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Economic policy for Nepal

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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7701
Government's economic priority/budget should be:

1: Reducing cost of production, increasing productivity, reducing cost of living

2: Export (2 is the most important, but without achieving 1st, 2nd is not possible)

3: Infrastructure (this should be third priority which has been first since democracy came, 3 is slowly turning into a debt trap, so chose project wisely and project design)

4: Job creation (this looks like should be first priority but no, Cause without above 1, 2and 3, 4th is not possible)

5: Income increment (People wants this to be first, but not necessary cause when 1, 2, 3 and 4 are achieved, we get 5th automatically) (this is put in the priority to create vote bank otherwise this is not necessary to be included in the priority list)

Make amendment in job description of NRB:

1: GDP growth
2: Liquidity
3: Job creation
4: Share market preservation, promotion
5: Preserving of wealth
6: Foreign currency and gold reserve
7: Monetary policy should be stable. But change should be made immediately when there is emergency.

Punish NRB officials if they harm any of the above.

Government needs to create 'Treasury department'
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7701
Monetary policy Or Fiscal policy.

- Monetary policy controls interest rate, liquidity- meaning controls economic activity.

- Fiscal policy controls resource (utilization of resource/money- govt revenue/budget), taxation- only helps economic activity indirectly.

If monetary policy destroy economic activity- there wont be govt revenue or revenue decreases. And Fiscal policy will be tied up, helpless.

Currently- monetary policy has destroyed all economic activities (except for remittance based economy) using monetary policy tightening by liquidity tightening and forcefully increasing interest rate.

We all know about high interest rate.

Let's talk about liquidity: (Liquidity is the blood of economy, no liquidity or inadequate or high liquidity is bad for the economy)

- As per NRB balance sheet- NRB as sent more than 6 kharab cash into Nepal.

- In those 6+ kharab cash- under many subject- NRB has frozen a lot of cash. Probably around 3 kharab.

- During the time of last governor, there was liquidity crisis too, created by NRB too. He too used to ran NRB, monetary policy driven by is sanak. So to solve liquidity crisis- he forced BFIs to issue BOND. And said- BFIs can fully use that money to provide loan.

- Current Governor too is running NRB/ monetary policy through his sanak. Today, NRB is saying, BFIs cant count BOND while calculating CD ration (I guess, It means BOND money cant be used to provide loan). BFIs may have issued 25-50 billion amount of cash. So, NRB's monetary policy has dried liquidity of another 25-50 billion by force.

One governor's sanak forced bfis to issue bond to create liquidity and another governor's sanak evaporated 25-50 billion of liquidity.

- CD ratio- another monetary tool floated by governor's sanak. I may or may not be correct. What does CD ratio even mean. If BFIs can only provide 90% of deposit as loan. Then what happens to capital and reserve of BFIs.

I believe- BFIs capital and reserve amount to more than 5 kharab. If they cant use it to provide loan or invest in shares then that would reduce liquidity by a lot.

Above are just some of the tools NRB's sanak used to tighten liquidity. And they have already increased interest rate to un workable level.

Liquidity tightening by force and high interest rates had destroyed economic activity.

Low economic activity and high interest rate has increased NPL by a lot. Real problem inside banking is far worst than seen on the outside.

And low economic activity has reduced govt revenue.

And when govt revenue is low- fiscal policy is tied up.

Unless monetary policy kick start economic activity and save loan borrower and share market- govt wont be able to make good revenue. No good revenue means- fiscal policy is tied up.

Only monetary policy can save economy of Nepal. NRB has destroyed blood of the economy- low liquidity and high interest rate.

Those who say- it's job of fiscal policy to save the economy are dumb.- Not monetary policy.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7701
What FM can do to help share market in the budget:

- Make insurance, pension fund invest min of 25% to max of 60% in share market- they should be banned to sell for 2.5 year.

- Let cooperative invest their capital and reserve in share market freely- they should be banned to sell for 2.5 year.

