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Time to investigate real relationship between KP Oli and Yuraj k.

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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
From the information which appeared till today is.... relation between KP oli and yuraj k is MCC.

KP made a deal with CIA about MCC even before he became PM and with the deal yuraj k became FM.

KP's favorite was 70 croroe, who had to resign, but KP was ready to destroy- his party, his own power and the country- but was not ready to fire yuraj k. Its because of MCC and CIA.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
When las is the executive head, giddas run a country.

kandai nai kanda

even hacking.

Posting gali in social media is crime but hacking is not in KP Oli's raj.

So this is what happens when you give vote to linga na vaya kp party. Imagine who many kandas will we get to see in remaining 3 year?

Now every body around KP Oli is corrupt and crook except for yuraj k, could this be possible????

Its yuraj k who sends all the money which is looted in transit, and he does not investigate. Like I have been saying, yuraj k hates when you make money, legally or illegally but dont send kp oli or other comreds commission.

After KP Oli, yuraj k is close to KP oli's main advisory. And that advisory turned out to be corrupt too. Let's say proven. Suspicion was always there.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
विद्वान अर्थमन्त्रीको मिथ्या अर्थशास्त्र

कृषि अनुदानका साना कार्यक्रमको रकम नेकपाका स्थानीय कार्यकर्ताले दुरुपयोग गरेको जनगुनासो जताततै सुनिन्छ

ठूला कृषि अनुदान भने केही मध्यमस्तरकाले डमी कृषि फार्महरु बनाएर पचाएका छन्

Yuraj k sends the money from our tax money, and his masters' dog loot it. and still we have to pretend yuraj k is clean.

उनको यो बुझाई मलाई त्यतिखेरै अर्थशास्त्रीको भन्दा बढी तथ्यांकशास्त्रीको जस्तो लाग्थ्यो

हिजो आज तथ्यांकशास्त्रीको भन्दा पनि बढी मिथ्यांकशास्त्रीको जस्तो लाग्दछ

Now, more and more people are seeing yuraj k as fraud. i started to expose him 2 year back.

अर्थमन्त्रीका रुपमा राष्ट्रिय आर्थिक तथ्यांकहरुमाथि मेनुपुलेट गर्नु एक प्रकारको अनैतिक कार्य हो

this is why, he brought back tax sachiv back to finance secretary which he fired a year back. as soon as he is back, yuraj k increased tax on petrol. current finance secretary is partner in crime to fool kp oli.

Yuraj is fool no body, just kp oli. and he does not even bother lying to others.

कर प्रणालीमा ल्याइएको सुधार भनिएको नयाँ व्यवस्थाबाट साना र मध्यम व्यापारीहरु असाध्यै चिन्तित छन्

व्यवस्थित लेखाप्रणालीको ज्ञान विस्तार भइनसकेको समाजमा स्वलेखा व्यवस्थापन र कर कर्मचारीहरुले दिने झन्झट र धम्कीले मान्छेहरु पेशाबाटै पलायन हुन तिर सोच्न थालेका छन्

मुश्किलले घर चलाउने पैसाले धान्दैछु तर कर कार्यालय भने प्रतिवर्ष न्यूनतम् १० % मुनाफा बढेको इन्कम स्टेटमेन्ट बना भन्छ, यो के गरेको हो

विद्धान अर्थमन्त्रीलाई आयकर आम्दानी हुँदा मात्र तिरिने प्रत्यक्ष कर हो भन्ने थाहा नहुने कुरै छैन

this is the system, yuraj k has introduced. I did advice about this, I advised to implement this kind of system slowly which could take 10 year.

भन्सारबाट शुरुवात हुने अधिबिजकीकरण र न्यूनबिजकीकरणको प्रभाव स्थानीय व्यापारसम्म पुगेको छ

प्रदेश र स्थानीय सरकारहरु समेत व्यापारीहरुलाई कर प्रणालीमा आबद्ध हुन बाध्य गरिरहेका छन्

तर संघीय सरकारसँगको सम्बन्ध, शर्त र भारबाट किन्चित मुक्त छैनन्

करमा यतिधेरै जोरजबरजस्ती गर्दा पनि राजस्व खासै किन बढेको छैन

केन्द्रमा मात्र होला भन्या हैन रहेछ

ग्रामीण अर्थतन्त्रको स्थलगत हालत यस्तो देखिँदा संघीय सरकारका विद्वान अर्थमन्त्रीले भने आर्थिक वृद्धिदर र प्रतिव्यक्ति आय बढेको तथ्यांक प्रस्तुत गरेका छन्, जसमा शंका गर्न सकिने पर्याप्त ठाउँ छ

