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Advice to Finanace Ministry/NRB/SEBON/NEPSE

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Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2368
-पछिल्लो समय लगानीकर्ताहरु प्यान नम्बर लिएपछि करको थप दायित्व सिर्जना हुन सक्ने भन्दै सशंकित छन्। यस विषयमा लगानीकर्ताहरुले स्पष्ट जवाफ मागिरहेका छन् ?
-Is it possible to adjust loss from profit while filling tax details at the end of fiscal year ?

Why cant they answer simple and genuine questions from investors ?
If they dont answer these questions, its obvious to doubt there intention.
Registered: Mar 2014
Posts: 322
हाल बजारमा काराेवार भइरहेकाे सम्पूर्ण NABILP काे conversion काे लागि राष्ट्र बैंकबाट स्वीकृत भएकाे र AGM बाट पास गर्ने सूचना निस्केपछि NABILP काे काराेवार राेक्नुपर्ने हाेइन र ? एउटै बस्तुकाे दुइवटा मूल्य जस्ताे देखियाे ।
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2368
Housing Bear Who Called 2018 Slowdown Says Worst Yet to Come- Bloomberg

Real state price in Nepal (Urban Area) already surpassed major cities in the world like Newyork, London etc.
So our regulators must think seriously in this matter.
Reason behind "FREEZED INDUSTRIAL GROWTH" in Nepal is 'EXPONENTIAL REAL STATE PRICE HIKE' So most of the people invested in "JAGGA" and preferred to become DALE.
Now BIG BUBBLE is already formed in the sector of REAL STATE. Dont know when will it blast. But whenever it happen it is going to take away many things in the flood. Major investment of most of the financial institution is in real state sector. Government- take appropriate measures before its too late.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7699
Fully agreed, govt should regulate extreme circumstance. That is why they have to fix max interest of 10% on loan for bank.

If they had fixed that rate three year back when warned them about banking crisis (I also warned them about NEPSE crisis), this day would not have come.

And I totally disagree. Current situation is still extreme. Interest rate has fallen just .5% from peak.

FD rate should be just above inflation rate. Which is around 4.5%.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2368
Regulations by government side is needed only at the extremes like 14% on FD some weeks back and 1% interest on saving few years ago. During normalacy like now regulator interference will only worsen the financial health of the country.
Regarding the interest rate of any country, there are multiple factors which determines it. Most important one is the inflation. Inflation rate of USA (last 50 year) is less than 2%. You can get loan @2-3%. Real inflation rate of Nepal stands in double digit in most of the year. So you cant expect developed nations lending interest rate here in NEPAL too. Off course there should be balance so neither depositor nor loanee suffers. Loan interest <6% will not do justice to millions of small scale depositors.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7699
I fully support limiting interest rate within limit.

Max 10% for bank, 11 for dev and 12 for finance.

All civilized country fix their rate using mechanism.

free market- those talking about free market, tell me something? should it apply where it favors you and ignore where it does not? they only will look like a hypocrite if they talk about free market.

I am the greatest supporter of free market but there is always going to be a limit.

Free market should determine interest rate but that should be below 10%. How much below should be determined by free market? What happens when there is banking crisis caused by high interest rate?

As per free market, if you cant pay interest/loan bank should go bankrupt along with the borrowing company, not the owner of the company? why does free market does not apply in this case. check indina market, where bfis are in trouble cause borrowing company cant pay back loan. but in nepal, bank take 300% collateral and personal guarantee. So stop selective support for free market. it only expose you as a hypocrite.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2368
अहिले उद्योगी व्यापारीहरु ब्याजदर एकल अंकमा झारिदेऊ भन्दै विभिन्न निकाय हुँदै प्रधानमन्त्रीसम्मै डेलिगेसनमा जानुभएको अवस्था छ । भोलिका दिनमा बैंकका निक्षेपकर्ताले पनि हामीलाई यति नै ब्याजदर चाहियो भन्दै तिनै ठाउँमा डेलिगेसन गए भने अवस्था के होला ? निक्षेपकर्ताले पनि व्यापारीले झै हामीलाई यति नै ब्याजदर चाहिन्छ भन्दै जुलुश निकाल्न थाले भने???
Valid question for open market system.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7699
NRB should fix max interest:

Saving a/c: 5% max
FD for institution: 5.5% max
FD for public: 6.5%
FD for elderly (male above 55 and female above 50):7%

Interest on loan:
For bank: 10% max
For dev: 11% max
For finance: 12% max

Min interest rate on deposit: 2.5%
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2368
बैंकको व्याजदरमा अर्थमन्त्रीको चासो, व्यवसायी र बैंकरलाई सोधे- तोकिदिउँ ?

