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2500 within 6 months after yuraj k's death or firing.

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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
शेयर बजार केही दिनमा प्रतिफल दिने नगदे बाली होइन: नेप्सेका सिईओ

4 year bhane ko some day ho !@#$!$ paap??????????????

tyo kp oli kaile marcha @#$!!$ chor
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 822
Big Investors - They Come When Interest Rate Falls

For example All the 10 New Life Insurance Companies have equity of 25 arab and they have other reserves as well, 10% of that will come to stock market when they find Bank Interest on Deposits Unattractive

Around 50 arab institutional & corporate money will flow from bank deposit to stock market once int rate level shows signs of decline

And many more ARABS will come from retail share loans also become cheaper.....

INTEREST RATE SIGNALS are the biggest stuffs in financial world.....

.....BakI iSHWOR kO lEELA....
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Is big investors investing big when there is a chance to invest big at this low?????????

A week ago, there was a big selling in PRVU, and amazingly there were big buyers too.

And when those sellers are gone, so are gone buyers.

So they are long term big investors!!!!!!

Usually, when they hear about big selling coming, buyers disappear. But that did not happen in PRVU.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
फागुनसम्म पद जोगाउन अर्थमन्त्रीको दौडधूप, प्रचण्डको रोजाई सुरेन्द्र पाण्डे

प्रचण्डले ओलीसँग पार्टीको कार्यकारी अध्यक्ष आफूलाई दिनुपर्ने र मन्त्रीमण्डल पुनर्गठन हुँदा ठूलै संख्यामा मन्त्रीहरु हेरफेर गरिनुपर्ने अडान लिएका छन्

ओलीले प्रमुख राजनीतिक सल्लाहकारको रुपमा विष्णु रिमाललाई नै निरन्तरता दिएपछि रिमालको दवाबमा अर्थमन्त्री डा. युवराज खतिवडालाई केही महिनाका लागि निरन्तरता दिन खोजिरहेका छन्

बालुवाटारस्थित उच्च स्रोतका अनुसार विष्णु रिमालको सहयोगमा डा. खतिवडाले आफ्नो राष्ट्रिय सभा सदस्यको पदावधि रहुञ्जेलसम्म पदबाट नहटाउन अनुनयविनय गरिरहेका छन्

यो बीचमा प्रचण्ड र माधव नेपाल समूहको राम्रै दवाब परेको खण्डमा डा. खतिवडालाई विदा गरी सुरेन्द्र पाण्डेलाई अर्थमन्त्रीको रुपमा ल्याउने ओलीलाई बाध्यता आइलाग्नसक्ने अन्य केही स्रोतहरु बताउँछन्

सीआइटी स्टक डिलरको रुपमा नआउने, 'बदमासहरुले पुर्याउने घाटा सहन किन आउनू ?'

कोषस्थित उच्च स्रोतका अनुुसार कोषका कार्यकारी निर्देशक रमण नेपाल वर्तमान अर्थमन्त्री युवराज खतिवडाकै खेमामा रहेकाले समेत नेपाल पूँजी बजारतर्फ आकर्षित हुन नसकेका हुन्

नेपालको सेयर बजार अनुमानभन्दा बाहिर रहेको छ, जुुन विश्व बजारको ट्रेन्ड र सिद्धान्तलाई कुुनै कोणबाट अवलम्बन गरिएको पाइएन
---- that is cause pension fund, life insurance, mutual fund have not been investing amount they are suppose to invest.

कोषस्थित उच्च स्रोतले भन्यो- 'सेयर लगानीकर्ता र म्युुचुुअल फण्ड सर्टटर्म कारोबारी भई प्रफिट बूूक गर्ने गलत होडबाजीले बजार अप्राकृतिक भइरहेको छ
----- its long over due to cancel the license of mutual fund and charge them tax- govt is charging to corporate investor and end their preferential right on IPOs. Only those fund which behave like market maker should get benefits not traders like current mutual fund. Mutual fund should be barred from putting their money in FD, Saving account, treasury, bonds. And should put money only in current account of other bfis- not in the bfi which is managing the mutual fund.

अनि हामी तीनै चलखेल गर्ने लगानीकर्ता र बदमास म्युचुअल फण्डको घाटा सहने पात्रका रुपमा स्टक डिलरका रुपमा आउनुुपर्ने
---- are bau, invest heavily in share market while NEPSE is this low and make mutual funds and others buy at lot higher- 2500-3500.

