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Share Market को अबको बाटो .............. भोली के होला ?

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Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
Unlucky day for BLUE CHIPs from every sector mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 1391
CGH र NABBC, दुबैमा Positive सर्किट लागेछ,

के यिनीहरुले share market को अबको बाटो देखाउदै छन् हो ?

यसरी सर्किट लाग्ने गरि खरिद गर्नेहरुले के चाही 'देखे होलान' यी scrip हरुमा, जुन आफुले 'देख्न सकिएन',

लौन कसैले मेरो आखा खोलिदिए, मैले पनि यो अबसरबाट फाइदा लिन सक्थे कि ?

:) :)
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
:lol: :lol:

That's not the worst.

They are used the terms like "best for long term", "strong fundamentals"....... :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

This forum needs more emojis.
Registered: Jun 2017
Posts: 844
i am amazed by audacity shown by rookie investors...who are taking extreme risk, blindly investing on crap hydropowers.. shares


RHPC eps (Rs 4.88 third quarter)

Todays price; 635

PE ratio : = 130.12

What are they smoking ?

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 1391
Share Market को संक्रमणकाल लम्बिन्छ कि जस्तो छ,

Monetary Policy त यो महिनाको पनि,

अन्तिममा पो आउछ भनेर हल्ला गर्न थाले त ?

:) :)
Registered: Jul 2014
Posts: 110
On margin lending, a wise decision would be to reduce it for non-banking stocks only and keep as it is for commercial banks.
This is because, commercial bank stock prices haven't gone up so far as others. Lenders are better safe with CB stocks.

This will have two benefits:
1) Non-commercial bank stock prices will come down and Commercial bank stocks will slightly move up.
2) Existing disparity in stock prices (high priced microfinance and insurance companies Vs low priced commercial prices, for similar returns) will be controlled to some extent.

Even if it is reduced, market will show negative reaction for days only and the bull will take rest for a short time. And delaying the bull and prolonging it, would ultimately beneficial to all of us.

In bullish markets, the impact of negative news is temporary.
« Last edit by Millionaire on Fri Jul 23, 2021 12:33 pm. »
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
Monetary Policy सार्बजनिक नहोला जस्तो छ यो शुक्रबार

Share Market को अबको बाटो Monetary Policy को २ वोटा points मा निर्भर छ
1. Margin loan. If they reduce it to 60%, definitely impact market in a negative way.
2. Additional Provisioning in loan : If BFI need to provision additional amount , its going to reduce
there profitability and indirectly impact the stock market.

These are the reason why investors were suspicious in yesterdays market.
Lets expect Monetary Policy by Wednesday evening and the doubt we have now will get cleared.

Till then GO & GET JAB OF YOUR CHOICE :mrgreen:
« Last edit by Dubosi7 on Fri Jul 23, 2021 10:25 am. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 1391
के Share Market को अबको बाटो तय गर्ने ठानिएको,

Monetary Policy यो शुक्रबार .......सार्बजनिक होला ?

:) :)
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 1391
के Share Market को अबको बाटो तय गर्ने ठानिएको,

Monetary Policy यो शुक्रबार .......सार्बजनिक होला ?

:) :)
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
Regulators of our capital market are against "FREE MARKET POLICY" and till now preferring " CARTELLING". Thats why they are denying entry of new brokers. Addition of new brokers esp institutional brokers will bring competitiveness and client get better service.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 1391
यी अहिले भएका Broker हरुको कुरा गर्या मैले,

पुरानाको एकलौटी अब सकिन्छ,

बैंकहरुले पनि ब्रोकरको लाईसेन्स पाउलान,

त्यसपछि त दह्रै टक्कर पर्ने वाला छ,

लगानीकर्ताहरु जता सहज हुन्छ...त्यतै झुम्मि हाल्छन,

अन्तमा बैंकका सामु,

यहि अबस्थामा,

अधिकाम्स पुराना Broker हरु,

टिक्न सक्ने सम्भावना देखिदैन l

:) :)
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Broker's future is even brighter, in 5-10 year, daily transaction may cross 100 billion. They will make more profit even if new brokers are introduced and commission is reduced.

