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Third party, nationalist party ...... Gynandra can create.

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Registered: Oct 2013
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पूँजी बजारका समस्या समाधान गर्न एमालेकाे पहल, सागर ढकालकाे संयाेजकत्वमा तदर्थ समिति गठन

This should help Share market and UML.

NIP missed big. Even though, their only MP Hari supported share market during Budget session.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
सत्तारुढ जसपा फुट्यो, ७ सांसद राईको पक्षमा, दल दर्ताका लागि निर्वाचन आयोगमा निवेदन

We need election government of NC/UML with UML's finance minister.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
RPP did well in last election. It's over now.

They started protest program. We have the worst economic and share market crisis today, and instead of protesting against those crisis, they are protesting for Gynandra.

Getting involved in politics is one thing, understanding politics is another.

IF RPP had started protest against collapse of economy and collapse of share market 2 year ago- they would have gained a lot of vote by now.

In next election, they may not even remain as a party- they may struggle to win 3 lakh vote and one direct seat.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
अर्थतन्त्रको रोग पहिचान गरेर उपचार नगर्दा समस्या थपिदैछ: चन्द्र ढकाल

'अर्थतन्त्रको रोग पहिचान गरेर इलाज नगर्दा समस्या झन् बल्झिँदै गएको छ'

हेटौंडाका उद्योगको उत्पादन ४० प्रतिशतमा सीमित, उत्पादित सामाग्रीले बजार पाएन

लक्ष्यको आधा राजस्व उठाउनै ९ महिना, १० खर्ब संकलन गर्न पनि सरकारलाई मुस्किल

दुग्ध किसानले अझै पाएनन् भुक्तानी, ४८ करोड रुपैयाँ लिन बाँकी हुँदा आन्दोलनको चेतावनी

एफएनसीसीआई बन्दसत्र : राष्ट्र बैंक र बैंकप्रति नरम, ब्याज तिर्न नसक्ने भन्दै हात उठाए

------ Media and Private sector have begun to criticize this govt, Finance minister ....... Now, countdown of this govt has begun.

Cause of failure of Finance Minister and Prachanda in recovering economy and Share market may cost UML 3/4 lakh vote.

Even if Uml take over Finance Ministry and is able to recover economy and share market- now, all those 3/4 lakh wont return. May be 1/2 may return. But longer they take time, less vote will return back to UML.

Is UML ready to go to sati with Finance Minister Pun???? Pun has destroyed last hope for Prachanda.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
भारतीय शेयर बजार नयाँ उच्च विन्दुमा

Is not it so simple, but still for pakhes- it's out of their mind::::::

In India Share market did very well, economy is doing good .. and BJP/Modi has not competition and Indian Congress is none existential.

Similarly, in Nepal, During maoist- Share market collapsed and Economy collapsed too - thrice and look where is Maoist today ... politically collapsed.

During NC- collapsed economy never recovered, collapsed share market never recovered, their govt, finance minister, PM always ignored collapsed economy and share market. .... and politically dalal NC have been collapsing too.

During UML- except during Yuraj K, economy had recovered and did well, share market made history. And UML is holding their vote bank, or losing a little compared to NC. Distrust in UML came due to yuraj k and KP Oli as a PM during Yuraj k's FMship and KP Oli's too high pension for elderly.

Meaning, both in India and Nepal- political position have been determined by result in economy and share market..... But still idiots cant see it.

Remember, Balen was born due to Yuraj k action and incompetent NC and Maoist. Cause of Balen and incompetency of NC and Maoist and incompetent Yuraj K ----- swatantra party (NIP) was born.

When NC/Moaist govt was incompetent, economy and share market were collapsing .... UML was gaining political points.

Today, cause of Maoist/UML incompetent govt- who are ignoring collapsed economy and collapsed share market .... NIP is gaining political point.

Till How long, UML is going to tolerate, let FM Pun ignore collapsed economy and share market?????

It's clear, FM Pun will make Prachanda failure again after 1 year of failure due to himself and alchin FM Mahat.

NC and Maoist are finished, UML is losing political point cause of Pun.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
KP Oli has told Prachanda- either fix collapsed economy and collapsed share market ....... OR change FM Pun or resign.

Today! The 1st of Apr.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Oli became popular during 2015 by accident. He had no idea what was happening, just like rabi became popular by accident.

