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2500 within 6 months after yuraj k's death or firing.

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Registered: Dec 2016
Posts: 173
Khatiwada baa ko last month ho k yo?
Bro lai Rukum tira highschool ko economics teacher banai saruwa garnu paryo.
Registered: Dec 2016
Posts: 173
Headwinds matra dekhinchha economy ma ahile ta.

1. corona-tourism (8% of economy)
2. Agricultural production down year over year
3. rate of remittance inflow (30% of GDP)
4. govt spending less than 20% in fiscal half
5. earthquake construction more or less over
6. private sector confidence low due to schizophrenic government policy, too many regulations at once.
7. Housing slowdown due to stoppage in kitta kaat. I don't understand why the government wants to slowdown the property sector. If housing slows down, everything slows down. Its true in USA, true in China, true in MARS too. If they want to stop speculation, why don't they institute that any new kitta kaat land, can be flipped only once every two years for the next four year
8. Government's strict lending rules. They should promptly remove restrictions on any lending under 50 lakhs. Also, remove restrictions on any vehicle lending under 50 lakhs
9. corruption/policy confusion and fear of akhtiyaar. Bureaucrats hardly pushing any files/contracts.

1. I see interest rate going down.
2. Fuel prices are low, god bless fracking.
1. Government should work with remittance companies and banks to lessen the cost of remitting. That probably means tax holiday for remittance providers. Make money laundering rule stricter with a huge financial cost. A hundi wala should be fined 10 times the money he/she is accused of laundering and a minimum of 5 years of prison. This is 30% of GDP we are talking about.

2. Work with all local governments to remove any tax on any agricultural products.

3. Bring transportation and construction sector into revenue fold. These are the biggest sectors in Nepal. They are not paying enough taxes. Make rent payment 100% electronic.

4. Consolidate some of the government departments. They are getting expensive. Nepal can't support them. 100% of tax revenue is going to support the government agencies.

5. Roads/Roads/Roads. We need Kulman at Sadak bhibhag. There is no other answer. Give him ministerial level power for 5 years. Charge him with finishing hulaki, madhya pahadi, madan bhandari, all river corridors road with in the next five years. Give him the budget. No more pussy footing. Also, confiscate the wealth of Sailung/Pappu.

6. Provide telecom license to CG if he lists 50% on NEPSE. Ncell is taking too much to their masters. Make sure that CG keeps that money here.

7. In each pradesh, within next 3 years, provide free vocational training to the youth. 1000 electricians, 1000 plumbers, 2000 carpenters/masons, 1000 painters, 500 car/bike mechanics, 1000 cooks, 100 bakers in each pradesh. Hook up them with a financial institution to set up their businesses. Give them some free tools. Give them a PAN too. Collect taxes while stopping currency outflows to UP and Bihar.

8. Fix that samajik surakshya kosh. Same benefit, rules and contributions as Karmachari Sanchaya kosh. As of now, its too much of a burden on the employers and the rules are too restrictive for savers.

9. Build fucking Budi Gandaki. We got the money. Arun III, Budi Gandaki and Upper Karnali; all three of these will provide economic shots needed evenly across the East, Middle and West regions of Nepal.

10. Finish Bheri-Bombai, Sikta and start Sunkoshi Marin ASAP. Nepal will export grains if these three completes. Have three minister level bureaucrats to look at these three projects reporting directly to the council of ministers.

11. Make sure Alipay and Wechat pay take licences in Nepal and pay their taxes. Right now, all Chinese tourists are using them to pay for services and goods. That foreign currency is not being recorded.

12. Develop Kanchanjunga, Manasalu, Rara, Shey Foksundo, Khaptad routes. Tourism right now is mainly beneficial to the people in Annapurna and Everest routes only. People in the West are not benefitting. UP and Delhi is right there with huge newly rich population ready to spend money on travel and tourism. Market the West to them. Its closer to their home base. That means, building decent roads upto a point. Give 5 year tax holidays to people building cable-cars and resorts and tourism related infrastructure in the hills of Western Nepal.

13. Pradesh II needs serious help. The most impoverished region in Nepal. Establish vocational training center in each district. Fund the schools and government there relatively more than Pradesh I,II,III,IV and V. Provide real farmers with krishi anudan here.

