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Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
पूर्ण अनलाइन कारोबार: नेप्से तयारीमा, लगानीकर्ता तयार छैनन् /
Heights of irresponsibility !!!
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
I expect more professional service from Bank Brokers. Competition force them to provide better service. You can get all aspect of share trading under single umbrella if u choose bank broker, ie brokerage,margin lending, share loan and clearance.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 1386
'Bank Broker'लाई प्राथमिकतामा राख्दा एउटा समस्या चाही देखियो,

मानौ मैले NIBL को Broker मार्फत कारोबार गर्न चाहे,
तर उसबाट NIBL को share किन्न पाईन भने के काम भयो र ?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7682
Its easy to work with broker than bank. In bfis, if they run like banks or merchant bank, too many staffs are involved in decision making for same think.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 1386
Dubosi7 जी मेरो प्रथमिकतामा त 'Bank Broker' नै पर्छन,
अझ आफ्नो खाता भएको Bank बाट,

यदि यिनले राम्रो response गरेनन भनेमात्र Current Broker मा जानु पर्ला l
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
If Banks are allowed to give brokerage service, then whom do you choose?
Current BROKER or Bank Broker ?
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
& final result
बैंकले सहायक कम्पनीमार्फत ब्रोकरेज सेवा दिनसक्ने.
Anyway, we can expect positive development with rest of the points included in the NRB directive.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
"बाणिज्य बैंकसँग सहायक कम्पनी नभए पनि अहिले नै ब्रोकर सेवा दिनसक्ने"
I don't think its possible now - Public consumption speech "TUKKE BHASAN"
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7682
Looks like not a fake news.

CIT started to invest since Tuesday.

I suggested them to start buying and later transfer them along with their previous shares. And doing same. Hope they read this forum and there will be many more suggestion to build Nepal using share market.

But after reading his interview, it does not look like he understands share. He wants to buy cautiously at this time. That's wrong. He should invest as much as possible as soon as possible.

Invest offering up to 1/3% more on closing price every day.

They may already have more then 5 billlion worth of shares all together. So they need to add at least 40 billion worth of shares.

Daily if they invest 10 crore, it will take 400 trading days. Almost 2 year.

CIT needs to be aggressive.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2362
NEPSE has not provide separate portal for CIT, how is it possible for them to act as a stock dealer.
नागरिक लगानी कोषले स्टक डिलरको पूर्व अभ्यासका लागि दोस्रो बजारबाट शेयर खरिद गर्न थालेको हो।

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