देशकै जानेमाने अर्थशास्त्री युवराज खतिवडा अर्थमन्त्री हुँदा पार्टीइतरमा पनि एक प्रकारको आशा पलाएको थियो

पछिल्लो स्थितिमा मान्छेहरु निराश हुँदै गएका छन्

all I predicted 2 year ago.

राष्ट्र बैंकको कर्मचारी हुँदा अहिलेका अर्थमन्त्री खतिवडा राजन शर्माको छद्म नामले एमाले पार्टी स्कुलमा प्रशिक्षण दिन आउँथे

It not it crime. and what kind of a fraud changes his name.

उनले त्यतिखेर भनेको सम्झिन्छु, 'कुनै पनि पार्टीको सरकारले अर्थतन्त्रमा ड्रास्टिक चेन्ज ल्याउन सक्दैन, यो एक ग्राजुअल प्रोसेस हो

गर्ने भनेको तथ्यांकहरुलाई नयाँ ढंगले प्रस्तुत र राजनीतिक हित अनुकुलको न्यारेटिभ निर्माण हो

I have been saying, he is a fraud. just like prachanda and baburam and other communist, all he thinks about is manipulation. and he schooled other the same.

अर्थशास्त्री र तथ्यांकशास्त्रीबीच गहिरो भिन्नता हुन्छ | अर्थशास्त्रीले अर्थतन्त्रको संरचना र आकारलाई नै 'टेन्डेन्सीयल सिफ्ट' गर्दछ | तथ्यांकशास्त्रीले चल्तेचलाते लिक भित्रै आफूले बहुत खुब पराक्रम गरेको गणितीय आंकडा प्रस्तुत गर्दछ | तर त्यसको व्यवहारिक अनुभूति कहिँकतै पाइदैन | बितेका १० दिन देशको दुरदराजका गाउँहरुमा पुग्दा मैले अर्थतन्त्रमा कुनै प्रवृतिगत मोडको अनुभूति पाइनँ |

Like, I have been saying, yuraj k is a fraud. He has always been around power for decades and a man behind policy of Nepal and still Nepal remained a sh!t hole. And still some expect him to do good????????

Now again, we need to ask same old question, what is the relation between yuraj k and kp oli????

Oli has been spending billion, at least, per year to stay alive. resigning from power stops him from looting such amount. and we know, how much Kp oli likes to live. what he is ready to do just to stay alive? any thing.

kp oli has spent billions in his treatment, directly and indirectly and still we dont see it in the budget. why, yuraj k is able to hide it? that is one of many reasons, kp oli wants to keep yuraj k in control of money.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
आफ्नै ज्वाँइले अनियमितता गरेको प्रश्न सोध्ने पत्रकारलाई अर्थमन्त्री खतिवडाले भने- बिचार पुर्याएर बोल्नूस्

मन्त्री खतिवडाले भने, 'यस्ता कुराहरु पत्रकार सम्मेलनमा बोलिँदैनन्, ख्याल गर्नुहोला

आफ्नो छोरीज्वाँइको अनियमितताको विषयमा प्रश्न आएपछि खतिवडाले अँध्यारो मुख लगाएका थिए

During first press briefing, those who were ignorant about yuraj k for last two year or last 40 year called him fataha.

Now, during second press briefing, this happened.

I did warned about this going to happen. Yuraj k will be exposed to the world world. Till yesterday, most of those associated with economy knew him, now soon, whole country is going to find out about him.

I again ask, what is the real relationship between KP oli and Yuraj k????

Yuraj k came into power just like some karki in CIAA come into power. Same personality, attitude ....... both licked boot of some and treated like trash to others.

KP Oli has to take permission to appoint communication minister from his party, which wont happen easily, so yuraj k be holding press briefing for sometime and expose himself more.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
So some one who was high ranking of UML was saying, KP Oli destroyed his kidney with over consumption of alcohol.

He used to get free alcohol from Police who got chance to visit foreign land, which was enough for decades.