- Let BfIs invest their capital and reserve in share market freely- they should be banned to sell for 2.5 year

- Create market maker union by including many groups with capital of more than 25 crore- and total capital should be 25% of market capitalization. They should sell 85% their stocks when market is too high and invest 95% when market is too low. If there is collapse of market and market is under valued- govt should lend them two times their capital at 0% interest until market reach reasonable.
They should be transparent- their balance sheet, when they be selling or buying (when market is over valued or under valued- like when they will be intervening)

- Bring in foriegn investors including NRB

- There should be law to prevent actions by any authority in undermining share market. And they should be punished, at least fired for life.

- Let Banks invest in banks too.

- Hydro and other sectors (all sectors) should keep promoter share as promoter share. No promoter share should be converted into ordinary. Converting has become part of corruption.

- Policy that tightens share markets should be banned.


Government's economic priority/budget should be:

1: Reducing cost of production, increasing productivity, reducing cost of living

2: Export (2 is the most important, but without achieving 1st, 2nd is not possible)

3: Infrastructure (this should be third priority which has been first since democracy came, 3 is slowly turning into a debt trap, so chose project wisely and project design)

4: Job creation (this looks like should be first priority but no, Cause without above 1, 2and 3, 4th is not possible)

5: Income increment (People wants this to be first, but not necessary cause when 1, 2, 3 and 4 are achieved, we get 5th automatically) (this is put in the priority to create vote bank otherwise this is not necessary to be included in the priority list)

Make amendment in job description of NRB:

1: GDP growth
2: Liquidity
3: Job creation
4: Share market preservation, promotion
5: Preserving of wealth
6: Foreign currency and gold reserve
7: Monetary policy should be stable. But change should be made immediately when there is emergency.

Punish NRB officials if they harm any of the above.

Government needs to create 'Treasury department'
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7701
I did not say this before thinking this could panic the society/market.

Read following:

Most of the People paying interest from money they arranged through-
- borrowing
- saving
- diverting money from other expenses.

Meaning, total collapsed has already happened. I was hoping govt would do something huge (I knew NRB wont) to save the economy. Nothing happened. It's all over.

It's time for people to rise like in srilanka, bangladesh.

All politicians and bureaucrats and crook business community should be dragged into the street and hack them.

All NRB officials should be sliced.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7701
Remember? When Economic Martyr Prem Acharya burned himself infront of the parliament almost 100 days back, many talked big, many made a lot of noise .......

Almost after 100 days, govt/NRB have hardly changed any policy, have not addressed economic/share market crisis effectively.

And where is Dr.Tosima???????

Empty vessel makes a lot of noise.

Since then, many have already killed themselves, many more will follow.....

Like I have been saying, committing suicide wont solve anything, you need to kill incompetent, dalal, ghusya to solve problem in Nepal.

""'I"""" SECOND TO GOD - can solve half the problem in a day and another half (export) with in a year.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7701
As per govt's statistics bureau- Nepal's economy is in negative by around 1%.

They are calling it recession but technical term is stagflation. Meaning- GDP down and presence of high inflation.

Reality is, in my view, Nepal GDP growth could be negative of 5-10%. Those who are not feeling collapse of GDP is cause they get their salary from their employee who have been paying them not from profit but from borrowed or saved money.


- Mon Sep 19, 2022 5:23 pm (

In the past, let's say, govt used to spend 100 for 100 things. Like- 50 for operation, 10 for loan settlement, 40 for development.

Now cause of high interest rate and monitory tightening and lower revenue, govt will be spending 50 on operation, 20 for loan and 25 for development (total=95 things and spent 95money) (today we have stagflation)

** And when there is hyper inflation - govt will be spending 150 on operation (since salary and all expenditure will increase by a lot) and has to borrow 50 to settle loan and no development fund.


How to over come stagflation?
- Reverse all monetary policy tightening. Save economy, Save share market.
- Pump 150 billion into the economy.

We have stagflation by why ingos like IMF, World bank too predicted min growth???
- I think they just copy NRB and reduce some percentage.

Remember, I have been saying for years- growth and recession is normal economic process but collapse is man made. And collapse of Nepal's economy is made by NRB and their advisers and Finance ministry and media and those who posts in media and social media.

Our economy may have crashed by 5-10% and it is due to NRB and hardly anyone is blaming them. Sati ko sarap. Kukur ko jati pani buddi chaina, and still think they (those who talk about economy in media/social media/bureaucrats/advisers/media know-all.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7701
राष्ट्र बैंकको कदमले केही असहज भए पनि दुर्घटनाबाट बचायो- महाप्रसाद अधिकारी

To solve foriegn currency problem, NRB/maha prashade killed many and destroyed the life of millions.

