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Economic policy for Nepal

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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Cooperative crisis:

When interest rate was going up by a lot, when NRB was forcing BFIs to increase interest by a lot, when govt wanted to increase interest .......... cooperative was- instead of telling govt that if interest rate goes up by a lot, economy will collapse, cooperative will collapse, there will be huge NPL in BFIs- what cooperative demanded/talked about? they were demanding NRB to let them increase interest rate too.

I had warned about this. I have been raising voice regarding this. Very few had similar view like mine. Many were supporting NRB.

People running cooperative should be qualified- who understands economy, banking, finance, money, business .....

Just like those in NRB, banks, so called economic experts, cooperative running individuals are not qualified too.

For years, I been warning depositors that, if you demand high interest on deposit, you will lose your principle too. Depositors in cooperative are learning it the hard way.

With this crisis teach them- management in bfis, promoters, nrb bureaucrats, govt bureaucrats, politicians, so called civil society, media etc the lesson? I doubt.

« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Mon Jan 02, 2023 1:04 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
* We hand one crisis- Foreign currency crisis
(Which could have been easily dealt by banning import[short term] and increase export [long term])

* Then in the name of solving foriegn currency crisis- NRB destroyed share market (this could be motivated due to jealousy of bahunbad, due to bahunbad getting angry for not getting bribe from investors [its amazing, big investors who bribe bureaucrats and politician in other matter are also share investors but they won tell their doggo in bureaucracy to fix share market])

- NRB destroyed Destroyed economy (Since you are dumb- destruction of economy includes- collapse of business, collapse of jobs, collapse of govt revenue, destruction of investment, etc etc, meaning of economy is huge)

- NRB tightened loan policies (Probably Nepal is the only country in the world where giving and taking loan is a crime, why- bahunbad)

- NRB forcefully created liquidity crisis instead of solving it (destroyed blood line of the economy. In US fed making sure, there wont be problem with liquidity)

- NRB forcefully increased interest rate to 18% (This destroyed existing economy. Dumb in Nepal may not know, Fed or other country increasing rate means increasing rate of money banks take from govt. and they increase to discourage banks from taking loan from govt, real rate is not that high. But in Nepal- real rate has reached 18% and first casualty is about to be cooperative- garbage created by socialist and communist politician to loot and feed their doggo)

And Except for me, No body ask or talk about- why NRB (and their supporter- bureaucracy, media, patrakar, fake expert, alchin commenting in media/social media who supported in NRB's destruction) destroyed everything in the economy just to fix foreign currency problem which could easily have been fixed without destroying the whole economy?????


Plz, somebody hang alchinas (most of them are bahuns btw. I know, do you know why its always bahun?) from talking in the media and social media.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
निर्देशित क्षेत्रको कर्जा लगानीमा बैंकलाई सहुलियत, २०८३ असार मशान्तसम्ममा कृषि क्षेत्रमा १५ प्रतिशत कर्जा लगानी गर्नुपर्ने

I had been saying, no agriculture sector in any country in the world need 10% of total loan of that country. Now, when did pakhe bahun in Nepal increased 10% to 15%.

I said, cause NRB is forcing Banks to give agriculture loan, I suspected that loan could be going to buy land.

Who are the RCs who have been giving advice to pakeh bahuns in power in Nepal???
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
अर्थतन्त्रमा देखापरेका समस्या समाधानमा पहल गर्छु : प्रधानमन्त्री

""""पहल गर्छु"""" is he saying, he would request his swasni to fix the problem??? :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

To solved this problem, you need buddi. Since you dont have buddi, you cant identify right adviser and chose right advice.

Only revolution can solve this problem. God may have created this problem, sent you criminals in power to bring revolution.

'अर्थतन्त्र जोगाऔं' भन्दै महासंघ टोली 'घरदैलो' कार्यक्रममा,'भेटे जतिका सबैले बढेको ब्याजदरप्रति चिन्तित छौं मात्र भन्छन्'

Buddi chayo ne ta. bhariya neta hundai ma des chalauna sakcha ra.

