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almighty $

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Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7744
The world survived high US interest rate.

Now, it's time to grow as interest rate lowering has begun.

What happens when Trump tariff start inflation?? That time, high inflation may have negative reaction to dollar. It's like Venezuela or Argentina or Turkey's currency.

Now other countries like China may begin to Cut rates.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7744
Top commercial banks join G7-led central bank digital currency trial

They are killing $$$$ or $$$ is dying. Who are the idiots who will be holding $$$ or US treasury??? If you protest- last gang you will be seeing would be CIA or Pentagon.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7744
2,443.30+70.60 (+2.98%)

2048.40$ (Jan 1st, 2024)

Slowly then suddenly. I believe, they are no longer looking at US high interest rate. They are looking are hard landing/collapse.

Sun Dec 31, 2023 11:30 pm (
""I"" here present you '2024 prediction'

5: Gold UP, Dollar down.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7744
2,293.60+36.50 (+1.62%)

2048.40$ (Jan 1st, 2024)

Gold activity says, I believe, investors are now ignoring rate cut by FED and are panic about US economy. Very Hard landing.

And emergency rate Cut, but more focus on economy, big crisis. Rate is no longer driving Gold, state of economy is. State of Dollar is.

They are saying, at current FED rate- just to pay interest on debt- US has to spend 1.6T$, if rate is down to around 3.5%, they have to spend 1.2T$.

Seems like, Sanction on Russia and trade war with China about to doom US.

I believe, current economic NO are fake or floated by printing. Cause they are worried, if real picture of their economy come out during Ukraine war, they are going to lose the world. The consequence in rest of the world and inside West too will be too brutal for deep state, Zionist, Globalist.

Zionist/Globalist are scare now.

While they were focusing outside- China/Russia/Iran, they are about to lose inside their own evil empire.

Sun Dec 31, 2023 11:30 pm
""I"" here present you '2024 prediction'

5: Gold UP, Dollar down.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7744
Gold 2024.3.28- 2,234.50+21.80 (+0.99%)

2048.40$ (Jan 1st, 2024)

Has the collapse of $$$ begun???? Gold been doing something crazy. Does Gold know something we dont know????

CIA controlled fake news said- US has to print 1$T in every 100day. That's the symptom of evil empire's final day.


China is increasing GOLD price to send a threat message to US finance minister who is about to visit China, they say, to deliver a threat message from Zoo master.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7744
US FED Rate is 5.5% today and Gold has already hit the record.

What happens to GOLD when FED has to cut the rate to 2.5% or 0%?

Many countries including China has already sold a lot of US govt Bond when Fed Rate is at 5.5%. Remember, China's trade surplus is in 100s of billions per year. They have a lot of $ surplus and still instead of buying, they have sold US govt bonds.

Another question, who has been buying US govt bonds? I heard countries in trade surplus are China, Russia, Germany, Saudi etc and they have big pockets. And most or almost all are selling US govt bonds. And most of other countries have trade deficit or have no money. So who has been buying US govt bonds????

CIA??? Or CIA making US corporations buy US govt Bonds.

China have been selling dollars and have been buying Gold for many months now. A lot of Gold. Many governments have been buying a lot of gold now. When US Fed rate is 5.5%? What would they do when Fed begins to cut Rate????

Some force has been buying US govt bonds, US dollar. That is what have been keeping Dollar strong.

The final days!

Sun Dec 31, 2023 11:30 pm
""I"" here present you '2024 prediction'

5: Gold UP, Dollar down.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7744
One of my handful of biggest failed predictions is "Collapse of $$".

Due to many factors like- Chinese economic crisis created by their govt like cracking down on tech company (which now their govt have realized the mistake and been trying to un do the damage), Stopping loan to Housing company even for already sold property (which they have reversed after a few year, after realizing their government's mistake)

Has the collapse of $$ finally begun this time though????

Gold: 2,200.30+35.10 (+1.62%) / 2048.40$ (Jan 1st, 2024) (Just wait till US interest begin to be cut)

But, $$ is still strong, but for how long???