कोषका अधिकारीहरु पछिल्लो समय बजार संचालक नेप्से र नियामक धितोपत्र बोर्डकै अधिकारीहरुको शंकास्पद गतिविधिबाट समेत सन्तुष्ट छैनन्

बालुवाटारमा मन्त्रिपरिषद बैठक जारी, मन्त्रीहरु हट्ने !

मन्त्रीहरुलाई सामूहिक रुपमा विदाई गर्नेबारे छलफल हुने बुझिएको छ
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Tue Nov 19, 2019 5:43 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
म अलोकप्रिय बनेपनि देशलाई अफ्ठ्यारोमा पार्दिनँ : अर्थमन्त्री खतिवडा

Yuraj k has wasted almost two year and still talk big.

Instead of result, real economy is into deeper and deeper recession.

This is sati ko sarap.

I have been predicting correctly and giving right advice and country does not take me seriously.

While yuraj k have been wrong one after another and he is called biddwan.

I think, yuraj k had said at least twice, aba share market bad cha but never even tried to enter positive territory. While, I am the only One who predicted current share market collapse about 4 year ago.

Yuraj k said during his first policy and program that country was in fiscal trouble and six month later, he said things are brought on track. He said, his first year will be tougher and from second year, thing will start to fly.

While, I said, His first year will look good due to previous year's work and second year will be worse.

I turned out to be right.

I have been correct dozens of times while yuraj k has been wrong almost always.

And he is the biddwan?

This is sati ko sarap.

मूर्खलाई बढि महत्त्व दिने मानिस सधै असफल

In the case of Nepali society, its the nepal society who has become failure for centuries cause they have given importance to idiots and distinctive mind like yuraj k, baburam bhatterai.

While ignoring me.

चाणक्य नीतिमा लेखिएको छ -
मूर्खा यत्र न पूज्यन्ते धान्य यत्र सुसंचितम्|
दंपतो: कलहो नास्ति तत्र श्री: स्वयमागता||

चाणक्य नीति ग्रंथको तेस्रो अध्यायको २१ औँ श्लोकमा यस्तो भनिएको छ
यस श्लोकमा चाणक्यले भनेका छन् जुन ठाउँमा मूर्खाको पूजा हुँदैन, केवल ज्ञानिलाई मात्र सम्मान गरिन्छ
ज्ञानिहरुको कुरालाई लागु गरिन्छ

जहाँ पैसा पर्याप्त मात्रामा भण्डार गरिएको छ (socialist and communist oppose it that is why, those society saw death of 100s of millions due to famine)
अन्नको एक दाना समेत व्यर्थमा फ्याँकिदैन
जुन घरमा श्रीमान्‌-श्रीमती बीच कुनै वाद विवाद हुँदैन
सबै प्रेमसहित बस्छन्
त्यहाँ देवी लक्ष्मी स्वयं आउँछिन्
यस्तो ठाउँमा सधै सुख र समृद्धि रहन्छ
यस्तो घरमा सुख र शान्ति व्याप्त छ (do you know, panchyat used to be a socialist, a pure socialist, like cuba and indian congress and communist are trying to bring back socialism and communism. which Nepal revolted against- panchyat)

जुन मानिस मूर्खहरूको पूजा गर्छ
मूर्खहरूलाई बढी महत्त्व दिन्छ
उसको सेवा गर्छ
त्यस्तो मानिस कहिल्यै सफल हुँदैनन्
सँधै दुखी रहन्छ
(so true, Nepal always considered idiots like yuraj k, baburam biddwan, idiot so called economic expert biddwan....... I mostly always opposed their view, while society supported them in the beginning- monitory policy, fiscal policy, budget----- while I opposed them.

Today I turned out to be correct. And still, Nepali society dont appreciate me, take me seriously. I am the only one in the universe who have been analyzing monitory and fiscal policy and no economist did. Finally data have come forward, even half of economists see it as bad and another half positive......... second half should kill themselves, dharti ko boj).

Yuraj k has wasted 2 precious year of ours, lets not let him speak.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Then congratulations,

You want, 10PE but today's average PE ratio is 11.

You have 10% more than you wish for, which you can sell and put in FD.

If Simrik ji, had deposited 1 lakh in FD 40 year ago, it would be 50 lakh today.

KP Oli/his wife invested 1 lakh in land 40year ago is today worth more than 10 crore.

My father got 15 share of SCB from IPO, he invested 1500, 30 year ago, today he has more than 2000 shares and its worth is 11 lakh.

If he had invested 1 lakh in SCB 30 year ago, today, it would have been 7 crore, in 40 year, probably 18 crore. ......... + lots of cash dividend. And SCB is not the brightest of the bulbs in NEPSE.

