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Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2147
We iniated a First Sell Call on Upper Tamakoshi after it Broked 779 Level in Last week of August 2021.

Later we again Dowangrade it for a Sell Call when it was hovering near 440 level in March 2022 for the Target of 165/-, Let's see whether we achieve that Target or Not ??

Similarly we have initiated a BUY Call on 3 Dev. BANKS :-

1. GRDBL (Green Devlopement Bank) for the Target of 560/-

2. KRBL ( Karnali Developement Bank) for the Targer of 560/-

3. SINDHU (Sindhu Bikas Bank) for the Target of 542/-

Disclosure : Nobody can be 100% Perfet which includes me too. But the Barometer is what is the Probability or Percentage of Success Achieved.

Today is Thusday the Last Trading Day of the Week and Market is Yet to React to the Political Event which occurred Yesterday, As PM took the Vote of Confidence after the Closure of the Market.

Happy Trading 😊 //
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2147
Today Onwards we have started Deploying the fund under Trading Theme.

Looks like that 20 20 match has also Begun for Nepse.

Today Nepse Broke 2 consecutive Resistance level in a singal day ie. 2080 then followed by 2100 on closing Basis.

Now Next Resitance Level is 2120/-. Tomorrow Political Event for Vote of Confidence is likely to Drive the Market.

Finger Crossed 🤞

Happy Trading !!
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2147
After the 100% infusion of the fund under Investment theme now searching for the Scrips under Trading theme.

During the scanning Process we have identified 3 scrips which were outperforming the Nepse Index which has given a +Ve Return of more then 20% in last 1 Year. Which were :-

1. SINDHU - Sindhu Bikas Bank a return of 24% in a Year Tenure.

2. KRBL - Karnali Bikas Bank a return of 32% in a Year Tenure.

3. GRDBL - Green Devlopement Bank a return of 40% in a Year.

These 3 Scrips looks good for Tradeing Prospectives to us and are in our Watch List too but we are waiting whether they are Breaking the Immediate Resistance level or not before making any entry in these Scrips.

Disclosure: Not a Financial Advice, Purely for Study Purpose only.

Thought of the Day " Chalti ka Naam Gadi, Jo na Chale wo kabadi"

Happy Trading
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2147
For the Week the Market gained 70 odd Points.

During the Week whoever wanted to Exit on assumption Market will form Low again from the Current level has Exited.

We have Now invested 100% Cash under Investment theme.

Whatever bought under Investment theme is Now locked for end of 2026.

Now After Shivratri will take out the Fund under Trading theme which is Purely dedicated for Technical and Speculation Play in the market.


Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2147
After 117 Point Upmove we witnessed a 70 Point down move.

Some People Sold off who thought like ye rise nehi mileage Dobara. Some Bought thinking ye Correction nehi Milega Dobara.

But Net Net we were up by 47 Point which is a +VE Sign for the Market.

And continue to stood above 2000/- Physological Mark is also considered as a +VE sign.

As said earlier easy to Sell but Difficult to Buy on the same Price except for the Few Lucky ones.

I further increased my Long Position and Net net 98% invested under Investment theme.

Today will complete 100% under Investment theme.

Then will play 20 20 match once we start deploying fund for Trading theme.

Happy Investment !!
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2147
Today NEPSE Sky Rocketed to close at 6% Upper Circuit.

Till Yesterday Evening My Investment Portfolio was at 4% MTM Losses and Today after the closure of the Market its 4% MTM Profit.

Today we were Scheduled to Deploy remaining 4% Cash for the Investment theme But,

Unfortunately or Fortunately manage to Deploy only 0.8% Cash in first session only, As Movement of the Market was so Fast & Furious, that Yeta herum ki utta herum jestai vayo.

Herda Herda Market Halted.

Let's See What is Next for Tomorrow.

Happy Investment !!
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2147
As expected We Witnessed a few points Flip upto 13 points Below 1960/- as Some Notorious Bear Traders acted as thought off.

We added 4% Cash on last Thursday and Yesterday also we added 4% Cash in the Market, Totalling 96% Cash Deployment as on Yesterday.

Now today will add last remaing 4% of the Cash left dedicated for Investment theme, Which will be Locked till end of 2026.

After the Full deployment of Investment Fund will take out the Trading Fund, Which is Purely for Speculation and Technical trades only.

The Current Investment Fund we are Sitting on an average of 4% MTM losses based on Yesterday Close Price.

Market is Waiting for the New FM, Lets see whether we get a New FM or the old FM will Continue.

Appointment of New FM will act as a Catalyist for the New Upmove in the Market.

Happy Investment !!
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2147
Yesterday we Deployed another 5% Cash in the Market, A total of 88% Cash already Deployed in the Market.

Now left with only 12% Cash to be Deployed in the Market.

This 12% will be invested in Low Cap Shares I.e where Supply is very less in the market compare to other Scrips.

Whatever we have Bought Till Now and will be bought via remaing 12% Cash will be Locked by us till end of 2026.

