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Third party, nationalist party ...... Gynandra can create.

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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Sad to say:

At this time, until we have right option (politician/party)- best choice seems to be kp oli.

- for nationalism he is the best option- though it is fake.

- for economy/share market also he is the best option- even though he is too bad.

Nepal is hopeless for at least 4-6 more year. Even after that time, we may get another experimental politician or finance minister. After current FM options, in few years time we shall get wagle and he will destroy/waste few more years. Then comes next experiment.

Then day will come, India will try to take over Nepal.

In long term, only one country can exist- Nepal or India. One wont exist.

Only I can change fate of Nepal's economy.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
When there is election- NC's vote will be 20-24 lakh. Close to NIP's vote. From here pace of down fall of NC will accelerate and will never recover- will meet the fate of praja parisad. NC been going down but been going down slowly, now, it's pace will increase. SLOWLY THEN SUDDENLY!

Swatantra party should thank Mahat and share bahardur and all top politicians who cant force NC FM to make better budget and stop all those illegal activity.

Golden boy destroyed NC with his economic view, now will destroy NIP. He is cursed and a negative individual just like former governor of India (ex boss of world bank who had to resign). Just look at has face. It's not clean. If you look closely he looks like prachanda. Can you see how face of prachanda looks when he is lying??? Similar is the face of Golden boy. :lol:

And then, Golden by will destroy Swatantra party who said- he is going to give budget benefit of doubt.

Remember I said- making easier policy may make things better but wont solve economic problem of Nepal. Golden boy gave benefit of doubt to that 'making policy easier' and golden boy would have done similar if he were FM .... but it wont change fate of economy ........ so their party will pay in next election.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
This is Nepal,
where IGP's throat gets sliced,
And the terror slicing gets the solute from the next IGP who replace sliced IGP.

sati ko sarap

If I were IGP or General, I would have organized KOT parba.

If I come into power, anyone/group who kill all those who are behind releasing the killers and the killers will get 'aam mafi' in advance.

Nepalese needs to be taught the meaning of 'mard'. They think 'behavior/attitude of chakka in power' is being mard.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
How important is voting right:

1: Remember, during covid- one doctor who was running the show treated Nepalese like some trash/raiti and who destroyed economy, jailed us, whose covid policy was bad and deadly- turned out to be jhole of UML and doggo of KP Oli.

2: Tax secretary during maoist FM's time who treated Nepalese like raiti and who destroyed our economy, one of the most corrupt- turned out to be jhole of NC and doggo of aunti.

3: Current governor who treated us like raiti, completely destroyed our economy/share market, forced nepalese to commit suicide, currently ignoring economic/share market collapse is uml jhole and kp oli's doggo.

4: Maoist fm sharma's doggo advisers treated nepalese as raiti and destroyed economy/share market.

Remember, doggo of maosit, uml, nc been treating Nepalese like RAITI. Remember how doggo of old parties destroyed share market, economy and disrespected us, how corrupt they are, how currently they are ignoring collapse of economy and share market and suicide of nepalese----- while voting. VOTE RIGHT!

If you dont want to be RAITI, if you care for Nepal, economy, share market, corruption, rule of law, competent people in the govt ........ VOTE RIGHT!

NRB destroyed out economy, share market .......... and still nc, maosit dont have guts to fire governor. Vote right to bring in mard in the govt.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Person who is suppose to be fire is now has become adviser of FM- गुणाकर भट्ट

Person who collapsed our economy, share market is now adviser.

Are we suppose to wait for early election now to save our economy, share market?

This MF did not just collapsed our economy, share market, made people commit suicide- he treated people like RAITI.

This MF must be jhole of congress. Another jhole who was secretary of tax (during maoist FM time) treated public like Raiti turned out to be jhole of congress too and doggo of Aunti.

Sati ko sarap.

This finance minister's already wasted weeks, what next??????

kl all bahunbad. RCs.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
UML, NC, Maoist, Madeshi are in between rock and a hard place.

- Their mismanagement, corruption, dalali, crimes destruction of the economy, crisis in the society like break up of family (brain drain) etc in the one hand.

- In the other hand- those who could only manage 10/20k votes demand ministerial post.

They say- they have 5-8 lakh members. When few get to loot in arabs and 100s get to loot in crores; rest of lakhs revolt. Which is on of the reasons many are voting for NIP.