Nepal needs 'monetary policy guidance' to fix these never ending problem. Only I can fix this problem. If new party win in next election and they ask for my advice, then only this problem will be fixed, if not, never.

I know how to make- bank, depositor as well as borrower happy. I can fix those contradictory. No one else can.

Cause I am 'SECOND TO GOD'!
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
'अर्थतन्त्र जोगाऔं' भन्दै महासंघ टोली 'घरदैलो' कार्यक्रममा,'भेटे जतिका सबैले बढेको ब्याजदरप्रति चिन्तित छौं मात्र भन्छन्'

- This crisis is due to govt, bureaucracy, sanctions and you people.

Why you people????

(Let's say, for instance, you people are clean, professional business people who are not criminal, who dont finance politicians with black money, who dont bribe bureaucracy... then why you)

- First of all, not just people elect incompetent politicians, who hire incompetent bureaucracy and advisers, ,,, you people also select incompetent business leaders like you, who is not just incompetent .... who is so incompetent who cant even find a right advisers, who cant even decide whom to listen.

If you were competent, you would have raised voice when policy were made, you would have contacted right advisers and listen to right people.

(I- I am the only one in Nepal- have been accurately analyzing about economy, policy in Nepal for around last 6 year, and still no body listens to me- this does not make me incompetent, this proves you people in power incompetent)

- Second, you people run media. Why you let some dumb pakeh patrakar do economic analysis. And their talk is always negative and dangerous. Fire them. Disappear them.

- Third, why your media keep on inviting proven failed bureaucrats for interview in you media? When you give those failures space, bureaucrats/politicians would listen to them and we get where we are now.

- I am the only one who been accurately analyzing and giving advice regarding Nepal's economy, for last 6 year and I have been proven right almost all the time. Why you people dont listen to me from the beginning? Why your media dont promote me?

- One of the reasons, we are in this situation is, you people's advice to NRB. Banker's director's association boss and the organization's advice to NRB is one of the main reason, we are in this situation.

Tell the MF to resign and stop talking in public, stop giving advice.

Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
गभर्नरलाई संकेत गर्दै अर्थमन्त्री शर्माको प्रश्न: अर्थतन्त्रमा कहाँ संकट छ ? समस्या कहाँ छ ?

- Liquidity crisis
- Interest rate is 18%
- Factories running at less than 50% capacity
- Share market has crashed
- Consumption has crashed
- Govt revenue is down by a lot
- Balance of payment is suffering

And most of them are created by govt and nrb.

And where is media made experts? why are they not answering this question? Where is media's golden boy wagle- In last 6-7 year, he has hardly talked about economy of nepal, economic crisis and still media and social media presented him as expert and some idiots bought it. That's called sati ko sarap.

After successfully selling- prachanda, baburam, yuraj k, gagan thapa and many others in the past, now media is selling golden boy wagle as great.

Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
Fool me million times, I am a sarbagyani nepali trying for green card.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
टाटाको ईभी किन्न एभरेष्ट बैंकले सस्तो ब्याजदरमा ऋण दिने

Like I said, foreign banks in Nepal is here to promote foreign product, they are threat to Nepal.

Nabil offered 12.99% to car loan.

Now everest offering 12.8...

When other loan's rate is 18%.

Sati ko sarap.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
I have been saying, cause of high tax, criminal business houses been looting Nepalese that is why they hardly complain about high tax.

First: By evading tax, they been making tons of money.

Second: Cause of high tax, they are charging huge profit.
(I have wrote about this years back somewhere in this forum. Like, suppose normal profit margin is 25%, Price-100, Tax-100 then profit margin- 50Rs. (50% of factory price). If tax had been only 10%, there profit margin would have been 27.5Rs.