14. Lastly, we need to investigate property of all retired government officers. Focus from Sachib level who retired in last year, then go backwards to 2046. Rinse and repeat to lower levels. In the meantime, if any one under Subba level wants to come clean with their ill gotten wealth and want to put money in government coffers, let them do it. Similar to tax holiday for ax cheats. But have a provision that this can be done only once and no more.


Even with all these problems, NEPSE is on a steady march, shedding weak legs on its route to the record high. Nepalese are resilient son of guns.

« Last edit by simrik on Sat Feb 15, 2020 1:50 am. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
This year NEPSE already tried 6 times to break 1350.

Tomorrow???? Shall we get lucky.

Lucky 7 tomorrow.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
We gonna find out tomorrow if Bull has waken after short rest.

1350, this year along, NEPSE tried 4 times to cross that point.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
All the reasons you mentioned, Plus,

- Manipulation
- Fear in small and medium investors.
- Fear created by fake news by manipulators
- Bureaucracy/NRB/NRB policy (second monitory policy of chirinjivi nepal started the free fall)
- yuraj k (and politicians fooled by yuraj k)- when finance minister takes about share market need to fall even after crash, who happens we saw.
- some industrialist (including 1100 gang) had to sell their shares at 1100-1200 to manage fund for their business (afno khutta ma afai banchoro hanyo)
- over hyped all the reasons You and I mentioned.

what ever are the reasons, there should always be the limit of how much market should crash, current crash it is too much.

They said, its case of liquidity crisis and high interest rate. Some countries like pakisthan, india, turkey, Zimbabwe, Venezuela all had been suffering from liquidity crisis and/or liquidity crisis, but their countries's stock market are among the best performer in the world.

Biggest reasons,
- second monitory policy of chirinjivi nepal started the free fall
- bureaucracy/yuraj k forcing crash and later ignoring it and pushing for further fall
- manipulation by big criminals
- small and medium potential investors being too dumb to cash in the opportunity

just imagine, 1000000 investors investing in average 500000 each in 4 year means= 10,00,00,00,00,000

I believe 10 lakh nepalese could easily have invested 5 lakh each in last 4 year, which would be 1 thousand arab, which could easily buy most of the shares listed. So over supply, i dont buy.

Fear and ignorance prevented them from investing.
Registered: Dec 2016
Posts: 173
I would like to revisit the cause of the last bear streak in NEPSE.

Is it because of communist scare?
Is it because of fundamentals not supporting stock prices?
Is it because of oversupply of stocks due to new capital requirements?
Is it because of liquidity crunch and high interest rate?
or, is it just a regular boom and bust cycle?

Please comment intelligently. I am in a camp that believes in oversupply of the stock caused the pressure on stock pricing. I may definitely be off.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Had NEPSE increased today, dev bank would have hit 6xces.

So, got to wait till NEPSE becomes clear green.

सीआइटीको स्टक डिलरले केही साताभित्रै सेयर उठाउन थाल्ने, ५ अर्बको फण्ड तयार
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
For last few trading days, top traders' list, buying and selling of top trading brokers have been almost equal .......... hope this means another big up trend coming very soon.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Date- 2020-2-2




I said, in the beginning of this year........ this year we get to see 2222 NEPSE. We got the sign. :mrgreen:

Banking 27.04 2.35
Development Bank 28.32
Microfinance 22.13

Total Turnover 2,077,987,799
Total Transactions 20,635

LBL 228
MEGA 205
SBL 320
HBL 522
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Today's top brokers' list say, big investors are shifting.

Hamro pani din aune bho jasto cha :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
कर्पोरेट ग्राहकको ऋणको ब्याज दर ९ प्रतिशतभन्दा तल आयो, आधार दरमै बैंकहरुले ऋण दिन थाले

'तैपनि माग छैन'

When economy was doing good, interest rate was high and they were saying share market should crash.

now, economy is in shit, interest is down, share market should rise and make all kind of records. :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
नेप्से परिसूचक ५४ सयसम्म पुग्छ, ऋण लिएर लगानी गर्नुहोस् : निर्मल प्रधान

क्लिकमाण्डूसँगको कुराकानीमा उनले आफुले २० वर्षको बजारको इतिहासको आधारमा बियरिस ट्रेण्ड सकिएको बुलिस ट्रेण्डमा ५४ सय इन्डेक्स पुग्न सक्ने बताए
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 822

What if Banks remains stable and Micros and Insurance Increase.
Insurance arent reliable
However micros might be with their nice reports.

