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Third party, nationalist party ...... Gynandra can create.

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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
स्वर्णिम वाग्ले भन्छन्मु,'लुकको म्यासिभ रिफर्मका लागि बुझेका अर्थमन्त्री र गभर्नर चाहिन्छ'

- He was in power 5 year back, we had similar problem- he said nothing, forget about him giving solution.

- Today also, he is in influencing position but no solution or hardly talked about problems. Now he is so desperate, due to election, he is talking garbage.

Media made golden boy- tell you some secret about politics- during election, those in power should talk about what they did not what they will be doing (you tell what you will be doing only when you already achieved your past promise) (CIA found a secret about Nepal- give agent job in world bank, UN for a few days or year and used media to make that guy hero- that CIA guy becomes hero in your victim country).

If you listen closely this golden boy's speech- he is saying, problems we are facing are impossible to solve. Nepal should not he developed.

He is saying, our problem is import. Reality is our problem is export. We hardly import anything which are not basics.

He is not talking about reducing tax. Why did not your party reduce tax 25 year back, why your party did not decrease tax during last two budget? Election desperation???

VOTE RIGHT! New ones will increase export, new ones will reduce tax, new ones will create job, new ones will increase economy. Too late for old parties and politicians.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
We need to defeat as many known ghusya, dalal, incompetent as possible.

In kathmandu-1:

I would like to suggest RPP to offer upper house post to kharel to take back is candidacy and support mishra.

I would like to suggest Independent party to offer to take back candidacies of bum (other one in jhapa) and support mishra and Linden in exchange for RPP taking back 5 candidacies and support Independent party's 5 candidates in their place.

In election winning is important and you have to use legal tricks/deals.

We have 9 days remain.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Youth are the only hope in Nepali politics.

Have you noticed those old jholes in media, social media- for 4year11month, they keep on telling you how government /politicians are criminals, ghusya, dalal, incompetent and in the final one month, they tell you to vote for same criminals, ghusya, dalal.

But why????

sati ko sarap
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Hari Dhakal needs to win for our economy cause there is not even an average economist in independent party.

Hari Dhakal needs to win to protect Balen for next 4 year.

Hari Dhakal needs to win for Share market.

Somebody tell voters of Chitwan, if congress candidate wins:

- Sher bahaudur's wife will become pm and sell nepal, give citizenship to indians, pass worst deal than mcc, loot, destroy nepal, there will not left nepal....

- Chaudary will become pm and sell nepal, give citizenship to indians, pass worst deal than mcc, loot, destroy nepal, there will not left nepal....

- Baburam will beecom president and sell nepal, give citizenship to indians, pass worst deal than mcc, loot, destroy nepal, there will not left nepal ....

- Tell people, they are paying 18% interest cause of this guy

- Tell people, their business is bankrupt cause of this guy

- Tell people, this guy is just a doggo of sher bahadur's wife

- Tell people, this guy is corrupt, crook, incompetent, dumb

- Tell people, their share investment has collapsed cause of this guy

- Tell people, economic problem, share market crash, liquidity crisis, 18% interest rate will remain for next 5 year if he wins.

Somebody tell voters of Chitwan, UML candidate is:

- Madhav nepal's agent who betrayed kp oli (to oli cadres)

- He has become kp oli's doggo (to anti kp oli)

- He ate party at indian embassy and is raw agent

- Tell voters, he said, Nepal should become india's raiti

HARI DHAKAL must win.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
आधा दर्जन ब्रोकरको बन्धकमा स्टक एक्सचेन्ज र ब्रोकर लाइसेन्स

Share investors voting for nc and maoist is a crime.

And also ask, why always bahun??

I believe, in Nepal, around 50% bahun family is involved with one or another party (my guess). Ask Why?

VOTE RIGHT! Nepal is in last stage.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
No two person think a like.

You only start to hate the other person only if that person crosses your red line. You should not hate other person just cause you two disagree.

Independent party's manifesto does not address current problems and its solutions. For me, there is only one reason left to vote for independent party and that is- I dont want to vote for commies and congress.

We have 2 week left, hope Independent party address their weakness in their election manifesto and bring in people who understands economics (not a single person whom we have seen on media understands economics in Nepal) and promote primary system, no vote option, recall and referendum.

I have been telling independent party to talk about addressing current economic problems. They did not listen- now gagan thapa and baburam's daughter are talking about this issue.

Last time, ram saran mahat became finance minister, he asked public to send advise for budget.

I am not sure, if it was a co incident or he really read my advice and worked on it- he started relocation of family from remote place to easy access area as a trial, just like I advised (at least it was in his budget). Too bad, that project did not went into full implementation.