हुन्डाईका विद्युतीय गाडी किन्न नबिलले १२.९९% ब्याजमा कर्जा दिने
नबिल बैंकले १२.९९ प्रतिशत ब्याजमा कर्जा

We been going through liquidity crisis, interest rate crisis. We are about to come out of that crisis. But, what loan gets first priority in lending as well as reduction of interest? Car :x


Few weeks back I read in a paper- An electric car whose price is 90lakh, and the profit margin is 15lakh.

I believe, that car's factory price is 30lakh. So that makes profit margin 50%(probably the highest in the world, profit margin in US may not even be 15%).

That business house, I believe, only invest 30lakh to buy, then get paid by the buyer and then pay tax with that money and deliver the car.

If true, it means, that business house invest 30lakh for a few weeks and make 50% return.

(I also have written about- 'why banks prioritize car loan'? Banks make money by charging interest. Banks charge least interest on car loan which means they get least profit from car loan and still why they prioritize car loan, why they charge least interest car loan??? Is chairman or ceo been getting ghus from car dalals or the chairman or ceo are sasura of car dalal???)

May be that is why there is powerful syndicate of car dalals. They can influence govt. I wonder, if chairman or ceo of banks too get ghus?

Every one in Nepal been raping Nepal and Nepalese. We need revolution.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Gagan thapa's election manifesto: Making Nepal self-sufficient in manufacturing.

I have never heard gaganthapa talking about economy or share market or banking in the past (except for one time, few months back he talked about share market- visited nrb. looks like, bureaucracy at nrb sent him back after brainwashing him)

- In my memory, I have only seen him raising voice in support of two things, passionately- in support of ghaite and mcc.

As far as I remember, Nepal's manufacturing policy has always been becoming sefl-sufficient in manufacturing goods since 30 years.

- In the name of that, they kept on raising tax.

But the tragedy is, that high tax is one of the main reason, our industries are unable to develop. That high tax is the reason (import tax) people dont want to invest in factories, cause why do you invest in factories when you can make more than 50% profit if you import and evade tax?

That tax is the reason, our cost of living is high, our doing business cost is high which is why our product cant compete.

I am sure, this manifesto is prepared by media's 'golden boy'. If gagan or golden boy becomes PM, Nepal would waste another 5 year.

May be you have heard Nepali saying: kukur batho bhayo bhane gu khacha. That manifesto is same. No one will buy your product if you tax their product high.

Nepal has to trade, cant be self sufficient. Nepal has to import raw material, machinery etc. You wont have money to buy those if you cant export. And you cant export if you tax their product.

There is another saying in Nepal: Nepal cant even make a needle. zzzzzzzzzzzzz to make needle cheaply, you have to sell crores of needles per year. Can you sell crores of needle in Nepal annually?

Stop talking about becoming self-sufficient in manufacturing.

I have build easy way to identify idiots in economics, which I have posted many times.
- If the person is anti share market, that person eventually would destroy economy.
- If somebody say 'productive sector, unproductive sector', that person eventually would destroy economy.
- If somebody talk about 'self-sufficiency', that person eventually would destroy economy.
- Kukur ko buddi hundaina, buddi hune kukur hundiana.
- Etc ETC

Our economic problem can be solved by one way only: By matching export and import.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
पहिलो त्रैमासमा ४ वाणिज्य बैंकको सीडी रेसियो ९०% माथि, राष्ट्र बैंक भन्छ-'कारबाही गर्छौं'

७ बैंकको ८८ प्रतिशत माथि छ

७ बैंकको ८६ प्रतिशतको लाइनमा छ

- Many banks have lots of money and some above cd ratio. This is cause of failed policy of NRB. Cause of failed policy of NRB, even though BFIs have a lot of money, due to high interest rate, people are not taking loan.

When people dont take loan, how would bfis with negative cd ratio get deposit?

NRB is trying beat person for not running whose legs are being tied by NRB.

Almost all monetary policy in Nepal is failed.

Govt needs to draft monetary policy guidance.

VOTE RIGHT! I know great monetary policy guidance.

I can make all four- depositor, lender, bank, govt happy.

Some may ask, how could depositor, lender and bank, all can be happy at the same time?

Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
मूल्यवृद्धि अचाक्ली बढ्यो, सबै क्षेत्रको भाउ उक्लियो, राष्ट्र बैंक भन्छ काठमाडौंमा त कमै हो(This is how NRB responds, blame or divert the problem)(We need revolution in NRB- those bureaucrats who dont have experience in private sectors should not be making policies)

- sanction started hyper inflation.
- to control inflation, nrb pushed interest to 18% and stopped credit, which took us to hyper inflation.

After stagflation, are we into hyperinflation????

Dont forget to thank NRB and the judge who reinstated governor.

VOTE RIGHT! We need revolution in bureaucracy, I have ideas.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
उद्योगमा ठूलो संकट: उत्पादन र बिक्री ७० प्रतिशतसम्म घट्यो, कतै श्रमिक कटौती शुरु

((((Repeat)))) from: Tue Sep 20, 2022 11:15 am

Cash Is Trash!

Remember what I have been saying: Recession is normal economic cycle while depression, stagflation then hyper inflation is man made.

Internally in Nepal, there are only two domestic factors which push for stagflation. And that is high interest rate and Monitory tightening pushed by NRB (and advisers and finance ministry). (There are some international factors which are pushing for stagflation is squeeze of supply chain caused by sanction)

What have high interest rate and unnecessary Monitory tightening pushed by NRB, done so far???

- Due to high interest rate and monitory tightening, govt has to spend more money to address loan. Cause of stagflation, govt revenue is down too.

In the past, let's say, govt used to spend 100 for 100 things. Like- 50 for operation, 10 for loan settlement, 40 for development.

Now cause of high interest rate and monitory tightening and lower revenue, govt will be spending 50 on operation, 20 for loan and 25 for development (total=95 things and spent 95money) (today we have stagflation)

** And when there is hyper inflation - govt will be spending 150 on operation (since salary and all expenditure will increase by a lot) and has to borrow 50 to settle loan and no development fund.

- Private sector: Cause of high interest rate and unnecessary monitory tightening. Sell has fallen, but to pay high interest rate, they have to increase price of goods and services. And since interest rate is high and demand falling due to stagflation- there wont be new production capacity build up.

** And this will lead to hyper inflation. Sell number will fall but they will charge high price. Their expenses will sky rocket too.

- We have already seen in Coke: Coke price used to be 225 few months ago, today its 265. Almost close to 20% increase. Their sell no is low, but revenue is up. Hyper inflation.

- I think last time, barbar's rate was 150 now it's 200. 1/3 increment. As per nepali expert, when demand is down, price is suppose to go down, but it is increasing. I believe people are cutting their hair after longer time.

When interest rate is 15-17%, and demand is low, what would people do- increase price of everything to pay interest. Meaning hyper inflation. All caused by NRB policy of super high interest rate and unnecessary tightening of monitory policy.

Some are saying this will lead to super high share market. True, just like Zimbabwe, Venezuela, srilanka, pakistan.

Like I have been saying for 6-8 year- when banks give high interest on deposit, it wont increase your wealth, it will destroy your wealth.

Those who have deposited money in bank, holding cash in greed for high interest .... their cash will turn into trash.

And we all know, our pakhes running country- politicians, bureaucracy, nrb, and their advisers- they will advise opposite and act and advice to increase interest rate to tackle hyper inflation.

This is how 'Cash will turn into trash and share market- super high'. And dont forget to thank NRB.

NRB's super high interest rate and unnecessary tightening of monitory policy has already pushed Nepal into stagflation and soon start hyper inflation.

SECOND IN GOD said: 'Pakhe le des chalaune haina.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
भारतमा दुर्गापूजाको समयमा पनि एफएमसिजीको बिक्री बढेन, उपभोक्ताको आम्दानी घट्दै गएकोमा चिन्ता

- I started this formula in Nepal to guess economic condition of public. Since there is no reliable data in Nepal like GDP, we need something.

In India too, they are doing same.