If KP Oli/UML did not have plan to press maoist to rescue collapsed economy, collapsed share market- why did they form govt with Maoist?

Cause of this govt's failure, incompetent prachanda and pun- UML will lose many votes and that vote will go to NIP.

Either press prachande for performance- rescue of share market and economy or change govt.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
चितवनमा ८ महिनामा ७०० बढी बैंकिङ कसुरका निवेदन, ५० हजारदेखि १ करोडसम्मका उजुरी

- Most of them, their family, their close friends will never vote for dalal NC and Maoist ...... soon UML will miss their vote if economy, share market dont improve by a lot very soon and the vote will go to NIP (swatantra party).

And Prachanda and Pun say- economy is fine. Voters will tell how fine economy share market are in next election. They did tell them during last election too (this collapse of economy and collapse of share market happened before last election), but cause NC, Maoist and others went to election together, they. Next time, even if they go to election together, NC and Maoist will lose.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
In election, we should not just vote, we should take active participant in election to defeat wrong parties.

Look what happens when party like Maoist win even 32 seats?

- Economic collapse
- Share market collapse
- Load shedding is back
- After more than 10 year, we are still buying a lot of electricity from India
- Corruption, chaos, blackmailing, incompetency ......
- Anti freedom of speech measures like Tiktok ban

In next election we should actively take part to defeat NC and Maoist- their govt even destroyed relation with China. China without whom, Nepal wont exist. India will take over Nepal. Using them India has already given one crore indians' Nepali citizenship while Indian origin in Nepal is suppose to be 15lakh (5% of the population).

During election remember faces- Janardan Sharma, Barsha Man Pun, Prachanda, their hydro ministers, Sher Bahadur, FM karki, FM Mahat, Gagan (who is not just double agent but also anti share market and economy), koiralas ....
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
सहकारीले पीडितलाई मात्रै होइन्, अर्थतन्त्रमा पनि समस्या ल्याएकाे छ सांसद जबरा

So where were you when there was Dalal NC alchina Finance minister???

- Who is this rana???

Last Finance Minister was Sher Bahadur's doggo. SherBdr made him finance minister cause he is his doggo.

And previous Finance mInister (probably khadka) from dalal NC was also doggo of Sherbdr. He too become FM cause he was doggo of sherbdr. He too failed miserably but instead of replacing him, sherbdr created assistant FM post and put this rane.

And this Rani too failed.

Since, previous FM failed and destroyed economy, NC began to lose vote rapidly.

Cause of Mahat, dalal NC will be wiped out.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
There is one simple solution to portfolio distribution.

They could make- Bishnu Paudel Finance minister and add assistant finance minister and give it to Maoist.

They could give Home minister to NIP and give assistant Home minister to UML.

And give specific power/responsibility to assistant Finance minister.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
* If Prachand makes wrong person Finance minister, Maoist will lose some vote as well as maoist finance minister will be humiliate in media social media from the first day...

* If upcoming finance minister fails- the biggest loss will be to UMl, also maoist.

- We can tell if next finance minister will succeed or not in the first day- what he will say in the first day (we shall get little clue).

- We shall get the big clue within 3-5 days. What he will do. He needs to make a big change in Monetary policy asap, he does not have luxury to waste even a week.

- If he does not make a big change in Monetary policy within 3-5 days, we could say easily, that he will waste another months.

- After making Monetary policy loose by a lot, he needs to announce big programs of injecting money into the economy through fiscal policy within 3-4 weeks.

* If sign of failure is there from Finance minister- and still UML dont force to change Finance minister within 1-2 week, or even change govt .... then UML too will pay in next election and NIP will get more votes.

* UML should tell NC, If there is no good sign from Finance minister (maoist finance minister)- UML should tell NC that they are ready to make govt with NC.

- conditions should be: Finance minister should be with UML and
- NC and UML should get PM for 1/1 year after two year, there should be early election.

It seems like, UML's support have increased a lot cause of failure alchin Prakash Mahat X or dead Finance minister. If this govt fails to deliver economically with in a coupl or week- at least there should be a good sign and deliver within a month or two..... or UMl will lose a lot of vote and that vote will go to NIP. Maoist will lose vote too and most- they will be humiliated.

Maoist did not learn from their previous mistake, that- 'Maoist should not take finance minister'.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Share market has given alchin Prakash Mahat 'the birdy', wait till election for dalal NC to get 'the middle finger' from public.