Many committed suicide and NRB officials dont give a dam. I been saying- committing suicide does not solve anything in Nepal- we have to kill the culprit.

It could have been solved just by controlling import and fixing export.

All NRB/Govt should have done was: Reduce import by 100/150 billion for sometime and increase export in that borrowed time.

They could have decrease import of:

Vehicles by 50 billion
Decrease foreign tourism by 50 billion
And others like- mobile phone, electronics, petrol, junk food, cosmetics, garments etc etc by 50 billion.

Govt/NRB just needed to make a simple decision to fix foreign currency problem, but instead, they kill many, destroyed the life of crores of Nepalese. And very few criticized got and hardly anyone blamed NRB.

Now, who is going to make them responsible for what they did.

It's amazing, they openly, regularly, loudly been saying- they are the ones who destroyed the economy and not more than handful been blaming them. Sati ko sarap. And still, there are thousands- mr.knowall in media/social media.

Victims should burn down NRB.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7701
AMAZING!!!!!!! How corrupt, bully, gangster politician beg NRB officials (who are their own doggo and whom they themselves appointed) for policy change.

NC, UML, Maoist openly intervene in judiciary (which are suppose to be the most independent institution) cause they are scared of going to jail.

But those, not so bright bahuns, dont know cause of NRB, they could lose election then go to jail. Which is happening in front of out own eyes.

And CIA, EU- who dont care when politician intervene in judiciary- cause they want judiciary to be completely destroyed too (even though- eu, cia, raw have the most influence in judiciary of Nepal)

But CIA, EU make noise when- govt, politician try to intervene in NRB. Why? Cause NRB is completely controlled by CIA and they dont want govt, politicians' influence in NRB.

To save yourself- top 6 officials of NRB should be fired, relation with IMF should be ended- stop taking loan/grant/help from IMF and pay back their loan ASAP. And while at it, fire insurance bureau boss too.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7701
- Mon Sep 19, 2022 5:23 pm (

In the past, let's say, govt used to spend 100 for 100 things. Like- 50 for operation, 10 for loan settlement, 40 for development.

Now cause of high interest rate and monitory tightening and lower revenue, govt will be spending 50 on operation, 20 for loan and 25 for development (total=95 things and spent 95money) (today we have stagflation)

** And when there is hyper inflation - govt will be spending 150 on operation (since salary and all expenditure will increase by a lot) and has to borrow 50 to settle loan and no development fund.


चालु खर्च कटौतीको असफल प्रयासपछि विकास खर्च घटाउन ४ सचिवसँग अर्थको छलफल


I told you so. You are welcome- SECOND TO GOD!

Fire top 6 officials from NRB.

One of the reason we have collapsed economy is IMF. IMF's job given by CIA is make sure countries they dont like dont progress.

Nepal should stop taking- loan, grant, help from IMF.

Also fire boss of Insurance board.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7701
The main task (or the only) of monetary policy is to manage- liquidity and interest rate.

And every alchina idiots keep on saying- interest rate should be fixed by market, not the job of NRB.

An it was monitory policy of 1.5 year ago which destroyed liquidity and interest rate. And now when people are asking to un do it, they are saying, it's not their job.

MFs. Shut up!
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7701
Liquidity crisis: (I have talked about this many time)

- In Nepal, under many topic or name, they keep fund outside the system like CD ratio, govt revenue, probably NRB profit (which is 50billion/year) ....... then tell banks to bring in dollar loan to provide domestic loan.

That would be like debt trap. And future liquidity crisis.

Not using fund would lose interest by that fun and increase cost of other fund. And taking foriegn loan means Nepal be paying them interest in foreign currency which means Nepal losses foreign currency as well as it will lead to liquidity crisis when money exist.

Top 5 in NRB should be fired.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7701
Let me repeat again:

In Nepal, NEPSE has always crashed before economic crash. And NEPSE has always increased before economic recovery.

Economy always performed badly under those politicians, bureaucrats who ignore share market.

Economy has always collapsed under those politicians, bureaucrats who tried to destroy share market.

