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Registered: Mar 2018
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Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2147
Yesterday I bought slightly in the Market by Going against the Market Trend on expectation of some Good News from the SEBON, But my Expectation was disappointed by the SEBON.

Now I am Stuck with my Purchases made Yesterday.

Will exit my Position as soon as the shares are delivered in my A/c.

Let's see whether i make Break Even or Marginal Profit or Losses in my Position.


Happy Investment !!
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2147
Market Currently trading @ Spanish Flue Mark of 1920/-

What is the Next Destinity of the Market Coronavirus Mark of 2020/- or Influenza Mark of 1820/-

Still 55 Min Session is Left !
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2147
After forming Bearish Pennant the Market Broke 1950 level the Bear Player got the technical advantage and we witness 2 days of strong Fall in the Market.

The Downside momentum is still intact in the Market.

Looking at the Daily Chart Pattern the market is hinting to form a Three Black Crow Pattern on day Chart.

Three Continuous long Bear Candle is reffered as Three Black Crow Pattern.

People who unaware of the Technical Terminology can Google it out for the Three Black Crow Pattern, images and details are available there.

Let's see what is the Destiny of the Market 🤔🤔

We Continue to remain in sideline and watching the Game of Bull V/s Bear.

Happy Investment !!
Registered: Jan 2021
Posts: 42
Thank you Deepak ji for the insights.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
Market hit 1950 mark. We are also doing plenty of eye shopping. As said earlier we will not inject fresh capital untill concerned authority fulfill some of the basic demands purely requested for the development of capital market. We are not at all interested in self seekers demand.
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2147
On Friday Nepse formed a Bearish Pennant on Daily Chart, Which suggest and Hint the Downward momentum to Continue.

A break below 1950 will give Bear a stronger Technical Advantage in its Favour.

Let's see what is the Destiny is the market ??

We Continue to remain in the sideline & watching the Game.

Happy Investment !!
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2147
खजान्ची आयो।

आगो लागायो।

मुकदर्शकहरु हेरेर बसिरहे।

सबै खरानीमा परिणत भयो।

लघुकथा सकियो।
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Bilderberg meeting's one of the agenda seems to be introducing "minister of truth" or you can also call "minister of propaganda".

Lately, hankman of deep state been humiliated in social media. The one they are about to make minister of truth, was humiliated and had to leave.

While leaving she said "she 'minister of disinformation' has become victim of disinformation" :mrgreen:

CIA, MI6, mossad are being targeted in social media. They need to stop that too.

Few months ago, they were complaining, fake news operatives 'media people' have been targeted, so they need to stop it too.

During Ukraine war (early one and a half month, they had total control of narratives, no body dared to disagree) but lately it has become fashion or fun to oppose west and support Russia, putin by the opponent of deep state and democrats and liberals or west.

I think, they will try to censor media even harder.
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2147
As Per Astrology Jupiter (Guru) & Mercury (Budh) are playing Pasa (Kowra).

They are likely to Play till Ashad 15, Let's see who Wins by that time.

Both are gambling at the moment.

If Budh wins every action and Reaction will be slow and Steady in Nature around the Globe but if Guru wins every action and Reaction will fast and Ferocious in Nature around the Globe.

Yesterday Budh threw the Dice and Today is Guru turn, Now Guru will threw the Dice in the game of gambling.

Let's see the Action Globally on Politics. Economy, Money Market and others.

Disclosure : It is for Pure Entertainment Purpose only. 😉
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2147
Nepse has Broken the Physiological Support level of 2000/-

General Investor should not try to catch the Falling knife.

At the Current Juncture its very Difficult to identify the Bottom, We Continue to remain in the sideline from the market during these Volatile session as we don't know what is the Quantam of Margin Call based Sell Off.🤔,

Our Assessment says we will deploy cash only near Golden Support Zone of 1656-1720 level only.

Time to maintain the Financial Discipline at the moment, like don't take Leverage, Don't take any financial Position which u could not afford to maintain.

Happy Investment !!
Registered: Jul 2014
Posts: 110
असारभन्दा पहिले ४-१२ सचिंदैन | यसले थप बिक्रीलाइ प्रोत्साहन गर्छ |
पूंजी भैरबजीले भनेजस्तै ठुला र संस्थागत लगानीकर्ता अझै पर्ख र हेरको अवस्थामा छन् |
घाटा, ऋण र ब्याजले तर्सेका लगानीकर्ता यस्सो हरियो हुँदा उम्किन खोज्छन |
तरलता, ब्याजडर, महंगी, बिदेशी मुद्रा संचिति समेत गरि राष्ट्रिय अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय आर्थिक परिदृश्य तेती उत्साहजनक छैन |
एती हुँदा कालो बादल भित्र एउटा चांदीको घेरा पनि देखिन्छ |
त्यो भनेको मौद्रिक नीति अघि बजार १८०० आसपास आएमा बैंकलाई ब्रोकर लाइसेन्स दिने नीति अवश्य आउँछ |

तसर्थ, साउनबाट ४-१२ सच्चिएपनि बजारले गति लिन अझै ४-५ महिना लाग्ने देख्छु म चैं |
तर, यो मुल्यमा लाभांश खाने उद्देश्यसहित खरिद गर्दा जितिन्छ है |
ह्याप्पी इन्भेस्टमेन्ट !