Dalal NC kept on barking that they are the only pro economy pro share market party. Wait for the election to get response from business community, share investor.

I was scared hearing 'bihari gangan thapa' may become Finance minister. He would have wasted another 6-12 month. He hardly talked about economy or share market, He is alchina and negative person.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Maoist have no future with NC. Even if NC/Maoist go to election together, they wont win.

Maoist have no other option but to join UML.

PLUS++++++ dalal NC finance minister alchin Mahat destroyed economy/could not rescue collapsed economy. He simply wasted a year doing nothing ...... he simply did nothing. Nothing through fiscal policy and hardly anything through monetary policy.

During last election NC got around 26% vote, in next election, their vote may crash to close to 20%.

UML may get around 28% vote while NIP may get around 18% vote and maoist around 11%. Madhav Nepal around 2%.

Alchin Mahat destroyed Nepal, Nepal's economy, and dalal NC. Since he got no dignity nor vote, so he may dont care about his personal loss. But, he may get humiliated inside his party and in politics.

I repeat again- alchina Mahat FM did nothing, simply nothing, to rescue collapsed economy.

प्रधानमन्त्री र अर्थमन्त्रीबीचको विवादमा कांग्रेसका खड्काले नै दाहालको पक्ष लिएपछि

ओलीले उठाए अर्थमन्त्रीको योग्यतामाथि प्रश्‍न
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Sun Mar 03, 2024 10:56 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Seems like we shall get new finance minister. Either from UML or Maoist. Good.

Another good thing- Finance minister Mahat and Nepal congress will be out as a failure. Back to back failure. Last two Finance ministers of NC have been total failure which had cost/will cost NC lakhs of votes and NC will never recover unless KP oli does another stupid thing.

First job of new Finance minister should be- create private sector working committee (including share investors) which will work closely with Finance minister, Prime minister and Governor. I think, this is the reason Maoist want Finance minister. And FM Mahat has been opposing this. And new FM and PM should implement advice of the committee. Solving 90% of the economy in coma is easy.

Second job for new Finance Minister- Monetary policy should be relaxed max within a couple of day. Dont wait for a month to reduce interest of BFIs. Banks interest should be reduced by 2% and development banks' 3.5%.

Relax lending policy of loan- end share loan limit/personal loan limit/personal housing loan limit, change monetary policy which would decrease cost of money like- 1% NPL even for good loan (no loan should be forced to be declared bad until 3 month), 125% coverage for loan like share loan (I cant remember the term), etc.

Third Job for PM- Dont let new Finance minister waste too much time like current Finance minister did. Change new finance minister if he cant improve economic indicator within 15 day like- Share market should 25% with in 15 day of his appointment, new loan growth should cross 25% within 15 day, private sector and share investor should get back confidence in this government with in 15 day.

Forth job- FM and PM should bring NRB under elected govt control.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Maoist, NC did not learn from last election result where Swatantra won big votes.

Next election will make sure Maoist, NC view wont matter in Nepal.

Remember, before last election too- economy and share market collapsed.

Remember, Maoist Janardan sharma destroyed economy and share market which lead to victory of Swatantra.

Next election- Mahat will be in ballet. Mahat always lose election, in next election he will defeat NC and Maoist for the final time.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Why Liam Neeson Chose Australia For A 'Nepali Village'?

Nepal desperately need new party. I know how to make new party popular. I am ready to help.

Nepal desperately need to change decision makers, policy makers.

Bureaucracy, Politicians have destroyed everything- from economy to share market to industry to image.

And worst- same bureaucracy have a loud voice, those bureaucracy are arrogant... so are most of the politicians.

We know how those bureaucracy destroyed share market, share market knows arrogance of NRB, Finance ministers, PMs.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
If there is election today:

* NC/Maoist/+ would get 38 lakh vote. May win around 20% seat.

* UML/Independent party/RPP would get 60 lakh vote. May win close to 2/3 seat.

* Total vote 125 lakh.

In last election- NC and Maoist politics were suppose to end. But they went together, which saved them. Next time, even if they go together, it wont save them.

Since, we know Prachanda, and I am sure, he know h wont do good in election with NC, he will try to made a deal with UML. But, will KP Oli accept him????