To solve this problem- all they could do is elect one representative from 5 lakh voters so that little guy cant blackmail leadership to become minister or even demand ticket during election.

NIP is stealing popular individuals from older party while older parties compete with one another to bring in goons into the party. Time is changing rapidly in Nepali politics.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
नागरिकतासम्बन्धी कानुन तत्काल संसदमा टेबल गर्नुपर्छ : गगन थापा

What would be the next/bigger agenda to make malik happy? Make Nepal sikkim????

"वैज्ञानिक - अमेरिका जान ट्राइ गर्दै
नर्स - अष्ट्रेलिया जान तयार गर्दै
डाक्टर - क्यानडा जान ट्राइ गर्दै
विद्यार्थी - जापान जान ट्राइ गर्दै
दक्ष युवा - दुबई जान ट्राइ गर्दै
अदक्ष युवा - अन्य खाडी जान ट्राइ गर्दै
डाँका, लुटेरा र घोकेर लोकसेवा पास गरेका - देश बनाउन ट्राइ गर्दै" ------- इन्टरनेटबाट केही केटा

डाँका, लुटेरा र घोकेर लोकसेवा पास गरेका - देश बनाउन ट्राइ गर्दै"- but how???

Loot nepal and buy votes (national as well as inside party)
Put doggo in power and positions
Turn Nepal into criminal society and capture every sector
Implement order of foreign master
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Wed Mar 29, 2023 3:12 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Gangan Thapa seems to be next FM. Golden boy and another one are likely to be his adviser. Another one is 10 times worse than Golden boy.

I think, those three will hand over a lot of remaining of Nepal's economy to India.

Remember! Gangan Thapa jumped like a monkey during MCC, and we all knew how important was MCC to CIA. More than MCC, Gangan Thapa jumped to bring down previous govt and we know how desperate RAW and CIA to bring down that govt.

Everything says, Gangan will be next FM and Nepal will be handed over to India. Golden boy is also double agent just like Gangan and the other one is Indian agent.

Economy wise, things may improve but Nepal is 4ked and relation with China will be done till these are in government.

Only hope of Nepal being saved is if/when Anglozoo and China destroy India. Which could happen by 2050.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
सोबिताको प्रष्टीकरण -"समर्थन कायम राखेर हामीले ढोक्सा थापेका होइनौं "

तर के येति भन्दिदैमा जनताले चित्त बुझाऊलान त ?
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
येदि जे पाइन्छ मज्जाले पचाइन्छ भन्ने हिसाबले "ढोक्सा" थापेको हो भने आउने निर्बाचनमा जनताले दस पटक सोच्नु पर्छ स्वस्तिक थिच्नु भन्दा अगाडी
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Possible reasons-

- personal: election, case
- debate going on in the party
- dont wanting to take back support after rpp and uml took back cause it would look like they are following them
- raw, cia got them or some of them
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 1391
मैले चाही चितवनको उपनिर्बाचनलाई ध्यानमा राखेर यो निर्णय लिएको होला भनि अन्दाज गरेको छु l

तर राष्ट्रपतीको मतदानको समयमा त एउटा कित्तामा उभिनै पर्छ होला फेरी l

:) :)
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
रास्वपाले आफ्नो समर्थन कायम राख्नुलाई सर्बसाधारणले कुन अर्थमा बुझ्ने ?

शंका गर्ने ठाउँ प्रशस्त देखियो
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
छोटो समय सरकारमा रहँदाका मेरा बुझाइहरु .....,
- कर्मचारीले नेता भन्दा नेताले कर्मचारी बिगारेको रहेछ |
- देश आर्थिक र भूराजनीतिक दृष्टिबाट भयानक चेपुवामा छ|
- नागरिक समाज आवश्यकता भन्दा धेरै नकारात्मक रहेछ|
- देश बनाउन नसकीने र नबन्ने रहेनछ|
बनाउन सकिन्छ र बन्छ|- Rajendra Lingden

Right party/ies with majority can easily Build Nepal. It is easy for sh!t hole like Nepal to take economy to 5-10lakh per capita. People are scared of India, but I believe we can tame India like some stray dog.

I know how- cause I am SECOND TO GOD!
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
I dont expect them to read my advice. But still I post these advice just for formality. So that I can say- I told you so- in future.

Those who cant do good job should be replaced in election.