This is from my last 10 year of experience.

And still, Idiots, alchinas, incompetent keep on saying- NEPSE cant become face of our economy.

If you want to predict the economy, find out the views of finance minister, PM, NRB, bureaucrats at finance ministry, their advisers regarding share market.

Current NRB, former finance minister and bureaucracy and their advisers had far worst view and action towards share market, and under them- economy is also destroyed.

They had worst view than the view of yuraj k and share market and economy performed worst than under yuraj k. And remember, current governor is doggo of yuraj k.

People appointed by KP oli has destroyed share market and economy and insurance sector- governor, insurance board boss. Those before them destroyed too but current are the worst. Things are only getting worse in Nepal.

All those in finance ministry- former fms (sharma/paudel) and bureaucrats who destroyed economy are either fired or transferred, but those whose played the bigger role- in NRB and insurance bureau are still there.

So bureaucrats are above the law and more powerful than ministers? Top 5 in NRB and some in insurance board should be fired or even better, hung.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7701
धनुषवाण चलाउन नजान्ने युधिष्ठिर बलिया भए जस्तै नयाँ अर्थमन्त्री पनि त्यस्तै बलिया आउनुपर्छ: पूर्व अर्थ सचिव बास्कोटाको विचार

"Bahun bad"

This is the buddi/knowledge/brain of bahun, and with the similar knowledge they been running Nepal, making decision, drafting policies and law/rules.

I dont know, if this ex finance secretary gave advice which lead to current collapse of Nepal's economy, but, he has very dangerous/dumb views regarding economy which lead to what Nepal is- sh!t hole. And he was an economic secretary.

Look at this dumb bahun- no laj/dignity, no knowledge- and still speaks non sense. Cause he has no laj so does not mind taking sh!t about things he does not know.

Who told him Udisthir did not know how to operate bow? Udisthir was good at it. Just cause Udisthir was not as good as Arjun, Bhisma, Karna does not mean he was not good.

With similar mentality- these bahuns been running Nepal. They always think what they think is right.

Same mentality was behind decision making behind NRB's decision making- which lead to current collapse of economy of Nepal. Bahun should be banned in politics, bureaucracy, media to build Nepal.

लाज नवयाको अहंकारी अग्यानी मुर्ख बहन
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7701
Now every idiot in media has begun to talk about collapse of the economy. But not a single one knows or take about what caused it or who were behind the collapse.

NRB openly, loudly kept on saying that they are going to destroy the economy and still idiots dont see it.

Total crash of share market, economy is caused by action and policy created by 'bahun bad' influenced by their- character, personality, dalali, corruption, crime, jealousy, incompetency, over confidence, ignorance, psychopathy behavior .........

Like always- prachanda's 100 days about to be total failure like always. He talked a lot, promised many but zero action. Half of the economic and share market problem could have been solved with in a day wasting a drop of ink.... but Prachanda has not ability.

बीमा कम्पनीकाे पूँजी वृद्धिका लागि प्राधिकरणले समय नथप्ने, रिक्स बेस क्यापिटल लागू गर्ने

Economy and share market are destroyed by NRB.

Insurance sector and insurance share price are destroyed by Insurance board.

And remember; both were appointed by KP oli.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Thu Mar 23, 2023 1:07 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7701
बैंकरलाई राष्ट्र बैंकले भन्यो- खराब कर्जा ५ प्रतिशतमाथि पुग्छ, तयारी अवस्थामा बस्नू

Read below- """Rise of Bahunbad""" to understand why NRB did what they did- to understand their policy, attitude, characters etc etc.


"""Rise of Bahunbad"""

You may have heard about evolution- how human came into existence from ape.

I keep on hearing from some in social media questioning- if human came from ape then why there are still apes, why they have not turned into human???
- Ape does not turn into human just cause they reach 10s of millions of years. It's not evolution.

Evolution is change not old age, evolution is adoption.

How ape turned into human over millions of years? (My view, science may or may not have said this before. Since, I am too lazy to read books, especially long books, I dont know)

- Change is environment where you need to adopt to survive forced ape to evolve.
When surrounding changed and new surrounding demanded more of a brain (thinking, decision making etc) rather than speed or strength etc, ape kept on changing.