With or without Maoist- NC is finished. They should thank- Sher bahadru, Mahat and most of their politicians.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
बिरामीको चाप घटेपछि स्वास्थ्य संस्था नोक्सानीमा, काठमाडौंका अधिकांश निजी अस्पताल 'बिक्री'मा

- Because of collapsed economy, people cant even afford regular checkup and health care.

And Government/finance minister is focused on TAX and say, economy has improved.

And still, there is not a single party or politician who knows how to take political benefit from this economic collapse, how to increase support and vote out of this crisis.

I know, how to gain political points from this economic collapse, share market collapse. Call me if you are nationalist and support free economy- I would help you to cash in from this collapse.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Finance minister Mahat keep on talking about 'tax collection short fall'.

But he has no idea, tax collection fell cause of collapse of economy.

He has already wasted one year and even worse, he made economy worse. If he stays in power, he will waste and destroy economy further with his tax hike.

And still no party knows how to take benefit from this incompetent government and collapse of economy and share market.

Since, sherbahadur took over congress, his involvement with government has always harmed economy and nepal.

If there is any group- which is partriot and build Nepal's economy, bring rule of law- I can help with strategy and actions. I understand- nepali politics, nepali society, nepal's economy, nepal's share market, rule of law, foreign policy, defense, development, and a lot more.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
जनतालाई सुविधा दिने र राजस्व बढाउने नै सरकारको लक्ष्य हो : अर्थमन्त्री डा. महत

No wonder Economy has collapsed, since, economy is not the priority of Finance minister.

We need govt change to rescue economy, people, share market, nepal.

This govt dont even know about priority, forget about solution.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
TikTok Banned!

- NC (and maoist) will pay big in election.

Like I have been saying, Politicians and those in power and positions are the ones who need highly intelligent people in their circle for their own interest.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Nobody trusts Maoist (non maoist) for economy for many years.

I believe, very few (non NC) is going to trust NC in economic matter since NC crashed economy back to back.

In last 10-15 year, Nepal faced 3 economic collapse.

First one caused by Maoist- Bhatterai
(And rescued later by UML- Pandey) (Then Maoist lost the election miserably and since going downward in every following election)

Second one by Maoist/NC/UML (I think crash started by maoist- Pun and after NC's karki and NC added Rana as vice FM after karki failed and UML's Khatiwada And rescued by UML's Paudel. ) (This helped in the rise of KP Oli.) (And later Khatiwada helped end of KP Oli and gave rise to Swatantra club)

Third one by Maoist/NC and one month of UML. (This one was also started by maoist- Sharma, NC's Mahat continuing failure.) (In this collapse, Swarnim wagle has been exposed and no independent Nepali likes him which will reduce the vote of Swatantra club in next election in the city.) (This collapse will end Maoist and NC's clear down fall may begin just like Baburam's FMship lead the end of maoist.) :roll:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Before this finance minister; Bishnu Paudel was the finance minister for 1 month. He drafted 30-50 point action plan to KICK START economy.

But he and Oli did not implement it cause they did not want to give credit of kick starting the economy to maoist/nc government.

That was a good analysis of them that 'nc/maoist govt would not know how to kick start the economy'. And we are tragically feeling it.

But what they could not guess is, 'people are blaming UML/KP oli too for this crisis. People are blaming Oli destroying this economy by using NRB governor'.

Only, NC/Maoist cant see it.

Cause of the economic crisis, NIP/swatantra party will benefit, UML wont.

I saw an older corruption case of NRB in the internet. There were 4 officials involved. And three were appointed by Oli in his last govt. Two of them are yuraj k and M adhakari.

May be cause of that partnership in crime, yuraj k and adhakari become close. That is why M adhakari is openly destroying economy for KP Oli. That gang may laugh when they get together for secret 'destroy economy' meeting.

They may tell each other- 'we are openly destroying economy and still self proclaimed economic experts support their policy.' :'( :'(
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Political future of Nepal:

Cause of current share market crash and economic crash due to NC/Maoist finance ministers, PMs and Governor- NC will lose a lot of votes and moist some vote.

In Next election, there will be three big parties- NIP, UML and NC. And to form govt two need to join hand and small parties like moist wont be needed so maoist wont be able to blackmail.

After election, UML and NIP and RPP will form govt and KP Oli will jail NC and Maosit including sher bahadur and prachanda and their family.

They will pay with jail term for what they are doing to share market.

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