Soon Media will start same in Nepal, remember, I started it. And those khare partrakar will think they know economics :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

(How many trend 'SECOND TO GOD' has stared in Nepal and in the world- Many)

By coping my trend made baburam hero.

Its amazing, when petrol, diesel consumption fall by 40-50%, idiot so called expert cant guess how bad economy of Nepal is.

VOTE RIGHT! Nepal needs radical transformation. I have ideas regarding- how to identify, promote right person for the right job.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
ब्याजदर वृद्धिको निर्णय तत्काल स्थगन गर्न महासंघको माग


Remember what I have been saying: Recession is normal economic cycle while depression, stagflation then hyper inflation is man made.

Internally in Nepal, there are only two domestic factors which pushed for stagflation. And that is high interest rate and Monitory tightening pushed by NRB (and advisers and finance ministry). (There are some international factors which are pushing for stagflation is squeeze of supply chain caused by sanction)

Knock knock
Who is there
Hyper inflation

Cause of high interest rate and unnecessary monitory tightening. Sell has fallen, but to pay high interest rate, they have to increase price of goods and services. And since interest rate is high and demand falling due to stagflation- there wont be new production capacity build up.

And this will lead to hyper inflation. Sell number will fall but they will charge high price. Their expenses will sky rocket too.

And share market will go rocket too.



Old Post:

Cash Is Trash

Remember what I have been saying: Recession is normal economic cycle while depression, stagflation then hyper inflation is man made.

Internally in Nepal, there are only two domestic factors which push for stagflation. And that is high interest rate and Monitory tightening pushed by NRB (and advisers and finance ministry). (There are some international factors which are pushing for stagflation is squeeze of supply chain caused by sanction)

What have high interest rate and unnecessary Monitory tightening pushed by NRB, done so far???

- Due to high interest rate and monitory tightening, govt has to spend more money to address loan. Cause of stagflation, govt revenue is down too.

In the past, let's say, govt used to spend 100 for 100 things. Like- 50 for operation, 10 for loan settlement, 40 for development.

Now cause of high interest rate and monitory tightening and lower revenue, govt will be spending 50 on operation, 20 for loan and 25 for development (total=95 things and spent 95money) (today we have stagflation)

** And when there is hyper inflation - govt will be spending 150 on operation (since salary and all expenditure will increase by a lot) and has to borrow 50 to settle loan and no development fund.

- Private sector: Cause of high interest rate and unnecessary monitory tightening. Sell has fallen, but to pay high interest rate, they have to increase price of goods and services. And since interest rate is high and demand falling due to stagflation- there wont be new production capacity build up.

** And this will lead to hyper inflation. Sell number will fall but they will charge high price. Their expenses will sky rocket too.

- We have already seen in Coke: Coke price used to be 225 few months ago, today its 265. Almost close to 20% increase. Their sell no is low, but revenue is up. Hyper inflation.

- I think last time, barbar's rate was 150 now it's 200. 1/3 increment. As per nepali expert, when demand is down, price is suppose to go down, but it is increasing. I believe people are cutting their hair after longer time.

When interest rate is 15-17%, and demand is low, what would people do- increase price of everything to pay interest. Meaning hyper inflation. All caused by NRB policy of super high interest rate and unnecessary tightening of monitory policy.

Some are saying this will lead to super high share market. True, just like Zimbabwe, Venezuela, srilanka, pakistan.

Like I have been saying for 6-8 year- when banks give high interest on deposit, it wont increase your wealth, it will destroy your wealth.

Those who have deposited money in bank, holding cash in greed for high interest .... their cash will turn into trash.

And we all know, our pakhes running country- politicians, bureaucracy, nrb, and their advisers- they will advise opposite and act and advice to increase interest rate to tackle hyper inflation.

This is how 'Cash will turn into trash and share market- super high'. And dont forget to thank NRB.

NRB's super high interest rate and unnecessary tightening of monitory policy has already pushed Nepal into stagflation and soon start hyper inflation.