After Complete of 100% Cash Deployment under Investment theme will take out Fund which is Purely for Trading & Speculation purpose based theme, Where less of Funda More of Technical Danda works.

Happy Investment !!
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2147
Today NEPSE is Up for the Second Consecutive Day and has Struggled a Lot to Surpass the Physiological Level of 2000/-, But managed to Surpass on closing Basis.

As Risk Reward Ratio are Favorable thus Some Long term Investor are entering the Market by doing a Lot of Bargain Buying.

While Looking at the Market Depth it look liked It is Easy to Sell for (X) Quantity of shares at Price (Y) but buying back that (X) quantity of shares you will not get on Price (Y) But need to Pay (Y+Z.)

Few Lucky one are always an Exceptional to managed to get at Y or (Y-Z).

Today was the Second Day of this Dashain discounts in NEPSE, Though the discount has reduced a Bit then Yesterday.

Once NEPSE Surpass 2020 mark on closing basis Then The NEPSE TWETY TWENTY Match will Began.

Disclosure : As on Today our Exposure in the Market has increased from Last Updated 74% to 83% Currently.

Happy Investment !!
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2147
The Nepse Continued to Fall on break down of Technical level of 2065/- then followed Technical Level of 2020/- level and Yesterday it broke the 2000/- Physological level too.

We are Currently in the Process of Completion of the Retracement cycle. The Max level for Completion of Retracement Cycle stands @1960/-. There could be a Flip of 5-10 odd point from the Given Level of 1960 as some Notorious Bear Trader could could Act to Sell in loss to create Panic in the Market.

As Now the Down Side is Capped by Few Odd Points (Tala jani thau kum) but Upside is Uncapped ( Mathi jani thau badi).

The Risk and Reward Ratio are currently in the Favour of the Buyer

Today is Actually a Dashian Shopping Festival in NEPSE. Use Price Discount in Share Price as a good to Big Buying Oppurtinity.

Disclosure : We have increased our Exposure from 65% to 74% at the moment.

Happy Investment !!
« Last edit by deepak_mm on Mon Feb 26, 2024 9:00 am. »
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2147
Market has Broken the 2020 level and has came close to Physological Support Level of 2000/-.

Today is an Important day to Watch:-

1. Whether we are Breaking 2000/- Physological Level or Not on closing Basis ??

2. Whether are Rebounding above 2020/- mark on closing Basis or Not ??

3. Last Trading Session Fall was a Bear Trap or Not ??

4. Whether We are Neither Breaking 2000 on Downside Nor 2020 on the Upper side ??

Disclosure : We have deployed in Total 65% of the Cash in the Market over last few weeks.

Happy Investment !!
Registered: Feb 2024
Posts: 86
Fruitful Analysis over Dev Bank
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2147
Today NEPSE formed a Doji Pattern on daily chart near its Bottom Zone based on Weekly Candle stick Patten.

This Hints that Bear Player has gone Weak in the Market and the Bulls are bit cautious and are in a mood to make a Bear Trap.

The Hydropower Index is 4% Away from its 52 Week high and Developement Bank Index is 7% Away from its 52 Week High.

I was going through Chart of few Dev. Banks & would like to highlight 2 of them which must in your watch list.

1. KRBL can be Bought for a Bullish Momentum play once it Breaks 396 level on closing basis,

2. GRDBL can be bought for a Bullish Momentum Play once it Breaks 386 level on closing basis.

Disclosure : For Purely Study Purpose only...

Happy Investment 😊
Registered: Feb 2024
Posts: 86
good information
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2147
Nepse has Broken the Immediate Support of 2052 and has edged close to the Bottom Formation Support Zone level of 2018.

The Downside Trend seems to be Capped near 2018-20.

The Next Trading Session is Actually a BUY level for us as we feel Now Market is near to the Double Bottom formation Level and A Reversal in Market Downtrend is Expected.

We would be Buying in the Next upcoming Trading Session after remaining in sideline mode via (Wait n watch mode) since last few days Trading session.

The List of Shares which were in our radar has also corrected in last fews days and Price also look attractive for us Now.

Disclosure : The Above statement is for Study Purpose only and should not be considered as a Financial Advice.

Happy Invesment 😊
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2147
In Current Context 86 Stock Brokers are Live in the Market compared to 90+ Hydro Stocks are listed and are live in the Market.

Last Day of the Week the Nepse tripped Down by
14.46 points closing @ 2062.03 and has come close to support Zone of 2052/-..

A Reversal in Current Down trend will indicate the formation of the Double Bottom.

Once the Double Bottom is Confirmed then again we will Buy Aggresive in the Market.

My Bets are mainly in 3 Sectors Developement Banks, Finance and Non Life Insurace Sector as a Whole.

Ideally I like Development Banks & Finance Sector the most as I Forsee these 2 Sector Stocks are likely to Beat the Average Price of Micro Finance.

Disclosure: The Above statement is for Study Purpose only and Not a Financial Advice.