Today, some parties have added this into their election white paper.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
You mention two type of agendas when publishing election manifesto.

1: That attracts voter
2: That address current problems/that bring radical change to the society.

Independent party: To attract voters, they were support to focus on in their election manifesto- primary system, re call, no vote option etc.... but instead (i read in media) they said- they will make upper house leader v president. It is right thing to do, but this wont lead to radical change (so, not need to waste time in election white paper). This may save few crore, but wont help in bringing rule of law, good governance.

Their 23 point agenda dont address current problems or bring enough radical change to the society.

It looks like, Independent party dont have good economist or person with business background in their team.

Now, only reason left for me to vote for independent party is, I dont want to vote for communists, congress.

For weeks, I kept on giving/repeating them advice regarding economics and also changes needed for our politics (that attracts voters) like primary system, which are their own party agendas too.

They need to bring in right advisers, asap.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Main economic problem Nepal been facing (since ever) are- lack of export, policy stability (and right policy), bureaucracy always trying to destroy share market.

Sad independent party's 23 first page points is not addressing those. Fix those and Nepal's economy can easily reach Russian level not just srilankan level.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
During local election, In NC, some individuals who won least election did not get ticket cause of corruption (probably, nc's policy is 20% ghus, but they took 50% ghus). And they took part as an independent candidate and amazingly won.
Guess how they won? With the support of maoist? Maoist double crossed NC. Some may say, some NC did not give vote to maoist's joint candidate so this is normal. Actually, this is not normal.

From NC, those who did not want to vote maoist did not vote maoist, but in above case, maoist central leader helped NC rebel candidate. Prachanda must have been involved.

Till now, RPP's govt program is the best.

When is Independent party's paper gonna be released?

Independent party's some of the economy policies should be:

1: All current fiscal and monitory problem has been created due to lack of export so they would celebrate 10 year of export decade. And with in 10 year, export will be matched with import value. Tourism would be focused to create job and bring in foreign currency.

2: They would draft monetary policy guidance to keep monetary policy stable and effective and try to follow free economy to the max.

3: Share market would be made free, free from manipulation from bureaucracy too. Govt would protect if there is unnecessary crash.

4: Cost of production would be reduced, productivity will be increased, production will be increased, food import and export will be matched. All rice farming will use world's best technology within 5 year and farmers will be made crorepatis through high productivity. International doing business index will be improved drastically.

5: Tax will be reduced, multiple VAT rates will be introduced, unnecessary govt tax will be stopped, govt expenses will be reduced drastically.

6: Treasury department will be added to manage- capital, forex, valuable metal, share market, bond market considering inflation and growth.

7: Govt schools and hospitals will compete with private ones. And give very good second options to public from private ones.

8: Skill training will be focused and improved drastically.

9: NO stone will be left unturned in economy policy, economic sector.

(In above- monetary policy guidance, 3, 4 and international doing business index, reduction of govt expenses, 6 and 9 covers vast aspect of economic policies and actions)

Independent party needs to be vocal to get maximum votes. Current approach would only secure half the potential vote. Tell people about primaries system, no vote system, re call and above economic agendas and introduction of referendum system.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
नेकपा एसको घोषणापत्र: कर तिरेको आधारमा स्वास्थ्य बीमादेखि मिलोमतोमा ठेक्का दिने कार्य नियन्त्रणसम्म

राप्रपाको घोषणापत्र: नेता, कर्मचारीको सम्पत्ति छानबिनदेखि पुँजी बजारमा विदेशी लगानी भित्र्याउनेसम्म

नेकपा एकीकृत समाजवादीको घोषणा पत्र: 'घरघरमा बिजुली-जनजनमा शेयर' नीति

राप्रपाको घोषणापत्र: प्रत्यक्ष निर्वाचित कार्यकारी प्रधानमन्त्री, प्रदेश खारेजीदेखी पूर्ण समानुपातिक संसदसम्म

Policy of RPP and nekapa(A) are 10000 times revolutionary than policy of NC drafted by golden boy economic expert (as per media).

NC policy dont even see current problems, it will create inflation, increase unemployment, fiscal and monetary crisis, bad for share market and many many more.

Till now, best for share market is RPP's policy.

Dont vote NC and Maoist if you care for economy and share market.

Independent party's some of the economy policies should be:

1: All current fiscal and monitory problem has been created due to lack of export so they would celebrate 10 year of export decade. And with in 10 year, export will be matched with import value. Tourism would be focused to create job and bring in foreign currency.

2: They would draft monetary policy guidance to keep monetary policy stable and effective and try to follow free economy to the max.

3: Share market would be made free, free from manipulation from bureaucracy too. Govt would protect if there is unnecessary crash.

