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Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2145
What to do Bro Whenever I am free I try to learn and gain knowledge as much as Possible.

Just like a reuters analyst hungry for all kinds of financial events.

Registered: Jun 2017
Posts: 844
You have too much free time !!!
:oops: :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2145

The Russian Stock Market INDEX RTSI Crashed upto 17% in a Single Day.

Finally RTSI Closed Down by 13.21%

Last time in the evening when i checked after hitting 10% Lower Circuit, The Trade was Halted

Then When Again When the Market Resume tradng it was trading 8% Down.

Again after a while it Hit the 15% Lower Circuit Filter again the Market trading was Halted.

Again Trading was Resume then it went down upto 17% and Finally Close 13.21% Down.

NEPSE Circuit Break Rule are :-

1. 4% Before 12:00 Noon then 20 Min Halt.
2. 5% Before 01:00 PM then 40 Min Halt.
3. 6% Before 03:00 PM trading suspended for the day.

Is this the latest Circuit Break Rule or there has been changes ??

When was the Last Date when we Hit 6% Circuit Level ?? Was it 14 DEC 2021 ??
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2145
First NEPSE Broke 2800/- in Phase 1.

Then NEPSE Broke 2750/- Level in Phase 2.

Now NEPSE has broken 2700/- Level in Phase 3.

Technically NEPSE is breaking all Physological Level as the Day Passes.

Now one Big Downfall of 102 points approx is Expected in a Single Day as per the Chart Structure of NEPSE.

Which Day of this Week it will Happen is a Big Trick at the Moment.

Investor Should wait for the Next Table Date for the Parliament Session at the moment !!

Happy Investment !!
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2145
The most Awaited Monetory Policy is Out !!

Technically NEPSE is below 2800/- and 2750 Mark !!

As said earlier and Continue to say now too a break below 2750/- level will lead towards fast and Furious fall of Nepse till level below 2300/-.

The Bear were waiting for the Trigger and Now the Trigger is the Rising Intrest Rate, Bank Rate saw a huge spike from 500 Bps to 700 Bps .

A skyrocket rise of 40%.

Hydropower Sector and Micro Finance Sector will be impacted the most due to Rise in Bank Rates.

More Yet to Evaluate on the impact of Monetory Policy,

MCC should be Rejected by the Government of Nepal, though it has some economic Benifit, But MCC will bring unnecessary Problem and instability.

We can Change our Economy Challanges but we cannot change our Neighbour.

India and China will continue to remain our Neighbour,

No act should be exercised by Nepal which should upset our Giant Neighbours. Which are among the Super Power Nation. One with Veto Power another in Process of becoming the Veto Power Nation.

Happy Investment !!
« Last edit by deepak_mm on Sun Feb 20, 2022 7:01 am. »
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2145
If Russia Ukraine War emerge then one Commodity which is likely to give the Highest Return in Year 2022.

The Commodity likely to Outperfm in the Crisis is Silver.

Russia Ukraine War will benefit the Economy of Countries like :-

Mexico, Peru, Australia & Chile !!

China, Russia and Poland which are major Producer of Silver are likely to see Record Low Production of Silver if Russia Ukraine War Start.

If War escalates beyond Russia and Ukraine then Silver is likely to act as an major alternative Currency.

Per Tola Price of Silver Currently stand @ 1280 NPR.

Based on current Setup we have Price Forcast of Silver @2000/- Per Tola in Medium Term.

The Central Bank should also exercise to increase its holding in Silver through International market to Fight against Upcoming Crisis.