Only one minister has implemented my advice (could be just a coincident, though). Last time mahat became finance minister- he asked for advice from public- I advised him to start relocating families from hopeless places as a test project. And he did put it in his budget.

And regarding RPP, they talk about good governance and avoiding corruption, building Nepal. And since, Lingden is new, so let's give him benefit of doubt till proven otherwise.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2363
Do you think he is on this chair to do these things ? :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Hydro Minister from RPP should do following asap too:

1: Build Nepal China transmission line.

2: Ask China to build reservoir based hydro power on top of different rivers (as high stream as possible)- with capacity of 25-50mw each and total capacity of 1000mw that can hold water enough for 3 month which should be completed within 3-8 year. Start from Upper tamakoshi.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Possibility of Revolution during early election has increased.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691

- I dont like this guy. This guy is open anti nepal and raw agent.

But he could be correct.

Circumstantial evidence:

1: No politician has more supporter in social media and media than Gangan and kp oli (prachanda/bahuram used to have too). We know, how KP oli bought all those jholes in media and social media. How did Gangan managed those. One is raw/cia, and this dalal in the video gave another reason.

2: I have been saying- dalal/ghusya/criminal/jhole/alchin dont like share market. And Gangan never supported share market, people related to share market dont know that. Turned out, he is a gangster, he run criminal gan.

3: During previous election, Gangan threaten to take care of people, which is in video record. This does make sense that he has illegal relation with sand mafia.

4: All student leaders were gunda, and are gunda. Seems like Gangan is still a gunda, remember- he made a loud noise twice- once during ghaite and another during mcc.


Gangan is not a good person. Country/economy/share market will suffer.

Media been presenting Golden boy Wagle as economic expert. I am second to god of economics, and I find no such thing in that golden boy. His relation with Gangan is the proof that he is fake and promoted by Gangan's media team.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
नेकपा एसमा प्रवेशपछि पत्रकारसँग मनाङे : म स्कुल आएको हो र सिक्नलाई ?

Manange is our hope.

He should become PM and gas all dalal and corrupt politicians and bureaucracy and business houses and civil society and media ....
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
This is -2of3- thread I started to push for revolution.

If ghanti and halo dont win at least one direct seat, it will be tragic for all of us.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
There are many jholes and jholes in media close to criminal politicians and member of party.

Only this time, in this election, I realized, all of them support their malike only after getting paid, if they are not paid- they dont come out supporting their malik.

On the other hand, free people, they are freely promoting new ones. In local election they helped balen, today, they been helping new ones.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
How many would get caught, today and tomorrow, while giving 'money or goods for vote'?

Last time, gagan was caught too :mrgreen:

Take money (which is paap), and to wash your paap, Vote right!

Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
During last election, KP Oli became very popular cause of- economic crisis, share market crash, banking crisis, dalali, corruption etc during sherbahadur/prachanda's govt.

History is not just repeating, it has got worst.

This time also, those running govt are same- economy has crashed, share market also has crashed, banking crisis, corruption and same dalali....

I used to like bishow prakash from dalal congress until few days ago after his interview:
- He said, his party govt have equal relation with all countries that is why their govt signed 'belt and road deal with china'.
- then patrakar asked, 'then where is chinese project?'. His response was 'those projects are not in Nepal's interest."

So he/dalal congress is saying- nepal china rail, nepal china transmission are not in Nepal's interest. Or he is saying, its not in india's interest.

Giving vote to dalal congress, maoist means- passing spp (something like that) after MCC, giving citizenship to more indians (this thing wont solve till india takes over nepal), destroying- economy, share market, banking etc, corruption, dalali and many more.

VOTE RIGHT! Let's not repeat old mistake. If only mistake is in our fate, then, let's make a new mistake.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
UML says they have 7lakh members (which i doubt), so total cadres of all party could be 20-25 lakh. If just 25% of those put country above their politician, peaceful revolution would become easy.

Kp oli disrespected supporter few days ago. Independent party should ask those to vote for GHANTI to punish kp oli. There could be few lakh of them.

Months back, Sher bahadur humiliated NC politician who criticized him and said 'gaya ra afi chunab jita ra dekha'. Their arrogance will pay big in this election.

I believe in sign. Sher bahadur always win elections (national as well as party's). And when he wins, country always loses (gynandra's coup, blockade surrendering, economic crisis, share market crisis, banking crisis) and his party also always loses- previous times.

So this time too history could repeat.

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