When ape needed more of thinking, solving problem with brain rather than power or speed, their body structure kept on changing and their brain kept on growing.... which created new species called human.

This change in environment could be due to migrating into new places. And those ape which did not face radical, new environment stayed as ape or close to old ape.

That is how some ape went on to became human while others remained as ape.

And even in human, human migrated from africa to different places. And human from different places are different who developed into different characters, features whom we now know as 'RACE'.

Which means, race is also evolution.

I think, most intelligent race is Chinese. Cause they faced more challenges. When they left africa, first they settled in middle east or europe. So their brain developed more, and from their they travelled to central asia so their brain developed further to face more challenge .....

So how "bahunbad evolved"?

When human's job was divided, their offspring took over that job. And later, through that job, they got new name 'race' or surname.

Who was bahun?
- Usually those associated with religious activity. And cause of their job, they became close to those in power.

What bahuns did?
- Read a book and repeat the same book over and over and over. And stay close to power.

Many educated people say, reading books is good. But what I have found is reading too much book makes you dumb and hypocrite. May be some of you have realized that those who read too much book are hypocrite and not so bright.

Rise of bahunbad:
1: What happens when you read too much book?

- Dumb: When you read too many book or repeat same or talk about same over and over, your brain wont develop to perform different task, your brain wont be able to solved different or new task. That is why, bahuns are dumb.

- Talkative: When you read one book and keep on telling others same thing over and over, you become talkative. That is why bahuns talk too much while what they say hardly make any sense or worthless talk/views.

- Loose ability to learn, especially on their own: Kind of a dumb. All they could do is memorize but since the universe is far far greater, trillion times greater- that book knowledge wont be enough for you. You wont be able to think on you own. All you could do is memorize but wont be able to understand the book. That is why, bahuns have certificates but no brain. Even bahuns with Phd is useless.

2: What happens when you are close to power but you are not power?
- Dalali/Agent
: Those in power demand dalali from you. So over time, you would develop dalali personality.

- Praising power: Kind of dalali.

- Back biting: Those in power want you to praise the power and talk bad about others. You start to talk about others behind their back.

- Bullying: You become dalal of power while using that influence, you bully others.

- Misuse of influence/position: This must be how, bahuns started the trend that "kings are children of god" while made themselves as "agent of god".
This is how, bahuns made their race and those in power's race higher race as other race inferior.

Ask yourself- how can the race be of higher race who does not have dignity, brain, weak, fraud, dalal/agent of higher race?

And look at those in power- they really believe that they are children of god when some call them lizard from the moon.

- Weak/chicken: When you make others do the fighting for you, you will become weak over time.

- Lier: When you have to lie while praising, back biting- over time you become lier.

- No dignity: When you have all bad quality, you wont have dignity. And you take bone thrown at you.

- Thief: When you do all bad things, stealing wont be a problem for you.

- Double crosser/sell out: When you do all above, you wont have problem double cross your master when balance of power changes. Jumping off the ship when there is fire.

- There could be many more.

And when your race repeat/continue 1&2 for 100s or years, 1000s of years- it is coded in your gene and you become what you are. And this is how "Bahunbad stared".

Bahun served powers for 100s or even 1000s of years. And finally, during last few decade, they themselves became powerful. But since, bahuns cant live without serving power, after getting power in their own hand they went on searching power outside Nepal, that is how politicians, bureaucrats, businesspeople, media of bahun origin (almost all) now have become agents of RAW, CIA. May be some day, they will serve China too.

And since, power comes from pack, so bahuns formed bahun gang who help one other. That is how, today, in Nepal, almost all every sector is controlled by bahun and all of them are incompetent criminals and dalals. And that is why, all sector controlled by bahun is in total mess.

"bahunbad is evolution and evolution is science"


Is KP Oli trying to bring down Prachanda govt from street. Economy has collapsed due to NRB and NRB ignoring it. People just looking for a lighter to lit the fire?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7701
वैशाखदेखि मात्र ऋण दिने रणनीतिमा बैंक, महँगो ब्याजको ऋण बिग्रिने डर

They think, running an economy is a joke. And decisions are made by sanak.

Why all this happening? Cause just like bureaucracy and politicians- these bankers are also dumb and criminal and foreign agents.