SECOND IN GOD said: 'Pakhe le des chalaune haina.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
I think last time, barbar's rate was 150 now it's 200. 1/3 increment. As per nepali expert, when demand is down, price is suppose to go down, but it is increasing. I believe people are cutting their hair after longer time.

Cash Is Trash

Remember what I have been saying: Recession is normal economic cycle while depression, stagflation then hyper inflation is man made.

Internally in Nepal, there are only two domestic factors which push for stagflation. And that is high interest rate and Monitory tightening pushed by NRB (and advisers and finance ministry). (There are some international factors which are pushing for stagflation is squeeze of supply chain caused by sanction)

What have high interest rate and unnecessary Monitory tightening pushed by NRB, done so far???

- Due to high interest rate and monitory tightening, govt has to spend more money to address loan. Cause of stagflation, govt revenue is down too.

In the past, let's say, govt used to spend 100 for 100 things. Like- 50 for operation, 10 for loan settlement, 40 for development.

Now cause of high interest rate and monitory tightening and lower revenue, govt will be spending 50 on operation, 20 for loan and 25 for development (total=95 things and spent 95money) (today we have stagflation)

** And when there is hyper inflation - govt will be spending 150 on operation (since salary and all expenditure will increase by a lot) and has to borrow 50 to settle loan and no development fund.

- Private sector: Cause of high interest rate and unnecessary monitory tightening. Sell has fallen, but to pay high interest rate, they have to increase price of goods and services. And since interest rate is high and demand falling due to stagflation- there wont be new production capacity build up.

** And this will lead to hyper inflation. Sell number will fall but they will charge high price. Their expenses will sky rocket too.

- We have already seen in Coke: Coke price used to be 225 few months ago, today its 265. Almost close to 20% increase. Their sell no is low, but revenue is up. Hyper inflation.

- I think last time, barbar's rate was 150 now it's 200. 1/3 increment. As per nepali expert, when demand is down, price is suppose to go down, but it is increasing. I believe people are cutting their hair after longer time.

When interest rate is 15-17%, and demand is low, what would people do- increase price of everything to pay interest. Meaning hyper inflation. All caused by NRB policy of super high interest rate and unnecessary tightening of monitory policy.

Some are saying this will lead to super high share market. True, just like Zimbabwe, Venezuela, srilanka, pakistan.

Like I have been saying for 6-8 year- when banks give high interest on deposit, it wont increase your wealth, it will destroy your wealth.

Those who have deposited money in bank, holding cash in greed for high interest .... their cash will turn into trash.

And we all know, our pakhes running country- politicians, bureaucracy, nrb, and their advisers- they will advise opposite and act and advice to increase interest rate to tackle hyper inflation.

This is how 'Cash will turn into trash and share market- super high'. And dont forget to thank NRB.

NRB's super high interest rate and unnecessary tightening of monitory policy has already pushed Nepal into stagflation and soon start hyper inflation.

SECOND IN GOD said: 'Pakhe le des chalaune haina.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
REMEMBER::::::: 'Second to GOD' once said- "Recession is normal economic phenomenon, Depression is Man made".


Lenders should not pay interest until- 40% interest is refunded and interest is reduced to 10%.

I think, as per law, loan shark cant charge more than 10% interest on loan. Somebody need to sue banks and NRB against current interest rate on loan.

Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Problem in Nepal started as 'a foreign currency crisis', now have turned into 'deep economic crisis' by NRB (Dont forget finance ministry and all those advisers and media).


- Petrol and diesel consumption have halved (some diesel customer may have gone to electricity by half is not possible)
- Sherbahadur said, 'govt cant even provide salary to bureaucrats'.

Does not this sign mean total collapse? There is tighter restriction on import and customer does not care. Does not this also mean, customer is broke.

And 'Other than me' hardly any one been saying anything.

When things were good- when we only had foreign currency crisis' so many fake expert and media were giving negative advice. NRB were barking negativity.

Its like they were well organized to destroy Nepal's economy. You do see that, if Nepal's economy doubles, RAW/CIA has to double their investment in Nepal to buy same no of doggo.