4: Cost of production would be reduced, productivity will be increased, production will be increased, food import and export will be matched. All rice farming will use world's best technology within 5 year and farmers will be made crorepatis through high productivity. International doing business index will be improved drastically.

5: Tax will be reduced, multiple VAT rates will be introduced, unnecessary govt tax will be stopped, govt expenses will be reduced drastically.

6: Treasury department will be added to manage- capital, forex, valuable metal, share market, bond market considering inflation and growth.

7: Govt schools and hospitals will compete with private ones. And give very good second options to public from private ones.

8: Skill training will be focused and improved drastically.

9: NO stone will be left unturned in economy policy, economic sector.

(In above- monetary policy guidance, 3, 4 and international doing business index, reduction of govt expenses, 6 and 9 covers vast aspect of economic policies and actions)

Independent party needs to be vocal to get maximum votes. Current approach would only secure half the potential vote. Tell people about primaries system, no vote system, re call and above economic agendas.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
डा. तोसिमा कार्कीको उम्मेदवारी अयोग्य ठहर

1st, They said, except for elected and appointed rest needs to resign to become candidate. I believe she is elected.

2nd, She asked election commission weather she has to resign or not, and instead of responding, election commission disqualified her.

Remember, we dont just need to save Nepal from politicians, but also from those who came to power through setting.

Few years back, I asked, we did revolution against rana and shah, who will next revolution target?
- My answer was- bureaucracy.

Current economic crisis, banking crisis, share market crisis are cause of bureaucrats and their advisers are also ex bureaucrats.

Now this. And there are millions more.

She may approach court. But, court too is ran by setting. Otherwise she could easily get verdict in her favour.

Politicians are misusing tax money, but election commission dont disqualify them. But here.....

VOTE RIGHT! As if your life depends upon it. Not just court, we need to audit election commission and CIAA too after revolution.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Independent party is missing big.

This way, they may not even get half of their potential vote.

You come from media background and you dont understand media. Its like politicians not understanding politics in Nepal after spending 50 year in politics.

Become aggressive in media by presenting own policies and exposing crimes of congress and communists.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Some people say, 'All politician/parties are criminal/incompetent, so I would vote. Voting would motivate them.'

Tell me one thing, 'Would not voting stop them from winning?'.


Happy Tihar! Happy Laxmi Puja!
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Previous time when there was congress, maoist govt stocks crashed.

This time, same party and individuals are in govt and stocks have crashed.

Would you, as an investor, still vote for those incompetents?

Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Tell you a secret:

Balen won cause people lost hope in congress and communist.

In previous, Oli won cause of same reason, people lost hope in congress and communist (oli may be in politics for long but he was hardly powerful and timing/his lies changed his fate).

Many may not remember, few elections back, maoist won cause of same reason, people lost hope in congress and uml.

People been voting for congress then communist then congress .....

Its time of stop running around the circle. We should vote for new ones, if new are good, vote again, if bad, vote for another new.

VOTE RIGHT! We also need revolution in bureaucracy. I have few ideas.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Nepal is in last stage:

Nepali system-

Nepalese work in arab and system in Nepal- politics, bureaucracy, police, judges, media, business houses, goons etc- is to loot that money through setting.

Politics- sets all: bureaucracy, police, judges, media, business houses, goons

Bureaucracy- Documentation

Police- Kidnap those who try to stop it and threaten them

Judge- Make black into white

Media- Brain wash, confuse, divert, get support

Business house- Loot more through market

Goons- Regular muscles (same in panchyat. Panchyat used goons for regular muscle work and if there is organized dissident then send army or police)

And there are foreign masters: They demand Nepal to be sold, if politicians dont, then used their crimes to blackmail and even kill. All politicians do in Nepal- loot, buy vote, setting and make foreign masters happy.

And still, family members whose member is in arab votes for same congress and communists.

Wonder how many from share market will still vote for congress and communists?

(A standup comedian once said- its a small club and you ant in it ...... In Nepal, its a big club and you ant in it and still vote of that club . Nepalese are dumb as ape.)

Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
How are you going to increase a lot of vote by ignoring economic crisis, share market crisis, banking crisis, corruption, jungle law .............

Independent party needs to get hyper active. People hardly hear from you.

Independent party needs to send following massage 3 times a day till election day from all candidates.

Make changes in constitution/law/rule if join govt or if has to make a deal with other party in the parliament:
1: Directly elected executive head-
national as well as regional.

2: No vote option- If no vote option wins, others candidates should be banned from taking part in any election for next 5 year (including re election).
They should be banned from taking any govt job too for next five year. They wont be banned from taking pension. Re election should be held
without those banned candidates and there wont be no vote option during re election.

3: Recall: During referendum, if elected official get less percentage than during the time he/she won, the person should be recalled and
should be banned from taking part in next election.