These dumb rascal copy and paste their foreign master. This is over night decision of their foreign master, who knows what happens when there is not liquidity or loan available:


Fed USD injections are back to stabilize global banking.

Goodbye tightening cycle, we hardly knew ye

Nepal needs to identify all incompetent and get read of them. Remember, some bankers' advise lead to current economic crisis- collapse of the economy.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7701
Fake economic expert in Nepal who got expert certificate from fake media:

- Banks collapse/cooperatives collapse

Fake economic expert in Nepal- Economic will soon collapse.

Idiots, economy has already collapsed a long time ago. BFIs collapsing is just a result.

And these idiots are decision makers and close advisers of decision makers.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7701
Media, society have given dozens of individuals 'economic expert title' in Nepal. Not a single one of them care for dying people, nor they can tell that- economic crisis (collapse of business) and high interest rate are killing those people.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2372
राष्ट्रपति कांग्रेसलाई, प्रधानमन्त्री तीन दललाई आलोपालो
अहिलेको सत्तागठबन्धन भत्किएकै हो त ?
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7701
लघुवित्त वित्तीय संस्थाहरुको समस्या समाधान गर्न गम्भिर छौं: अर्थमन्त्री पौडेल

Your tenth grade is reflecting on you decision.

You are saying, you are going to solve micro finance crisis.

And what about- cooperative crisis.

What about- credit crisis.

What about- banking crisis.

What about- share market crisis.

What about- export crisis.

What about- economic crisis.

What about- govt revenue crisis.

What about- retail business crisis.

What about- industries' selling crisis.

What about- wholesale crisis.

What about- salary crisis.

What about- liquidity crisis.

What about- interest rate crisis.

What about- many unseen crisis.

Are you going to talk about one by one? Your tenth grade has been exposed.

All crisis is crated by one institution- NRB. NRB's monetary policy created all those crisis. Loose monetary policy, fix liquidity crisis, fix interest rate crisis, fix export crisis. All crisis will be fixed.

To fix all those- fix NRB- we need 'monetary policy guidance', governor, d governors should be made from outside with banking experience. There should be systematic change in NRB- Promotion in NRB (and other bureaucrats) should be scientific, competent should be promoted from the beginning. All top 5 should be fired. Only those with work experience- who has worked real work- should get to reach top 5 positions.


What economic crisis- liquidity crisis and high interest rate crisis (these two crisis are/were forcefully pushed by NRB and their advisers)- have created?

1: Collapse of Cooperative: But victims dont blame NRB, or liquidity crisis or high interest crisis. They go after cooperative. And those running cooperative neither blame NRB nor they advised NRB not to create liquidity crisis/high interest rate crisis.

2: Crisis in Micro finance: But victims dont blame NRB, or liquidity crisis or high interest crisis. They go after micro finance. Media been going after micro finance. And those running micro finance neither blame NRB nor they advised NRB not to create liquidity crisis/high interest rate crisis. And worst- even NRB is going after micro finance.

3: Collapse of economy/business: But victims dont blame NRB, or liquidity crisis or high interest crisis. They Commit suicide, they blame creditor. And those running business neither blame NRB nor they advised NRB not to create liquidity crisis/high interest rate crisis. Even creditors dont blame NRB.

4: Destruction of borrowers/customer of banks and also banks themselves: But victims dont blame NRB, or liquidity crisis or high interest crisis. Borrower blame banks, banks blame borrowers. And those running banks or borrowers neither blame NRB nor they advised NRB not to create liquidity crisis/high interest rate crisis. And worse, idiot running media also blame Banks instead of NRB who forcefully created this problem.

5: Collapse of govt revenue: But govt dont blame NRB, or liquidity crisis or high interest crisis. They go after govt staff working in custom department. And those bureaucrats neither blame NRB nor they advised NRB not to create liquidity crisis/high interest rate crisis.

Everyone is suffering due NRB's tightening of liquidity and forcing interest rate to 18%. Instead of fixing problem, they have come out barking again- spokes person of NRB.

I advised many time, what is the problem and how to fix it. Now they are on the way to create another problem- which we faced around 4 year back. Pumping more capital into so called productive sector. This wont fix problem but rather will reduce productivity of capital and increase inflation and create liquidity problem and again increase interest rate.

