how big I am. In few days, all I could dump was 6/7%. Then talk about reversing 12 crore circulated and I held dumping.

And after seeing 1st month report of MNBBL, I bought MNBBL last week with half the money.

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