Just wait till they start Fed rate cut.

Sun Dec 31, 2023 11:30 pm
"" here present you '2024 prediction'

5: Gold UP, Dollar down.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7744
China is in a great position to increase their domestic consumption by 50% within 2/3 year due to deflation.

By doing so, China could make their economy more independent and increase influence.

I suggest China to inject 10 trillion Yuan into Chinese market and 20 trillion into international market.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7744
Argentina's President Milei said, would use US$ for domestic use:

So what will be the economic impact? Someone will buy Argentina for 1$.

Let me be realistic. If $ is used in Argentina for domestic use, the price of whole Argentina will be 1trillion dollar. China will easily buy them. Other countries who could afford would be Japan and Germany.

Today, its value could be around 4trillion dollar. Their GDP is about 650billion$. After using $, their GDP may crash to 250billion$.

Assets value: Assets that can be traded in international market like fuel, metal, food etc wont impact much in value, will remain as per international rate. But assets like land and building, those assets that cant be sold in international market will fall sharply.

Rent, salary, cost of services will fall sharply. People/country will become poorer.

When US prints $, that dollar will circulate inside US first, US gets some benefit, but Argentina will lose every time US prints $.

If they use $$, US and west will be able to stop transaction of any individual as they like outside Argentina.

Since, they wont be able to print money, they will have to lend from other countries during fiscal crisis. And they will fall into bigger debt trap than today, more like Pakistan or far worse. The real debt trap. Even for little money, they will have to borrow from outside.

Private debt, public debt will be devastating and will fall into an un imaginable crisis even with slight problem.

Their economy will totally rely on export and their economy will stagnate.

If cash is damaged, they will be done.

They will have zero control over their Monetary policy.

Since using foreign currency will lead to depression, you wont be able to reduce interest or increase supply of money to get into good inflation. If interest is decreased, money will flow outside, and to increase money supply, you will have to borrow from others. And while paying interest, money will flow outside.

Even by minor crisis, their money will easily exit which will collapse the economy. Value of assets will fall to close to zero like War torn courtiers like Afghanistan.

Conclusion: No control over fiscal and monetary policy. Best case scenario for economy would be stagnation but most likely scenario would be deflation. Wealth value will collapse. Blackmail/Sanction threat from outside.

Pegging would be far better.

[Ps- I did all above analysis under 45monute.]
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7744
BRICS payment system will replace SWIFT in new 'non-Western world'- AFROCOM head
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7744
India is creating problem in introducing BRICS currency and admission of new members.

I think, in introduction of new international currency, China's will is enough- India can't contribute useful contribution.

As soon as China introduces new currency, many dozens of countries will immediately accept it.

It will be best for the free world, if world can keep India out of decision making regarding new international currency.

India needs international currency, where they have a say, more than china, since, Indian currency is a garbage. But those idiots dont get it.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7744
BRICS currency- Like I always suspected- India is playing a spoiler. Also India is trying to prevent new entry of countries into the BRICS.

This is why I am not too excited until it is a done deal.

No wonder, no body likes indians outside india and nepal.

Indias been serving anglozoo for last 350 year. There have appeared many in west in spotlight who are serving anglozoo during last decade or so.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7744
I dont think any government in BRICS (+ of future) wants to destroy fiat currency or economy of any country. Cause they know the consequence. The world is a boat.

Let's say- If they fix 1gm of gold=1 BRICS currency ........... and if it impact negatively on fiat currency, they will re fix 1 gm gold= 2 BRICS currency and so on if needed.

Top bureaucrat in US govt already began to tell public- 'slowly power of $ will erode'.
Registered: Mar 2018
Posts: 2385
Is it going to give a"BIG BLOW" to fiat money system ?
If yes, it will create havoc to central banks of liberal economies.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7744
'BRICS planning to introduce new trading currency backed by gold at August summit'

'41 countries have applied for BRICS-membership'

Source: RT / Russian Embassy
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7744
US economy:

Till before Ukraine war, US as well as west tried so hard to keep their economy growing by 1/2%. They pumped a lot of money, they are still pumping a lot.