Happy Investment !!
« Last edit by deepak_mm on Sun Feb 13, 2022 7:49 am. »
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2145
The Central Bank has Published the 6 Month Financial Indicators :-

पुस मसान्तमा चालु खाता ३५४ अर्ब ७ करोडले घाटामा छ । अघिल्लो वर्षको सोही अवधिमा चालु खाता ५१ अर्ब ६८ करोडले घाटामा रहेको थियो ।

पुस मसान्तसम्म विदेशी मुद्राको सञ्चिति १६.७ प्रतिशतले घटेको नेपाल राष्ट्र बैंकले बताएको छ । गत असार मसान्तमा १३ खर्ब ९९ अर्ब ३ करोड रुपैयाँ रहेको कुल विदेशी विनिमय सञ्चिति घटेर पुस मसान्तमा ११ खर्ब ६५ अर्ब ८० करोड रुपैयाँमा झरेको छ ।

Though these are 6 Month Data only and we are in the Process of completing the 7th month this weekend. As per our estimates this current Month Data is more Dangerous then the Previous month which the Central Bank will Complie after the Completion of the Current Month.

So are we Breaking 2800/- Mark followed by 2750/- Mark in Todays and Last Trading Session of the Week ??

Let's see What is Next ...

Happy Investment !!
Registered: Jan 2021
Posts: 42
thank you for the market update !!!
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2145
The Remittance Inflow has further Decline to an alarming Level !! Infact likely to be report a Stronglest downfall in a Decade (10 Years).

This will further the Tighten the Liqudity in the Banking System for Sure.

This will Force the Central Bank to Revoke its Last Circular on Intrest Rate too or else need to Bailout the Banking Liqudity System Via Helicopter Money.

Some Bank may be forced to Reduce the Daily Withdrawal Limit via ATM too.

NEPSE could not Peform despite Local Election Date Announcement.

NEPSE 2750/- is a strong Technical Level, A Break of 2750 will take NEPSE back to to Level below 2300/-

Once 2750/- Level is Broken the Rate of Fall will be Fast and Furious in Nature as 2750 is Panic Sell Button Technically too.

Happy Investment !!
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2145
The NEPSE is in a Mood to Break 2800/- Level, Once the 2800/- Level is Broken then Bear will Make an attempt to Break 2750/- Level.

2750/- is an Very Important Level to be watched for Short Term Traders.

Once the 2750/- Level on NEPSE is Broken then again we are going Back to Level below 2300/- and the Rate of the fall will be Fast and Furious once 2750/- Level is Broken.

Investor and Traders should be cautions for Today & Tomorrow for making any Fresh Purchase in the Market !!

If a Technical Level is Broken then Good News for any Particular Stock will also Not work in the Market -------

Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2145
Meta Platforms INC. (Face Book ) Yesterday Dropped 26.44% in a Single Day !! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

On Wednesday its Close Price was 323 $$ and Today (USA Thursday) it's 237.60 $$ a drop of 85.40$ in a Single DAY.

Crash in Face Book Price has resulted Mark Zukerberg Poorer by Whopping 24 Billion $$$.

Short Seller in F&O segment must have a killing Money in Face Book :roll: :roll:

Some Might have become Millionare Over Night !!

Jai Sambhu
Registered: Jan 2021
Posts: 42
Deepak sir ko nepse mathi ko current view bujhna paye hune
Registered: Jul 2014
Posts: 110
पुषमा मार्जिन कल, ब्याज बढ्ने त्रास, लघुवित्त कम्पनीहरुको शेयर अफलोड गर्नुपर्ने राष्ट्र बैंकको निर्देशन आदिले बजारलाई बढ्न नदिएको हो | तैपनि जति घट्नुपर्ने पैलेइ घटिसक्यो | अब बिमा कम्पनीहरुको लाभांश घोषणा हुने, दोस्रो त्रैमासिक रिपोर्ट आउने, चुनाव घोषणा हुने, तरलता सहज हुने, माघदेखि लघुवित्तको समेत डिमाण्ड बढ्ने आदि कारणले बजार बिस्तारै उकालो लाग्ला | मेरो विचारमा ट्रेडर्स र इन्भेस्टर्स दुबैलाई राम्रो समय हो यो | यदि नेप्सेले अलटाइम हाई बनाउने हो भने बैंक, बीमा वा लघुवित्तले लीड गर्नेछन्, हाइड्रो, विकास बैंक वा फाईनान्सले होइन | जय होस् सबैको |
Registered: Mar 2014
Posts: 321
पुसकाे महिना नेप्से तलमाथि के हुन्छ भन्न सकिन्न । माघमा चुनाव घाेषणा हुन्छ । माघ लागेपछि पनि व्याजदर बढेन भने नेप्से विस्तारै माथि जादैं अर्काे वर्ष नयाँ रेकर्ड राख्ने् पक्का छ ।
Registered: Nov 2020
Posts: 90
ab Bull lai kasaile rokna sakdaina....
Registered: May 2021
Posts: 20
Are players trying the next hit and run at 2700 ?
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2145
The Current NRB POLICY ON IMPORT MARGIN will Trigger rise in Retail Inflation !!