May be that is why their doggo always been there to create crisis in Nepal.

Now, all of those alchinas are hiding in a hole.

That guy, whose whole family is professional economic dalal of dalal congress, who became hero after UN sent him to give advise to srilanka, where is he? where is his advice or solution to current problem.

When he was in power position, Nepal were facing similar problem srilanka is facing. But he said nothing, he had no idea what was going on in Nepal, but same guy was invited by UN to give advice to Srilanka.

Nepal is facing total economic collapse, and he is no where to be found. May be someday soon, World bank will pay him to advice some country who is in similar economic problem like current Nepal.

He neither has experience, nor known to be intelligent and still UN hired him. Why? Is CIA trying to create young leader in Nepal. Cause before his srilanka visit, he was kind of a no body except for professional dalal in dalal congress.

VOTE RIGHT, Nepal's economy is in deep crisis created by NRB, government, advisers. I am the only one who knows economics in Nepal (there could be some hidden expert, but non among media faces). We need new power in govt who needs to draft permanent 'monitory policy guideline' and 'NRB policy'.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Economy on right track: Nepal Rastra Bank Governor Adhikari

Is this suppose to be a joke?

Nepal is the only place where incompetent are not humiliated.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Zoltan: "This Is What The New World Order Will Look Like" After Europe's Minsky Moment "Where $2 Trillion Of German Value Depends On $20 Billion Of Russian Gas"

This is what Economics boys!

I have been talking about fundamentals like this, I have been warning about this. Not just in europe and west but also in Nepal. And there is chain reaction too.

NRB, bureaucracy, fake expert, wanna be expert in media and social media destroyed economy of Nepal even after my warning.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Mon Aug 29, 2022 1:42 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
चालु पूँजी कर्जाको नयाँ व्यवस्थाले निजी क्षेत्र सशंकित, कर्जाको सीमा निर्धारण गर्दा २५ प्रतिशत मात्र गरिनु अव्यवहारिक: महासँघ

:D :D :D :D :D :D

In politics, there is a saying:

First they came for X, I said nothing.
Then they came for Y, I again said nothing.
Then they came for me, Nobody said nothing.

Same with Nepal's economy, share market. Every time, during previous economic crisis again in this economic crisis, first sector they blamed is 'share market'. Not just them, those criminal, black marketer also blamed 'share market'. No NRB is also going after business.

Is this funny or something tragic?

NRB been attacking one after another but problem is not solving. Why? Cause if you try to fix something, which did not create the problem, problem wont be fixed. Instead, new problem arises. Now, whole economy is crashing- proof: collapse in petrol and diesel demand.

Dont tell me, I did not warn about this crisis.

Cause I am Second to GOD.

Last crisis, liquidity crisis was caused by high import lead by over investment in business like hotel, cement factory etc. I kept on saying, the liquidity crisis was cause of over investment, and govt need to slow it down, dont hit the economy with tighter monitory policy and high interest rate.

But they kept on saying: it is due to high bank loan. (every idiot in nrb, government, adviser, media, social media kept on saying that).

What I taught them last time, they learned this time. They are now saying, liquidity crisis is caused by high import.
(liquidity crisis is also caused by govt policy, monitory policy, NPL etc).

This time, also same liquidity crisis, we are facing. This time it is cause of high price of commodity in international market due to sanction and war. But in Nepal, they first blamed on share market, now NRB is hitting on every sector.

Current, main cause of liquidity crisis is lack of export. Instead of solving this problem, they are hitting every sector and have already destroyed the whole economy.
(I thought, they are going to increase export of cement, but I have not heard of it. Current finance minister and finance secretary and prime minister is destroying Nepal's economy and selling Nepal.)

May be they will learn current problem in next crisis from me. There are dozens of major fundamentals in economy. If they learn one in every 3-5 year, how long would it take them to learn about all?

All problem is cause by not listening to me. Instead they listen to dumbs from media and social media and criminal dumb experts. I tried to silence them all, but could not cause I am not getting help.

Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
कडाईले घट्यो आयात, चालु आर्थिक वर्षको पहिलो महिना १ खर्ब ३१ अर्बको मात्रै सामान आयात

If they had tightened import when I advised them, our liquidity crisis would have been solved 9 month back and it would have prevented total economic collapse. Instead, they wanted to decreased import by destroying our economy and killing nepalese.

Govt needs to tighten import for another 3/4 month. Then slowly loosen it.

Few days ago, I read that our petrol and diseal consumption have decreased by half. Wanna be expert in media and social media may tell you, this is a good thing.

NO, this is the sign of 'the total collapse of economy of nepal'.

NRB and fake economic advisers have destroyed economy of Nepal.

sati ko sarap.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
कोभिडकै अवस्थामा अर्थतन्त्र, बजार खुला छ तर सबै आर्थिक तनावमा, व्यवसायीक क्षेत्र खुम्चिँदै

Dont tell me I did not warn about this. Even more importantly, I am the only one who warned about this.

I know, dumb are not just dumb, their memory is also bad. :D

Blame dont just go to- NRB, governor, d governors, top nrb officials, finance secretary, tax secretary, finance minister, pm, their advisers, fake economist in media/social media, wanna be economist in social media/media but also on media.

I have always been saying, the biggest criminal in Nepal are:
1: Media
2: Judiciary
3: Police

Media did not just publish alchina negative views/advise from fake economist to wanna be economist, they also published 'srilanka crisis' 'chinese debt trap' propaganda (china only holds 10% share in srilankan loan- I did a simple check in social media about 'where loan in srilanka went to. I found that chinese loan went to port and port city but i could not find where loan form cia (89%+) loan went to)

All those negative views/advise from fake economist/wanna be economist and srilanka crisis affected decision making of nrb as well as govt.

You need positive action to build a country, and we find negative view/advise every where in Media. One advisor who gave negative advise to nrb, fm, pm is now ambassador to india- who is sher bahadur ko swasni le paleko kukur.

Media is not just no.1 criminal in Nepal, Media also has been destroying society and economy of Nepal.

We better take care of media asap.

How dangerous media could be?

Ukraine war.

I blame media, that cause of media ukraine was is possible.

There is war in ukriane cause people of europe supported it.

People of europe supported it cause they hate Russia.

They have Russia cause CIA/MI6 media told them to hate Russia.

For example- Years before this war, there were, mostly in MI6 media, and CIA media they organized fake assentation by Russia using nerve agent/poison.

The most powerful poison that did not kill three people. But it were in MI6/CIA media every where. I think MI6 was behind those fake poisonings drama. (MI6 involved in white helmet. russia gate, anti china etc)

This is how, by using fake media, they were able to start war in Ukraine.

VOTE RIGHT, media in Nepal is not just no1 criminal in Nepal, they are creating economic, social, foriegn policy problem. We need to take cared of them. We are in last stage, media is one of the culprits. We need to investigate media and their financial backers. Their activities, connection with foriegn and domestic enemies.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
धरानमा बराह सहकारीपीडित आन्दोलित, मेयर साम्पाङको कार्यकक्ष तोडफोड

Every idiot think they know all. Reality is 99% are dumb.

Reason behind collapse of cooperative is- it is impossible business. Only real cooperative which is involved in cooperative like agriculture is sustainable and beneficial.

In Nepal, cooperative is introduced to challenge bfis and for politicians to loot.

Blame these for collapse of cooperative- politicians, nrb, yuraj k ....

People are so dumb, they dont know whom to blame.

Find out which politicians are behind the cooperative. Burn them and their houses, burn NRB, burn yurak k.

Without out working a single day or without investing in life- yuraj k has become owner of 10s of croroe. No surprise how he made all that money.

This yuraj k, who increased tax on every one decreased income tax on cooperative. Burn Yuraj k.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7691
Newman ji after months or even year.

mero profit ma jana 30-40% badnu parcha. months bhayo share lai secondly follow na ga reko.

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