This shows another character of kp oli. so do you still think, KP Oli's relation with yuraj k has anything to do with being perceived right reason.

SOmbody told me, yuraj k made kp oli's wife very very happy when he was in NRB.

Wonder what Yuraj k used to bring for politicians when he was in UN, world bank?

How much are tax payer paying for KP Oli's treatment per year? I am 99% sure, its in billions per year, him as a pm.

Yuraj k talks big, but I am sure, yuraj k have been sending money of tax payers' about which none of us know till now. All we have been doing is assuming. Is not this corruption?

That could be one of many reasons KP Oli is ready to go down, destroy party, country, economy just to support yuraj k.

Look at yuraj k, he has been attacking tax payers, and criminals who dont pay commission to KP Oli and his party. But ignoring those who have payed a lot of money to kp oli and his party.

There are many rich, whom society knows who are involved in tax fraud, smuggling, bank fraud, insurance fraud, money laundering ........ but pay commission to kp oli and his party. Yuraj k does not go after them.

Wonder why?

May think yuraj k dont take bribe. I dont have proof, but I am sure he takes bribe but from only handful. I am sure he took as well has his master to give banking license. who got those license, those close to his party.

Yuraj k been paid by CIA through ingo jobs. just like cia pays US politicians, bureaucrats, intelligence agents, generals after they are retired in the name of consultation job in east india company, book deal, donation etc.

same with yuraj k as consultant at ingos.

KP Oli destroyed his kidney by drinking heavily buy Nepalsese are paying for him with our blood money.

So kp oli has 4 kidneys. And his donors have only one.

Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 821
I have worked with finance ministry for a long time
I have known the finance ministry very closely
I know the Revenue Investigation Department, Customs, Inland Revenue Department very closely
I know Finance Ministry from the eyes of Secretary, Additional Secretary, Deputy Secretary, & Officers, have worked with all the levels
Things have greatly improved internally



Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
Yuraj k about to resign. And get reappointed.

Can he be reappointed without approval from the party.

It is being circulated that one kidney of bhanji (mahara has a daughter to satisfy his need, kp oli has bhangi to harvest kidney...... communist) is slightly damaged.

Tell doctor, take the best one for our dear leader.

You can buy bhanji if you are corrupt, crook, danav in power, but leader is born.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
प्रधानमन्त्रीलाई नातिनीले दिने भइन् मिर्गौला

yo kp oli bhanne manche ta danab nai ho.

if he could do that to his own relative (are they really relatives??? how much he paid from bribe money????) what could he be doing to Nepalese?????

Just imagine, what yuraj k be doing for kp oli to make him happy.

dharti ko boj
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7677
Gokul, I was always amazed why KP Oli likes him so much. When KP Oli fired other ministers, he kept him. He was the last minister he would fire, they were saying.

Now, it is clear, why he kept gople. Cause Gople was kp oli's agent. gople had been negotiating bribe on behalf of KP Oli.

Now, we also found out, how important yuraj k to KP Oli. We knew, kp oli liked yuraj k, but I did not expected KP Oli would be ready to drown for yuraj k.

I did not expected, kp oli would go against whole party for yuraj k. Risking getting fired himself.

Yuraj k had been destroying- kp oli's govt, nepal's economy, party's future (just lost election few months ago) but he is too dumb to see all them. But he is challenging his whole party for yuraj k now. something is not right.

I have been telling, yuraj k is corrupt, but others deny. Yuraj k sold bank's licence and he has one crore worth of shares in one bank. Do you think politicians would give banking licence without bank when we already had too many banks??????

Yuraj k is said to be CIA agent and he got the job in INGOs controlled by CIA.

Now, read this, we know Yuraj k is ruthless against tax evaders who dont pay commission to his masters. If he really anti corruption, tax evasion ........ why he does not investigate govt contracts which he sensations. Security printing whose price is suppose to be less than 10b is being bought at almost 30b. Why yuraj k dont investigat.

Cause, yuraj k is KP Oli's agent. Yuraj k hates only when people evade tax without paying commission to politicians close to kp oli. and corruption which kp oli does not get commission.

Remember, how many billions of budget yuraj k send to villages where hardly few 10s thousand live which is controlled by some powerful politicians? That is corruption too. and misuse of tax payers money and anti economic principle.

It's time to investigate relationship between KP Oli and his favorites, especially yuraj k.

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