Hope broker paid their staff 10 lakh bonus each. 4

One media was saying, Broker made 23 crore each, after tax and expensed, they can easily pay 2 crore in bonus.

« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Sun Jul 18, 2021 1:15 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 1391
Broker हरुका लागि Fiscal Year 2077 / 2078 को जस्तो 'सुनौलो समय'(प्रतिष्पर्धा रहित) सायदै आउला भोलिको दिनमा,

यस्तो मालामालको समयमा तिन(समग्र बोकरले)ले , लगनीकर्ताहरूलाई के कति सहुलियत र सुबिधा उपलब्ध गराए,

त्यसको मुल्यांकन त सेवाग्राहिहरुले आ-आफ्नो तबरले गरेकै होलान ?

फेरी पनि एउटा कुरा चाही सत्य के हो भने,

यहि संस्कारमा अहिलेका अधिकाम्स Broker हरु ........ भोलिको दिनमा,

बजारमा टिक्न सक्ने सम्भावना भने निकै कम छ l

:) :)
Registered: Nov 2020
Posts: 90
Boker pani palinu paryo ni ta??? uni haru le kamaya service ramro dinchhan ki ahile ta phone pani uthaudainana????
Registered: Jun 2017
Posts: 844
clubhouse tira ko mahol herda sab traders haru dekhichha... 1 months is long term for them re..

those rookies gonna end up making brokers rich..

all are like share liyeko 1 hapta bhayo re 10 rs ghata bhayo re shall i make stop loss re ???

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 1391
सकारात्मक प्रतिक्रिया..........

पुँजीबजार जनताको हितमा छ : अर्थमन्त्री

:) :)
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 1391
Ramesh N जीको विचार पनि मनन योग्य छ l

:) :)
Registered: Mar 2014
Posts: 322
बैंक व्याजदर नबढेकाे, तरलता राम्रै रहेकाे, कम्पनीहरूकाे नाफा राम्रै हुने देखिएकाे, माैद्रिक नीति तटस्थ रहने देखिएकाे र लगानीकर्ताकाे मनाेवल उच्च नै रहेकाेले असाेजअघि नै बजारले नयाँ उचाइ बनाउने निश्चित छ । त्यसपछि तरलताकाे समस्याले व्याजदर बढ्ने देखिन्छ, बजारलाइ पनि केही असर गर्ला कि ?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 1391
Millionaire जीको कुरा तथ्यपरकनै देखिन्छ,

यी सब सकारात्मक कारण बाहेक,

अलि अनुभबी कोहि साथीहरुलाई,

हैन ....बजारको भोलीको दिन ......अलि फरक.......यस्तो पनि हुन् सक्छ है भन्ने लागेको छ भने,

आफ्नो विचार 'तथ्यपरक' तरिकाले प्रस्तुत गरिदिनु हुन् आग्रह गर्दछु,

किनकी हामी सबै ...........ठुला साना जस्तो होलाउ ...लगानीकर्तानै हौ,

यस्ता अन्तरक्रियाले हाम्रा अनुभब, सूचना र ज्ञानको साटासाट हुन्छ र

बजारको उतार चढाबमा हामी, 'कुहिरोको काग बन्ने' कम सम्भावना रहन्छ, र

भोलीको दिनमा कसरी अगाडी बढ्ने भन्ने निर्णय गर्न सहज पनि हुन्छ l

:) :)
Registered: Jul 2014
Posts: 110
Since it's the year-end session, all the mutual funds, corporate clients along with the market dealer and informal groups had been selling for last week to book profits for dividend distribution. This has considerably affected market price and index.
This is over from today.
Tomorrow onwards they will start buying in slow motion.
Monetary policy will be in favor of market, as said earlier by nissan ji.
4th quarter report publication is in queue to be followed by dividend season
So we can guess the momentum of the market
Everyone will gain as this bull will remain intact at least for a year.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Asha garam Nissan ji.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 1391
छलफल सहि दिशामा जाँदैछ,