अपवाद : बुलिश बजारमा सकारात्मक र बियारिश हुँदा नकारात्मक तर्क आउनु स्वाभाविक हो :lol:
« Last edit by Millionaire on Tue Jun 14, 2022 11:25 am. »
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 823

The fate of the market will depend on the Monetary Policy
However good investors arent willing to enter the market at current situation even if policies come favorable

If inflation and interest rate rises even by smaller margins, which is likely to rise
Market to go deeper down
Going Below 2000 is most likely and going deeper down than 2000 is likely

« Last edit by पूजीभैरव on Tue Jun 14, 2022 8:48 am. »
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2147
The Big Question of this Week !!


If Yes what is Next ?? If Not what is Next ??

Let's Share your Views and Openion 😉
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2147
As expected the Technical Bounce Back matured near leval near 2120 ie at 2116 Approx.

On Daily Chart Nepse Formed the Shooting Star Pattern, Suggesting the Down side Momentum to Continue.

On Monday US $$ is likely to make all time Record High against NPR.

USD NPR is likely to Surpass 125/- mark on Monday.

Remittance inflow sees 0.2% growth in NPR term due to Rise in $$ Prices against NPR but actually in. $$ term there is Decline in Remittance Inflow.

Happy Investment
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2147
After falling for 7 Continuous trading session there a was due for the Technical Bounce back, which occurred Yesterday.

Now Nepse need to Surpass 2100 level for the Bounce back to further Continue till 2120. But failure to Surpass above 2100 in today's session indicates that the Bounce back has matured.

Today Nepse Closure will indicate what is Next for the Market.

NEPSE +Ve closure indicates now Nepse will trade sideways with 2000/- to act as Strong Physological support.

NEPSE -Ve closure indicates the downward Bias to Break Physiological Support of 2000/-

+Ve or - Ve closure is valid if the point difference is by 4.7 points atleast on closing basis.

Happy Investment !!
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2147
The Side Effect of Bearish NEPSE :-

1. Buda Budi beech Dainik Jhagra.

2. GF ra BF beech Break Up.

3. Didi Baini Beech Bol Chal Bandh.

4. Un-married getting Married Date Postponed.

5. Investor telling Banker Tie Wala Gunda.

6. N Number of Miss Call from Broker in Call List.

7. Mobile Phone is Switch Off Status.

Don't know What else // These are some of the Side Effects !!
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
No Idea Deepak ji. I think no rebel would know.

If we wait and watch fake news, their propaganda would tell us.

In Nepal- citizenship, digital currency, open border, chaos, criminal above the law etc could be the continuous agenda with changing gear regarding Tibet.

Last night's breaking news- a nepali gangster got knocked out in anti asian hate crime. Attacker may have thought that cia/raw guy is a chinese. Those tibetian, korean, japanese, pilipino, taiwanese etc are gonna get it.

Gupta and sons in Nepal never face law in Nepal. Too bad for them in south africa, they dont have dahal, nepal, sharma, oli, deuba, rana over there.
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2147
Bilderberg 68 th Meeting is over.

A New World Order is formulated by the Bilderberg Society.

Don't know what are the New World Orders 🤔🤔.

@Rising Sun any Idea on the re-alingenent.

Any thing designed for Nepal too ??

Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 823
Its Really UpSetting
- That NRB has gone PERVERT

Its Really UpSetting
- That Nepse is loosing the patience & confidence heavily

Its Really UpSetting
- Russia Ukraine War is aggravating

Registered: Jan 2021
Posts: 42
Thank you Deepak ji, nice analysis !!!
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2147
The Bounce Back which happened from 2120 level was weaker in Nature

The Bounce Back was weaken due to news Flow that Central Bank sent letter to BFI to Freeze A/c of Lakshya Holding the news covered by Capital Nepal Portal.

Due to whatever Reason Ultimately the Market broke the Silver Support Level of 2120/- Followed by Major Margin Call level of 2100/- mark on Closing Basis, Which is not good for the Market.

Now we will be staying away from the market for another 6 months time or Till the 80+% of Margin Call based Sell Off is over or the Broze Support level of 1656-1720 is reached, Whichever event happens earlier will be acting according to it.

NOW 2000 Should Act as Physiological Support for the Short Term Traders.

Enjoy the Holiday and Happy Investment !!
« Last edit by deepak_mm on Sat Jun 04, 2022 7:24 am. »
Registered: Jan 2021
Posts: 42
Thank you Deepak ji
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2147
Now the NEPSE has Come Closer to its Silver Support Level of 2120/-

Now 2120 is likely to Act as the immidiate Support Level for the NEPSE !!

From Level near 2120 we expect a Technical Bounce Back in the NEPSE, Which could get Extended upto 2220/-

But if 2100/- Level is Broken then We Expect a Margin Call to 95+% Clients who has a Loan Exposure in the Equity Market !!

Once 2100 Level is Broken then it will Push the NEPSE towards the Golden Support Level of 1656-1720 Level.

The Major Impacted will be Blue Chips Companies which are accepeted by the Multiple Financial Institutions as Collateral for Share Loan / Margin Loan !!

We Continue to remain aside from the Market for the Medium term Prospective except for a Tech Bounce Play even if we enter the Market.

Happy Investment !!
Registered: Jan 2021
Posts: 42
25% expenditure = liquidity at worst level

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