Happy Investment !!
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2147
Today Top 3 Turnover was in seen in these 3 sectors :-

1. HYDROPOWER - 1.78 Arab a decline in Turnover from Previous Day Turnover of 2.43 Arab, continue to hold Position No 1 with a decline in Turnover..

2. Finance Sector - 76 Crore Turnover a sudden jump from Previous Day Turnover of 46 Crore. A Jump from 10 Position to No 2 Position in terms of Previous Day Turnover.

3. Developement Bank - 31 Crore from Previous Day Turnover of 29 Crore. A jump from Position No 8 to 3 in terms of Previous Day Turnover.

The Trader trading behaviour Dyanamics has changed.

Let's see what is Next in Tomorrow's Trading Session.

Happy Investment !!
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2147
Market is Witnessing Slight Correction as Traders are exiting from other Companies stocks to Buy into Bikas Bank & Finance Companies.

Both Bikas Bank and Finance Index are Up .
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2147
Yesterday Market Reacted in Negative after Half Yearly Monetory Policy Evaluation published by Nepal Rastra Bank.

The Developement Bank Sector was seen as a most Oversold Counter falling 2.4% the maximum against the Sectorial Index.

Today is Basanta Panchmi & Valentine Day, A Day where we worship Godesses Saraswati, The Godesses of Knowledge and Wisdom.

A remarkable day to use your Wisdom to Buy Right and Hold Tight and a Day to show your love for your Valentine Stocks.

My Valentine Stocks for the Year 2080-81 is majorly from Developement Banks Sector which witnessed as the most oversold Counter.

Though my weightage Exposure is Development Bank Sector is less as we don't buy more then 10% of the Average daily volume for the Day.

I Personally think Regional Developements Banks will be the Major Benificry in Capital Appreciation as most of their Paid Up capital are almost Half of the Finance Companies too.

Some of the Micro Finance Paid up are even Higher then the Developements Banks too.

Ideally Regional Development Banks looks a Better Candidates based on Fundamental, Book Value, Technical Parameter, Lower Staff Cost which is a very Big Headache for the Big Banks.

With the Advancement in Banking Technology lesser staffs are required and in order to reduce the cost VRS module need to be exercised which will eat a Major Cash Expense towards Settlement !!

Disclosure : Its for Study Purpose only but not a Financial Advice.

Happy Investment !!
« Last edit by deepak_mm on Wed Feb 14, 2024 8:34 am. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Insurance published great report too.
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2147
Agriculture, Small scale, Rural and Small & Medium enterprise disbursed loan upto 2 crore to be accounted as Regulatory Retail Portfolio,

Thus Developement Banks are the Major Benificery for it.

Hold Right Hold Tight.

Happy Investment !!
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2147
Nepse Continue Hold in Green with +Ve Bias.

Among the listed Scrips Regional Level Devlopement Banks are showing the Sign to Catch up the Strong Momentum in Price.

Initial lots of Traders are also seen building up Long Positions in Developements banks slow and Steady.

Let's see what is the Price Action in First Day of the Week i.e. Sunday.

Happy Investment !!
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2147
NEPSE Closed in the +VE Territory for the 2 Consecutive Days.

We have Witnessed some Initial Small Lot of Traders Flocking to Development Banks & Non Life Insurance Counters.

Among the Development Banks We Witnessed Up move in KRBL, GRDBL, CORBL & EDBL.

Among Non-Life Insurance up move was seen UAIL & HEI.

These Super 6 Scrips has the Potential to become the Trader Favorite Momentum Stocks.

Lets see what is NEXT Price Action seen on these Scrips, Traders must keep these 6 Scrips in their Watch List.

Happy Investment !!
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2147
In Today's Trading Session we witnessed Bottom Fishing by some Investor in Development Bank Sector and Non Life Insurance.

NEPSE started showing some sign of Taking Support.

Among all the Sectors I am Most Bullish on Developement Bank Sectors as I forsee a tendency that these Development Bank Prices are likely to Beat Average Price of Micro Finance and are likely to be the major outperformer in term of Capital Appreciation.

We have also upgraded our Rating in Development Bank from Accumulate to BUY.

Happy Investment !!
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2147
On 30 Jan 2024 ie Tuesday the 10th Consecutive trading session we Deployed a Total of 25% Cash in the Market.

On 31st Jan & 01 Feb ( Wednesday and Thursday ) we sold off and took 10 out 25 in last 2 consecutive trading session.

This is a Normal Process of ours to Churn our Portfolio and study the Market depth Pattern at Higher Prince Level and Market depth pattern at lower Price Level and the trade and volume Pattern in those higher and lower level to filter out Which Stocks has the tendency to out Perform.

As we also want to know What we think and What the Market think

During the Churning Process we incurred some losses too and those losses were in between 2-3% in some Scrip and in some scrips 3-5% Profit too.

We still in Process of further Filtering of the Scrips and will Deploy back the cash back which we took out in last 2 trading sessions.

Happy Investment !!
« Last edit by deepak_mm on Fri Feb 02, 2024 7:42 am. »

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