राष्ट्र बैकको पुरै हालीमुहाली हुँदा एक किसिमको Policy आउछ,

उनीहरु केवल एक पक्षलाई मात्रै सोचेर आफ्नो नितिलाई अगाडी बढाउछन्,

जसरी पुर्ब अर्थमन्त्रि युबराज खतिवडाले गरे, किनकी उनीहरुले आफुलाई Renew गर्न जनता माझ गईरहनु पर्दैन तर,

अहिलेका अर्थमन्त्री त जनताबाट चुनिएर आएका हुन्......अब छिट्टैनै फेरी जनता माझ जानुनै पर्छ,

अहिले share बजारमा लाखौ जनताहरु, प्रतक्ष्य र अप्रतक्ष्य रुपमा संलग्न छन्,

बजारलाई जथाभाबी बिच्क्य़ाउदा या हौसला दिंदा,

त्यसबाट बजारमा प्रकट हुने सकारात्मक या नकारात्मक दुवै असरको जस/अपजसको भागिदार,

अहिलेका 'अर्थमन्त्री' र उनको दलनै हुनु पर्छ,

उर्जा मन्त्रालयबाट 'वाह वाहि' कमाउनु भएका शर्माजी,

यस बिषयमा चनाखो नहुने कुरै भएन,

त्यसैले मेरो अन्दाजमा ............अब आउने मौद्रिक नीतिलाई,

अर्थमन्त्रीले लगानीकर्ता माझ उत्साह आउने खालको बनाउन दवाब या निर्देशन, सल्लाह जे भनौ ....पक्कै दिनु हुनेछ,

त्यसैले भोलीबाट सुरु हुने 'नयाँ शाल'ले ........ लगानीकर्ताहरुमा नयाँ उत्साह र नयाँ जोश पैदा हुने कुरामा म चाही विस्वस्त छु l

:) :)
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Dubosi ji, Did you write article regarding book value at tesko bau ko lagani?

I dont know if you are good at psychology of human especially bureaucracy in Nepal. I came with that power with birth.

If you go with book value, day will come when they will say, BFIs can only give loan up to 70% of book value. What happens then???

Margin loan is under 2.5% of total bfis loan, which is next to nothing. It is 2.5% of total market capitalization, meaning, it has close to no effect in bull, but if created problem, it will harm.

I also hate garbage stock going rocket, while good shares are stuck.

O I remember. Did not you till a few weeks ago, were pro garbage stock.

Or, you began to hate after you sold NHPC at 280 and went on to reach 350. Or, you have dumped garbage and not into good shares.

Everybody has right to buy what ever shares they like at what ever price they want to pay........ Let's ignore it, let faith take care of them.

Monitory policy should be stable. There is nothing, they need to change. I been saying, Margin loan should be decreased by 2% in every 6 month to 62% within 2 year. Or nothing.

Becareful of bureaucrats. They are not good human. They are not intelligent human. They have no empathy. They dont care about country or society. In Nepal, they just loot Nepal and send the money to US, Australia, Canada, UK...
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
@Rising sun
Everyone has right to know about great ideas, that why I wrote it in Social Media.

Don't you think Book Value is fair, standard and safest parameter which can be considered during share loan assessment ? Ok, ratio could be 3, slightly more or less depending upon the average performance of that company in last 5 years.
Companies whose book value was around 100, dividend payout was around 5 till a year back now trading above 800 or 1000. Don't you think providing share loan with collateral of such company could result into systemic risk for BANKING system and later on Capital market ? Which in fact hamper sustainable growth of our Capital Market in long run.

So concerned authority must consider this suggestion and set a new fair, standard and safest parameter for share loan in coming days.

Jay Hos.
Registered: Sep 2013
Posts: 259
नयाँ कं लिस्टिङ गर्दा Book Value को तिन गुणा मुल्य बढाएर धितोपत्र बजारमा करोवार गराउनु नै गलत हो ,नराम्रो कं भए पनि (ईिपस) 4/5 रु भए पनि 800/900 पुगेकै छन् प्रतिफल 0% अनि राम्रो र धेरै चुक्ता पुंजी भएको कं कहिल्यै नबढ्ने ,थोरै चुक्ता पुंजी भएको कं मा लगानीकर्ता झुम्मिने कसरी सुधार गर्ने ???

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