So how can we compare investment in share with FD rate????? FD rate keeps on decreasing with development of the economy, while share price will increase with development of the economy.

In a country like Nepal, for me, average PE ratio should be 30/40.

This is how economy works, learn biddwan yuraj k:

Indian benchmark index BSE Sensex hits new high; Index at 40,607 points with Infosys as top gainer

Sc#m Modi, who stole our land and many (why dont nepal publish new map with greater Nepal) decreased tax including on their share market hoping for following:

1: to increase investment

2: to bring more FD on share market

3: to increase money in the hand of investors so that they would invest more and help to increase economic activity

4: they though decreasing tax will reduce capital gain tax, but, it will increase share market and ultimately increase overall capital tax collection. When they decreased tax, for first week, their share market decreased, but after 3 week, it has hit the record.

This is how you make economic/fiscal policy. Decreasing tax will increase tax collection.

Yuraj k increased tax and decreased tax collection. and made people poorer and lost jobs.
Registered: Dec 2016
Posts: 173
Rising Ji, what is you thesis behind 3500? Aba most of the share market is hydro and banking and insurance. Hydro is shit and dead money for a long long time. Banking is very competitive. Valuation is very decent though. Most of the banks are hovering around PE in lower 10s, which is where they are usually in normal times. Kun chahi sector ma potential lock bhayera baseko chha? Where is the growth coming from? Ground reality ta tehi nai ho. We have a socialist government who wants to control the economy. High interest rate is not going anywhere. Budget deficit will only increase from here on, trade deficit will only increase. There is no quick solution to our economic problems. How do you see 3500?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
NEPSE is suppose to be at 3500 at this time.

If all the problems you have pointed out, would have been solved, NEPSE would be at 100000.
Registered: Dec 2016
Posts: 173
All we got is dead money facing the grunt of a bear market.
Economic policy is schizophrenic. High Inflation, huge budget deficit, bad infrastructure, high taxation, arcane regulations, and slow and corrupt bureaucracy, no wonder, the economy and the share market is moribund.
We want FDI, then put all kinds of restrictions and tax burden on new investments.
Second, we bring social insurance programs for people when we have a big hole in the budget just to appease vote banks.
Third, that new scheme for workers is an extra burden on the businesses who now have to pony up 20 percent of a workers' salary to fund the scheme. That is crazy. Even in the US, for social security and medicare, the employers put about 7.5% of a workers' salary. I don't know where our technocrats get their rubbish ideas. No wonder, all the factories in Nepal in the border region has foreign workers. Nepal is 7th largest source of remittance for India. Get that picture in your head. With Indians all over the world, in the richest countries in North America, Europe, Australia and South East Asia, a small Nepal is surprisingly 7th in their inbound remittance list. There is basically no policies to promote local labor.
How many of you wished that you sold two years back and just went on a lengthy vacation. I don't see any relief.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Its been 2 month, no body has posted positive post.

Fundamental says, NEPSE should rise anytime soon.

But without any big buyer entering, it is not possible.

What is going on or nothing is going on????????????
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
स्टक डिलरसिपका लागि बास्केट फण्ड खडा हुँदै
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Our friends from south, who were trying to destroy share market by crashing Nepse to teach yuraj k a lesson, till a few weeks ago, surrendered and now started to buy some shares.

Happy Laxmi Puja :)
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
सामाजिक सुरक्षा कोषले ऋणपत्र तथा शेयरमा लगानी गर्ने, लगानी कार्यविधि तयार

pension fund, life insurance should invest 25-40% in shares.

Govt, should let pension fund, life insurance and mutual fund to invest up to 5% in international market. max 1% in one country.

And open up Nepal's share market to foreigners.

Let foreigner invest in nepal through their broker and let Nepalese invest in foreign stock through brokers in Nepal.

सामाजिक सुरक्षा कोष- should publish ad that if somebody wants to sell shares worth more than 25 lakh at a time, contact them for negotiation and publish the list of shares they are interested in. Majority of bfis are safe.

They should put buy order at yesterday's price for few thousand kitta every day. If there is no seller, they buy at 1 or 2% higher.

Invest around 2/5 crore per day.

But they should not invest in housing or business complex.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
When Yuraj k was in US during World Bank visit last week, they asked him about share market of Nepal.

So they do follow share market of Nepal!!!!!!!!!! They suggested something positive.

Few weeks ago, Chines scholar also talked about share market.

Is not it time for yuraj k to resign after fooling himself about share market. negativity. destroying share market. advising KP Oli, commie politician negativity about share market????????????
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
China's Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) is asking the country's pension funds & insurers to buy more equities, in an cooridnated bid to shore up the capital market. CSRC chairman Yi Huiman said China is set to sharpen its financial industry competitiveness.