4: Elected posts should be reduced to 20% to bring down govt expenses and to make election fair.

5: Introduction of primary process like in US.


1: Economic growth, job creation, investment, development of economy, development of all sectors will be focused.

2: Import and export will be matched within 10 year (I expect 50 kharab in import and 50 kharab in export with in a few decade)

3: Govt policy- fiscal and monetary policy will be stabilized.

4: Share market manupulation by bureaucracy will be completely stopped and govt will prevent unnecessary crash of share market.

5: Capital market will be stabilized.

6: Govt will focus on high electricity consumption based industries and assembly plants.

7: Import and export of agricultrue based product will be balanced.

VOTE RIGHT, Nepal is in final stage.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
How is independent party going to increase vote this way- without talking about events, without presenting their agendas, plans....

- There is economic crisis going on, share market crisis going on, banking crisis going on ....... where is independent party?

When Hari Dhakal was in hunger strike, I heard some of his speeches. He knows a thing or two about economy and share market. Independent party should push him to give parties views regarding- economic crisis going on, share market crisis going on, banking crisis going on etc. This would not just increase his vote, it always help to gather more support for independent party.

When you talk about issues- talk about goal/agenda, dont talk about medium/how to achieve them.

We only have less than 40 day left.

Hyper active is what situation demands.



1: Economic growth, job creation, investment, development of economy, development of all sectors will be focused.

2: Import and export will be matched within 10 year (I expect 50 kharab in import and 50 kharab in export with in a few decade)

3: Govt policy- fiscal and monetary policy will be stabilized.

4: Share market manipulation by bureaucracy will be completely stopped and govt will prevent unnecessary crash of share market.

5: Capital market will be stabilized.

6: Govt will focus on high electricity consumption based industries and assembly plants.

7: Import and export of agriculture based product will be balanced.


Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Independent party needs to get hyper active. People hardly hear from you.

Independent party needs to send following massage 3 times a day till election day from all candidates.

Make changes in constitution/law/rule if join govt or if has to make a deal with other party in the parliament:
1: Directly elected executive head- national as well as regional.

2: No vote option- If no vote option wins, others candidates should be banned from taking part in any election for next 5 year (including re election).
They should be banned from taking any govt job too for next five year. They wont be banned from taking pension. Re election should be held
without those banned candidates and there wont be no vote option during re election.

3: Recall: During referendum, if elected official get less percentage than during the time he/she won, the person should be recalled and
should be banned from taking part in next election.

4: Elected posts should be reduced to 20% to bring down govt expenses and to make election fair.

5: Introduction of primary process like in US.


1: Economic growth, job creation, investment, development of economy, development of all sectors will be focused.

2: Import and export will be matched within 10 year (I expect 50 kharab in import and 50 kharab in export with in a few decade)

3: Govt policy- fiscal and monetary policy will be stabilized.

4: Share market manupulation by bureaucracy will be completely stopped and govt will prevent unnecessary crash of share market.

5: Capital market will be stabilized.

6: Govt will focus on high electricity consumption based industries and assembly plants.

7: Import and export of agricultrue based product will be balanced.

VOTE RIGHT, Nepal is in final stage.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Tue Oct 11, 2022 8:11 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Hari Dhakal has registered his candidacy in chitwan-1 from independent party (bell)

If investors dont vote for him, stop investing. Everyone who is not getting anything from communist, congress should vote for him. If you care for Nepal vote for him. If you care for share market vote for him.

He should start promoting his party and himself asap (in person as well as in social media). Promote country, economy, share market, rule of law, power to people. (I know how to improve in all sector- my free service to Nepal)
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Oli kicked bhim rawal.

Independent party needs to bring in Bhim Rawal. asap.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Independent party should bring in rebel politicians like- Bhim Rawal into the party Need to bring in 10-20 politicians.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Independent party is missing a giant opportunity.

If independent party had (there is still chance) raised issue of economic crisis, share market crisis, citizenship crisis- they would have increased a lot of vote. ITS A BIG MISS!

By now, independent party's leaders/candidates are suppose to be introducing themselves to public/voter. They are suppose to tell voters about their personal achievement/work, their principles etc. Another big mistake!
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
'Independent party' should come forward in support of 'economy and share market'.

Except for criminals, all are suffering. Support people suffering from economic crisis, share market crisis.

I know how to solve these problems. I know root cause of all these problems.

During last election, KP oli became hero by faking the support for 'economy, share market and nationalism'. But he betrayed all. You can only lie once.

Catch the sentiment- Independent party. You dont have to lie, I know how it is done.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
The only way to survive in this high interest rate is by increasing price of everything.

Cash is trash.


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