Hang NRB officials!
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7701
Seems like this govt, bishnu paudel, nrb want to repeat same past mistake they committed during previous liquidity crisis, economic crisis around 5 year back? (about which I have posted 100s of pages of analysis)

After reading some news and interview from incompetent, harami officials of NRB, they are going for same not so old mistake.

- Around 5 year back, we had liquidity crisis caused by over investment in so called productive sector- cement industry, hotel, construction based industries like- iron etc, hydro etc.

NRB pushed loan towards those industries which caused liquidity crisis and during that crisis NRB blocked loan to other sector and pushed even more loan to those sector- created even bigger liquidity crisis and destroyed the economy.

Seems like, NRB is pushing for same policy, but in much larger scale. After destroying agriculture industry by pushing too much loan, now they are on their way to over invest in manufacturing.

Pushing loan, or over investment dont increase productivity. It rather destroys- already existing industries.

At that time- I saw, 1/2 highly aggressive dumb, incompetent haramis at NRB, today there are around 5 such haramis who are incopetent and dumb in NRB. So result will be magnified. It will lead to much bigger crisis.

And bishnu paudel is going to assist them with his 10th grade certificate.

Not a single economic expert is there with bishnu paudel.

Dont tell me later, SECOND TO GOD did not warned again.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7701
"If person in power have following views, Economy/share market would crash under his leadership:
1: If ignores share market or is anti share market
2: Talks about productive sector and unproductive sector
3: If talks about economic independency of country or making self sufficient in manufacturing
4: If hates other's profit
5: If talks about socialism or communist economy
6: If talks about nationalizing
7: If gives important to distributing free stuffs
8: If talks about controlling
9: ............. "- SECOND TO GOD

This guy bishnu paudel/as well as kp oli, talked positive about share market/economy before he became finance minister ..... now he does not care, or wants status quo. They talked about rescuing share market and economy before 'monetary policy' came. Now it is proven, they dont care, they just lied to get into power just like in the past.

Before this govt was formed, economy/share market was already crashed, some people committed suicide too. And many were on the verge of committing suicide too. They were hanging on a thread. They were hoping bishnu paudel would rescue them.
But, everything turned out to be lies just to get into power. And since, bishnu paudel is 10 class he does not understand. In the past, he used to be positive guy which made him successful, now, he thinks he has become economic expert.

Before 'last monetary policy review' - all crisis in the economy and share market that had been going on, the blame lied on last govt ..... from now on, after 'the last monetary policy review' this govt would get blame too.

Only reason, investors/business people were quiet/had patience was cause of bishnu paudel. Now he too has turned out to be a fraud.

Current crisis was/is caused by foriegn currency crisis and the action of NRB (policy pushed by NRB in the name of foreign currency crisis) which led to economic crash, share market crash, high interest rate, liquidity crisis. I have been writing about this for a long time.

Solution to handle liquidity crisis was/is easy- increase export and ban import for sometime.

But instead- NRB destroyed economy by creating liquidity crisis, high interest crisis, controlling loan etc. Which lead to collapse of everything.

Now to save life of people- save economy, save share market, bring down interest to below 12%, make liquidity available, end strict loan policy.....

But instead- NRB is still trying to bring down demand which lead to collapse of the economy.

Soon, more people will commit suicide. Many people died in Communist socialist economy. Same is happening in Nepal. Communist socialist mentality is the reason people are committing suicide and many more will start committing suicide very soon and it will be blamed on commies.

We need finance minister who can save the economy, who can increase export, who is liberal. Bishnu paudel is too pakhe and uneducated and has changed. He has become a liar and being manipulated easily by bureaucracy. Only I can save Nepal now.

PS- and they are talking about inflation. Today inflation in nepal is caused by international reason- sanction.
And domestic reasons- high interest rate, lack of demand so sell has increased price to maintain profit (which is NRB caused). Domestic inflation is caused by NRB.
« Last edit by The Rising Sun on Mon Feb 13, 2023 12:05 pm. »
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7701
NRB rate (what ever sh!t it is called) is reduced to 7%.

From now on, loan to buy shares and debenture (who the f buys debenture with loan) is called margin loan. So does this mean, investment company can take more than 12c loan?