Banks are out of game now for some time for their plethora of supply
MFI are showstoppers

....Baki Ishwor Ko Leela...
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Micro and insurance price has increased by 150-400.

If Bfis price dont increase by at least 100-200, current increment in micro and insurance wont sustain.

BFIs are highly undervalued and we may see some growth in second qtr from first qtr. So BFIs need double increment for being undervalued and for growth.

Soon market maker will enter, and they are ordered to invest in BFIs by yuraj k. So BFis price will not just increase but sustain too.

At current, mid level bfis' price is suppose to be at 700-1000. And asking for 150 increment means, they price will be @ 350-500. Which is a lot lower than what their price is suppose to be.


We are witnessing daily transaction of far more than 50 crore daily for sometime now, which is far more than 20 crore, which used to be, for a long time.

Its time govt. reduce Broker commission.

At this time, govt should reduce .1% broker commission. And it should be cut from SEBON, NEPSE's commission.

And when, transaction maintains above 1 billion for another month, average, another .05% broker commission should be reduced, which should be cut from broker's commission.

And when, transaction maintains above 2 billion for a month, average, another .05% broker commission should be reduced, which should be cut from broker's commission.

And final reduction of another .05% broker commission should be reduced from broker's commission, when average trading remains at above 3 billion for a month.

In total, .25% broker commission should be reduced when trading cross 3 billion, daily average.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 822
BFI cant increase and wont increase significantly.
Because of enormous volumes.

Its MFI's who will lead in prices (Stable rising), followed by insurance (which will be very volatile)...
BFI will only have reasonable surges over a period of time.

...Baki Ishwor Ko Leela....
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Alchina harue le siddaune bho.

Every body knows, bull has begun and still we keep on seeing crash at such a low point.

Its amazing, bfis hardly increased, buy a few day of downfall has already wiped out all gain which took a couple of weeks to gain.

Yuraj k is not become PM under MCC, is he???????
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Somebody purchased 5.5 billion worth of shares during last three day. We need 1.25+ billion trading tomorrow and we may expect continuity of the bull. 8)
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
They are into day to day manipulation.

I stopped reading content of alchina medias. Just headline and a few lines.

It says, half of liquidity was socked by govt. Which means there are still more than 25 billion with bank and with govt there is around 175 billion.

Because of alchina yuraj k, govt is holding 175 billion.

With one signature, that 175 billion can join the system, but it wont cause Nepal is ran by alchina bureaucracy.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
Actual scenario of the money market : कुन बैंकमा सेयर कर्जाको ब्याज कति ? कति दिनमा पाइन्छ लोन ?

May be some of the EXPERT PLAYERS are out of stock now due to profit booking session. Thats why we can hear lot of NOISE
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
DUKHI AATMA : तरलता अभाव, अन्तर बैंक ब्याजदर ५.२ पुग्याे, शेयर बजारमा असर गर्ला कि नगर्ला ?
May ve missed his train
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Like I had been saying, if you wait for bull, you wont be able to invest in low, so keep buying. Last couple of week has proven me right.

Now, New and long term investor are given second chance to buy by players. Dont mess up second chance.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
I am only interested in free advising to govt, more like unofficial adviser. but they are not interested in me.

but not my loss. loss for the country and humanity and party/politician. its always criminals like them who can win election in Nepal but to get reelect, they need me.

May be, KP Oli will copy indian, since he is kuwa ko bhaguto.... and hire some professional who has built things unlike yurak who spent whole life doing nothing, never produced a thing or made any serious investment just sitting on ghumne mech.

Global will start trading from tomorrow, may be it will trigger bull in BFIs sector.
Registered: Dec 2016
Posts: 173

Rising ji, mantri mandala join garnu paryo.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7680
Till few months back, I did not like to visit bank cause of their disrespect.

Today, I need to avoid visiting bank, cause now they psychologically pressure me to bring loan of other bank to their bank.


Sign of Bull stretching!

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