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Economic policy for Nepal

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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7699
सेयर लगानीकर्ताको आन्दोलनमा राजनीति छिर्यो, राजपाको लिखित ऐक्यबद्धता

- when will political parties, wanna be in govt, declare their detail share market policy. this is the right time to declare it. I want policy in detail not just lip service like "we are positive, share market will perform well under our govt".

8 classe Oli has already fooled us once.

fool me once, share on you
fool me twice, .......

Parties outside govt should present their share market policy by addressing their policy regarding 10 pt demand by ongoing struggle.

Plus, I want to know, will your govt let BFIs take Shares as collateral for other form of loan too.

Will you fire all bureaucrats in sebon, nepse, nrb, finance minister who have been stalling new policy which are in pipeline for years now?

Disclose your share market policy immediately so that I would be able to judge, whom to vote in next election. And so that I would be able to gather support for that party for next election.

Last election, i voted for nationalism. Now they have turned me into beggar. Not more that kind of nationalism which turn you into slave.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7699
Canada arrested one top manager of China and world lost more than 1 trillion in single day which is not much. But already, crashing share market sent shock wave to political class. Civilized world knows what happens when their share market crashed for no good reason.

In Nepal, share market lost more than 1000 billion, which is close to 50% of total value and no body in power- political, bureaucrats, so called expert, biddwan thought it is the problem. They think crash is normal process.

Just like in the world, share market crash for no reason does impact economy, politics but politician, bureaucrats, so called biddwan does not get it. From next election commie will know. There is lot of opposition to this oli govt, but they are too dumb to identify which opposition is from share market and which from outside. Crashing of share market will only create political problem to govt, but politicians are too dumb to see it.

When NEPSE made 1800 record, it crashing below 1700 turned NEPSE to undervalued level. Today, few hundred below 3500 is undervalued level. But idiots who think they understand share think it is not.

Share market is very important to economy and politics. Parties better give importance to share market in their economic policy, or their politics will get hit.

But oli and yuraj k and other commie are too dumb to see it.

Learn from civilized world. How world reacted when world lost more than 1 trillion dollar after Canada arrested a chinese. That shows the importance of share market. Crash of share market pressured political and financial class.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7699
# all income tax should be below 25% (that include dividend tax and bonus) and should be mentioned in the constitution.

# No VAT in food (including restaurant and packaging excluding all drinks, cigarette etc), education and healthcare- which should be mentioned in constitution (to fool proof taxation from idiots/evil like yuraj k),

# Capital Gain tax back to 5%.

# No income tax on hydro, since they have to be handed over to govt in 25/30 year.

# No income tax on manufacturing industries.

# Reduction of custom duty. Very low custom duty and road tax on bikes.

# All tax increased by yuraj k should be reversed.

# VAT rates- .01%, 20% and 50%.

# Declare those earning from 5 lakh to 50 lakh- middle class and income tax for them should not be more than 15%.

# Taxation policy should promote domestic tourism and restaurant business.

# If company spends 3% on domestic tourism for employees, give them 3.15% tax deduction. If they spend 10% on bonus, give them 10.5% tax deduction. If they donate 1% to political party, give them 1.05% Tax deduction (its time, taxpayer should finance politics not black money).

# etc
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7699
Party who wants to build Nepal and win election. Their economic policy should be liberal not same outdated which did not even work, which already failed 40-70 years ago, which were tried by likes of mao, neheru.

Cause of mao's economic policy to divert all capital, manpower into so called productive sector and collective production lead to death of millions.

And Nehru's economic policy, if you watch old indian movies, you could see, almost all so called heros in those movies were unemployed and were always poor.

Look at china and india today after economic revolution.

And our commie, socialist want to repeat history as it is.

Repeating bad history is dumb, repeating history with same action is animal dumb.

And our yuraj k is animal dumb.

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