When will Nepal's policy making be freed from pakhes?
Registered: Jan 2018
Posts: 131
I see three things
1. As with everyone, only buying variable is put into the equation, not selling (? deliberately).
2. If the bonus or right shares find their parent shares, only then WACC works. Therefore, these shares must be listed ASAP!
3. If these two are not met, one must hold for a long time before these shares get listed. Whatever the case, risk management is ever greater.
Registered: Sep 2013
Posts: 259
यो सरकारले लुटतन्त्र नै मच्चाएको छ ।कं ले दिएको बोनस शेयर मुल्य समायोजन पश्चात पनि Base price रु 100 गरि त्यो भन्दा माथि बेचे लाभ कर लिने ,कस्तो लगानिकर्ता लुट्ने खेल ।
Registered: Sep 2013
Posts: 259
यो सरकारले लुटतन्त्र नै मच्चाएको छ ।कं ले दिएको बोनस शेयर मुल्य समायोजन पश्चात पनि Base price रु 100 गरि त्यो भन्दा माथि बेचे लाभ कर लिने ,कस्तो लगानिकर्ता लुट्ने खेल ।
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
I think, our friends from south who worked to crash NEPSE till last few months have become inactive.

If some group start to invest big, NEPSE should increase big specially under the background of good first quarter report when share price is all time low.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
First qtr report coming from tomorrow.

I guess very good growth, I expect. And interest rate falling too.

If we had professional investors, I would be happy but we dont have cause of idiot bureaucracy and savage society and uneducated politicians and media.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
अर्थमन्त्रीको समय सकिँदै, असफल सूचीमा नाम अंकित
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
धिताेपत्र बाेर्डबाट बाहिरिन लाग्दा अध्यक्ष कार्कीले भने, एनआएरएनलाई शेयर बजारमा भित्र्याउन सकिन

tera bau le 4 barsa ke he re ra thyo ta.

I dont know how to respond talk like this from MFs who been raping Nepal and share market for years.

All I can do is curse to them and their big talk.

Anybody knows how to respond with big logical words????

In a week or 4 month, yuraj k will regret for wasting 2 year too. but he is a liar, he may lie and brag about his work.

governor too not just wasted his 4 year, he is the one who started share market crisis, liquidity crisis, and interest rate crisis.

And while he is going, his result has appeared- over production in so called productive sector. Which I warned three year ago.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
एनआरएनलाई अर्थमन्त्रीको आग्रह : गाँठो फुक्न थाल्यो अब सेयर बजारमा लगानी गर्नुहोस्

Sarba gyani thinks every thing is black and white.

World should crash, when he does say fly.

During his first policy and program, he showed everything gloomy and during second policy and program- every thing was great (but indicators showed not much change).

Same with share market, he wanted share market to crash till few months ago. now he wants people to invest in the share market cause he says problems have been solved.

Its like Trump, he created problem and now claiming, he has solved the problem.

People suffered for almost 2 year for no reason. (have been suffering for 4 year now).

When will KP Oli see how Yuraj k have been fooling him, lying to him and been destroying economy and share market?

What yurab k been trying to tell the world, KP Oli, comreds, nepalese (beside destroying economy)- he has single handedly fixed the problems Nepalese economy has been going through, now Nepal's economy/share market should start flying.

self centered. world should revolve around him. Oli has same mentality.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Tue Oct 15, 2019 9:10 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
I dont know how many may have committed suicide due to Share market crash for last 4 year, but many have gone into sickness due to share market- from heart disease to sugar disease , sleeplessness.
hypertension. ..............

And KP Oli, yuraj k dont give a damn.

I know Yuraj k likes to see people suffer.

KP Oli is self centered. He only care about his own well being. god complex.

उद्योगपतिहरुले प्रधानमन्त्री भेटे, पुँजी बजार सुधार्न ओलीको ध्यानाकर्षण

I am the only one in the entire universe who knows what is wrong in our share market? What caused it? How to fix it?

I can turn our share market into one of the main center of the world, just like Hong Kong.

KP Oli should call me if he wants to turn Nepal into Hong Kong. He has already wasted almost 2 year. Another 3 year will be wasted if they dont get read of few in govt , mainly yuraj k.

My Dashain was bad, but when NEPSE was closed during dashain, I got Peace.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
He is groomed by SOUTH-WEST wind so cant tolerate NORTH breeze hence out of scene.
Must be busy pleasing his god fathers to take LOFTY CHOP after expiring from current position.

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