It looks like US is/will be pumping 2/3 trillion $. It is said, Germany pumped 800billion Euro last year.

Indicator if US consumption has decreased by a lot like transportation, manufacturing. Germany's manufacturing has collapsed. There is huge problem in supply chain too. Trading with Russia collapsed, who is one of the biggest buyer of european goods.

And still their official GDP is good/not bad. Are those fake numbers???
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7744
Asian Central Banks To Adopt Iran's SWIFT Alternative As De-Dollarization Accelerates

Established in 1974, the ACU now comprises the central banks of India, Pakistan, Iran, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Maldives, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Bhutan. Belarus and Mauritius applied for ACU membership at the May summit meeting.

(Did I miss this news from Nepali media? Or 12bros know, master hates this news)

Months back, there was in News- 'Indians were selling 100IC for 150NC'.

They talked about many causes, But I think, the reason could be, they needed NC to pay to family in Nepal whose family members are in abroad. May be that time, demand for foreign currency in black market was down but they had to pay to nepali family under hundi.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7744
I said, not long ago- $ is strong not cause US economy is strong, cause US economy is weak.

Recent activities have proven me correct.

When there was threat of US bankruptcy (even though it was imaginary), $ got stronger.

Cause of Bankruptcy- currency of srilanka, pakistan, Turkey etc currency were destroyed, while US $ became stronger. Why?

US share of World GDP is shrinking. US share of world trade is also shrinking. Since world use $ for trading, cause of weak US economy, there is not enough $ which made $ stronger. And when there was threat of US bankruptcy, $ gained even more.

That's the fault of China for not introducing alternative international currency. If they had, most of the worlds economy would have been bigger and they would could have sold more goods to the world.

If there had been another international currency controlled by no single group or country- today US would not be in a position to bully China/Russia/Iran/the world.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7744
US dollar accounts for only 47% of world's foreign exchange reserves in 2022.

It was 55% in 2021 & 67% in 2003.

In 2023- yuan, petroyuan, indian currency, ruble, local currency use will increase by a lot.

And Nepal is not the part of the revolution, cause, in Nepal- policy is made that helps politician, bureaucracy, corrupts not nation.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7744
It seems like many countries are leaving western financial market and probably property market too.

Credit Susisse tanking could be the result.

After Switzerland; Germany, London could be next then US.

Most of the money likely go to Hongkong, then UAE and ASEAN. Nepal gets no benefit cause we are ran by pakhe bahuns.

Anglo zoo began to talk about human right in Saudi. Soon Saudi begin to leave west too. Saudi just invited Iranian president.

New World Order, just around the corner.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7744
US regulator saying, they are only going to secure small depositor.

Meaning, Big depositors will deposit their money in Hongkong and Singapore and UAE. Since, EU is going bust too.

They are saying, last year, Germany pumped more than 800billion euro to save their economy, which is more than 20% of their GDP.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7744
I warned about huge NPL in Nepal's banks cause of NRB's monetary policy.

Same about to start in US and west.

Remember, After certain level, high interest rate would increase inflation. In Japan and China who decreased interest rate or kept constant have low inflation.

Is $ about to collapse, from current geo political situation? Dont know, but, one of those days, it certainly will. Who knows, this could be the day.

They are saying, powell will be fried if banks collapse. Banks in Nepal- cooperative, micro already collapsed and no one in NRB has been fired. Fire top 5 in NRB.

US is in the worst situation in their history- their economy is a bubble, their enemies/rivals' economy is undervalued, dollar too strong, trade deficit is too high, budget deficit is too high, debt is too high, economy is week .......

The world is saved ........ west is done.

All thanks to Pashupati nath, Russia, China, Iran, Middle east, Asean, Africa ....... and idiot Indians are playing double game- they will pay for it.