Many Chinese and Indian Importers now need to cough out 100% Margin !!

To meet their Margin Requirement Burden that will Trigger them to sell their liquid assets like Shares, Withdrawal of Fixed Deposits and other Cash equivalent to meet up their Business Needs.

Don't know how much exposure they have in Nepse. Based on their Exposure the Market is likely to React.

Happy Investment !!
Registered: Dec 2016
Posts: 173
35% cash. Wish I was at least 50%. Waiting...
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
After SILVER SUPPORT knocks the GOLDEN SUPPORT,DIAMOND SUPPORT & TITANIUM SUPPORT respectively. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Registered: Nov 2020
Posts: 90
I think jharecction is over and now market will go up again....
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2145
@ Rising Sun

Now the Silver Support of 2120/---
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
yr wish has been granted.

what now???
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2145
The Bull and Bear Fight is Still on.

Today is the Last Day to know who will be the Ultimate winner !!

2405 is the Victory Mark for Both Bull and Bear !!

Close above 2405/- will indicate Bull Player are the Winner and Close Below 2405 will indicate Bear Player are the Winner.

If Nepse Close above 2405/- then the Short term upside Tgt of Nepse is Pegged @ 2575/- But if it closes below 2405/- the Short term Down side Target of Nepse is Pegged @ 2120/-

There is No activity from our side in the Market, We Continue to remain in Side line only, We won't Participate in Market till Chaitra 26.

Remittance inflow continue to remain weak and Central Bank has Forex Reserve to maintain import upto 7 Months only at the Moment.

This will Trigger Marwadi Community to Convert their NPR based cash Assets such as Stocks, Debenture, Bonds, FD, Bank Balance, etc to INR or INR equivalent Cash Assets.

This behaviour Pattern to Trigger Further Liqudity Crunch in the Banking System, Whatever Gentleman Agreement the Bankers do among
themselves for Intrest Rate it is bound to be broken for Sure !!

Disclosure : The Above statement is for Study and Entertainment Purpose only !! Plzz, do strong Research before making any Financial Decesion !!
« Last edit by deepak_mm on Thu Dec 16, 2021 7:59 am. »
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2145
Today is the Last trading session Day for NEPSE to close above 2405/-.

Failure to close above 2405/- will lead Nepse for the Silver Support level of 2120/- in Upcoming days.

Currently Nepse is 5% UC @ 2395.93 Up by 114.25 Points and Trading is Halted !!

Let's see what is on Card !! 😁😁

Happy Investment !!
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2145
The Broze Support of NEPSE Pegged @ 2405/- was a Tough Nut to be Cracked by Bear Players but that Level was easily Broken, What Triggered the Break Down of Bronze Support was Comrade Prachanda Comment on Capital Market.

As now the Bronze Level of 2405/- is Alreday Broken, Now Need to See Whether NEPSE Climbs Backs 2405/- Level or Not ??

One Trading session has Passed now 2 More Trading Session is Left.

NEPSE unable to Climb Back 2405/- Level in Next 2 Trading Session then it means NEPSE will Head Towards the Silver Support Level of 2120/-

Lets see for 2 more trading Session for NEPSE.

Happy Investment !!

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