So bishnu paudel fooled US or nrb fooled bishnu paudel?

I think bishnu paudel fooled us like yuraj k did.

He had been spelling big worlds like- they are going to use monetary policy and fiscal policy to revive economy. Turned out, he is too dumb to understand those meaning.

nrb is nothing more that a ho house where only incompetent, alchina bureaucracies are raised. Not a single bureaucrats raised in nrb is competent and are all alchinas.

Nepal needs 'Monetary policy guidance', Governor and d governors should also be made from competent people from outside nrb, there should be different criteria/method used during promotion (also in other bureaucracy), salary and other benefits of officials in nrb should be similar to other bureaucrats- they have no special ability or has to perform special work compared to other bureaucrats and worst, they are more alchina and ghamandi and authoritarian (may be cause they are paid many times higher and are independent- which should be changed)
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7701
(re posted after adding one line)

स्रोतका अनुसार राष्ट्र बैंक ब्याजदर थप नघटोस् भन्ने पक्षमा छ| 'ब्याजदर घट्यो भने बैंकमा कर्जाको ब्याजदर पनि घटाउँछ र ब्याजदर कम भयो भने ऋण बढी जान्छ भन्ने राष्ट्र बैंकको कुरा छ', स्रोतले भन्यो, 'एकातिर खराब कर्जा बढिरहेको छ, यो अवस्थामा बैंकहरुले ऋणमा बढी जोड नदिऊन् भन्ने पक्षमा राष्ट्र बैंक रहेको छ किनकि यसले अझै खराब कर्जा बढाउँछ भन्नेमा राष्ट्र बैंकको चिन्ता छ

If this is true .......... Finance minister/govt should immediately fire top 5 officials of NRB. They are dumb as sh!t and have zero, or even negative knowledge about economy.

High NPL is due to slow economic activity and high interest rate. (Added) (And I did warn about high NPL when NRB tightened monetary policy that lead to this crisis around 1.5 year back)

Current economic crisis is due to lack of economic activity, high interest rate, lack of loan (liquidity crisis).

Lack of economic activity is due to lack of loan, high interest rate.

And dumbs in NRB blaming what is needed to be done. NRB again trying to promote/preserve the reason what caused the current crisis.

Like I said before: Nepal needs 'monetary policy guidance' and not just governor, d governors also should be made from outside too (with experience in private banking- the one who is good at his/her job, not jhole).

Dont forget, I am 'SECOND TO GOD' who predicted (exactly) current crisis (also previous economic crisis- back to back), suicide of business people and also gave solution (which was not listened). Now I am pointing out to another dumbest theory of incompetent NRB bosses.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7701
स्रोतका अनुसार राष्ट्र बैंक ब्याजदर थप नघटोस् भन्ने पक्षमा छ| 'ब्याजदर घट्यो भने बैंकमा कर्जाको ब्याजदर पनि घटाउँछ र ब्याजदर कम भयो भने ऋण बढी जान्छ भन्ने राष्ट्र बैंकको कुरा छ', स्रोतले भन्यो, 'एकातिर खराब कर्जा बढिरहेको छ, यो अवस्थामा बैंकहरुले ऋणमा बढी जोड नदिऊन् भन्ने पक्षमा राष्ट्र बैंक रहेको छ किनकि यसले अझै खराब कर्जा बढाउँछ भन्नेमा राष्ट्र बैंकको चिन्ता छ

If this is true .......... Finance minister/govt should immediately fire top 5 officials of NRB. They are dumb as sh!t and have zero, or even negative knowledge about economy.

Current economic crisis is due to lack of economic activity, high interest rate, lack of loan (liquidity crisis).

Lack of economic activity is due to lack of loan, high interest rate.

And dumbs in NRB blaming what is needed to be done. NRB again trying to promote/preserve the reason what caused the current crisis.

Like I said before: Nepal needs 'monetary policy guidance' and not just governor, d governors also should be made from outside too (with experience in private banking- the one who is good at his/her job, not jhole).

Dont forget, I am 'SECOND TO GOD' who predicted (exactly) current crisis (also previous economic crisis- back to back), suicide of business people and also gave solution (which was not listened). Now I am pointing out to another dumbest theory of incompetent NRB bosses.

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