Collapse of the west will save the world. commodity will be cheaper. When west collapse- for poor world- commodity will be 2/3 times cheaper while for west it will be 2/3 times expensive.

We are about to witnes freedom. And we should go after corrupt, criminal, dalal politicians and bureaucracy and business houses.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7744
"Brazil and Argentina will announce this week that they are starting preparatory work on a common currency,"- Financial Times

Other Latin American nations will be invited to join plan which could create world's second-largest currency union

Putin changing the world order
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7744
People in US has began to talk about FED slowing down rate hike. And 'talk about slowing down of rate hike' is enough for major currencies to recover by 50% against dollar.

When 'rate hike is slowed down' $ may weaken more.

When 'rate hike is paused' major currencies' exchange rate may reach pre 'rate hike' level.

And when 'rate start to fall' $ will start to weaken against major currencies.

I started this thread to declare collapse of $. Tragically for humanity, this prediction still has not come true. I blame China. China too woosh.

For Nepal, only currency that matters is Indian Rupee, sad for us, Indian Rupee is a sh!t hole like the country it belongs to.
Registered: Oct 2013
Posts: 7744
China tells state banks to prepare for a massive dollar dump and yuan buying spree as Beijing's prior interventions have failed to stem its currency's worst year since 1994

- Like I said few days ago, its kind of a dollar dumping if you look from another angle. Western companies have lost a lot of money in Russia sanction, so they dont want to repeat the mistake, so they have begun to exit China. That is why China's yuan is crashing even though China's trade balance is hugely positive.

Currently, those increasing dollar holding are- western corporation and traders. And when dollar collapse (if it collapse) they will be crying. And those selling(to save their crashing currency)/spending dollars are governments.

Few days ago I wrote what I saw in social media: 'Dollar will go up and up and then crash on its own'.

May be this is how.

Repeat from: Sat Sep 24, 2022 1:03 pm (China and Russia should immediately do to save the world economy and destroy western economy)


Every currency is crashing against dollar, and dollar is crashing against ruble. (looks like most of the investors are fleeing to russia, when everyone was calling russian economy- one big gas station, I kept saying, Russia should be the biggest economy in europe at least second. Now first) (Remember, to devalue ruble, russia been buying yuan)

Many countries have signed to conduct bilateral trade in local currency. Now Russia and China should push for second stage.

Russia- Since, all currency except for dollar is undervalued. So, since, if Russia holds those currencies, they wont lose their wealth. So, they should sell those countries, russian oil and commodities for local currency. And Russia could used those currency to import from those countries using those currencies, later. Even invest in those countries.

Like- Sell oil and gas to Srilanka for 2 year using srilankan currency. And later use their currency to either import, or invest in srilanka or payment by russian tourist.

China- Dollar loan swap with yuan. Like- China should offer Argentina to lend dollar to pay back 75% loan in dollar and later Argentina has to pay back loan to China in Yuan.

Also: Mon Sep 26, 2022 11:46 pm


Countries are selling their dollar reserve and US bonds to save their crashing currency.

It's like they are dumping $, but not exactly, but there is a big BUT ........ after certain point, or should I say, after reaching certain point, it will look like dumping $.

I believe, forex trader are buying $ that is why it is getting stronger. If countries sell their $ reserve, then, traders will be holding papers.

Dollar is strong cause its main international settlement currency. US used to have much larger share in world GDP when $ became, not its smaller. So rest of the world gdp share increased, so increased their demand for $. This could be the main reason behind high $ price.

During last few years more and more countries are opting for local currency in mutual trading. When dust settles (end of ukraine war and end of sanction or weaker western economy) world will need less dollar. So dollar going down??

I make very few mistakes in analysis and prediction. One of the biggest mistake of mine has been fixing the date of dollar crash. But I still think. the date is near.

Remember: US trade deficit is going to be close to 2t this year, More than 1.5T if we count goods and service trade. And still, why world is short of $? I can only think of traders.

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