Better is to fix the DEPOSIT and LENDING rate to tide over the current crisis in such a way that neither DEPOSiTOR nor LOANEE will become a looser. It can be reviewed latter.

FINANCE MINISTER must think on this option seriously.
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2147
Yes it did happened in india too....

Dabur India Share price did fall that time !!

:mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7699
History repeats.

When yuraj k was governor, IPO subscribers used to loose money, now same yuraj k is fm, history repeats.

एनसेल पूँजीगत लाभकर फैसला: एक्जिएटाको शेयर मूल्यमा गिरावट

Probably for the first time in the history of Nepal, decision in Nepal has affected share market of other country.

By the way, does any body know if share market in India fell due to indian blockade?????
Registered: Oct 2017
Posts: 2147
What to do many of Investor has been taught in the Past that investment through IPO / FPO, Never loss can be incurred. So that theory has occupied their Mind. In recent time some of the Investor eyes has got opened with times Investors will know all the facts of Investment.

Happy Investment !!
Registered: Mar 2014
Posts: 322
Universal power काे IPO नबिक्ने सम्भावना बढी देखियाे । अर्काे पटकदेखि Capital हरूले Hydro काे IPO पनि नबेच्ने भए । १०० रूपैया भन्दा कममा Hydro काे Share बजारमा पाइने भएपछि ३ वर्ष Lock हुने गरी Promoter पनि नपाइने भयाे । Hydro बाट नेपालकाे उन्नतिमा ठेस पुग्ने सम्भावना देखियाे । बधाइ छ अर्थ मन्त्रीलाइ धेरै धेरै ।
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2368
stock market acts as a CATALYST for every other economic sectors of the country. So take appropriate measures in mid term review of monetory policy to strengthen capital market. Otherwise you are at the verge of FREE FALL.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2368
BIG MERGER has now become a NECESSARY EVIL. It will strengthen the financial institution capacity hence unhealthy competition and also reduce the supply side in capital market. Finance minister and NRB should initiate the process soon.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7699
Those are for public.

I was amazed, there is public who would buy bond. Only person I know who bought bond was Oli's wife which Oli declared during his property discloser.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2368
बैंकहरुको ऋणपत्र बिकेन !!!
Don't you think this is alarming ?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7699
I believe its hard to distinguish which one is bought when. And dont give yuraj k idea like 10%. He and those bureaucrats will take 10% and ignore 2.5%.

I think, there is nothing to worry about toady. NRB has done their most of the job. Now SEBON, NEPSE and finance ministry have to do theirs.

I think, short term traders have sold their shares last week, now they have to buy. So market should increase hope it will close close to 1300 this week.

Today, due to NTC closer, institutional investor did not invest much. NTC along could have dragged down market by 6 pt. there was small trading today. So there was smaller selling.

Traders may not have much stock now and NTC's book close complete. Hope there is light at the end of the tunnel tomorrow.


About recent decision made by NRB, it will impact market positively. Investors are suppose to guess future and start to invest. If they dont invest then there will be slow growth for a few week and new policy brings in cash from outside slowly which change ownership slowly from traders to new investor.

then market increases.

------- --------------

How much new money will enter in 2 month??

Minimum cash flow into NEPSE in 2 month be:
- Even if CIT go slow in two month they may invest: 5 billion (in this rate it will take 16 mth to invest 40 billion)

- 10 billion from margin loan from broker.

- 5 billion from new mutual fund which are in pending.

- 2/3 billion from existing mutual fund.

(That's minimum, insurance should invest heavily too).

So total= 17 billion. So in 40 days they need to invest 42 crore per day. Which is not possible.

How about invest from public, institutional investor, 1000 gang?

To clean short term trader, 5 billion is enough. And 5 crore per day from desperate share holder means 2 billion more in 2 month. So 7 billion is enough to clear shares.

Now there remains, 10 billion. Then comes mid term investor. I dont think they will sell below 1500. They may be holding shares worth 25 billion.

So how long till NEPSE reach 1500?
2 week, 5 week, 10 week?????

Tic Toc

If investors are smart, NEPSE will reach 1500 in 2 week. If not then we have to wait 5-10 week. My guess.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2368
Profit booking on 5% rise shows the level of investor/gambler confidence in market. Since our FM have expressed concern regarding gambling in market, why don't he take appropriate steps to curtail such activities.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2368
अल्पकालीन लगानीकर्ताले छोटो समयमै नाफा बुक गर्दा शेयर बजार घटेको इन्भेष्टर फोरमका उपाध्यक्ष तुलसीराम ढकालले बताए
So for the long term stability and development government must change the capital gain tax system.
My suggestion.

CGT for transaction within 3 months : 10%
CGT for transaction between 3 months to 12 months: 5%
CGT for transaction after 1 year : 2.5%

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